ISSN 2548-0731 • EISSN 2587-2087 The development and in vitro evaluation of benzydamine hydrochloride medicated chewing gum formulations Özlem Akbal, Erdal Cevher, Ahmet Oğul Araman Microbiological burden of public transport vehicles Ayşe Seher Birteksöz Tan, Gamze Erdoğdu The ethnobotanical notes from Nizip (Gaziantep-Turkey) Gizem Bulut, Ali Korkmaz, Ertan Tuzlacı MLH1 -93G>A and I219V polymorphisms are susceptible to increased risk of sporadic colorectal cancer in a Turkish population Ezgi Öztaş, Umay Çilingir, Ahmet Akyüz, Hakan T. Yanar, Gül Özhan Health beliefs and functional health literacy; interaction with the pharmaceutical services Özlem Nazan Erdoğan, Ahmet Oğul Araman Antimicrobial peptides: Coming to the end of antibiotic era, the most promising agents Sibel Döşler VOLUME 47 • ISSUE 2 • AUGUST 2017 47 • ISSUE 2 AUGUST VOLUME dergipark.gov.tr/iujp EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORS Emine AKALIN URUŞAK, İstanbul University, Turkey Nuriye AKEV, İstanbul University, Turkey Nilgün KARALI, İstanbul University, Turkey EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Yıldız ÖZSOY, İstanbul University, Turkey Bahar GÜRDAL, İstanbul University, Turkey B.Sönmez UYDEŞ DOĞAN, İstanbul University, Turkey İmren ESENTÜRK, İstanbul University, Turkey EDITORIAL BOARD Fatma AKAR, Gazi University Müberra KOŞAR, Eastern Mediterranean University Oya ALPAR, İstanbul Kemerburgaz University, UCL İlkay KÜÇÜKGÜZEL, Marmara University Melih ALTAN, Bezmialem University Şükran KÜLTÜR, İstanbul University Feyza ARICIOĞLU, Marmara University Afife MAT, İstanbul University Zeynep AYDOĞMUŞ, İstanbul University Alper OKYAR, İstanbul University Fatemeh BAHADORI, Bezmialem University Hilmi ORHAN, Ege University Metin BALCI, Middle East Technical University Meral ÖZALP, Hacettepe University Nurşen BAŞARAN, Hacettepe University Berna ÖZBEK-ÇELİK, İstanbul University Seher BİRTEKSÖZ-TAN, İstanbul University Sibel ÖZDEN, İstanbul University Gizem BULUT, Marmara University Özgen ÖZER, Ege University Ayşe CAN, İstanbul University Gül ÖZHAN, İstanbul University Nesrin CESUR, İstanbul University Serap SAĞLIK-ASLAN, İstanbul University Zafer CESUR, İstanbul University Aynur SARI, İstanbul University Erdal CEVHER, İstanbul University Bilge ŞENER, Gazi University Tao CHEN, SooChow University Nur TAN, İstanbul University Maksut COŞKUN, Ankara University Sıdıka TOKER, İstanbul University Gültaze ÇAPAN, İstanbul University Gökçe TOPAL, İstanbul University Stephen R. DOWNIE, University of Illinois Fatma TOSUN, Gazi University Carsten EHRHARDT, Trinity College Dublin Timuçin UĞURLU, Marmara University Sevgi GÜNGÖR, İstanbul University Dürişehvar ÜNAL, İstanbul University Ayşegül GÜVENÇ, Ankara University Johan Van de VOORDE, Ghent University Özlen GÜZEL-AKDEMİR, İstanbul University Zeliha YAZICI, Biruni University Nuray GÜZELDEMİRCİ, İstanbul University Gülgün YENER, İstanbul University Ayla KAYA, Anadolu University Nilüfer YÜKSEL, Ankara University Ufuk KOLAK, İstanbul University Ulvi ZEYBEK, Ege University İstanbul Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi adına sahibi / Owned by on behalf of the İstanbul University Faculty of Pharmacy : Emine Akalın Uruşak • Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü / Responsible Manager: Münevver Bahar Gürdal • Yayın türü / Publication Type: Yerel süreli / Periodical • Basım yeri / Printed at: Kültür Sanat Basımevi Reklam ve Org. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Mehmet Akif Cad.,Turunçlu Sokak, Mesa Plaza, No: 25/4 Güngören, İstanbul • Basım tarihi / Printing Date: Ağustos 2017 / August 2017 • İstanbul Üniversi- tesi Eczacılık Fakültesi tarafından yayınlanmaktadır / Published by İstanbul University Faculty of Pharmacy, İstanbul Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dekanlığı, Beyazıt Kampüsü, Fatih, İstanbul, Turkey Publisher Melike Buse ŞENAY Graphics Department İbrahim KARA Özlem ÇAKMAK Ünal ÖZER Ceren ALĞIN Neslihan YAMAN Publication Director Okan AYDOĞAN Deniz DURAN Ali ŞAHİN Project Coordinator Contact Deputy Publication Director Hakan ERTEN Address: Büyükdere Cad. 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Example: For plant materials, herbarium name (or acronym), number, name and surname of the person who iden- Studies on some azopyrazole derivatives (13 pt) tified the plant materials should be indicated in this Nedime Ergenç1,*, Sevim Rollas2, Yalçın Topaloğlu3, part of the manuscript. Gültaze Çapan1 (11 pt) Statistical analysis of the data and descriptive details of 1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Phar- the chemicals used should be explained briefly as a sub- macy, İstanbul University, 34116 İstanbul, Turkey (10 pt) title in this section. 2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Marmara University, 34722 İstanbul, Turkey. Results and Discussion (separate or together) 3Department of Pharmaceutical Technology,
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