itOCUITT RESUME 2-45t 95 . - ,RC 010 425 .. UTROR' Niatuw, Duane; Rickman, Uncle TITLE The. History and Culture of the'Indiand of Wilahington State ---A curriculua'GuiAer..Revised 1975. ,INmpUTION Washington Office of the State Superintendent of .' Public Instruction, Olympia.; Washington Univ., v .1 . 'Seattle. Coll. of Edication. , ;pm AGENCY Office of Education (DREW), Washington, p. C. r 08-,DATE . 75' Lima -------,_ 248p.: - BOBS PRICE HF-$0443-7801.414.71 Plus POstage. " -DESCRIPTORS Activities; fAmericarLindians; Audioviival lids; *Bibliographies; Cat:mad-inn-Concept Formation; Conflict; *Cultural Awareness; CuTttialBackground. Cultural Differences; *CurriCulumOuideal-iducat4onal Objectives; *Elementary 'Secondary- Education;. Enrichment; Futures (of Society) * 'History; Instructional Materials: InterdiLiplOau Approach:. / Organizations (Groups); Problems; *Reionice ., Haterfals; Social Change; Students; Teachers IDENTIF*S' *Washington -,,,. 'AB4T4CT - 0 social. Designed to be utilized as a supplementtar,,, studies crr culum (any level) .in-the public schodlgirofAiasking,ton thiscurricula*,- guide on: the histOry 4AWc4tt#4 of . ..- 4t4te. ... NAshington's American Indians includes; ailindez; a 0.14-00-;#04ia . , guide;-a guide to teaching materialetsauath0-2, .., resource ._..., -_,,,......- -, ,study,itself. The content of the course of St04200#441'6 ;:thee .: 11#10 4;eisearlii life of the Indians ofilvall#00,01*4,the::,. NMshington Indians! encounter with non 4andiane;,04-0400,0 ,,, .InAians of Washington. The subject patter iso.0#4110kiii*OePt P ' A4'n'Of'Socialissuesand is developedbysielliWWCO:i01041. '. ,,,f ,4ener4imationS, and values derived from all at 00,:4140(science dirge 04Ines;specific objectives and actAvitieg:4Sik 4414- c -60d. e:)14.1liggraphy/resources section inclu400: 40040, l is: ,; mt. ipii; gases: newspapers and journ4s1 twOotdM, MOta 'Wit organizations and institutions; U.S. govOrnmept AgericidOt places to yisitpictures;y slides; sources of phot'graphs; studAnt `*Lbli9iraphy; teacher bibliography; tray Xing study CalectiOns; 14iwa:Xesources in Seattle; selected mai ecim1111-4atiwel0Oicin; Our :yearinstitutionsand programs; Indi.an clubs at correctional- .centerstthematerials section includes:Indian gamesklegelide and stories;, saps; poemsrspeeches; archadoldgical Methods; cimmology of :Indian History; and Indians in Washingtoni (Chinooklargon and words, first aid chart, Indian beadwork, and 19/4 additional-Mateiiali)A (.7C) D 4 i a ?* , .': , **********************************************************4************ * :Reproductions supplied by.EDRS are-the best that can be made * from the original 'llocument; '. 4, - 1 * i *****16**********;**i****J!**************f***i*********************0**** . , o istory an -8 7 ' S ashi U S DEPARTMENTS:AT HEALTH, "PERMISSION It REPRODUCE THIS EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATION 211. ' THIS DOCUMEWT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLYq AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- THE EIMJCATIONAL RESOURCES SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ,EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) AND USERS OF THE ERIC SYSTEM " -ACurriculumJ - -.11-_ A DO: frank 8; .01.0y8let- instriktion-I r .Washi :iititon- 98504. Reviskii 1978 0.444 0 1 2 The History and,Culture, N\of the -7 Indians of WashingtonState A Curriculum Guide -.. Developed by the TTT Prdlect anel The Center for India Teacher Education, ;College of Education, r University of Washington, Seqt,sle, Dr. Fritilc B. Brouillet State SUperintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Jack frisk t Deputy Superintendent. Warren Burton /S, Director of Equal Educational Opportunity Emmettoliver . - o 'Supervisor. ofbIndian. Education Programs , Tar Principal Writers: buane Niattnn and Linda Rickman Editors: Leighanne Harris and Wiliam! Bill Old Capitol,Btlilding Olympia, Washington 98504 Revised I this book was printed pursuant' toa contract with the U.S. Department. of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education 6 e_. 4 I A $ .(Introduction Northwest In- cC Thejollowing is a course of study on the history and culture of dians..1/Ms unit, developed at the Center for Indian Teacher Education atthe Uni-, veriity of Washingt6, is designed to, be utilized as a supplement tothe social studietcurrieulum in the schools of the State of Washington. The content of the course of study consist ofthfee major areas. Topic one deals with the traditional life of the Noithwestradian. This is broken into three . major geographical areascoastal, PugetSoUndand plateau. The secondtopic con- cerns the Indian-non-Indiancontact period: Contemporary Indian studies, dealing with the reservation, urban, rural and therelation to the federal government, constV tine the final section. In addition to theunit itself, the curriculum project includes extensive teacher and student bibliographies,'media t eviews, lists of Indian organi- zations, lists of places to visit in the state, maps andpamphlets on genes; speeches, , poems,and crafts. There is -a need for Indians and-non-Indian s to., understand themselves and c"'"... 'each other better. The study of the history andculture of the Northwest Indians should increase.studee knowledge andappepiation of the Indian heritage.:Stu; dents should gain moobjettiVe understandings- of Indians, ofttle nature or man, and thus more subjectiVe understandings ofthemselves. , The subject matter is organized on theBasis ofiocial issues and ildeveloried by'means of concepts, generalizations, and valuesdeiiVed from all'of the social acir_ ,ence disciplines. AlthoughctOginally designed for use at the fifth.grade level, this course of study can be used at anygrade level with appropriate bibliwaphical ma- terials. It is not necetsary to use all of the content,materials and activities in sequ- ence. The, instructor may selectcertain materials at. any point in the curriculum guide. ' consultants and writers, . Developed by both Indian and nothIndian researchers, the project is designed to be'a springboard forclassroom study of Northwest Indian, history and culture. It is notsufficient in itself, but rathe,r reqUires time and interest from Indian and non-Indian educators, students, Andcommunities.,Thil unit Should also be viewed as a.collection Of materials that canalways be. reviSed and updated ) depending upon' accuracy and fairness ,asviewed by the Indian Community! Few documents have been published to datp that aretotally accurate, and fair in their e treatment of the Native Americau.,,It is thedesire of the Center for Indian Teacher Education that these materials will always be revised toproVide the truth., A gratefuLacknowledgement is extendtd. to theIndian tribes and communities in the State of Washington, who.have given much. Center for Indian Teacher EdUcation June 1974 iP ti ,c - r< 1.2 4 Voluthe I / Historyand Culture of the Indians of :Washington State -TaP,ICONE:, -, Early Life of the Indians of Washington State. 1- 4 Sabie0 One: Natural Environment t 1- 7 Subject Two: Indian Groups 1-10 Subject Three: Utilizing Natural EnvironMent.. 1-13 Subject Four: Tribal Organizations 1-17 Subject Five: Indian Culture-,'. .; 1-19' . 4 ' 4 TOPIC TWO: . sThe Indians of Washington Encounter Non-Indians1.-23 A t SUbjeCCOne: 0 . 4 Non-Indians Who Came to Indian Lands . 1-24 -Subject Two: How' Way of Lite Changed 1-27. Subject Three: Problems Encountered 149 . 1 t. Subject Foul: N .k.', . , . .. Sow Indians Chose to Deal With ProbleMs..... 1,-33 ir I .. TOPIC THREE: , , % .. Modern Life of the Indians of Washington- -' 1-38 e Subject Oner . * . Modern Indians and the Reservation System.. 1-40 Subject Two: Developing Reservations... ... 1 -42 Subject Three: , Improving. Life Outside Reservations 144- ,_. Subject Four: Culture pf Modern hidians 1-45 ,Volume I Index 1-49 . VolpeII ..... ., . Bibliography / Resources I. ; - 1 . >\ Volume III Materials " 1.3 Geneializations 1. Environmental features influence where and how, people live and what they do; man adapts, shapes, "Utilizes, and exploitsthe earth tcr his own ends. 2.Human beings in all times and placestshape their beliefs ancrbehavior in response to the same basic human problems-and needs. The choices made by people in adapthig to, (or in adapting) thtir environment depend on: character- TOpic-Clrie: istics of thd physical environment, knowledge, skills, cultural values, and social organization. early Life 4.In order to meet individual and group need&locie- ties organize themselves into groups whichIritime of the Indians become established; individuals are members of several such groups or institutions. of. Washington. State - 5.Every society develops a ,system of toles, values, and laws that gOide the behavior of individuals M4jor Understandings within the society. Ethphasized in Topic One 6.Every society forms its own system of beliefs, val- ues, knowledge, traditions and skipsothat iscalled 4 'Concepts its culture.. Culture4 t Natural environment' Man-gtade environment Specific Objectives Basic human needs Emphasized in Topic One ti .physical needs Cognitive Beha;iors food, shelter As a result of participation in the activities specified clothing for Topic No. 1 students should be able to: transportation communication Identify the major features of the natural environ- recreation ment of WashingtonrState. technology b.Identify' the major regional and tribal group of social needs Indians living in Washington State. education. ,government e.Describe
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