![{Src.Fr.Fu) I I C Omrnis Sioner{Cn-{Ffi Centr4 Ta X(B*A-M1 - ), Howrah Central Goods & Seiwices Tax and Centra-L Excise Commissionerate, Kolkata](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
oFFrcE ,:iiEH,T,?gJ,3f,JilT$ cGSr & cx: ""HOIITRAH COMMISSIONERATE Dated:.. .O9.2O18" Attention of trade, {ierd formations and public in genera-r is inrrited to public Nolice No'30/ccsr&cx /TECTL/HOWRAH/2014 dated No'rv(20)01/cGST/Tech/TN/HWH/2aia/7gg4-8030A or,or..Zot| issued vide F. dated ar.aB.2o18 with regard to intimation of centra-l Public Information officer (cplo) in respect of Howrah cGST&,cx commissionerate i,1 terms of Section 5 of the Right to Information Act, 2005. In partial modification of t].e stated Public Notice, tlre ,.anre of the Centra] pubtic Information officer (cPIo) in respect of HQ- RTI cell of Howrah cGST&cx commissionerate atongwith respective jurisdiction is being revised with immedi.ate effect order. a,d until furtirer sI. arfl.e Area falling under No. of the Divisions the Name, Designation and. Addrers of the CF,IO Districts of Ho oghty-m- Howrah GST Taxpayer Howrah except Blocks Amta- I, Amta Ii, Services i Bagnal-I, 01 Ccmmissionerate(WC) Jagatb allavpur, panchala, Udaynarayarrpur, D omj ur and Uluberia II in the district of Howrah in the state of West %__ Ben {src.fr.fu) i I C omrnis sioner{cn-{ffi Centr4 Ta_x(B*A-m1 - ), Howrah Central Goods & Seiwices Tax and Centra-l Excise Commissionerate, Kolkata. " qtFrRq--+1T+TiII & GOVERNMENT OF INDIA & cx : .FFI c D ";jr*:,"mffi l"'lss,?l;;"' ls/ r, qs' :n\-crs rdl- 7oo 0o1 qq Y{T ftRilT, rftrl v;o ll-fi' Qo-s *.r. CUSroan gOUSB,' rglr-STilND ROAPT EoLSTA-7o9Oo1 "UrrrrltC, 1 9 ' 1 20 1s Dated: 0t '08'20 FUBLTC ryo"rcE Np.39 I CGST&TCXITBCH IH0WFAII public in g,encral is invited to Puhlic Attcntion of trnde, field iormations and 05'02'2018 issucri vide F' Norice No.07lcGST&cxiTtrcHTHOWRA lll20lB clatcti clatcd A5'A2'2OIB with regard ro No.tV{20}01/CGST/Tcch/TN/HwHl2OrS/t}bl5-71 1A (CPIO) oI Howrah CGST&CX ir:timation oI Cenlral Public Information ofllcer to Information Aci' 2OO5' ln parfial Commissionerate in terms of Section 5 of the Right Central Public information modification of lhe stated Pubiic Notice, the names of the alongwirh rcspectiYc olficcr (CPIO] 1n rcspect of I{or,wah CGST&CX Commissionerate imrnediatc effect jurisdiction are appendcd below. The revised structLtre is vllid with anci until Iurther order' Pc uti. ;"Al fg^*., sig" " Address of t.l.e -srt -C-PI9, -- n-tddt tat"taat , Horvrah GST exccpt Blocks Amta-I, Amla II, Taxpayer Services Bagnan-1, .JagatballavPur, 0l mmissionerate{WC Pan ch ala, Uda-vnarayan PLI r, Domjur and Uh-rberia Il inthc | )tl-alllu l( district of Howrah in thc state of I xott<ata-7c I Pr,,-lo 331-22 Areas under Ward Numbers I Ba]it,I Division to 20, 26 and 27 of Bally Sri Navneet Kunrar (wc01) Murricipality; Areas under Ward Assislant Commissioner Nurnbers I to 6 of Horvra}t 5. Clit'c Ilorv, Municipai Corporation irl tlre KolI<aLa-700001 district o[ Horvra]r in the sLate Pir:-(033)-22301702 of West Beggg|--._]_ Panchayat area covcrecl urrder cntire BaJly-Jagachel Bloclt and rvards 21 to 25, 28 and 29 o[ Sri SaravanaKuinar. M Baiiv Ii Division Bali,y l\4unicipality and thr: ar.ca AssisLan L Cornmi ssi orr.:r 03 (wc02) cove red under Wzrrd Nun'ibers 7 5. Clive l?ow, to 10 and 50 of How'rah I(oikaLa-700001 Municipal Corporation in the Ph:-(033)-22301730 district olHowrah in the state of f{-q-slEqseL - --- Pritam Kumar Arca undcr w:ud Numbcrs I I Shil:pur Division Debnath lo 49 of l-loq,rir.h lvlr-rntcipai (wc03i Assi sta:r I Crlrn rn i ssioner Corporalion in the district oi 39, Ral>inclra Sarani, Ili;wrah in the state o[ WcsL l(oikata- 700073 BengaJ. ti:,:lQ9 ?l ?? 3 !-l s6 2,*_ Sri Nishant Kumar Sankrail Division Area under Sarikrail B]ock in Assistirn L Commissioncr (wco4) tho district of Hou'rah irr thc 5, Clivc Rorv, starc o[ West tsery;al Iioll<atr-70000 l _rlf ,'[p33J;|?rtZLU_ Scanned by CarnScanner & Sri Arup Krishna Sarkar Area under Uluberia-I, Bagnan- Uiuberia Division Assistan I Commissioner (wco5) Ii, Shyarnpur-I and Shyampur-ll 39, Rabindra Sarani, Blocks in the district of Horwah Kolkata in the state of West Bengal. Ph:-{033)-2235 t33B Co mprisin g geographical I I jurisdi gar i ction of I ) Chandanna I Municipeil Corporation, Sri SandiP Basu I Charrdannagar 2) Bh adresu,ar Municipali ty, Assi starrt Commissioner Division 3) Champd ani MunicipalitY, 07 Chandannagar' {wc06) 4iChinsuraJr MunicipalitY, FiooglY-7 12136 5) BansberiaMunicipalitY, Ph:-(033)-26832590 6) Chinsr-rrah- Mogra BIock, 7)Balagarh Block & B)Panduah Block in Hooc.hlv District Comprising geo graphical jurisdiclions of:- 1)Dankuni Ir4.unicipality, 2)Chanditaia- 1 & Chanditala*li Block, 3)Jan gipara BIock, 4)Pearapur, R aj y atlh arPu r, D ak shi.n Sri Ranen Kurnar Sinha RajyadharPur & Raghu nath Assistant Com missior:er Dankuni Division Gram Panchayet Ol SeramPore - Chandan nagal, (wc07) Uttarpara Biock, 5) ChaPsara' Hoogly'7 i 2 136 Uttar Rajyadharpur, HaridharPur, Ph:-(033)-26832736 C h akpotakh aria, Be I umilki, Choramara, Pandit Satghara, Sim1a, MadhPur, Bangihati And i Mo[arber Mouza ol SeramPore Uttarpara Block in HooghlY District eomprising the geograPhical jurisdiction ot- 1) BaidYabati MunicipalitY, 2) Ward no.20- 24oI UttarPara-I(otrang Sri Fankaj Singh Municipa-litY,3) Ward no- i6'18 Assistant Commisioner Ward R.ishra Division of Rishra MuniciPalitY,4) 1"t MSO Building, Btt' (wcoB) no.2O'24 of SeramPore Floor, 23414. A.J'C. Bosc areas MunicipalitY, 5) ResiduarY Road, Kolkata- 700020 ol Serarrrpore-UttarPara Block Ph:-(033)-22902382 on the lvestern side oi Hou'raht Bandel railwaY track (main iir:e) not specified elsewhere; in Hooehly District Comprising the geograPhical jurisdiction of 1) I(onnagar MuniciPalitY, ZiWard no. 1' I 9 of Uttarpara-Kotrung D'ilunicipality, Sii Nalini Kumar Das 3) Ward no' 1 to tS o[Rishra Assistant Commisioner Ward no' 1 to SerarnPore Division Municipalil.Y,4) 1"t MSO Building, B't' MuniciPalitY& twcoe) l9 of SeramPore Floor, 234 I 4,A'J.C. Bose S)area ol SeramPore - UttarPara Road, Kolkata- 700020 Block on the eastern side of Ph:-(033)-229A2342 Howrah-Ban del railwaY track (main line) not sPecifi ed elser,vhere in the HooghlY District Qcenned bv CamSca @ U- ;,,*:,:mFrisffi 3unsdrction of - tr sirigut' I Blocir, ?IPoiir,-n^r-..2 Po I -. ) i:a- D a dp r_, I Shgur r ;, Division ;;,ll 3 i ri,.i,lli.,, lii Biock, 4)Dhaniald, Sri Suhrid Ranjan I fwcro1 a]i n,uJf.'. I 5)Tarakesroar gtock,-"", Sinhababu I Assistant i Block, Commissioner ?o.:llrU*sh zlCosFrat _r rtt"9::lasar - (Hoogly) Bloclt,*T:1,.",:.,:, :l5hanakur r & rr nr: -(033)_268sS322- 1:d gtpu.*;il'il.? . Hooghlt,Districr l: Sri 1? SBU - I Dir,ision ap"rta-Jfoti rGwai jBy.from en0re l(oll<ara rrsststant {wct 1} Municipal, Commissioncr Corporation area M.S Building, rs/r Strand R<iarl, !!dl:*njoooor. - I' SBU - II SBU from Division entire Wesr Bcngal s^ri apurri}giie=ilwii {wcr2} thiu"i - ., ?t!l thc ttolitata rts-sistant Com missioncr Ntunicipal Co.poration ii'i area S Builrling, tS/t Srraud xo;rrl,I(oll<ata- 70000 I . 6 tR. P. SrNGH) t:rrr.fr.fr5) , cen Lrar rax1ffiq6o, liT:,:*-:"ner(itryEflHonrah Ccrltral Goods & Sen.ices Central Excise J.a,r and Commissioncratc, liolkati:.. .le.q' 3n:T-fHrd-q.m1a-6r-d'n C. No.V (20)01 /cGSr/rechlrN/HWri/20 LBfuS * - g o5e Datedo{.08.2018 -l'o, fi flqt +i 1' chief comnrissioner, cenrrar rar, Ko,<ata ffi:,t#l:Jpal ccsT &. cx zo*e, riorkara, 1' qtn-a Ttq SiTT+-fr' mq w, *taq-ri{T :hr fu tws +ld. slE-sT-dT. qRna E-rTrdr 2 The Principal commissioner/ commissioner, 'l'irx, ce.rrd] Iiolltata Norrh/l(oll<ata :::t***i'J#:]pur/s*iguriTnr.rait-r7a*aii-rr7i.,.g,pu,- A.dir.cGSr & cx 2' qq"-f, *gT*S* /' ffiq w, 6YFrfi-dI / ftry d.r{fr 1 6ftqT l ar*-roT si)-dr6rd./ rc"T- 3frfrc /-r-#frc / ' u I qe,frw *frBe-, Su,we $k SaEH ;;;;"' 3' TheDeputy/Assistant commissioner. sankraill ccntral Ta-x. Ballr.-tlBal1r,-ltTsiiibour/ Uluberia/chanda,nag*,1?ry.\l1i/ srngur/ sBU-tI, CGST Rishrrr/ Ser.a':pore / sBU-ti & cx Division, Hliwah ccsT h, ciar*missioncr*re. (,nonnprl hrr /-o* C ^^.^- ^--.
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