APPLICATIONPROFILE Long Lake Oil Sands Project awards $35 million automation contract to Emerson merson Process Management has within three years. and other digital communications is another announced that it has won a $35 mil- The joint venture’s adoption of Emerson’s important step in reducing capital and oper- Elion contract to serve as general PlantWeb® digital architecture to deliver ational costs while improving plant safety, automation contractor (GAC) for a $3.4 bil- process automation and asset optimization reliability and productivity,” Cushon said. lion oil sands extraction project. was key in reducing the total Long Lake The largely modular plant will be built The Long Lake Oil Sands Extraction project automation budget to $120 million and shipped pre-wired to the site to reduce Project is a joint venture of two Canadian from an original $200 million estimate, construction costs. Cabling efficiencies of companies, OPTI Canada Inc. and Nexen which was based on traditional control and the fieldbus technology will play a key role Inc., 200 miles north of Edmonton. It will be systems technology. Emerson’s smart safety in bringing together more than 300 plant the oil and gas industry’s first project to instrumented system (SIS) will enable the modules economically. combine a SAGD oil sands extraction facili- Long Lake Project to use digital intelligence “We are extremely pleased with this to maximize plant and per- opportunity to serve as general automation sonnel safety. contractor and implement our PlantWeb Emerson and Spartan with FOUNDATION fieldbus automation Controls Ltd., Emerson’s technology to improve the efficiency and local business partner in economics of oil sands processing,” said John Alberta, will supply automa- Berra, president of Emerson Process tion specific engineering, Management. “We’re committed to helping project management, com- the Long Lake Project achieve safety and missioning, and ongoing operational excellence in the production of maintenance and operations synthetic crude, while controlling costs.” support. Mike Begin, president of Spartan Controls By combining its added, “The Long Lake Project plan is inno- automation and project vative and forward-thinking. We are excited management expertise with about working with the project team to help the front-end design and the Long Lake Project realize the full range construction led by engi- of benefits available through the digital neering and procurement PlantWeb technologies.” contractors (EPC’s), Collaboration with OPTI and Nexen, Emerson expects the digital Emerson, and EPC’s will create the digital solution will assist OPTI Long Lake Oil Sands plant. The PlantWeb Canada Inc. in delivering architecture of digital intelligence will annual operation and main- include Fisher valves and Fisher FIELDVUE tenance savings of $5.5 mil- digital valve controllers, Rosemount meas- lion for the upgrader. urement instruments and analyzers, and Finding ways to reduce Micro Motion Coriolis flowmeters, all com- the high cost of oil sands municating over the network to the DeltaV extraction and processing in digital automation system, smart SIS sys- DeltaV SIS safety systems modules will be put to the this remote area has been a tem, and the AMS Suite: Intelligent Device test at Long Lake. Emerson Process Management key objective of project plan- Manager predictive maintenance software. introduced the company’s PlantWeb Smart SIS archi- ners, said George Cushon, Process equipment status and diagnostic tecture in June, promising to deliver “the industry’s project manager of automa- information will be delivered to those com- first integrated, intelligent safety management solu- tion for OPTI Canada Inc. missioning and operating the plant. tion”. “Costs in the automation Operations and maintenance guidance from Photo courtesy Emerson Process Management area will be controlled PlantWeb will enable a predictive operating through the application of approach that enables local and remote per- ty that recovers and dilutes bitumen, with a advanced technologies, and leveraging of sonnel to anticipate and deal with issues field upgrader that processes the bitumen Emerson’s advanced control service capabili- before they impact operations. This into synthetic crude. The operation will ties and expertise. The all-digital plant uti- approach is expected to improve plant safety, result in the production of approximately lizing Emerson’s proven PlantWeb digital keep personnel secure, reduce cost, and 60,000 barrels per day of synthetic crude technologies with FOUNDATION fieldbus increase plant up time. PW 34 | Fall 2004 | PROCESSWest About Emerson’s New Smart Safety and alarms are presented on Emerson’s Instrumented System DeltaV operator interfaces, stored in its his- torians, and passed to the AMS Suite: Billed as “the industry’s first smart SIS” Intelligent Device Manager software for Emerson Process Management’s extension of integrated documentation and management. its PlantWeb digital plant architecture to “Our smart SIS delivers the same ease of include safety instrumented systems was use and efficiencies for safety in process facil- introduced on June 8, 2004, during ities as the proven PlantWeb architecture Calgary’s Global Petroleum 2004 by the does for mainstream process automation,” company’s VP of Marketing Duncan commented John Berra, president of Schleiss. Emerson Process Management. Emerson’s smart SIS employs digital intel- “Emerson’s smart SIS uses digital intelli- ligence and diagnostics from sensor to logic gence and automated proof testing, includ- solver to final control, and takes an integrat- ing partial valve stroking, to enable continu- ed complete-safety-loop approach, It also ous and on-demand diagnosing of safety offers automated safety loop testing and loop sensors, logic solvers and final control other features that increase system availabil- elements to ensure they perform on ity, while reducing life-cycle costs and easing demand,” continued Berra. “The resulting regulatory compliance. high reliability of safety systems reduces the The new smart SIS solutions are built from risk of plant trips, which keeps our cus- proven PlantWeb technologies - including tomers up and running. At the same time, Rosemount 3051S and 3144P intelligent field devices, predictive diagnos- the approach minimizes costly and risky SIS transmitters with safety tags. tics, and digital communications - that are practices of ongoing manual proof tests.” Photo courtesy Emerson Process Management already installed in thousands of mainstream Intelligent components of the PlantWeb process automation projects around the architecture that combine to deliver ease of world. For safety applications, smart SIS use of Emerson’s smart SIS solutions include solutions provide assurance of a SIL3 the following: approach that includes transmitters and • DeltaV SIS systems that communicate valve controllers certified to IEC 61508, and with SIS sensors and SIS final control ele- SIL3 ratified safety systems. ments. Emerson professional safety personnel and • SIS sensors such as the Rosemount 3051S services organizations help customers plan pressure and 3144P temperature transmit- and implement smart SIS solutions to com- ters, plus other flow and level measurement ply with the new IEC 61511 safety stan- devices and analyzers. dards. Expert services include assisting the • SIS final control elements with partial customer with process hazard analysis and stroke testing, including SIL-PAC™ emer- risk assessment, along with smart SIS design, gency shutdown valves. implementation, and commissioning. • DeltaV SIS software that includes an Facilitated by PlantWeb technologies, the exclusive palette of TÜV-certified smart smart SIS solutions are easily integrated with function blocks. mainstream basic process control systems to • AMS Device Manager software that docu- enable facility-wide overview, while main- ments and archives system configuration and taining separation of safety-critical elements all changes. as required by IEC standards. Safety data PROCESSWest | Fall 2004 | 35 Reprinted from the Fall 2004 Issue of PROCESSWest magazine. Copyright 2004 Swan Erickson Publishing Inc. Form D351159x012/5K AQ Fall 2004.
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