R. 1 , Jewi sh Historical Association 11 1 30 sessions Street Providence, RI 0 2 9 0 6 Support Jewish Read By More Than Agencies 40,000 With Your ISLAND People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAS T MASS VOLUME LXVIII, NUMBER 3 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1980 30¢ PER COPY Women's American ORT Names Exec. Director Israeli Minister Of Religious Affairs Of District One Susan Gellman has been named E.ecutive Indicted On Bribe-Taking Charge Director of New Eng la nd District One of Worncn·s Ame ri can ORT \h Gellman J~. RL' S.\LF\I - fh, \lrntStn of \lomcc,n Jc·",. Jnd upporters ha, e called z1rJ and Gabbai \\ e re cha rged \,ith receh - supervises and coordinate-, all ORT act1 v1 ti es Rd1~1ou, \£fair\ "'a' 1nd1clt"fJ th,, ~t"t· on him • \lct1m of ethnic prqud,ce 111g about 10.000 for :i.iding the \ 'izhnitz throug hout the District, which includes more dlJrRe\ of rc-a-1, m~ bnbc~ from , hl\. .u in l<rael , i-, n Chief R•hb,, o, ad1a \ osef \"<'5ht» I" bu1ld111 g a S) na11ogue And fo r a than 7,000 ORT me mbers in fi v,· rcgroM and <·,th,rnR,~ for (,o"·rmm<·nt a.id Jnd ,hlt,mo \,.own ,,,ut..--d J (untrn,er-1al rul­ l(ranl of 6,000 to the Societ) of Ye menite fiw chapters-at-lari;:e Aharon Ahuha7tra IS the fml C..hmrt inl( dunni: his pmc..-edini:, that pcr<nm J•·" i,h Hentage, the t"o men were charged m,·mh.-r nn mdict,,d ( hJ'l!• lal,- dfc, t "hn ('f'IO p(.·rJlt~ "1th tht• pw~utlnn "f'f(' '"lh rt'Ct'I\ 1111( a bnlx• of 2.000 .ft,·r lhf' ParliJmt·nt lift, \ lmh.mri , 1m­ , 101... tm lr,! Jt·"' ,,h Id"' "mmt· nl·" (pJpc:·r. J.nd muni1, pol1h c-..tn'- dt..·no unC"l.-d thr rulme: d'i Jll JI· buha11ra is n["-ctc-d to ht P'"' urrd to tempt to in1tm1d,te the chref pro>ccullnn USSR Slashing rf""i~n Ju\ltef> \1mi\h-r \1o,h,,. :-.-:1,s1m h "1tn, , artmi: \la> or \, rad Cottlieb of the 'I.ltd the· rel11(1<•11 mrnl'tcr ,hould "tak, • Td \\I, ,uburh of Bnc1 Brak Jewish Emigration IC'd\(' Thn m,tanl~ of bnbe-t;1lm2 "'ere JER LIS LE 1 (JTA) - Onl> 52-1 Jews Abuha11ra, drparturr "ould not impair ,,~..-1f11-d in tl1<· indictment "hen \ buhallrJ arriH>d in \ 1enna from the Soviet Union dur- Pnrn<' \linl\l<·r 'lrnachrm 8.-Rin, <lim nil­ h,, .udr \lo,hr Gabh.1 had uS<'d Gottlieb and 11111 the first thrt•e weeks of o, e mber. in­ lOJZ m~r~m lx-"'("31J'-f• the r liJ(JOU mmL trr to aruni:r for fzr nt, to Jnd kKkb,cl., from d1cat111g another cutback in Soviet Jewish "'mid b.· abl.- to rontinur to "1th rh.­ lhrt'<' rf"'f1e:1ou\ m,tttul1n11~ an Rnn Br,.k Tht• ,n• · t•mt~ration Go\lrmmt.·nt m,m,h·r v..a\ ;,u., -u,(-d of rt'<"t'I' inJ.t pJ\oH, hraPli ci t1 u-n do not =m to be holdinR If this ra te continues the total for lhe frnm '"" nf th, thn · month "ill be onh llOO. the lowest si nce last th,· RO 'f"mmcnt or the rd111111u, p,1rt) of Th,· 111d1ctnwnt ch•'l!•· fi"t. that Cahb..11 AUI\U I" hen the So, iet pa><port offi ces we re "hrch \ buha11ra " J lt-ad1n11 mrml r rt"C'f"1\NJ 9JX)O .after arrJn~m~ for a 1trant rq,orll>dh too bus) wit h the 01) mpie Garnes SUSAN GELLMAN ff J:>On'lhk for t lw m1m,h·r·, "rnn'tdfllntit: nf 20.000 Jnd • lo,n of 0.000 lo the m ~1o~" to is.sul' emigration visas A buhJnr, 12 , " • mrrnhrr of a f,m1h of '>ptn~• >t·<lll\• In th,· «·cond ca« . Abuha- Originall y from Milwa ukc!'. M (,dlmJn In September 1300 Jews emigrated and in receiv<·d lwr hacht,lor\ dqtn·c.· 111 '<·ar ()ctolx-r the fi11ure "as 14 00 The decline In F.n slt'nr a nd Judaic Studl('s from Brand,·" tht' oH·ml,.,r fii:ures and the arrest Nov. 13 Univt'rsit y and a ma'i h'r\ dl')Vl"t' 111 Sot1al of Dr \'1 ctor Brailo,sk), the Moscow Jewi sh Work fr om Columbia n1 vc_• rsit v ~h<• ,, .1 1,o .1.ct,,1,1. ha, increuwd the fear of Soviet im- an al11mn a of thr Wt•inl'f Ct•nkr for j,·" ,,h 11111:rant, 111 lsra,·1 lhat th.- USSR m1!(ht he Cornm11 1rnl St 11du-, .11 tlw h·ch-ration uf ,}111ltin~ tht· doo r nn ('TTIJ~ral1011 Jc.·wnh Ph1lantl1ropu.·, of t'\.\- )orl-. Link Between Emigration And Ot'tcnte Ruth Bar-On, an offi cial of the lsrad Puhlic CourKil for Sovid Jewry, <ai d today Local Project Aids thJt tlwre wa, a direct link lx- twt't' n l'miJ!rn· 11011 .md th,· ,tale of cl tente " Somehow lhe Quake Victims J•·" ' art' always a llwrmomet<r of the re la­ Habhi Sholom StrnJclwr. d,•an of tlw tron, bt•tv.r,·n E.tSt and West,· she ,aid. "I Provid,·nc,· 1l dm' " Do v School, ha, 111 - f.... t that they (the Soviet ) intend to give a t rod uc,·d a Spt'cial project in I he school " h rch h1g h!~l\\ to I Ill' who!(-' t'migral ion move­ hf' hopt.•s will gain momentum 111 th<' Jt' \\l';h mt..·nl Community of R. I She said that 1h,, hope lhal th" review con­ The projecl call ed '" Li!(ht a Candi.· For fnence on the I lelsinki acoords in Madri d Your Fe ll ow Man"' is un upp<'a l lo purt·nts to "ould rt"•m lt in increased emigra ti on has reduce tlw numlwr of C ha nukJh i:ifl, lh<') proH•n falw " This rnighl l,e a way of te lling normally distribute. th,· w,,,t thal the Soviet< do nol care at all In their place the Rabbi is ho1x• ful that lhe al,oul the rr huma n righis grievances," she parents will consiclc-r making contributions to said lhe disaster relief programs thal have• heen ~leanwhile, of the 524 Jews who reached established for the survivors o f It al) ·s Vienna this month onl y a quarter came to devastating earthquah·. Israel. Activists he re blame the high dropout Ra bbi Strajcher also suggested tha t Sam Shtevin of Pawtucket (on left) was rec-ently honored for his many year1 of service rate for the weakening pressure on the Soviet parents and children set aside addit ional to the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish community at the Annual Dinner Meeting Union funds to be contributed to va ri ous chariti es of the New England Regional Board of the AOL of B'nal B'rlth. The honor was presented and to the Stale of Israel throug h the Jewish by Herman Selya , (on right) area Vice-chairman of the Rhode Island AOL committee. Folksinger Featured Federation of R. I. At Festival Of Lights Peres Wins Majority Inte rnational folksinge r, ,John Krug, will Of Delegates appear in concert with Joe Oratz, performing Soviet Police Bar Scientists To Labor Convention Jewish, Israeli and Hassidic Music at the An­ nual Festival of Lighls Concert. The concert TEL. AVIV - Chairman of the Israe li will be he ld at Congregation Be th Sholom­ From Attending Seminars Labor Party, Shimon Peres, has captured a Sons of Zion, Sunday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. majority of the d e legates to the party conven­ A party and giant grab bag will follow the MOSCOW - The police this week pre­ Mrs. BraHovsky said he r apartment was tion that will nominate the Labor candidate vented scientis ts fo r the second time in a not being disinfected , and cha rged the plain­ to lead the next Israe li Government. rnw from holding the ir regular Sunday clothesmen wilh breaking the law by Pe re"s chief rival for the party leadership, Seminar, the private mee ting for scie ntists preventing a legal mee ting former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, con­ who lost their research positions when denied A securit y spokesman said an explanation ceded that Pe res won a majority in last exit visas afte r applying to e migrate. for the occurrence would come from the week's polling, but refused to announce O rganized eight years ago to keep up the Soviet Foreign Ministry. defeat in the e lection. expertise a nd morale of these scientists, the A group of seminar members who had " Efforts to persuade delegates to vote for semina r has been he ld in the apartme nt of been turned away from the seminar told the me will continue," said Rabin. " The decision Viktor a nd Irina Brailovsky, both mathemati­ journalistslhey had decided to keep trying to will fall at the convention Dec. I 8." cia ns and activists in the Jewish e migration hold the seminars for two reasons. To give All factors, including public opinion poll s, movement. up, they said, would be admitting they had depict an overwhelming Labor Party victory Brailovsky was arrested Nov.
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