INLAND WATERWAYS AUTHORITY OF INDIA A-13, Sector-1, Noida, U.P.-201 301 LIBRARY BOOK LIST Sr. Accession Name of the Book Author Edition Language Publication Pages No. No. No. 1 4385 Infrastructure at Haldea Gajenra 1 English Oxford 263 crossroads: challenges of University press governance 2 4386 Essential knowledge. Quiz Briens Derek 1 English Penguin Books 365 book. 3 4387 Sefety convention 2011: Rajpoot, R.N. 1 English The Institute of 195 sefety transportation Engineers 4 4389 To kill a mocking bird Lee, Harper 2010 English Arrow books 309 5 4390 Its kind of a funny story Vizzini, Ned 2007 English Micromax 444 6 4391 Memories of a teenege Zevin Gabrille. 2010 English Squir Fish. 284 amnesiac 7 4392 Bell jar. Plath, Sylvia 2005 English Fader and Fader 234 8 4393 The catcher in the rye. Salinger, J.D. 2010 English Penguin Books 192 9 4394 Paper towns. Green, John 2009 English Speak Penguin 305 Books 10 4395 Going bovine Bray, Libba 2009 English Ember. 480 11 4396 Lock and key. Dessen, Sarah. 2008 English Penguin groups 421 12 4397 The backbenchers. oberai, sidharth 2011 English Grapevine india 190 Pub. Pvt., Ltd. 13 4406 Illustrated guide to revised Ghosh, T.P. 2009 English Taxmann Pub. 526 schesule. VI Pvt. Ltd. 14 4412 CPWD quality assurance CPWD 2009 English CPWD 110 circulars 15 4413 Analysis of rates for Delhi. CPWD 2010 English Director, 582 General(works) CPWD Nirman Bhawan 16 4414 Analysis of rates for Delhi. Director General 2010 English Director, 660 (works) CPWD, General(works) Nirman Bhawan. CPWD Nirman Bhawan 17 4415 CPWD specification CPWD 2009 English Director, 532 General(works) CPWD Nirman Bhawan 18 4416 CPWD specification Director General 2009 English Director, 500 (works) CPWD General(works) Nirman Bhawan CPWD Nirman Bhawan 19 4417 Delhi schedule of rates- CPWD 2012 English Director, 432 2012 General(works) CPWD Nirman Bhawan 20 4418 Work manual. CPWD 2012 English Director, 440 General(works) CPWD Nirman Bhawan 21 4419 Plinth area & rates and Puri, V.K. Comp. 2012 English JBA Publishers 103 cost index circulars. Sr. Accession Name of the Book Author Edition Language Publication Pages No. No. No. 22 4420 Maintenance manual. Garg, Aggarwal. 2011 English Nabhi Pub. 200 23 4421 Delhi schedule of rates- Puri, V.K. 2011 English JBA Publishers 980 2012, building bye laws. 24 4422 FRSR Part - I general rules. Muthuswamy, P. 21, 2011 English swamy 640 publisher Pvt, Ltd 25 4426 CCS Leave travelling Muthuswamy, P. 42th, English swamy 96 allowances. 2011 publisher Pvt, Ltd 26 4427 Direct taxes ready reckoner Singhania,. Vinod 2012 English Taxmann Pub. 598 Asstt. year 2012-2013 &13- Kumar. Pvt. Ltd. 14 27 4428 Income Tax Act; as Bhargave, U.K. 56, 2012 English Taxmann Pub. 745 amendment finance act - Pvt. Ltd. 2012. 28 4429 TDS How to meet your Tammann. 18, 2012. English Taxmann Pub. 475 objections; as amendment Pvt. Ltd. by finance at 2012. 29 4430 the Industrial Disputes act, Garg, R.A. 2012 English Commercial 181 1947 (act no. 14 of 1947). Law Pub. (India) Pvt. Ltd. 30 234 Train at a glanc. Indian Rialways. 2011 English Parampera 237 Prakashan. 31 4383 R.K.Laxman the Bhandari, 2011 English Dharmendra 292 uncommoman, collection Dharmendra. Bhandri. of work from 1948 to 2008. 32 4377 Uniforms for group C&D. Muthuswamy, P. 2010 English Swamy 65 Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 33 4376 leave travel concession Muthuswamy, P. 2011 English Swamy 152 rules. Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 34 4357 Chanake Aur Chandergupt. Apate, 2009 English Shikha Bharati. 240 Harinarayan. 35 4359 Immortals Chauduri, Amit. 2009 English Ricador. 404 36 4360 Callaborator. Verma, Nirmal. 2011 English Pengion 709 37 4361 An inch and half above Vermaa, Nirmal 2004 English Rupa & 709 groun. Company. 38 4362 Remarking India; one Maira, Arun. 2005 English Response 240 country, one destiny. Books. 39 4363 Crows & other storie. Mohapatra, K.K. 2008 English Rupa & 242 Company. 40 4365 Vivekananda world Adiswarananda, 2011 English Rupa & 248 teacher. Swami Company. 41 4366 days and nights. in the gangopadhyay. 2010 English Rupa & 178 forest. Company. 42 4368 Home Boy Naqvi, H.M. 2010 English Harper Collins. 216 43 3469 Tender hooks. Mohshin, Mani. 2011 English Random House 250 India. 44 Krishna: life and song of Menon, Ramesh. 2009 English NULL NULL the blue gods. Sr. Accession Name of the Book Author Edition Language Publication Pages No. No. No. 45 4370 Krishna: life and song of Menon, Ramesh. 2009 English Rupa & 271 the blue gods. company. 46 4372 The old man & his god. murty, Sudha. 2006 English Penguin Books. 131 47 4374 Now and never. Ramendra Kumar. 2010 English Pony Tail books. 112 48 4235 History of photography; Beaumount, New 2008 English The Musemot 319 from 1839 to the present. hall. Modern Art. 49 4236 Ships magnetic compass. Joseph, T.K. 2008 English ARI. 213 50 4237 Principles of Navigation. Joseph, T.K. 2009 English ARI. 307 51 4238 St apility, Trim and Cargo Joseph, T.k. 2009 English ARE. 321 Calculations. 52 4241 Indian Shipping Director. Karimula babu. 2010 English Marine Soft 726 Tech. 53 4242 Directory of central Delhi Information 2010 English Delhi 358 Governmet of offcials. Bureau Information Bureau. 54 Directory of central Delhi information 2010 English NULL NULL Governmet of offcials. Bureau. 55 4243 Directory of central Delhi information 2010 English Delhi 358 Governmet of offcials. Bureau. InformationBur eau. 56 4244 Income tax ready reckoner. Singhania, Vinod 2010 English Taxmn Pub. 515 Kr. 57 Income tax Act. Bhargav, U.K. 2010 English Taxmn Pub. 525 58 4245 Income tax Act. Bhargav, U.K. 54th, English Taxmn Pub. 543 2010 59 4246 Income ta rules. Bhargav, U.K. 47th, English Taxmn Pub. 543 2010 60 4247 TDS How to meet yours TDS 16th, English Taxmn Pub. 543 obligations. 2010 61 4248 Service tax ready reckoner. Batra, Ashok. 1 English Legal Matrix 324 Pub. 62 4250 Myanmar (Bharma) Travel Singh, Sarina. 2010 English Lonely Planet 546 guide: Lonely planet Myanmar. 63 Pay rule made easy. Muthuswamy, P. 33rd, English Swamy, Pub. P, 212 2009 Ltd., 64 4359 Pay rule made easy. Muthuswamy, P 33rd, English Swamy, pub. 212 2009 65 4261 DEsouza,s conveyancing. Datta, C.R. 13th, English Eastern book 1448 2010 company. 66 4262 Negotiaable instruments. Singh. Avtar 4th, 2005 English Eastren 5323 Publication. 67 4263 Law lexicon. Aiyar, P.amnath. 2nd, 2010 English Lxis Nexis. 1999 68 4264 Compendium of reference Jaina, J.M. 3rd, 2007 English J.M. jaina 228 circulars to CPWD Working &Brothers manual Man-circular Sr. Accession Name of the Book Author Edition Language Publication Pages No. No. No. 69 4264 Compendium of reference Jaina, J.M. 3rd, 2007 English J.M. Jaina & 423 circulars to CPWD Working Brothers. manual con-circular 70 4266 General conditions of CPWD. 2010 English CPWD Niman 102 contract for central PWD Bhawan. works. 71 4247 CPWD work manual. 2010. CPWD. 2010 English CPWDE Nirman 411 Bhawan. 72 4268 CPWD work manual. 2010. CPDW 2010 English CPDW Nirman 411 Bhawan. 73 4270 3 Mistake. Chetan, Bhagat. 2110 English Rupa & 411 Company. 74 4272 Concise oxford english Soames, 2010 English Oxford 1681 dictionary. Catherine. University press. 75 4273 FRSR Part - I general rules. Muthuswamy, P. 20th, English Swamy 624 2010 Publishers. 76 4282 Income tax guidelinesmini Garg, Ajay kumar 2010 English Nabhi 550 ready reckoner 2010- Publications 11,2011-12 77 4283 Direct taxes ready reckoner Singhania, Vinod 2010 English Taxmn pub. 524 Asstt. year 2010-, 2011-12 kr. 78 4286 Facets of vigilance Malhotra, K.L. 2009 English Bahri Brothers 696 prevention to prosecution. 79 4287 Facets of vigilance Malhotra, K.L. 2009 English Bahari Brothers 696 prevention to prosecution. 80 4290 CCS CCA rules. muthuswamy, P. 2010 English Swamy, Pub. 359 Private Ltd. 81 4298 Master guide to FR&SR Muthuswamy, P. 33rd, English swamy Pub. 356 service rules and financial 2010 Private Ltd. rules. 82 4299 Manual on establishment Muthuswamy, P. 12th, English Swamy Pub. 1152 & administration. 2010 Private Ltd. 83 4300 Referencer for central Muthuswamy, P. 13th, English Nabhi 548 Govt. employees 2011. 2010 Publishers. 84 4301 Art of tagore. Art. 2010 English upa & 72 85 4302 Art; definitive visual guide. Dixon, Andrew 2008 English dorling 612 Graham. Kindersley. 86 4306 Direct taxes ready reckoner Singhania, Vinod 33rd, English Taxmnn Pub. 345 Asstt. year 2010-, 2011-12 Kr. 2010 87 Direct taxes ready reckoner Singhania, Vinod 33rd, English NULL NULL Asstt. year 2010-, 2011-12 Kr. 2010 88 4307 Direct taxes ready reckoner Singhania, Vinod 33rd, English Taxmnn Pub. 543 Asstt. year 2010-, 2011-12 Kr. 2010 Sr. Accession Name of the Book Author Edition Language Publication Pages No. No. No. 89 Indian Civil list -2012 IAS. Personnel Pub, 2012 English NULL NULL Grievances and Pension Departmemt. 90 4432 Indian Civil list -2012 IAS. Personnel Pub, 2012 English Controller of 386 Grievances and Publications. Pension Departmemt. 91 4433 Copper to Computer. Saga tf Indian 2011 English National 111 Hydrographic Hydrographic (Department) office. 92 4434 Mumbai Marvels. Angamuthu, 2012 English M. Venkatesh. 155 Vasantha. 93 4435 Coference proceedings the Smart river 21 2011 English Via donu; 200 4th international congress International Osterreicvische of smart river -21 the conference (4th Wassestaaben. future of Inland Navigat... 2009 Austria. 94 4314 Advances + Suppliments. Muthuswamy, P. 8th, 2008 English Swamys Pub. 107 Private Ltd. 95 4322 CPWD work manual. 2010. CPWD 2010 English Director eneral 412 with Suppliments. of works CPWD. 96 4325 Doorbhash nirdeshika Doorbhash. 2008 English Min. of 48 shipping. 97 4328 Inkalab ke Swar. Dwivedi, Harihar. 200 English S.B. Interprizes. 80 98 3229 Unique Quintessence of Khandelwal, K.K. 2006 English Unique Pub. 546 general studies -2006.
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