Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-25-1966 The B-G News February 25, 1966 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News February 25, 1966" (1966). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1939. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1939 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. | University Party Recognition Commended...Pg. 2 The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Friday, Feb. 25, 1966 Vol. 50, No. 72 Parking, Publishing Resolutions Passed By LARRY FULLERTON eight spaces on each side re- line of what the booklet could Issue Editor served for visitors and house- contain. mothers. Included are messages from Two resolutions, one concern- This section of the resolution President William T. Jerome. ing improved parking facilities met with some opposition, most Robert Dewey, Co-ordinator ot A SCENE from a new monster movie? No, just a few "beast*" and one concerning publishing a of it concerned with the beauti- Student Activities; the student who happened to be passing. Unperturbed by their gestures booklet concerning student gov- fication of the area. body president and vice pres- it Beth Werkman, junior in the College of Education, who ernment, were passed last night The fourth part of the res- ident and the class presidents* seems to know that these "beasts" are but entrants in Alpha by Student Council. olution asks for the extension The constitutional amendment Phi Omega's Beauty and the Beast Contest. Photo by Alpha Council also passed four con- of lot 4B to Ridge Street. The lowering grade requirements, Phi Omega. stitutional amendments, one for lot would then run next to the which was passed for the first the second time and the other new dormitory being constructed time at the last meeting, almost three for the first time. north of Harshman. was defeated. Beauty, Beast Vote Begins The resolution concerning The final section requests that On the first vote tonight, 24 parking which was introduced four metered half hour spaces voted for it, seven against and by Tom Liber, Junior Class be reserved in lot 11 (in back Voting for the Charities week and five dorms are represented. two abstained. It needed 26 President and chairman of the of Hanna Hall) for students with Beauty and the Beast Contest Also entered in the contest is votes to pass. Parking Committee, presents business in University Hall or will begin today. Thomas J. Colaner, director of Heather Connery, represent- five proposals. The contest, sponsored by Al- admissions, and Officer Melvin the police station. It also asks ative from East had voted againsc One is that Lot 10, located for four metered half hour spaces pha Phi Omega, national service Jones, of the University Police. it, said she wished to change behind MacDonald Quadrangle, on Thurstin Street, adjacent to fraternity, will continue through her vote and a re-vote was held. be made available for commuter Founders for students with bus- next Friday, March 1. Voting Awards will be presented at This time, 27 voted for it, with parking and that a specified num- iness in the Administration Bldg. boxes are located in the Nest, the Charities Ball, Saturday, 6 against. ber of spaces be reserved for Liber emphasized that this bill the Mid-American Roon, and the March 5. Winning housing units The two who abstained, soph- employees working in McaDon- is only a recommendation and Rathskellar. One penney is equal will receive a trophy and winning omore representativeJohnWier- ald. Liber said an average of will be sent to the administration to one vote. candidates will receive certifi- will and Inter fraternity Council only six cars per day are park- for consideration. Nine sororities, 11 fraternities. cates. President Steve O'Bryan, chan- ing in the 66-space lot. The resolution calling for the ged their votes to 'yes'. The second proposal is that establishment of a committee The amendment lowers the the new lot north of lot 15B, to publish a booklet en- minimum accumulative grade re- Injunction Plea located behind the International titled "Your Student Govern- quirement for Student Council House, also be available for com- ment—Its Necessity and Com- representative and University muters, with some spaces re- position," was introduced by soph committees to 2.25, for student served for the overflow of fac- omore president Rick Helwigand body boards to 2.2, for Student ulty parking from 15B. This passed unanimously. Court and student disciplinary Denied By Court would provide 75 to 100 spaces The booklet would introduce board to 2.5 and student body for commuters. Liber explained. freshmen to student government, officers to 2.5. By JUDY HIRSCH sidered both cruel and unusual. A horseshoe metered lot is Helwig said. Managing Editor Student Court Justice Ray proposed for the grass area in- Along with the resolution, Hel- (Continued on page 4) A request that Student Court be Mundy said that it was the op- side Conklin Quadrangle, with wig introduced a proposed out- given the clear cut power to inion of the court that Miss have judicial review over all stu- Williams had not used all the dent - composed organizations courses of appeal within theAWS will be made to President William organization, such as an appeal WBGU To Premiere 'Legacy' T. Jerome as a result of the to the Dean of Women. "Until petition presented to Student you have expired all of these Court yesterday afternoon. avenues to obtain satisfaction The petition, concerning the Student Court cannot hear the Series On Western Civilization prodecure of West Hall house- case," Mundy said. ' Legacy," a new series de- ter, sometimes not--arises in Stones of Amiens," in which board and AWS Judicial Board, "We feel we should hear the picting 15 centuries of western its place. the remarkable thirteenth cen- was presented by Jerry Schlater case, and we will file a brief civilization, will premiere at 9 "History's only reliable con- tury cathedral of Notre Dame and RichardMancusco, legal rep- with the President requesting the p.m. Monday on WBGU-TV Chan- stant is not amelioration but in Amiens, France, symbolizes resentative for Dianne Williams. authority to deal in this area. nel 70. change, and the more we can the growth of Christianity as Miss Williams petition stated However, the President has the The 10-program series was understand changes of the past one of the forces that has shapea that she had been denied the ultimate authority and if he should filmed in France, England, Italy, and the forces that brought them western civilization. right of due process of law in wish the matter to be settled Germany, and the United States. about, the more we can see "Legacy" will be seen across a case before the West Hall by the students, then it is hoped "Legacy" begins in 301 A.D. and in our present and future," Mr. the country on the National Ed- houseboard for failure to attend he will direct the case backdown ends in our own day. Slate added. ucational Television Network of a corridor meeting and before the to the Student Court when and if Topics to be covered in the Monday evening's premiere 92 affiliated non-commercial • AWS Judicial Board during an it reaches his office through series will be the building of program in the series is "The stations. appeal of the houseboard decis- the channels of appeal set forth Amiens Cathedral, the political ion. in the AWS constitution." decay of Florence under the Me- She stated that in neither case The area mentioned in the dicis, the flourishing of absolute had she been allowed to have appeal is considered a ''gray monarchy under Louis XIV, and legal counsel or to present wit- area" by Mundy since the Stu- the tragic waste of World War I. nesses in her behalf,- making the dent Body Constitution says that "Legacy" is designed to bring proceedings in violation of the AWS is exempt from Student history alive, through image and rights guaranteed by the United Council and Student Cabinet jur- sound. Each program is a separ- States Constitution. isdiction but nothing is mentioned ate, self-contained film essay The petition requests that the about jurisdiction by Student on a historic trend, personality, Student Court or the Student Dis- Court. or event. ciplinary Board hear the charges "Miss Williams this afternoon Producer-writer Lane Slate and "place an injunction against appealed to the Dean of Women says the series "by no means the West Hall houseboard and the to hear her case," said Schlater sees the development of western AWS Judicial Board which would after the Court meeting. "We man as a clear, affirmative rise nullify the proceedings because will carry this as far as Mundy toward the perfection of the they denied my constitutional ri- said we could which will include human kind. ghts." appealing to the President and "The march of history, on A second request was made that requesting that Student Court be the contrary, all too often seems the Student Court or Disciplin- allowed to hear the case." to go backward as time Itself ary Board require the case or advances, and our legacy Is the result of nearly as many errors, cases to be heard again allowing Miss Williams said that she and DIRECTOR JIM Trainor, right, producer-writer- Lone Slate, her the right to legal counsel her legal representatives had re- weaknesses and defeats as it is of victories and accomplish- center and British actor Robert Lovell, left, discuss the and to present witnesses.
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