Wsesmmmr Mention Only of "Our Lady .And Jb4jf©Shnf^Ir^^ Lo^|Qparehl There;?

Wsesmmmr Mention Only of "Our Lady .And Jb4jf©Shnf^Ir^^ Lo^|Qparehl There;?

">* , Vh9 f&&k *>W %^4 for *!»<»*' for whom fe* oth«» cared .fens .*&* **&«* ^oMwil*** 1§te was ,»r,ent.raii4steriiif ^•iv«»«»m«jiaa'*t;en.d.,Sn,gi: *&4he^ear%)BBta% 8ic^4«ai«odblly outcast; Except M WNtojI&rn monast^r^ f|« a iW^eloSev relatives; people like these are o!esttae4 to lead Auburn .'are struck % * lonely 1$B, and Father Gotdtog proved himself oyer a marked difference in the way aparter century their J<# a$l consolation as well as person- Carmelite priests say Mass, ~^«WtsjuA^water^aE»i.poMiM^W 7 ~ ^jT^eltU! f e^faia~arparis& priest, 1te wasca& Milfi-the Kyrle is **Jd at- m ed to #ive $%at CtommMnion as Viaticum, to a little hoy Epistle fWe, and -niter the con« -whom the doctors had given but twelve hours to live. In the iteration, the priest Aolds his rVv ^ Pness of the hqspital room, Father Goldinjf prepared the arms fully ouUtretche4 «•,%to .^ij^ii^J^XJuA:ft^V«M what seemed to be his last, Com- represent the crow. Other dif­ 4 ferences In ritual Indicate that maiiion, th:e priest. saiC ^e~doctofs'have done «U they thej "Carmelite Rite" is actually can<a<>< NoNv we shall see what God wiD do. This is Jesus." mora ancient than the familiar ^d^hEe^w-the^y-Holf. GommunioB. The^ twelve-hours Roman rite Mass* have jstistehed to nearly thirty years and the little boy has MONKS have lived on Pales­ seen -what <Sod can do — enabling him to be a priest and tine's Mount Carmel since the days of Ellas, long before Christ. trie attempt at characterlratioa ^iiejheae .words. When they accepted the Savior's •fafi^ jjieajp only %« aerjnonfpift. teachings,, they Simply adapted po^P|r|^{M^||&te»|. , Father Golding's whole life has been one of taking: up their already ancient religious o^ly thr.Preaeher,.,d|re^y)^ hr where factors must let go. In those cfrcumstances of life tradition to ajChrlstlan way of brings ;out the high phWCfl^ where medical science must stand helpless, then the priest life. ^fcjt,netsr. .^lop^ft mk$®Z ' of God steps in, 'and God, in His mysterious ways, does pro­ * Christ's "Last Supper" became ^^y^mp,,.t,w, d*tio*Bs*w, the monks dally Mass and they that serve as refugees for e|ch vide foHhe Wind* and .hearts of those who need Him. celebrated, it according to the lo­ Now, with faith, we will see what God will do for cal customs. -v. '". He illuminates ^ogmajUldnii* —During; the CrusadeayFrench. n«j¥|.tJifeFrea|ai»,jije IjMS&irhiro^he-rew •osf •• Jesus .'!«* '-M. 'fignfron^ TalfiiFGoiaiSg . _ _ .. M chaplains were placed In , lip#sS«*# charge of the Church of the iWmffl doheyit , .,, . needy heajrt,--the cowardly vtWmwk breast brethren. Our prayers for the repose oi v ever shJ1|lrtng;Mni*J«n|(i^iK Holy Sepulchre In Jerusalem. Tnertfare donemari?y othlJ* -•lsrf ;^porwii Wdinerye, 1 his sofll are encouraged by our confidence/that God will be At this period In history, moat moments^ arid meetlhis} their rflbri^wa-'^WckiAfe^p, 'yeitp(i»f. ! t^uency fa" high- throughout. •• Uuis^.dRpphi...isii;n^Ma# -~- -TT' «^e*et^«<mBtty *Hia4^4tfr-^bwii--- -"j'j^Jt^r^JJ -~-JgS^>ijp5 slight variation*- lit the ritual ^^fP»Tpl3»ntglnwssbecon*es#|t "'^iWiiSS^ of Hiss, and the French cus­ ifpwSy 'amf JncdnsistehT cniraeTSr have been had he wvedyfe eorh. toms became the accepted rite ;^-he cannot escape frprn sijcb. a piete his ins^uctlpM.m vtv to the Holy Land. *M0rife enou^iP he himstellr Faith) h^t.-'T^Isj^irii ?f$titi$frytiib-*l& that only feeble soute harbor.such These French--priests adopted ^Wor has m"&MF bothered thoughts'• H that the fitdlvidual survives the death Of his the local feasts of Jerusalem andj>; 38|fc^|fl»OTtparti^b5rThe^ .^ji^phjfe«JP^t ' ^^M^'iW^^^-and-o fhWi*^ b^y^hlfZWlairdiscovered the "unified field« ftfr'wnfta some of the Holy Land practices, :af:that:v?^%^p^"p:pl^ 7 which dramatized the events of tail? it does hot becomeV^^' fit'stajd®. Brpant, wbrld-famous, mtell^tuarptoheer; Eftl- Holy Week, Christmas, and As­ But some things Louis de Wohl,lt*eJ|jfe^ahd ji^iofeOurll^^ eteltt iermufttel for ^ world of science those basic keys cension Day, When they re­ T of modem da? discoveries — relativity, Quantum, *ild uni turned to France, these Holy m*mm Land rites were continued In • . .;.,' -it fiete field. ••„• _ Europe and survive to some ex­ DOINGS At Most s|»ctacular proof of his, penciled theories was -the tant even in the ceremonies of our pariah churches to this day. THE DALY'S 1945- atomic btot which ushered in a new er*ta world his­ The Moslem invasions made it *-'•• • iiff tory*. Near^;^^;^e«rs..before thatMatorfc date*,.*Ms impossible for the Carmelite ••i' ,. ] By Majy Wnfof, tt»ly. pl^ci8t«*tfUjiunagined feases were pent up^nrtde monks to survive so they ml It wasn't an organized "Parent- or her turn. 5i*»hei,^®o«f«««»<!fesNej»3f«P ^^ ~* 4l«iiW'1»cjMy hot" even half the'"$*e of a brought with them, the Mas: was it a P.T.A, metting, nor a ritual to which they had become don't. get - "—^^ M^lj^miklfi * sufficient to obhteratt. a accustomed—the rites as done in report,- card -willies Ufe^-rnansge soro* until* parent*^] city the Church of the Holy Sepul­ : : ?,? chre. ...... come ;-aort-_^ mm -Wi6W''. • •-••••''" - ^SM* i^e-'-'mrm: .great^.e1aH*';awi* .^^i^Mm0kmifi^1^mf»n *»***» ** one eonjf The Carmelite Rite Is thus a K' AfleV '"'N^l survival of the old French Mass ing Into thii^ IW Sister>'Stv*i-»ayirig.''tb- *the ritual with the added customs r mrents ahead"*, ''but he illjMii^;^:#MMM- which would ,9tpm m aM-«sr»wK»ues^of,Jlhe:.fj3i5iei(t explanation, l*d - «t,^|gto pierj8jtoeadji^ J ;^o# pay -^ttentien^llkes.; to 61niu1*^f th>"Tlo1y-Sepalcr r : arms ektended. to" iepi^nt 'eiKia«, , like 1o • " together at Haas. 'After consecration; |l|thluffle;afOHnd.l'!' ;•--* "-Xr'"i • that aatfsfyfnl ,^ .AS.«*«M-«»» ^EtTielr^aipdr— .„ .... WHAT are some of the Safeuidayaift«^ w *r ^Might; eltfter. It's.of, t to itih peculiarities which are found to rubrics governing the "actions ot irtion Rite;- too, foRow trie Rew-tti tide 7f bauble Alleluia ti* addedF h d o h v"in- • aWipityl Stj; bt proper to the Carroetye Rite. the priest vary In several re- Rite closely with one exception ?toltlo^ir^5- '^^'^5^i3r*-— 'mi^^4!bM$ftti^ omfwmiuas. Strang* tfcat to, the ,'Tte Mi*a est" tor the fourth grade classroom-i-but I . "pierhaps. if w| an-puC tn* ^here^4gHaili. .t..i.^_^_,-.»_- heavy^Mnd-on^him^or^a-^hlla — ^alvationot the world, DVonf ct\^7^M'^^- honestly-^n't^e^piffriMevehas"t'lSahW- '.'"f^ti'^j . n., the Father, Sacred Victimi: J_* Just .before the Last Gospel, sSQnie Uttjjfeaoy-^we* dbh'tknds ?<tefie#^in:%:fttture. whlc&;#si f^myttan^^mm priest does not say we realm, duiliig Uie prayer after thi ftlig Flesh, wholly Gtf«'"-trtPy the HeaTof ^pwaiwrjba i who>-is gplrlf t^..ber>eft%7ii 'Judlca Me" at the toot of the secraUom. This custom can be Man." «^;ftufual irjelp? Me;mu %njM^ifnpos«ible btti,%itow-reality* tut he found in the French- Ordos of As in the Canon, the actions/of was.wK^j^ve^hlard firon|^ttV r » ^"^^w through the be_4rtlrul .aotl- lune>year-oid,;Gh|tty..."Oufe;4$ <»Uii*turn<"The thrf* and naturally the^priest are |pmewha|^f " **—|re.out aiL4 jySu car* M* ^m %•-.. t/ZZ^JS: had lis; aa^eoT,iSIgnlIlcanceii*lrf ^c4*^-mmi>^lhe«^^«»M>*^it| weeka_absenpeWs^th,chicken pox Another point of note is that ''""'wdate^WK*,,..-_ '"_ . Jsetu^an%«»8fikfe^«^^ S©saJSejj3a|i|, jcejje_of Jthfijeas, ^ug^the^gdjftere^fea^s^Pl lfe=3*W*lfea>ft ii*a*oinlarte^^siftml!«!iie^ wsesmmmr mention only of "Our Lady .and Jb4jf©SHnf^ir^^ lo^|qparehl there;? . "It's long ^Vision". I aired ^ •lice- of Cur-Savionr Is -repeated' IN RIS CTLWKSG1VING 1 •-'41 *6ur Holy Father EHas^mflT Ea*t«rtiiA-tlih to <W«T^ to -like a <^mmaruliPerforrnance complaint •*<anhy sa!y* fnat the ..., jjtoJNJm*^ however, ting the saint* found in the- Rb- ly recalled by the frequent Signs prayers after Comrtiunlon, the of* an invitation to tiie white way we taught her—during the man veralon. The prayers at the of the Cross made by the Cele- Carmelite priest %»„Ji§&~-.a; Rou%,theffe*«si^t,fhe5»l|ghtest and the innltlfaribuS and seemingly unrelated events of bfe, ijrant. — short prayer Tn Tfono^jrf'^fiMf *Wcke^pox^isn^the_way. you foot of the altar are then con­ ^aiineiitoa^ doubt in Giiiny's mind about our dolt," . * Tjmjtkwat iefl. andLsyjiUiesigedThfcr&eHiatechism^aaswee ^ cluded simply with the verside The prayers of .the Commu- Blessed ^Trinity. Duringf"~ "~'~ being** there luTa^«^inftlnctiveIy . '""nrwfumm xvttjrordoing long -:.,fe riave *_*««. a s»leBJnity by HiB|p "Our help Is In the name of the responded In, klpd, juggling Sat­ division?" Sister John Gabriel'* Gwt mfc it Jdl «nd H# made me, to be happy with' Him Lord!. Who made Heaven and singln*; this antfphoo. urday coft^lttnienw ;arxiuhd so smile showed that she was used forever. -'• -#S&i +£$$&,, ,^-- ~' Earth." It naturally strikes one On Sunday, the priest remains that .t*frto-ie.fir^:#jjpgbe'; ,*ree not only to long division but to ,M m immediately that the Carmelite: for 'p#fa&#&^$:^&J.

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