Fighting Rages As War in Jordan Continues SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Warm Partly sunny and warm to- day. Fair and mild tonight. THEDAILY FINAL Clouding up, warm tomorrow. Red Bank, Freehold 7~ Long Branch J Uea rnUlli. Pit* 3] EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 60 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 22 PAGES TEN CENTO Syria's Jordan Involvement Stirs U.S. By JOHN M. HIGUTOWER tration has been one of concern for more than 400 Americans, WASHINGTON (AP) - The reported Syrian intervention including 38 out of 54 hostages held by the Palestinian guer- in the Jordanian civil war appears to increase the possibility rillas, with the possibility that force would.be used-if it of direct U. S. involvement in the conflict. But U. S. officials was judged necessary to evacuate them. hope urgent appeals to Russia, Syria and other nations will However, unofficial reports from Chicago last Friday, avert broadened fighting. (following briefings of editors there by President Nixon, de- Secretary of State William P. Rogers condemned the al- • scribed Nixon as being prepared to intervene* forcibly!in leged invasion yesterday as "irresponsible and imprudent" Jordan if he thought such action was required to save the and warned: "This action carries with it the danger of a government of King Hussein and keep the guerrilas from broadened conflict." taking over. "We call upon the Syrian government to end immediate- One possibility foreseen in the Chicago report was'that ly this intervention in Jordan," he said, "and we urge all 1 Nixon might decide to act if Syria or Iraq entered the Jor- other concerned governments to impress upon the govern- danian civil war in support of the guerrillas. Otherwise,1 it ment of Syria the necessity of withdrawing the forces which was judged here, Hussein's army would probably be able • have invaded Jordan." to defeat the guerrillas and re-establish control throughout D. S. WARNING SPURRED the country. The Nixon administration's initial reaction took the The United States has powerful naval forces including form of the Rogers denunciation and warning and a direct aircraft carriers in the Eastern Mediterranean and late request to the Soviet government, plus diplomatic appeals last week, Nixon ordered the 6th Fleet there reinforced by to other governments, to put pressure on Syria to end its units from the Atlantic fleet. intervention. PRECAUTIONARY STEP The appeal to Moscow was made through the ranking His move was described officially by the Pentagon as a Soviet diplomat here, Minister-Counselor Yuly M. Vorontsob. "precautionary step" related to the possibility that Ameri- He was summoned to the State Department early yesterday cans might have to be evacuated from Jordan. afternoon and given a note by Asst. Secretary for Middle The State Department did not say what other countries Eastern Affairs Joseph J. Sisco. in addition to Russia were being asked to Join in putting The note, an informant said "urges the Soviet govern- pressure on Syria, but Rogers' public statement constituted ment to take appropriate steps in urging restraint on the the kind of appeal which U. S. ambassadors In friendly government of Syria." capitals all over the world would normally bring promptly Russian is Syria's major arms supplier and U. S. of- to the attention of the foreign offices. ISRAELI PREMIER HONORED At DINNER — Israeli Premier Golda Meir speaks to more than 3,000 support- ficials assume Moscow can exert considerable influence m Inquiries as to whether the United States might launch ers of Israel in New York's.Hilton Hotel last night at a dinner in her honor. Others on dais are unidentified. Damascus. In a sense, the publicized U. S. appeal was a carrier-based airstrikes against the Syrian tank forces if King Mrs. Meir told the assembly that her countrymen had great sympathy for the Jordanian people, wlio reported- challenge to the Rusian government to demonstrate what it Hussein's army could not contain them brought the initial re- is willing to do to curb the peril of spreading conflict in the sponse that the Jordanians have combat planes and would be ly havt been invaded by "a friendly Arab country," Syria, instead of its supposed enemy, Israel. Middle East. • expected to use Uiem in the Initial phase of the Syrian . ... i • . (AP Wirephotol The official and public position of the Nixon adminis- invasion. • |||| ||HIIII|||il||||||[|||||!l|ilil||l|||l| •lilliUIIIIIIIIIIII IIBIIlillHClillBlilfflllTlllillBIIICIIIllllliillllllllllllimBllimil Area Doctors See Hepatitis Scare Unfounded ByJANEFODERARO tion against hepatitis, namely Dr. Irwin Polk, Lincroft, against hepatitis for a period state recommends them and Dr. Ronald Altman of the Mr.- deLamas Bald that FAIR HAVEN - Area phy- by receiving gamma globulin. allergist, said, last night that of about a month. >, people ask: for them." state health department ap- business at the . restaurant sicians last night questioned Four employees of the restau- the hepatitis scare "was not Another physician, Dr: Still another physician, Dr. parently agreed,- though he had dropped by 60 per cent the necessity of a public hepa^ rant and one patron con- necessary at all." He said George A. Sheehan, Bed Bank Rolf Lemp of Fair Haven, was not available for com- since the health department tltis alert while, over the tracted the' disease, the an- that hepatitis is contracted by internist, said that hepatitis is who is head of the local Board ment. made its first announcement. weekend, thousands of county nouncement said. eating clams, by direct per- rarely passed on from person of Health, welcomed the pub- Meanwhile, both employers The restaurant was closed tor residents, responding to Calls Pour In sonal contact or by contact to person and usually is con- lic alert, but added that "the and employes at Lock, Stock one day last week in order to warnings from the state De- By Friday afternoon, local with excrement. tracted by eating raw shell- restaurant had done absolute- and Barrel were plunged into break in a new staff. partment of Health, sought doctors were .swamped with Real Threat Unseen fish. ly nothing wrong." gloom over the weekend. He reported that those af- protection against the dis- calls. Pharmacies ran out of "The restaurant was made He said that, with one ex- "It was just sheer bad "What concerns me most," flicted with hepatitis were the ease. gamma globulin, a blood de- to suffer when, there was no ception, he had never seen luck," said Dr. Lemp. adding said Peter deLamas, co-own- manager, assistant manager In the meantime, business rivative that's resistant to real threat to the public," he more than one case of hepa- that the restaurant "has been er, "are the 30 people who are and two young men who work at a popular Fair Haven res- hepatitis, and urgently called said. „• " ' titis in a single family. The totally cooperative." out of work,, how they will get at the restaurant. He said taurant, where the trouble all drug firms for more. For Dr. Polk said that hepatitis, exception, he said was a However, Dr. Lemp differ- by." that the cases were "mild." began, dropped 90 per cent many, Saturday morning an inflamation of the liver, is family that contracted the ed from the other physicians The restaurant employers Two of the victims were hos- and 30 people on the staff meant a family trip to a doc- not an unusual illness in the disease when their water sup- on one point — he maintained last week followed state or- pitalized for approximately a were out of work. tor's office for shots. In 'fact, United States, terming it "sub ply was contaminated. that the infection can be ders and released the entire week, he said, On Friday, the N.J. Depart- several doctors were running -clinical." An area physician, who did passed on when a person, per- staff. They cannot work as He said that the patron In- ment of Health recommended what amounted to clinics. He said that children tole- not want to be identified, said haps with a mild case of hepa- food handlers for a period of volved is a Highlands woman that persons who had eaten at But, according to several rate it better than adults and he did not know if the gamma - titls, does not wash his hands six weeks. (The restaurant'B who reportedly did not eat a Lock, Stock and Barrel res- physicians, the warnings often recover without treat- globulin shots were necessary thoroughly and touches food payroll amounted .to $3000 a meal at the restaurant but taurant since Aug. 1 consult were out of proportion with ment. He noted that gamma or not. "But," he said, "we that is then eaten by some- week and did. not Include was at the bar. their physicians about protec- the public danger. globulin will protect a person will give them as long as the one else. tips.) (See Alarm, Pg. 2) illMIIIIIilllllllilliHIIiJIillllllillilllllHIIIIIIilllllilllB Hussein Forces Absorb Beating By MICHAEL GOLDSMITH two brigades of Syrian tanks It was the second invasion ported Syrian intervention. attack unleashed on you by tanks, reportedly coverging BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — which invaded Jordan Sunday by Syria claimed over the A message from Jordanian the rulers of Syria, who could on Irbid in a two-pronged ad- Jordanian and Syrian tanks were converging on the em- Jordanian radio. Syria's army leader Field Marshal not hold for two hours in the vance from the north and battled each other at the Jor- battled country's second larg- President Nureddln Atassi Habis Majali praised the Jor- Golan Heights in 1967." It was east. .. danian city of Irbid today, the est city in support of the Pa- has denied that his country's danian 40th Brigade for suc- a reference to the easy Israeli In Washington, Secretary of government's Radio Amman lestinian guerrillas holding forces moved into Jordan.
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