READ! A FINE STORY, "THE GENTLEMAN FROM INDIANA." READ! BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 43, No. 2. Philadelphia, March 26, 1904, Price, Five Cents. CONFLICTING VIEWS OVER THE QUESTION OF 1HE INTER* PLEASANT WEATHER MADE ENJOI- LEAGUE SCHEDULE CLASH. ABLE SPORT AT TRAPS. Frank Farrell, the Maa Chiefly Con Two Live Bird Matches at Point Breeze cerned and With Most at Stake, is Keystone Shooting League Meet For Peace; Henry Killilea, With a Large Attendance at Meadow Springs Cinch, Would Welcome Another War. Clearview Gun Club. New York City, March 20. There will be Philadelphia, Pa., March 21. The past no base ball war after all, and on April week has been a lively one among the trap 14 the New York and Boston American shooters, the pleasant weather making the League teams will open the sport enjoyable. Several championship season in this clubs held their regular city, while the New York practice and prize contests and Brooklyn Nationals will on Saturday, but the best play the same afternoon at mid-week excitement was Brooklyn. Mr. Frank J. Far on Wednesday, at Point rell, treasurer of tlie New Breeze, when Fred Mullei- York American League added another win. to his Club, settled the matter long list of victories by de yesterday when he made feating I. W. Bndd, of this statement to the re Peniberton, N. J. The race- porters: "This wrangling was arranged a week ago in base ball is distasteful to with Muller against an un the public, and I wish to known, which on this occa Joseph Gordon put an end to it. The open- sion proved to be the Peni- Isaac W. Budd ins game at American bertou shot. There was a League Park on April 14 between the New sharp right quartering wind and the birds Yorks and the Boston world©s champions were fast, which prevented either man will be played as scheduled, even though from killing anything like his average. the New York Nationals play in Brooklyn Muller shot in good fast time, but had the same day." ___ hard luck with tive birds dead outside. Budd had but two scored against him. in, Killilea©s Voice For War. this manner. Milwaukee. Wis., March 21. Henry Killi On the tirst half Muller had a lead of lea, owner of the Boston American Club, three, but on the second half Budd pulled has just returned from New York, where up Within a bird of his opponent, which he had a long talk with was as near as he could get. Ban Johnson and Frank After the match a miss and out was Farrell. In an interview shot for a gun, which was won by Murphy yesterday Mr. Killilea up on eleven straight kills. held the stand taken by The scores follow: President Ban Johnson, of Match, 50 live birds. the American League, in F. Muller..... .22*2222222 22**0 2200002222 the schedule controversy. 22220 02022 **022 02222 OO220 32 NORMAN ELBERFELD, I W Budd.. ..12201 0*110 02022 00222 202*0 He said: "After the Amer 22001 02112 22001 20021 21022 31 ican League committee Short Stop of the New York American League Club. Handicap shoot, miss and out, unlimited adopted and gave the pub chances. lic its proposed schedule Murphy ......... .">0 12222 22222 2 11 the Nationals, without con Giilbraith ....... 27 21222 11221 Ow 10 sultation, made certain game by amateur Porto Rican nines that A. J. Miller.......2:> 22222 22222 Ow 10 Henry Killilea changes, notably s©o as to BASE BALL PROGRESS. are offshoots of the regular league. OoltMnaii ........ 30 22222 22222 « !> the New York National A LINGUISTIC HELP. Muller .......... 2!) 22222 20w 6 America©s National Game Has Taken As They play a game of 10 or 12,innings, in Muller 22222 20w « opening in Brooklyn. Every lover of the which it is demonstrated that while they Felix ..... 22222 Ow 5 national game would deplore a return of tonishing Hold in Porto Rico Where cannot speak a word of English conversa Oliver .... 22222 Ow 5 the conditions of the past two years, but Hothersall 22120 \v 4 Everybouy is Beginning to Play It. tionally, their English base ball vocabu Oliver .......... 27 220w even peace is too dear at the price of — 2 broken promises and breaches of faith. I lary, though quaintly accented, is absolute Torpey ......... 2U 220w By E- G. Conover. ly correct. In fact, base ball has taught the Felix ........... 20 210W _ 2 hope to see an entirely new schedule adopt English language in all that applies to the Uavis ........... 28 20w 2 ed by the American, and if the National San Juan, Porto Rico, Feb. 28. Editor national game. From the Governor of the Da vis ........... 28 2JOw 2 sees fit to treat that as cause for war, then "Sporting Life:" Both professional and island down every American is interested Morris .......... 2S 20\v __ 1 let it come." amateur base ball enthusiasts cannot fail Oliver .......... 27 20w 1 in and attend the games. Base ball cer Torpey ......... «2©J ©Ow 0 to be interested in the novel situation and tainly has a bright future in Porto Rico. 0 conditions under which the national game i©auison ........ KG Ow 0 is played in this our latest acquired Span Muller .......... 2!) Ow ANOTHER LEAGUE. Hothersall ...... 28 Ow 0 ish possession. How many friends of base GLORY ENOUGS. Kopp ........... 28 Ow 0 A New Independent Organization Formed ball are there who know there is a base Pine ........... 28 Ow 0 Composed of Teams in the Southern ball league in the island of Porto Rico An Illinois Town Which Has Produced Kopp ........... 28 Ow 0 and that ball is played in the good old Pyne ........... 28 Ow 0 ©ier of New York State. Three of the Greatest Players Known 0 American fashion all the year round? The Kopp ........... 27 Ow 0 j©Olinira, N. Y., March 16. Editor "Sport- "season" does not extend from April to to Base Ball. 1©yiie ........... 27 Ow 0 lug Life:" The. managers of the independ- September, as in the States proper, but in Bloomington, 111., has produced three of Edwards ........ 27 Ow end base ball teams of Elmira, Wellsville, this land of perpetual summer hardly a the greatest pitchers in the game©s history MULLER WINS AGAIN. Horuellsville, Addisou, Peiin Yan, Morris day passes that the league clubs do not Radbourne, Griffith and Powell. No such A second victory in two days was Fred Kun and Corning met in Corning yesterday, meet on the diamond. trio of twirlers can be claimed by any Muller©s lurk when he defeated "Jimmie1 and with the exception of Morris Run form other city. Griffith was a pupil of Rud- Cowan of Manayuuk, at Point Breeze ed the Southern Tier Association of Inde THE FIRST STRUGGLE. bourne, but Powell was a baseball Topsy track on Thursday. The day was an ideal pendent Base Ball Clubs. J. Tower Hayt, for the pennant extends from January to "he just growed up" -aud owed his succees one and little wind was felt. Both men manager of the Corning Club, was chosen March, inclusive. Then from April to to his own skill and resources. He pitched shot well Muller doing great work and president, and Thomas A. Malone, manager June the rival clubs battle, and so on in for Fort Wayne, went to Cleveland, and really scored his 50 straight, but five of of the Father Mathew Club, of Elmira. "seasons" of three months to the end of was traneferred to St. Louis with the other them fell dead over the boundary line. The secretary. Rules governing the manage the year. The game is played with all stars of the Robisons© club. Tebeau kept birds were a good fair lot and made excit ment of players, umpires and guarantees the enthusiasm that is a characteristic of the boilermaker on the bench for six weeks ing sport. .. were adopted. It was decided to open the the sport in the States. It is the only before he gave him a trial. Then he needed Cowan too, was in good form and at the season June 13 and close it September 10. thing in the way of sport that the Porto a pitcher badly. At last Jack was sent to first half had scored 22 birds to Muller©a The schedule will provide for ten games Kican native has taken kindly to, and it is the mound, and his showing won for him Continued on Seventeenth Page, to be played with each team. a novel sight to witness a really first-class regular work. March. 26, 1904. his team over, and consult with Manager 3-26-4. McGraw. All the Nationals are reported in good shape, and McGraw continues to SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO., keep them hard at work. Bresuahan is apparently quite at home at third base, and therefore the line-up of the team has BARNEY DREYFUSS WILL PUT HIM* 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. been, determined. Bunting tactics are be ing drilled into the men by McGraw, who doubtless realizes that it was by such SELF ON RECORD. Please send me cabinet size phototype of the celebrated tactics that the locals often demoralized such teams as Boston, Philadelphia, Brook base ball player ______________________________ lyn and St. Louis last year. The strong Ready to Swear That There Was No finish Arnes made last year has instilled the rooters with great expectations. Last for which I enclose five 2-cent stamps to help to defray expense Saturday Arnes faced the Birmingham Alteration in the National League team, and in the five innings he officiated of printing, postage, packing, etc.
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