Vol. 1 9, No.1 2 Ka Wai Ola o O HA – Th e Livin g Wat er of OHA Këkëmapa (December) 2 002 NewNew facesfaces onon OHAOHA boardboard A NEW BEGINNING FOR OHA — Newly elected trustees Dante Keala Carpenter (O‘ahu) and Boyd Mossman (Maui), pictured in the large insets above, join Trustee Haunani Apoliona (at-large), Trustee Linda Dela Cruz (Hawai‘i), newly re-elected Trustee Rowena Akana (at-large), Trustee Colette Machado (Moloka‘i/Läna‘i), Trustee Donald Cataluna (Kaua‘i/Ni‘ihau), newly re-elected Trustee Oz Stender, and newly re-elected Trustee John Waihe‘e IV. By Naomi Sodetani All trustees will be confirmed with Mossman, who formerly served as a “ T h e r e ’s been a lot of discord between the receipt of traditional lei hulu, the prosecuting attorney and circuit court trustees, a lot of bad feelings. This new “Ua ao Hawai‘i ke ‘ölino nei mäla - a g e n cy ’s symbol of office in an inve s t i- judge on Maui, is well-equipped to board has the opportunity to be a cohe- malama. Hawai‘i is enlightened, for ture ceremony at Kawaiaha‘o Church apply his skills and experience mediat- s ive group and can demonstrate that the brightness of day is here.” Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. The public is wel- ing disputes in the courtroom to the OHA can serve its beneficiaries with come to attend. OHA board room. greater eff e c t iveness and with dignity.” he election of two new trustees OHA Chairperson Haunani A p o l i o n a “I am hopeful there’s a change in the Mossman and Carpenter say they are to the Office of Hawaiian A ffa i r s said the new board — now all Native mix and I wo n ’t have to,” Mossman committed to help OHA regain the Tboard heralds a new day for the H awaiian — “signals a fresh OHA said. “But if it’s needed, I will certain- respect of the Hawaiian community o rga n i z a t i o n . b eg i n n i n g .” ly try.” and to bring credibility to an orga n i z a- Former Hawai‘i Island mayor and The board commences its wo r k Faced with current and future law- tion that Cayetano had ridiculed as l egislator Dante Keala Carpenter and strengthened with considerable lega l , suits threatening to dismantle all pro- “ d y s f u n c t i o n a l .” retired judge Boyd P. Mossman replace a d m i n i s t r a t ive, leg i s l a t ive and political grams and organizations serving Native The OHA board must shed its alami- longtime O‘ahu trustee Clayton Hee expertise it will need to successfully H awaiians, the community and the hi crab image and walk the talk of and Maui trustee Charles Ota, respec- tackle unprecedented challenges fa c i n g trustees themselves fervently hope that u n i t y, Carpenter reflected. “Rather than t ive l y. the Hawaiian community. the new board dynamics will be one of paddling nine separate canoes in diff e r- Mossman and Carpenter, along with C a r p e n t e r, who had served as OHA cooperation and increased eff e c t ive- ent directions we should be in the same n ewly re-elected incumbents Row e n a administrator from 1994 to 1995, wa s ness. canoe paddling in same direction,” h e C a r p e n t e r, John D. Waihe‘e IV and Oz appointed by former Governor Ben “At this point in time, OHA’s ex i s- said. “I look to be one of the paddlers.” S t e n d e r, were voted in to four- y e a r Cayetano to serve as an interim trustee tence and the survival of the Hawa i i a n See NEW BOARD on page 3 terms on Nov. 5. in 2000. people are at stake ,” Stender noted. Lingle promises to restore ceded lands r e venue to Hawaiians and ‘right wrongs’ By Naomi Sodetani lion in back payment of ceded H awaiian Home Lands waiting list lands revenues owed to OHA from within five years. inda Lingle vows that her state “claims and settlement On Nov. 1, Lingle and former Lt. top priority upon taking funds” as a swifter alternative to G overnor Mazie Hirono sparred on Lo ffice will be to restore l eg i s l a t i o n . H awaiian issues before thousands ceded lands revenue payments to She also pledged to personally of Hawaiians who attended or the Office of Hawaiian A ffairs and lobby in Washington, D.C. to tuned into OHA’s gubernatorial to settle Native Hawaiian ceded obtain federal recognition of f o r u m . lands claims. N a t ive Hawaiians, to expedite a Lingle said that the forum gave Governor-elect Linda Lingle and Lt. Governor-elect Lingle says she will “immediate- state-funded audit and inventory of James “Duke” Aiona at the OHA Gubernatorial Forum See LINGLE on page 6 Nov. 1, just prior to the General Election ly” direct the transfer of $10.3 mil- ceded lands, and close out the IN THIS ISSUE Ka Wai Ola o OHA Wai‘anae’s Isaac Ho‘opi‘i, employed at Office of Hawaiian Affai r s PR E S O RT E D the Pentagon, became a hero on 9-11 by STA N D A R D 711 Kapi‘olani Blvd., Ste.50 0 U.S. POSTAG E saving lives and sharing aloha. See story Honolulu, HI 96813-5249 PAID PAGE Honolulu, Hawaii on page 4. Permit No. 298 04 CDs both recorded and produced by award-winning Sean Na‘auao are per- fect stocking stuffers for the holidays. PAGE See Recent Releases on page 11. 11 w w w . O H A . o rg KA LEO KAIÄULU LE TTER S TO TH E EDITO R ‘Aha ‘Öpio o OHA the ove r t h r ow, I am the subject of R e p r e s e n t a t ives. Where is the proof Board of Tru s t e e s racial prejudice for excluding my that we are in immediate danger? I attended ‘Aha ‘Opio o OHA on entire race from participation in the Who gives us the right to kill a man the summer of 2001. I had the establishment of such an entity. just because he is an evil dictator? Haunan i A p o l i o n a opportunity to participate in this The Portuguese, Chinese, H ow many millions of people has Chairperson, Trustee , A t - l a r g e program and encounter many new Japanese and others were invited to Saddam Hussein displaced or experiences. I was offered the come to Hawai‘i to blend with the killed? Where are his crematoriums Tel: 808.594.1886 chance to learn about the leg i s l a t ive H awaiian race. King Kaläkaua went for disposal of the bodies a la Fax : 808.594.1875 around the word and his representa- Hitler? Stalin did more, and what Email: [email protected] process and how many important issues of our state are addressed and t ive told Japanese government offi- did the U.S. do? Who elected us Linda K. De la Cruz assessed. Not only did I learn about cials that the Japanese should come “super cop?” The people of a coun- Vice ch a i r, Trustee , H aw a i ‘ i the process, I was able to go to Hawai‘i and blend with try determine their own gove r n- through almost exactly what our H awaiians to become “one cognate ment, not the Untied States. Will we Tel: 808.594.1855 state leaders go through. r a c e .” My grandparents were born n ext murder the rest of the dictators Fax : 808.594.1883 in the Kingdom during its ex i s- in the world? Email: [email protected] We were taught to respect our e nvironment because we were in the tence. Their parents were inv i t e e s The Iraq Resolution being debat- R ow ena A k a n a actual facility that our leaders per- of the Hawaiian blooded leaders of ed in Congress should ga l vanize all Truste e, A t - l a r g e form their business. The first day I the Hawaiian nation. Someone intelligent Americans to oppose an was nervous because we were please explain why I am being action which is so contrary to Tel: 808.594.1860 reminded to really be on our best excluded. If it would be just, I American ethics and morality. Fax : 808.594.0209 would support sove r e i g n t y, but the H ow eve r, President Bush has used Email: rowe [email protected] b e h av i o r. We all wa l ked in single file down the curved stairs. I could r evolution removed the rights of my the flag of patriotism to bestir the Donald Cataluna see all the desks and the podium ancestors just as it removed the people to vote Republican, the sav- Trustee, Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau that was somewhat intimidating. rights of Native Hawaiians.
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