Appendix A—Digest of Other White House Announcements The following list includes the President’s public Mrs. Bush attended a reception with the Coral schedule and other items of general interest an- Sea Commemorative Council and later greeted nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and the American consulate community. not included elsewhere in this book. In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. Bush traveled to Singapore. January 1 In the evening, following their arrival, they In the morning, the President and Mrs. Bush went to the Shangri-La Hotel, their residence greeted the American consulate community at during their stay in Singapore. the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, their residence during their stay in Sydney, Australia, which began on January 4 December 31, 1991. President Bush then went In the morning, after an arrival ceremony at to Kirribilli House where he met with Prime Istana Palace, the President and Mrs. Bush paid Minister Paul Keating. a courtesy call on President and Mrs. Wee Kim In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. Bush Wee. The President later met at the palace with traveled to Canberra, Australia. Following an ar- Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and with the rival ceremony at RAAF Base Fairbairn, they Presidential business delegation. greeted the U.S. Embassy community at the resi- In the afternoon, the President went to the dence of U.S. Ambassador to Australia Melvin Westin Stamford Hotel where he attended a Sembler, which was their residence during their meeting of the Association of South East Asian stay in Canberra. Nations (ASEAN) Business Council. He later at- In the evening, the President and Mrs. Bush tended a luncheon hosted by Prime Minister attended a reception and dinner hosted by the Goh at the Compass Rose Restaurant. The Presi- Governor-General and Mrs. Bill Hayden at Gov- ernment House. dent and Mrs. Bush then greeted the American Embassy community at the Singapore American January 2 School. Later, the President met with Senior In the morning, the President met at Par- Minister Lee Kuan Yew at the Raffles Hotel. liament House with: In the evening, the President and Mrs. Bush —Prime Minister Paul J. Keating; attended a dinner hosted by President Wee at —the Australian Cabinet; the Westin Plaza Hotel. —John Hewson, Leader of the Opposition; The President announced his intention to —representatives of rural organizations; nominate Albert V. Casey, of Texas, to be chief —the Presidential business delegation. executive officer of the Resolution Trust Cor- In the afternoon, the President attended a poration, a new position. From 1988 to 1991, working luncheon hosted by Prime Minister Mr. Casey served as chairman and chief execu- Keating at Parliament House. Later in the after- tive officer of First Republic Bank Corp. in Dal- noon, the President and Mrs. Bush visited with las, TX. Australian schoolchildren in Mural Hall at Par- January 5 liament House. That evening, the President and Mrs. Bush re- In the morning, the President hosted a coffee ceived a courtesy call by former Prime Minister in his suite for the ASEAN Ambassadors. and Mrs. Robert Hawke at the U.S. Ambas- The President and Mrs. Bush then traveled sador’s residence. to Seoul, South Korea. Following their arrival, they went to the National Cemetery for a January 3 wreath-laying ceremony. After the ceremony, In the morning, the President and Mrs. Bush they went to Ambassador Donald P. Gregg’s resi- participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at the dence, where they stayed during their visit to Australian War Memorial. Following the cere- Seoul. mony, they traveled to Melbourne, Australia. In the evening, the President and Mrs. Bush Upon their arrival in Melbourne, they went dined with President and Mrs. Roh Tae Woo to the World Congress Centre, where the Presi- and their respective national security advisers dent met with U.S. and Australian business lead- and ambassadors at the Blue House, President ers. Following the meeting, the President and Roh’s residence. 1215 Appendix A / Administration of George Bush, 1992 January 6 Jeanine E. Wolbeck, of Minnesota. In the morning, the President and Mrs. Bush Howard H. Dana, Jr., of Maine. participated in the official arrival ceremony at Penny L. Pullen, of Illinois. the Blue House. The President then met with Thomas D. Rath, of New Hampshire. President Roh. Basile J. Uddo, of Louisiana. In the afternoon, the President greeted the George W. Wittgraf, of Iowa. leadership of the Korean National Assembly. The White House announced that the Presi- Later, the President and Mrs. Bush greeted the dent will meet with Prime Minister Carl Bildt American Embassy community at Collier Field of Sweden at the White House on February 20. House. January 12 January 7 In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. Bush Following a morning departure ceremony, the returned to the White House from Camp David, President and Mrs. Bush traveled to Kyoto, MD. Japan, where they toured the Imperial Palace. In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. Bush January 13 had lunch at the Tsuruya Restaurant with former In the morning, the President traveled to Kan- Prime Minister and Mrs. Toshiki Kaifu. Later, sas City, MO, where he attended a reception they traveled to Kashihara and then to Tokyo. hosted by the board of directors of the American Following their evening arrival in Tokyo, the Farm Bureau Federation and met with the Fed- President and Mrs. Bush went to the Akasaka eral Executive Board of Kansas City. Palace, their residence during their visit to In the afternoon, the President returned to Tokyo. Washington, DC. January 8 January 14 In the morning, the President gave an inter- The President met at the White House with view to the NBC ‘‘Today’’ show and to Detroit the Vice President; Samuel K. Skinner, Chief of television stations. Later, the President and Mrs. Staff to the President; Brent Scowcroft, Assistant Bush attended an arrival ceremony with Em- to the President for National Security Affairs; peror Akihito and Empress Michiko at the and members of the CIA briefing staff. Akasaka Palace and then accompanied them to The President attended a White House meet- the Imperial Palace for a courtesy call. After re- ing of the leadership of the Health Care Equity turning to the Akasaka Palace, the President met Action League and then went to the J.W. Mar- with Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa. riott Hotel for the first meeting of the Bush- In the afternoon, the President met and had Quayle ’92 National Finance Committee. a working luncheon with Prime Minister After returning to the White House, the Presi- Miyazawa in the Akasaka Palace Annex. Later, dent met with: the President gave an interview to the CBS ‘‘This —Samuel K. Skinner; Morning’’ show. —the Vice President, for lunch; —Secretary of State James A. Baker III; January 9 —Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. In the afternoon, the President met with Prime The President announced his intention to ap- Minister Miyazawa at the Akasaka Palace. point James A. McClure, of Idaho, to be a mem- January 10 ber of the Board of Trustees of the John F. In the morning, the President and Mrs. Bush Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts for a paid a farewell call on the Emperor and Empress term expiring September 1, 2000. He would suc- at the Akasaka Palace. Later in the morning, the ceed Joan Mondale. Currently Senator McClure President and Mrs. Bush returned to Washing- serves as a partner with the law firm of Givens, ton, DC. Pursley, Webb & Huntley in Boise, ID. In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. Bush The President announced his intention to ap- went to Camp David, MD. point the following individuals to be members The President announced recess appointments of the International Cultural and Trade Center of the following individuals to be members of Commission: the Board of Directors of the Legal Services Jonathan W. Sloat, of the District of Columbia, for Corporation: a term expiring August 20, 1997. He would succeed Michael R. Gardner. Currently Mr. Sloat serves as J. Blakeley Hall, of Texas. a legislative and financial consultant in Washington, William Lee Kirk, Jr., of Florida. DC. Jo Betts Love, of Mississippi. Fritz Alan Korth, of Texas, for a term expiring August Guy Vincent Molinari, of New York. 20, 1997. He would succeed Donald A. Brown. Cur- 1216 Administration of George Bush, 1992 / Appendix A rently Mr. Korth serves as a partner with the law Mr. Krumm serves as director of US Healthstar in firm of Korth & Korth in Washington, DC. Columbus, OH. January 15 The President announced his intention to ap- In the morning, the President traveled to New point Frederick F. Jenny, of Pennsylvania, to be Hampshire. a member of the President’s National Security In the evening, the President returned to Telecommunications Advisory Committee. He Washington, DC. would succeed Paul G. Stern. Currently Mr. The President announced the recess appoint- Jenny serves as senior vice president of Unisys ment of Albert V. Casey, of Texas, to be Chief and president of the defense systems unit in Executive Officer, Resolution Trust Corporation. McLean, VA. This is a new position. The President announced his intention to The President announced recess appointments nominate Salvador Lew, of Florida, to be a mem- of the following individuals to be directors of ber of the Advisory Board for Cuba Broadcasting the Federal Housing Finance Board: for a term of 2 years. This is a new position. Daniel F. Evans, Jr., of Indiana. He will be designated From 1973 to 1988, Mr. Lew served as president Chairperson. and general manager of WRHC radio station in Marilyn R.
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