BSC ZO- 101 B. Sc. I YEAR NON-CHORDATA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY SCHOOL OF SCIENCES UTTARAKHAND OPEN UNIVERSITY Board of Studies and Programme Coordinator Board of Studies Prof. B.D.Joshi Prof. H.C.S.Bisht Retd.Prof. Department of Zoology Department of Zoology DSB Campus,Kumaun University, Gurukul Kangri University Nainital Haridwar Prof. H.C.Tiwari Dr.N.N.Pandey Retd. Prof. & Principal Principal Scientist, Department of Zoology, Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries MB Govt.PG College Research (ICAR) Haldwani Nainital. Bhimtal (Nainital). Dr. Shyam S.Kunjwal Department of Zoology School of Sciences, Uttarakhand Open University Programme Coordinator Dr. Shyam S.Kunjwal Department of Zoology School of Sciences, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital Unit writing and Editing Editor Writer Prof. H.C.Tiwari Dr.Pankaj Bahuguna , Retd. Prof. & Principal Asstt. Professor Department of Zoology, Department of Zoology MB Govt.PG College Govt. PG College Haldwani Nainital. Pithoragarh(Uttarakhand) Dr.Poonam Tripathi Asstt. Professor. Department of Zoology M.B.Govt.PG.College Haldwani, Nainital, Uttarakhand Course Title and Code : Non-Chordata (BSCZO 101) ISBN : 978-93-85740-53-4 Copyright : Uttarakhand Open University Edition : 2017 Published By : Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Nainital- 263139 BSCZO-101 Non-Chordata DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY SCHOOL OF SCIENCES UTTARAKHAND OPEN UNIVERSITY Phone No. 05946-261122, 261123 Toll free No. 18001804025 Fax No. 05946-264232, E. mail [email protected] htpp://uou.ac.in Contents Course 1: Non-Chordate Course code: BSCZO101 Credit: 3 Unit Block and Unit title Page number number Block 1 Lower Non-Chordate 1-241 1 Phylum Protozoa : General Characters, Classification up to order. Study of 1-33 Paramecium with particular reference to locomotion, nutrition, Osmoregulation and Reproduction. 2 Metazoa : Germ Layer, diploblastic and triploblastic organization. 34 -51 3 Phylum Porifera : General Characters, Classification up to order.Sycon with 52-90 Special reference to structure, Reproduction and development. Canal system and affinities. 4 Phylum Coelentrata: General Characters, Classification up to order. Aurelia 91-130 with special reference to structure, reproduction, development & Polymorphism. A brief account of corals & coral reefs and their importance. 5 Phylum Playtyhelminthes : General Characters, Classification up to order. 131-168 Study of fasciola with reference to structure, reproduction & parasitic Adaptation . 6 Phylum Ascahelminhes : General Characters, Classification up to order. 169-204 Study of Ascaris with special reference to structure reproduction and Development . 7 Phylum Annelida : General Characters, Classification up to order level.Nereis 205-241 with special reference to structure, reproduction & development.Metamerism & parasitic adaptation in Hirudinaria . BLOCK 2 Higher Non-Chordate: 242-348 8 Phylum Arthropoda : General Characters, Classification up to order level. 242-306 Paleomon with special reference to structure, reproduction & development. Zoological importance of Peripatus.Types of mouth parts in insects. Social Insects and their economic importance. 9 Phylum Mollusca : General Characters, Classification up to order level.Pila 307-348 with special reference to structure, reproduction and development. 10 Phylum Echinodermata: General Characters, Classification up to order level. 349- 380 Asterias with special reference to structure, locomotion, mode of feeding and reproduction. ZO-101 Non-Chordata Uttarakhand Open University UNIT: 01 PHYLUM-PROTOZOA Contents 1.1- Objectives 1.2- Introduction 1.3- General characters and classification up to order 1.3.1- Distribution 1.3.2- Classification 1.4- Study of paramecium with particular reference 1.4.1-Locomotion 1.4.2-Osmoregulation 1.4.3-Nutrition 1.4.4- Reproduction 1.5- Summary 1.6- Glossary 1.7- Self assessment question 1.10- References 1.11- Suggested Readings 1.12-Terminal Questions Page 1 ZO-101 Non-Chordata Uttarakhand Open University 1.1-Objectives: • To study General characters of Phylum Protozoa and its classification up to order. • Study of Paramecium with particular reference to locomotion, Osmoregulation and reproduction. 1.2-Introduction The Protozoa are heterogeneous assemblage of some 50,000 cellular or single- cell organism found worldwide in most habitats. Protozoa means ‘first animal’ the simplest form of animal life. Protozoa are unicellular microorganisms (eukaryotes) that lack cell walls. They are found in marine habitat or soil, in fresh water bodies, symbiotic, some forms are parasites in other organisms. Protozoa depends on nutrition, temperature, pH, and some depends on sunlight. Protozoa were defined as unicellular protists with animal-like behavior, such as movement. Protozoa were regarded as the partner group of protists to protophyta, which have plant-like behavior, e.g. photosynthesis. The term protozoan has become highly problematic due to the introduction of modern ultra structural, biochemical, and genetic techniques, which have showed that the group does not form a clade as required by modern classifications. Modern unicellular clades within Eukaryotes which may be viewed as approximately collectively replacing the class of protozoa include: Excavata, Amoeba, Chromalveolata and Rhizaria . Protozoans are usually single-celled heterotrophic eukaryotes containing non-filamentous structures that belong to any of the major lineages of protists. They are restricted to moist or aquatic habitats (i.e., they are obligate aquatic organisms). Many protozoan species are symbionts, some are parasites, and some are predators of feces bacteria and algae. There are an estimated 50,000 protozoan species. The Protozoa are considered to be a subkingdom of the kingdom Protista, although in the classical system they were placed in the kingdom Animalia. More than 50,000 species have been described, most of which are free-living organisms; protozoa are found in almost every possible habitat. The fossil record in the form of shells in sedimentary rocks shows that protozoa were present in the Pre-Cambrian era. Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to see protozoa, using microscopes he constructed with simple lenses. Between 1674 and 1716, he described, in addition to free-living protozoa, several parasitic species from animals, and Giardia lamblia from his own stools. Page 2 ZO-101 Non-Chordata Uttarakhand Open University 1.3 - General characters and classification General Characters of protozoa • They are aquatic (fresh and salt water) free living parasitic, symbiotic or commensally. Usually microscopic with oval, elongated, spherical or ever changing shape • They show cellular level of organization, where all the activities of the body are performed by a single cell. • The protozoan cell body is either naked or surrounded by a non rigid pellicle. Cellulose is absent in the pellicle. • Some protozoans secrete shells of various inorganic compounds as external covers. • They possess different types of locomotory organs. • They may bear flagella (flagellates), cilia (ciliates) or pseudopodia (scorodines). • Locomotory organs are absent in the parasitic forms. • They are holozoic (animal-like) and feed largely on bacteria, microscopic algae and minute animals such as rotifers or on other protozoan’s including members of their own species. • Some are holophytic (plant-like); they contain chlorophyll and prepare their own food by photosynthesis (Euglena). • The parasitic protozoans devour on materials obtained from the hosts (Monocystis). • Some are saprozoic (subsisting on dead organic matter) and saprophytic (feeding on liquid food). • The osmotic concentration of cell body (Osmoregulation) is maintained by one or more contractile vacuoles and these contractile vacuoles are help in excretion. • The excretory product is ammonia. • Asexual reproduction takes place by binary fission or budding. • Sexual reproduction is performed by the fusion of gametes or by conjugation. Examples: Free living - Euglena (Fig.1), Amoeba (Fig.2), Noctiluca (Fig.3), Paramecium (Fig.4), Elphidium (Polystomella) Parasitic -Monocystis, Entamoeba, Giardia (Fig.5), Plasmodium (Fig.6), Trypanosome , etc • The single cell of the body performs all the vital activities. • Encystment occurs to tide over the unfavorable conditions and to help in the dispersal of race. • In certain animalcules, the life cycle is complicated and exhibits alternation of generations. Page 3 ZO-101 Non-Chordata Uttarakhand Open University Fig.2: Amoeba Page 4 ZO-101 Non-Chordata Uttarakhand Open University Fig.3 Noctiluca Fig.4: Paramecium Page 5 ZO-101 Non-Chordata Uttarakhand Open University Fig.5 Giardia Fig.6: Plasmodium (In Red Blood Cells) Page 6 ZO-101 Non-Chordata Uttarakhand Open University 1.3.1 Distribution Habit and habitat: Paramecium is occurrence in fresh water ponds, lakes, rivers and streams. It is also found in abundance in stagnant water bodies. Shape and size: Pellicle: The body is covered by a thin firm but elastic pellicle. Pellicle consists of three membranes. a)-The outer or surface membrane is continuous with the membrane surrounding the cilia. b)-The outer and inner membranes of the alveoli thus form the middle and inner membranes of the pellicle. Cilia: The entire body surface is covered by a uniform covering of hair like protoplasmic processes, the cilia. Fig.7. Paramecium Caudatum Page 7 ZO-101 Non-Chordata Uttarakhand Open University Paramecium is unicellular microscopic organism. Its size varies in different species being 120-250µ
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