Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1995 Daily Egyptian 1995 10-4-1995 The Daily Egyptian, October 04, 1995 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1995 Volume 81, Issue 32 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1995 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1995 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside: Logging in the Cripps Bend area in Shawnee National Forest is complete - page 3 - Daily Egyptian we?Z?Jday Southern Illinois Uni\'ersity at Carbondale Vol. 81, No. 32, 16 pages After nine months, Simpson not guilty LOS ANGELES (CNN) stood and faceµ lhc jury a.~ 51-ycar-old local government after 9:30 p.m .• found the hou!>C in Gus Bode a court clerk read two "not guilty" employee. darkness. apparently with no one at For more vcnlicts shortly after IO a.m. PDT. Tcstimonv in the trial look almost home. Orenth;il information I le moul/1cd the wonl~ "thank you" nine month~~. encompassing ahout Simpson, a college football star James Simpson on the O.J. after each verdict was read. 120 witnesses. 45,000 pages of evi­ and Heisman ,\ward winner, was is a free man. · verdict !',!cmhcrs of Simpson's fan1ily cried dence and 1,100 exhibits. But the later clech:d to the pm-football Hall lie was acquit• sre1iage-l tears of joy in the counroom a.~ the jury of IO women and tw<J men, of Fame and parlayed his skill a.s an 1cd Tuesday in family of murder victim Ron comprising nine blacks, two white.~ athlete into a successful c:irccr a.s a the brutal stab- Goldman wept just a few feet away. and one Hispanic, took less than sportscaster, actor and TV pitch­ bing munlcrs of his ex-wife. Nicole Simpson hugged Cochran. four hours 10 reach the verdicts. man. Brown Simpson. and her friend. Prnsl-cutors studied jurors a.s each Jurors spent about an hour of that Before the jury entered the court• Ronald Goldman. ouLside her lmr.u• was a.~kcd individually if lhc ver­ time listening to a court reporter room, Ito announced that jurors ry 1ownhou!>C on the night of June dicts were accurate. Each juror said read b.1ck 1cs1imony from limousine informed him they did not want 10 12. 1994 \'CS. driver Allan Park, who took be con1ac1cd by the news media Flanked by defense allorney • The vcnlict wa.s in a scaled enve­ Simpson to the airport on the night after the trial ended. Johnnie Cochran and longtime lope handl'll lo Judg Lance Ito on of the double murder. Park. who Gus says: The butler did it in friend Rollcrt Kardashian. Simpson ~londay by the jury forewoman, a arrived at Simpson's e.~tate shonly see VERDICT, page 6 the kitchen with the knife. Sparkling SIUC student image, money, The O.J. Verdict reaction toward set O.J. free outcome mixed By Donita Polly By Dustin Coleman D,1ily Egypli,111 Reporter DE Features Editor · SIVC law profc.swrs. a SIVC stu• Students gathered and waited dent and a 1111:al anomc,· have con- attentively all over campus yester­ 1ras Ii ng reactions to ·Tuesday's day at noor ,1,hilc lhe verdict of nol acquittal of OJ. Simpson 11n11 dou­ guilty in L'ie OJ. Simpson ca.,;c was ble munler charge. revealed. Though many students William Schroeder. an SIUC law agreed they wcre intcrc~tc<l in the professor and fonner prmcculor in case, some disagreed about the ver­ sou1he.t,1cm Ma.,sachusetLs. said he dict, creating controversy on cam­ did 1101 hclievc the jury would find pus. Simpson guilty, but he thought there Paul Schmidgall. a junior in was overwhelming evidence of physiology from Peoria, said he Simpson's guilt. wa.s in the Student Center shortly "The short dclillcra1ion indicates after the verdict was announced. 1ha1 they probably made up their when a fight nearly broke out. minds a long time ago," he said. II This is what it II The whole II TheDNA "One white female was walking Schro..'ller said there were two big by and said, 'He got away with it.' factors that sci Simpson free: money boils down to. premise of the testing and all of Then a black male said. 'The hell and a sparkling public image. Black and White in judicial system is to he did. He wa.~ just proven inno­ '111c judicial syMem is not about the other evidence cent.'" juMicc.'' Schroeder said. ''Ifs about the United States. protect the innocent. was convincing Schimdgall said the man acted pnicc!\.S, and if you have money, you like he was going lo push the girl. can buy process." The media has TI1ey couldn't prove enough to prove but a number of other people Schroeder said a jury ha.~ to think made it a big race he did it.11 him guilty. 11 stepped in to stop him. someone is a mllen p..'TSOn to con• 11 Schimidgall said the scuffle vict that person, and he said the 911 issue. turned into a dispute of race rathcr tapes of Nicole Brown Simpson's YimiiaMa than one of the Simpson ca,;c. beatings did not do that. L1tasha Randle Hamilton Arcndsen Grad stude11t i11 Some of the studenL~ who se11ior i11 fi11a11ce junior i11 political scie11ce electrical e11gi11eeri11g see 0,1,, p.1ge 7 see REACTION, page 6 Moro-gets five restrictions; bond set at--$150,000 By lulie Rendleman the Jack.son County Jail with Judge Demetria or with Giant City School. children and one teacher present. Gross, Moro's defense auorney, Daily Egyptian Reporter David Wan presiding. Mom said in Additionally, Mom was onlcred Wepsiec asked Teas what the stated that Moro's father lives in an interview late Monday night that 10 report to 1he Jackson County authorities in Ellensburg, Wash .. Christopher and Moro has lived in ,\ Jackson Countv Jud~c set hond he exp..-ctl'll his bail 10 be set higher Sheriff's Department both on found when they received a warrant Southern Illinois all his life. al S150,000 in a hearing Tuesday than that of an average murderer. ~londay and Friday between 8 a.m. to search Moro's property. Teas Wepsiec recommended at the for John D. Moro, 34, accused of Wau set five res1ric1ions on and 12 a.m., and Moro is 10 stop all stated that in Moro's car, a .44-cat­ hearing Tuesday that Moro's bond kidnapping his eight-year-old Moro's bond during the court pro­ interviews with the press from his iber Magnum Smith and Wesson be set at S500,000, h<.-causc Moro <laughter at gunpoint from Giant ceedings. Mom ha.\ to surrender to jail cell. was found, and on the day of the wa~ arrested in Ellensburg, \Va\h., City School. the Jackson County Sheriff's States Attorney Michael Wepsk'C arrest a semiautomatic pistol wa.~ which is 1,800 miles away from TI1c hearing wa.s set after Moro's Department all documents printed called Lt. Mike Teas to testify as found in Mom's car. Southern Illinois. and h<.-ca1L-;c Moro first S100,000 bond was revoked with his alia.s, Jeffrey R. Lock, all soon as the hearing began and a.~ked Tea~ also staled that from what u!>Cd false identitie.~ in the pa.st. Ix-cause of evidence that suggested pa.<;.spon.~ in his real name and Moro him lo describe the incidents that he knew. Moro had no lies to Moro's nc.11t court date is set for he might not return 10 Illinois. will have no contact with his ex• happened at Giant City School. Southern Illinois except his daugh­ Oct. 17 al 9 a.m., a states attorney Mom's hearing was al 9 a.m. in · wife Kelly E. Kurtz, his daughter Teas stated that there were sixteen ter. In questioning Teas, Patricia official said. INSIDE Sports Campus Index Weather SIUC Rugby Club is on the verge of As fall recess nears for SIUC students, Opinion ••••• page 4 Today: T-Storms Tomorrow: Sunny going undefeated against its Illinois University Housing has announced Classifieds • • page 12 opponents and making it to the three dining areas will be closed for Midwest Collegiate finals. the break. Comics • , • • p,1ge 13 9 ~ Sports •••••• page 16 High ...78 High .. 79 page 16 page 3 low ...55 low ... 56 Daily Egyptian Wednesday, October 4, 1995 POSTAL USA*CENTER World Your Campus Postal Center Overnight Letter BACKGROUND CHECK AMENDMENT PROPOSED - WASIIINGTON-ln a nx:cnt vote th.11 pitted ro1t<.ervativc Republican~ arnJ lil~ral Dcmocral~ ~till,! fellow party members. the ll111i<.e Judiciary Com­ $9.95 mittee 11:1rrowly reJ«.1cd an amendment that \\1mld have ciimin:1tcd a re­ Next to 71 O ~kst.!rc 549-1300 quirement tl~1t employers check \\itl1 a government database 10 verify an applicant's eligibility 111 work in the United State.<;. TI1e llou.\C hill, intro­ duccd by Rep. L.1m.1r S. Smitl1. R-Tex., C:Jll,; r,.- the attorney general 10 C.'\ta­ A hlish a mechanism by which an employer would c.JII a tnll•frcc nWllhcr or Deliea~e Balance tt,;e a rom~uter )O st1.bn)it a job candi1L1te' s n:une and Social Security nW11• JJ A A Series on Women's Wellness her for venfiealmn agam~ a d1L1ba.<.e to he nm by the Social Se<.1Jrity Ad­ ~ ~ Southern Illinois University at Carbondale ministration.
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