Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1993-1994 Eastern Progress 10-28-1993 Eastern Progress - 28 Oct 1993 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1993-94 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 28 Oct 1993" (1993). Eastern Progress 1993-1994. Paper 11. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1993-94/11 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1993-1994 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact Linda.Sizemore@eku.edu. All Hallow's Eve SPORTS ARTS WEEKEND FORECAST FRIDAY: SHOWtftS AM Haaow's Eve. or IMtonM, to an ancient celebration Big 'D' MOM M, LOW 44 combining tha OrunJ autumn ajehval and Ctwtotlan customs Still going... HaMoween to tha beginning of HaSowtlde. a aaaaon that Colonels strengthen Rock trio Rush kicks off SATURDAY: WMOY ambraoaa tha Faaat of AN Saints and tha Faaat of AM Souto MOM 4S, LOW la (Nov. 14 2). Tha observance, dating from tha 6th or 7th cantuiy, defense for MTSU third decade with new CD has lone *>••« asaoclatad wttti thoughts of tha dMd, spirits, witches. SUNDAY: PARTLY CtOUD Y and ghosts. Atoo known aa "Takes or Tract" or Page Page B3 MOM 44, LOW 20 wt« arrive thto ywr on Saturday night at midnight under a full moon THE EASTERN PROGRESS VoL 72/No.^1 14 pages October 28,1993 Sludent pubftcalionof Eaetem Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 40475 O The Eastern Progress, 1993 Qtizens get final chance to voice nerve gas opinions to CAC By Angle Hatton weapons stored at lo look over the report, and then the after the Army makes its final repon Army's report lo the commioees' atten- ment. Managing editor the Bluegrass CAC will hold a meeting Dec. 7 » Match 1.1994. tion before the final decision is made "It felt like for years ihere was this Army Depot bear sheir final com menu before seed- Congress will not issue a final deci- about the method used to destroy the huge juggernaut toward incineration A10-year battle between local con- The commit- ing the final report lo the National sion, therefore, until June according to chemical weapons at me depot from the Army. Lately, it seems the cerned citizens groups and the Army tee will now com- Academy of Sdeacea National Re Craig Williams, director of the If the amendment is not passed. juggernaut has slowed down and I can u about to come to an end pile all the infor- Mirth Committee (NRQ. KeahKkyEnvironmental Foundation. Congress can make its decision based feel it moving in the other direction," Tuesday night, the Kentucky The CAC report is now due by Dec. After the decision is made, construction solely on the army's report and may Hindman said. Chemical Demilitarization Citizen's from in peat five 31. rather than Nov. 1 as originally can begin on a destruction facility. not even see the CACs report. The Dec. 7 meeting of the CAC Advisory Committee (CAC) held its public meetings into a final report. Congressman Scotty Baesler's Several committee and audience will be open to the public and will final meeting for gathering comments The report will be sent, in the form The date was moved up last week amendment to die 1994 Defense Au- members at Tuesday's meeting held at most likely be the last meeting where from the community before drafbng a of a setter, to the citizens who have after the Army notified Congress that thorization Act would allow members the Madison County Courthouse spoke the public can voice opinions about repon lo Congress. attended CAC meetings since the first it was not comfortable with its Dec. of the CAC to speak directly to the proudly of the accomplishments of the possibility of a $270 million in- The CAC U made up of eight local one Aug. 31 and lo the people on the 31 deadline for submitting its report House and Senate Armed Services grass roots efforts in this area. cinerator being built in Madison people appointed by the governor lo mailing list of Common Ground citi- on nerve gas alternatives. Committees. These included vice-chair of the County. represent the community's opinion Now legislation is pendutg giving This way the CAC can bring any- committee Douglas Hindman, a pro- The location of the Dec. 7 meeting about the destruction of chemical These people will have two weeks the CAC a 90-day comment period thing the members disagree with in the fessor in Eastern's psychology depart- is yet to be announced. Satellite NO PLACE UKE HOMECOMING Senate debates benefits extended protest speaker By DeVone Holt possible defam- Newsoditor ing image campuses Galbraith may A scheduled Nov. 3 protest against bring to the stu- By DeVone Holt a possible tuition increase for state dent senate and News editor universities during the 1994-93 school the possibility of year, created a protest in response to him bringing an Students at the university's ex- its anticipated guest speaker at end to the apathy of university stu- tended campus tiles aren't beaming Tuesday's student senate meeting. dents, common comments of lie's a op to Scotty, bat they are benefiting Robert Prytula, a student associa- known marijuana user and supporter," from classes taught at the university's tion senator, recommended in e for- and "he's coming not because of his home- based Richmond campus with- mal resolution that the student senate views on marijuana, but to discuss the out leaving the seats of their extended retract an invitation sent to 1991 state tuition increase.'' filled the debate. gubernatorial candidate Oaiewood Prytula said the public is likely to A 2-year-old satellite program, Gafbrai th to speak at next Wednes- remember the bad press that Galbraith designed to make classes more acces- days 11-1 p.m. protest because of his has received in the past, such as him sible for extended sites, has been the pro-marijuana stance during his cam- wearing a hemp suit in support of his tool in teaching several different paign. classes simultaneously at different In a heated discussion over the SEE PROTEST PAGE AS university extended campus sites. Unlike other universities' satellite programs, the university's requires professors to leach their classes from the university's television studio, lo- Unregistered cars cated in the basement of the Perkins Building, to students at extended cam- pus sites who watch and listen to a lecture on a big screen television. Progres»/JIM QUIGGINS to be towed today A telephone link is connected to each of the classes and to the televi- Above, Lee Sundberg, repreeentlng Daugherty said sion studio 10 allow communication Lambda Chi Alpha, gate a peck on the By Angle Hatton between all of the classes and the pro- Managing editor He said he knows these people are cheek from student eenate president Don not just casual visitors because they fessor, bet the system doesn't allow Pace after being crowned Homecoming If your car is one of the 104 unregis- have so many tickets. the professor to see the classes he or Queen before Saturdays football game tered vehicles on campus with more These 104 seem to be the ones she teaches. egehiet Tenneeeee Tech. The Colonote causing all the problems, and that's a Although he can't see bis classes than seven parking tickets, watch out won 10-7 m front of a crowd of 18,100. small parking lot they're knocking other as be leaches them, Richard Snarr, a because public safety has your number. drivers out of." Daugherty said. professor and chair of the corrections Your license plate number that is. Left, Paul Love, e 1939 alumnua of Campus police have been instructed as Fifteen other vehicle owners, all reg- department, believes the students who Eaetem, plays with the alumni band at istered, have been notified that they are enrolled in bis Friday 5:30-8:15 of today to have these cars towed on hamime. Love, who haa been a part of must turn in their parking permits to class are benefiting from the broad- every alumni band since the idee bag an sight The cars will be impounded and will Mark Jozefowicz at public safety by casted rlaftrt 19 yeare ago, returned to campus from hie Nov. 3. If they don't come volunurily, The evaluations have been posi- not be released until all tickets have preeent home of Cotumbua, Ohio. their cars will be impounded. tive and moat students said they would been paid. Hayward"Slrip"Daugherty,deanof Those who lose their parking per- take it again," Snarr said. mits may not purchase another one, The emergency medical training, student development said the average for these 104 unregistered vehicles was even for another vehicle, for one calen- nursing and corrections departments dar year. These people will be refunded are the only departments that have nine tickets each, and one vehicle has received 29 tickets amounting to $428 half the cost of the parking permit experimented with the system thus far Daugherty said there may be in- with broadcasts to Pikeville and since Aug. 16. In all, these 104 cars have 922 cita- stances where tickets arc being appealed Manchester far the EMT department; and the appeal and parking permit revo- Manchester, Corbin and Somerset for tions— around $10,000 in tickets. "These people know they are sup- cation notice have crossed in the mail. the nursing program and Hazard, Thirty-three more letters were sent Manchester and Lancaster for the cor- posed lo register their cars and they yesterday to notify registered vehicle rections department, with expansion don't We don't fed responsible for notifying people who don't follow drivers that they have six tickets and SEE SATELLITE PAGE AS policy that they will be towed," will be towed upon the next ticket Botner clarkonbaUot esdayfor INSIDE Two candidates, one winner: Madison's judge-executive^ seat ■ Paul Vance, who teaches cello By Joe Caatle and Angle Hatton l proposals be- lation owns die 50 percent that is I and bass and leads the university fore giving or withhold- Since dm horary tax comes from property tax, 28 percent of the rjopulation pays for the symphony orchestra, will be con- Two candidates will face off in Tuesday's ing his support m library.
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