2014 年报 Annual Report 2014 两千年南粤之风 成就一城文脉,传承一方文明 体验这座城市—— 传统与现代 旧城与新城 让每次搭乘都是一次新的启程 地铁,为广州提速,也为文化跨越 2014 年报 全程,为你,也为爱进发

2014 年报 Annual Report 2014 两千年南粤之风 成就一城文脉,传承一方文明 体验这座城市—— 传统与现代 旧城与新城 让每次搭乘都是一次新的启程 地铁,为广州提速,也为文化跨越 2014 年报 全程,为你,也为爱进发

2014 年报 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 两千年南粤之风 成就一城文脉,传承一方文明 体验这座城市—— 传统与现代 旧城与新城 让每次搭乘都是一次新的启程 地铁,为广州提速,也为文化跨越 2014 年报 全程,为你,也为爱进发 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 A two-thousand-year wind of Guangdong Blows out a city of culture, with an inheritance of civilization To experience the city-- The tradition and the modernity The old town and the new one Make each ride a new start The Metro, to speed up Guangzhou, to cross over the culture All the way forward, for you, and for love 广州地铁线网图 PRESENT METRO NETWORK OF GUANGZHOU 北 N 目录 CONTENTS 02 公司概况 Corporation Overview 02 公司简介 Corporation Profile 03 广州地铁阳光文化理念 Sunshine Cultural Concept 04 公司领导班子成员 Board of Directors 05 2014年要事录 Milestones in 2014 07 公司荣誉及其他 Company Honors and Others 09 主要经营管理数据摘要 Major Operational Review 11 总经理致辞 President’s Address 13 线网建设 Network Construction 15 线网建设概况 Overview of Network Construction 16 2014年建设投资汇总表 Summary of Construction Investment in 2014 17 安全建设 Security Construction 18 和谐建设 Harmony Construction 19 在建线路情况 Lines Under Construction 27 有轨电车 Guangzhou Tram 29 线网发展展望 Network Development Prospects 31 地铁运营 Metro Operation 33 客运表现 Passenger Service 35 快速响应乘客服务需求 Rapid Response to Passenger Service Demands 36 安全保障 Security Assurance 37 让地铁成为城市的文化线 To Make the Metro A Cultural Line of the City 38 资源经营 Resource Management 39 物业发展 Property Development 41 “地铁+物业”发展 “Metro + Property” Development 42 在建物业项目情况 Properties under Construction 46 物业管理 Property Management 47 行业对外服务 Professional service to external entities 49 地铁设计 Metro Design 50 地铁监理 Metro Engineering Supervision 51 地铁咨询 Metro Engineering Consulting 52 地铁培训 Metro Professional Training 53 地铁物资 Metro Materials 54 地铁小额贷 Metro Microfinance 55 轨道交通装备制造 Rail Transit Equipment Manufacturing 57 轨道交通车辆制造及维修 Rail Transit Vehicle Manufacturing and Repair 59 轨道交通系统制造及研究 Rail Transit System Manufacturing and Research 61 企业管理 Enterprise Management 63 公司改制 Enterprise Reformation 64 人力资源管理 Human Resource Management 66 财务管理 Financial Management 67 风险管理 Risk Management 68 纪检监察与内部审计 Discipline Inspection and Supervision and Internal Audit 69 信息化建设 IT Construction 70 厂务公开与工会工作 Democracy Management and Labor Union 71 科技创新 Technological Innovation 72 扶贫帮困 Social Responsibility 73 行政功能组织架构图 Organization Chart of Administrative Functions 公司概况 CORPORATION OVERVIEW 文化之乘,以爱启程 公司简介 Cultural ride, Start with love Corporation PROFILE 历经20多年 Over the past 20 years Dreams of building the city together 共筑城市梦想 广州市地下铁道总公司成立于1992年,属广州市 Guangzhou Metro Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “GMC”), es- All the way for you, make each station the road of civilization tablished in 1992, is a large wholly state-owned enterprise by the People’s 全程为你开启每一站的文明之路 政府全资大型国有企业。公司秉承“地铁,为广州提 All the way for you, start a new journey Government of Guangzhou Municipality. Adhering to its corporate mission 全程为你开始每一天的崭新旅程 速”的企业使命,践行“服务社会,造福市民”的社会 of “The Metro, To Speed Up Guangzhou” and social responsibility of “Serv- With culture, to establish the ride of civilization 责任,以一体化的经营模式,负责广州城市轨道交通的 ing the Society and Benefitting the Public”, GMC undertakes investment, 用文化,建文明之乘 With love, to build the city of culture financing, construction, operation and management of the urban rail transit 投融资、工程建设、运营管理以及沿线房产、商业等附 用爱心,筑文化之城 system in the city, and also engages in the development and management Bathe in the sunlight of this very same city, experience the pleasure from 属资源的开发与经营。 of metro-related resources such as properties and commercial entities. culture Depending on its strong core competence, asset value and cash 同城,在这个城市的阳光之下,体验文化带来的愉悦 通过22年的规划、设计、建设、运营和附属资源 Ride on the network of the Guangzhou Metro together, experience the flow accumulated during 22 years of planning, design, construction, oper- 同乘,在广州地铁的线网脉络之上,体验关爱带来的幸福 经营所积累沉淀形成的核心能力、资产价值以及良好的 happiness from caring ations and affiliated resources management, GMC has basically become 现金流,公司目前已初步具备“自我造血功能”,形成 self-sufficient and developed its own sustainable development model. By providing safe, punctual, speedy and convenient transport service, GMC 文化之乘,以爱启程! Cultural Ride, Start with Love 了独特的地铁可持续发展模式。公司以安全、准点、便 has enhanced the life quality of citizens and facilitated the urban functions. 捷、人性化的城市轨道交通运输服务,提高市民生活品 Meanwhile GMC has provided the country and even the other cities around 质、促进城市功能完善,同时为全国乃至世界其他城市 the world with all-round solutions for many businesses, such as rail transit planning and design, construction, supervision, operation, consulting and 提供轨道交通规划、设计、建设、监理、运营、咨询和 training, so as to promote the development of rail transit industry. 培训等多业务维度的全方位解决方案,促进轨道交通行 业发展。 01 02 公司概况 CORPORATION OVERVIEW 广州地铁阳光文化理念 公司领导班子成员 SUNSHINE Cultural CONCEPT BOARD OF Directors 企业使命 our miSSion 地铁,为广州提速 the metro, to SPeed uP GuanGZhou 企业愿景 our viSion 丁建隆 吴慕佳 刘应海 致力成为城市轨道交通行业的典范 dinG JIANLONG wu muJia liu yinGhai 总公司总经理、党委副书记 总公司党委书记 总公司党委副书记、纪委书记 to be a model of the metroPolitan railway SeCtor PreSident and dePuty SeCretary of the SeCretary of the Party Committee of the dePuty SeCretary of the Party Party Committee of the CorPoration CorPoration Committee and SeCretary of the diSCiPline inSPeCtion CommiSSion of the CorPoration 核心价值观 Core valueS 诚信、务实 inteGrity and PraGmatiSm 经营理念 管理理念 人力资源理念 oPeration PhiloSoPhy manaGement PhiloSoPhy human reSourCe PhiloSoPhy 何霖 刘光武 竺维彬 he lin liu GUANGwu Zhu weibin 共享成果,永续发展 文化引领,战略驱动 以人为本,快乐成长 总公司副总经理 总公司副总经理 总公司副总经理 Share SucceSS and aChieve SuStainable uPhold the GuidanCe role of Culture and adhere Staff oriented with Joy for PerSonal dePuty PreSident of the CorPoration dePuty PreSident of the CorPoration dePuty PreSident of the CorPoration develoPment to our StrateGiC develoPment Plan develoPment 服务理念 安全理念 ServiCe PhiloSoPhy Safety PhiloSoPhy 至诚至爱,知心贴心 让安全成为习惯 offer SinCere and attentive ServiCe to every PaSSenGer make Safety Part of our daily oPeration 廉洁理念 品牌理念 inteGrity PhiloSoPhy brand PhiloSoPhy 诚实做人,干净干事,共享幸福 全程为你 刘智成 张志良 钟学军 to be an honeSt man, work for the PubliC intereSt and Share haPPineSS alwayS for YOU liu ZhiChenG ZhanG ZhilianG ZhonG XueJun 总公司副总经理 总公司总工程师兼 总公司工会主席 dePuty PreSident of the CorPoration 建设事业总部总经理 Chairman of the labor union of the Chief enGineer of the CorPoration and CorPoration General manaGer of ConStruCtion diviSion 03 04 公司概况 CORPORATION OVERVIEW 2014年要事录 Milestones IN 2014 广州地铁主办第三届广州国际 广州地铁全面启动“搭地铁·赏 广州地铁移动4G全线开通。 轨道交通产业展览会,国内外 国学”系列活动,利用地铁平 广州地铁加入“平安广 广州地铁成立城市轨道 《2020年轨道交通建设 广州地铁屏蔽门建设项 广州地铁与株洲南车时代 45家行业领先企业和国内18家 台传播传统文化,打造“文化 广州地铁推出国内首部地 东”安全应急南粤慈善 交通运输研究所。 规划研究方案》经广州 目首次引入bim技术。 电气股份有限公司签订科 地铁公司展览,创历届之最。 新干线”。 铁科普绘本《地铁是怎样 共建单位。 市交通工作领导小组审 技合作战略框架协议。 建成的》。 查通过。 Guangzhou Metro joined the Urban Rail Transit Institute Rail Transit Construction Plan- Gaungzhou Metro PSD con- Guangzhou Metro signed the Guangzhou Metro hosted the 3rd Gu- Guangzhou Metro entirely started a se- 4G mobile communication Guangzhou Metro released the Guangdong charity joint cor- of Guangzhou Metro was ning Study Scheme in 2020 struction adopted BIM technol- strategic cooperation frame- angzhou International Rail Transit In- ries of activities that “Enjoying the of Guangzhou Metro fully first popular-science illustrated porations for safety emer- founded. was reviewed and approved ogy forthe first time. work agreement on science dustry Exhibition, 45 industry leading Chinese Ancient Civilization on the opened. book How the Metro was Built in gency “Ping-An (Safety) by Guangzhou traffic supervi- and technology with Zhuzhou enterprises at home and abroad and Subway”, taking advantages of metro the country. Guangdong” sion team. CSR Times Electric Co. Ltd. 18 metro companies of China joined platform to broadcast traditional culture the exhibition, which was unparal- and build a cultural Shinkansen. leled. January 17th March 26th April 17th May 16th July 2nd August 22nd to 24th September 29th December 1st December 17th 1月17日 3月26日 4月17日 5月16日 7月2日 8月22-24日 9月29日 12月1日 12月17日 3月26日 4月1日 5月9日 6月11日 7月24日 8月26日 11月20日 12月31日 March 26th April 1st May 9th June 11th July 24th August 26th November 20th December 31th 广州地铁联合南车青岛四方机车 广州地铁小额贷款有限 广州地铁与英国伯明翰大学签 广州地铁主编的城轨行业广东 广州地铁承担的国家“863计 广州地铁以最高等级3a的成绩 广州地铁被广东省委宣传 广州市第一条有轨电车线路—— 车辆股份有限公司、株洲南车时 公司成立。 署科技合作框架备忘录。 省档案标准《城市轨道交通工 划”现代交通技术领域“城 通过中国内部审计协会评审, 部 、广东省文明办选树为 海珠区环岛新型有轨电车试验段 代电气股份有限公司、中国铁道 程文件归档要求与档案分类规 市轨道列车在途监测与安全 是全国首家应用《内部审计质 “广东省培育和践行社会主 开通试乘。自此,有轨电车作为 科学研究院等单位共同研制的我 则》发布。 预警关键技术”主题科研项 量评估手册》(2014版)进行 义核心价值观示范点”。 第三套交通系统,正式加入广州 国首批自主知识产权直线电机列 目——“列车在途监测与预警 评审的企业。 公交系统的行列。 车调试完毕。 系统集成技术与示范工程”课 题通过科技部技术验收。 Guangzhou Metro passed the eval- Guangzhou Metro was elected as The experimental section of Haizhu Ro- China’s first linear motor trains with pro- Guangzhou Metro Microfinance Guangzhou Metro signed the memor- The Archival Standards of Guangdong uation given by China Institute of “Demonstration Center of Culti- undabout New Tram, the first tram of prietary intellectual property rights, Co., Ltd. was founded. andum of science and technology co- Province Filing Requirements and Ar- The research subject that“On-the- Internal Audit with the highest 3A vating and Practicing the Socialist Guangzhou, was under trial operation. which were developed by Guangzhou operation framework with the Univer- chives Classification Rules for Urban way Monitoring and Safety Precau- grades and was the first corporation Core Values of Guangzhou Prov- Since then, the third set of traffic system Metro, CSR Sifang Co. Ltd, Zhuzhou sity of Birmingham, UK. Rail Transit Project edited by Guang- tion System Integration Technique evaluated with Internal Audit Quality ince” by Guangdong Provincial officially joined Guangzhou bus system. CSR Times Electric

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