what to do • where to go • what to see May 8–21, 2006 The OOffficificialal GuiGuidede ttoo BBOSTOBOSTOSTOOSTONONN of Art theCiCityty 6 Local Artists Reveal their Favorite Places to Find Art in BostBostonon PLUS: >Anne Packackararardd Boston-based Artists Stacy Quackenbush and at Arden Gallery PAGE 14 Stephen Sheffield (left) >Our Guide to College Commencements PAGE 30 www.panor.panoramamagazine.comamamagazine.com contents DEPARTMENTS FEATURE 6 around the hub 6 news & notes 14 Sea of Tranquility 10 kids cornercorner Provincetown artist Anne Packard 11 dining brings her works to Boston 12 style 13 nightlife COVER STORY 23 the hub directory 24 current events 16 Art of the City 31 clubs & bars Six Boston artists recommend the 33 museums & galleries 38 maps Hub’s best spots to appreciate art 43 sightseeing 46 excursions 48 freedom trail 50 shopping 54 restaurants 66 NEIGHBORHOODS 78 5 questions with… Author GREGORY MAGUIRE on the cover:ver: ArArtiststists Stacy Quackenbush and Stephen Sheffield of Judi RotenbergRotenberg Gallery enjoy the spring weather in the GARDEN PARTY:PARTY: Boston- Public Garden.Garden. based artists Stephen Sheffield and Stacy Quackenbush share Photo: Craig MacCorMacCormack.mack. their favoritefavorite places to see art. Hair and Make-up: Refer to story, page 16. LaurLaurenen Arbeene of TTeam.eam. PHOTO BY Produced by Heather Burke. C RAIG M AACC C ORMAORMACKCK ___ MAY 8–21, 2006 3 The Official Guide to BOSTON www.panoramamagazine.com May 8–21, 2006 Volume 55 • Number 25 Jerome Rosenfeld • CHAIRMAN Tim Montgomery • PRESIDENT/PUBLISHER Christine Celli • EDITOR Scott Roberto • ART/PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Josh B. Wardrop • ASSOCIATE EDITOR Sharon Hudak Miller • ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR Heather S. Burke • PHOTO EDITOR Marketa Hulpachova • EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Della Huff, Craig MacCormack • CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Alex Harris, Jinnie Lee, LaTanya McQueen, Kamie Richard • EDITORIAL INTERNS Jacolyn Ann Firestone • VICE PRESIDENT, ADVERTISING Rita A. Fucillo • DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Tyler Montgomery • ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Angela Belanger • SALES/MARKETING INTERN Paul Hurst • NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES HURST & ASSOCIATES, INC. 800-397-8908 • [email protected] Peter Ng • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER Melissa J. O’Reilly • BUSINESS MANAGER George Ghareeb • TECHNICAL CONSULTANT PANORAMA is published bi-weekly by Jerome Press Publications Inc. Editorial and advertising offices at 332 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210. Telephone (617) 423- 3400. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced with- out written permission of the publisher. PANORAMA is a member of the Massachusetts Lodging Association, The Back Bay Association, The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, The Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau, Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Boston Concierge Association, the Harvard Square Business Association, the Newbury Street League and the Downtown Crossing Association. PANORAMA is audited by BPA Worldwide, an independent audit bureau recognized by the American Association of Advertising Agencies. a magazine affiliate ___ ___ 4 PANORAMA MAY 8–21, 2006 5 line for honors this year are singer-songwriter and calendar of events aroundthehubby Josh B. Wardrop Berklee alum Melissa THURSDAY, MAY 11 news&notes Etheridge (this year’s com- Boston Ballet debuts its mod- mencement speaker), soul ern-day take on Carmen—with music legend Aretha Carmen as a supermodel and Franklin (pictured below Escamillo as a racecar driver— left), saxophonist/educator with weekday evening and Andy McGhee and Grammy- weekend matinee performanc- winning producer/engineer es. Refer to listing, page 25. Elliot Scheiner. On May 12, the musi- FRIDAY, MAY 12 cians will be further hon- Hear the absolutely “true” ored as Berklee students pay untold life stories you never musical tribute to them in a could have imagined of histori- concert of their most famous cal figures in Unauthorized works. The show—a final Biography at 8 p.m. at chance for many Berklee ImprovBoston. Refer to listing, students to showcase their page 25. incredible skills—is sadly Send in the Swans not open to the public. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 A unique live documentary per- n May 9, two of Boston’s most famous lovebirds make their much-awaited return to the formance about six real-life air- OHub, as the Public Garden hosts the 16th annual Return of the Swans celebration at 11 a.m. line emergencies, the acclaimed Each spring, the two resident swans from the Public Garden lagoon—affectionately and unsettling Charlie Victor dubbed Romeo and Juliet—return to the Boston Common after wintering at Boston’s Romeo begins its run at Zero Franklin Park Zoo. The event begins at the Make Way For Ducklings statues on the Common Arrow Theatre in Cambridge. with refreshments and children’s entertainment, which is followed by the swans being led Refer to listing, page 28. down the path into their familiar watery environs. An interesting side story about the swans developed this winter: when scientists researched SATURDAY, MAY 20 why the swans’ eggs of the last two years had never hatched, they discovered that Romeo and At 73 years old, politically- Juliet are actually the state’s highest-profile same-sex couple. Despite exhibiting all the bonded incorrect rabbi-turned-comedi- behavior of two mated swans, both of the birds are, in fact, female. And since swans mate for life, an Jackie Mason is still taking don’t expect the pitter-pat of webbed feet anytime soon. Call 617-635-4505 for more information. shots with his one-man show Freshly Squeezed: Just One Jew Talking at the Berklee THAT’S DR. QUEEN OF SOUL TO YOU RESTAURANT Performance Center at 8 p.m. With graduation season rapidly approaching (for a list of area ROUNDUP Refer to listing, page 25. commencements, see page 30), the Hub is soon to be full of big Comings and goings on the names from all walks of life coming in to share their inspira- Boston eatery scene: Dante SUNDAY, MAY 21 tional words of wisdom with matriculating young people. de Magistris, former execu- Catch one of the final perform- Berklee College of Music recently announced their list of hon- tive chef at blu, has opened ances of the hilarious show orees who’ll receive honorary doctor of music degrees at the up his first restaurant, about four women who bond respected music school’s May 13 commencement ceremony. In Dante, in the Royal Sonesta over their changing bodies as Hotel in Cambridge, taking Menopause: The Musical news & notes 6 • kids corner 10 • dining 11 • over the spot once occupied wraps up its run at the Stuart by Davio’s. The new venture Street Playhouse. Refer to style 12 • nightlife 13 cont. on page 8 >> listing, page 29. ___ ___ TOP PHOTO BY S COTT ROBERTO B OSTON B ALLET PHOTO BY E RIC A NTONIOU 6 PANORAMA MAY 8–21, 2006 7 around the hub NEWS & NOTES FINAL SHOW MAY 21! Last Chance to See!!! << cont. specializes in the South End, at 480 Photographic Resource from page 7 American/ Columbus Ave., former site Center at Boston University Mediterranean of upscale barbecue joint hosts its annual Mother’s cuisine reflecting De Rouge. Day Portrait Extravaganza, Magistris’ experience cook- Save room for dessert: in which some of the city’s Men ing on Italy’s Amalfi Coast. The wildly popular Finale most talented photogra- Love It Meanwhile, Steve (pictured previous page) phers conduct portrait ses- Too!!! DiFillipo of Davio’s is open- chain of desserteries is sions at locations in and ing Avila at One Charles expanding again, with con- around Boston (such as the Street on May 9. The new struction moving forward on Hotel Marlowe in restaurant, named for their third location at 1306 Cambridge and at the PRC DiFilippo’s mother’s maid- Beacon St. in Brookline. The itself). Have a professional en name, offers a modern sweet new location is studio shoot (like the one take on the cuisine of expected to open in July. pictured above) including “YOU’LL LOVE IT. IT’S Portugal, Greece, Spain, you, your siblings, children, France and Italy. the family dog—whoever A PICTURE SAYS A HILARIOUS. GO SEE IT!” Chef Jacky Robert’s Mom will want to see pre- THOUSAND WORDS , The View Petit Robert Bistro (468 served for posterity—dur- - Joy Behar Commonwealth Ave., 617- If you’re looking for a last- ing a 20–40 minute session 375-0699) was such a hit minute gift for Mom this costing $95–145, and cap- Great Rates For Groups! To reserve call (617) 426-4499 ext. 25 last year bringing fine Mother’s Day, give her ture a moment in time for French cuisine to the mass- something she’ll never get the woman who’s given you TELECHARGE 800-447-7400 es at affordable prices that tired of—your smiling face! so many wonderful he’s in final negotiations to On May 13 and 14, from moments of your own. or at the BOX OFFICE WINDOW open a second location in 9 a.m.–4 p.m., the Refer to listing, page 37. 200 Stuart Street at the Radisson Hotel Boston • www.stuartstreetplayhouse.com • www.menopausethemusical.com ___ ABOVE PHOTO BY D AVID B INDER 8 PANORAMA around the hub KIDS CORNER by Jinnie Lee around the hub DINING One Hot March of the Mother’s Day Old-Fashioned Mama Ducklings Munchies Delight BUMP LULU’S BAKE SHOPPE 45 River St. 227 Hanover St. • 617-720-2200 617-426-4004 he cannoli-saturated North ngelina Jolie TEnd is no stranger to pastry Aand Katie shops, but the newly opened Holmes have Lulu’s Bake Shoppe figures OF recently demon- there’s no such thing as too strated that preg- TESY much dessert. Adorned like a OURISM nancy doesn’t T quaint 1940s kitchen with COUR / mean women have & Your mother has shown you love with hanging utensils and classic to forego glamour.
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