■ ■ \ ;V -!?•■■' ir"!;>^r-^J»,'-V^,rO=W i> v!r'- ■■■> if:'- ■ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1965 T h o W w tlM r PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Average Dally Net Prcee Run Fereeast a t V.M. W t s t k m r n m tm mtutrlfifs^r lEtt^ning l| m U i For the Week Ended March M, ltdd laereaalag rtswdtoaaa strated some of the methods and Mww deertueleg by eeandi Bryan Krause, a soh of Mr. pfbgrhni suggested ^lli ■ a, U.B. Senior^ Junior and Sit to^ The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pas­ Chamber'of Commefee publica­ Lom bardos H ead principles that are being intro­ siMe ch ea g W to itito; 1 tor of Concordia Lutlwan and Mrs. Ward Krause of 87 Industry Heads ■iglrt near 89, hlgb r$ir • • About Town tion, but has no regular offi- duced to primary .ehlldren. in or­ Baby Otiiens— 1 4 ,1 1 9 tm m m i Church, wili be guest prsacher Walnut St., recently received a der to Increase their imder- Everyons Saves At 49. at the Lenten ’’Quiet Hour” to­ commercial pilot’s license. He To Study Budget cem. Keeuey'St. PTA Bfandier ot the Audit Although the groi4> meets at standing of the bssic mathe­ Bdreau of Clroalatlon Manche»ter— A City of ViUage Charm MIm Margrarat Koragi«b«I. night at 7:S0 at Emanuel Luth­ is a pilot in the UA. Naval Air matical principles; Vlsmontas eran Church. He will base his Force and is Stationed at the Chamber of Commerce of­ Mr. and Mrs. John Lombardo Mra. Calvin D. Greanwood, Mrs. About 15 town Industrialists fice, it is not formfcMy associ­ explained the “new program” ARTHUR DRU8 sermon on John 19: 1-3. York Brunswick Naval A if Station, of 339 Hackmatack 8t were 0«org« Kata and Mrs. Preston have foimed an laformfU com­ ated with the chamiiar , Slelth at the high school and the rea­ MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1965 (Olaealfled AdverUatag on Page S3) PRICE SEVEN CENTS I t Sagw, all of Manchester, are Strangseld and Roneid Erickson Maine. He is married to the elected presidents of ths Kee­ sons for slower assimilation at will sing "I Walked Today former Yvonne Verfallle of mittee, to acquaint themselves says. yOL. LXXXiy. n o . 148 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) members of a rummage sale 8o far, the organisation has ney St School PTA at iU meet­ that level. oommittee for the Hartford Where Jesus Walked,” by O’- Bdlton, with town politics and local af­ formulated .no. specific posi­ ing last night at the school. Since the attendance contest Northfield CTub. The sale la H i ^ fairs. ■. tions. Talks with political par­ The group has met with bom Other officers are Mr. and resulted In a tie, Mrs. Olson’s (lA N G E The Dean Wa$ Shook acheduled for Friday evening The British American Club ty heads Involved organization­ morning kindergarten and Mrs. The Ga^ News Blimder ■ The Rev. Melvin T. Peterson, will sponsor a dance Saturday Democratic and Republican Mrs. Edward Healey, idee presi­ Mrs. Grasso and Saturday morning at the al rather than policy questions. H ^ b u la k ’s third grade will ,4NI> OBBRiUN, Ohio (AP)— American L ^ o n Hall, Memor­ assistant p ^ o r of Emanuel for members and guests. Char­ town chaiimen, to disease par­ dents; Mrs. William Whitaker, V iet T ip s ) Lutheran Church, will be guest However, Sieith says he be­ secretsuy; Mrs. Emanuel Moto- share the trophy until May. FUEL O IL VThe dean was lutdenitand- ial Rd., West Hartford. Pro­ lie Varrick's orchestra will play ty organization and problems. lieves the group is ’’something Talks to 800 ceeds will benefit the scholar­ preacher at the Lenten ’ Service from 9 p.m. to l a.m. The subject of the next meet­ la, treasurer; and Mrs. Keith ably shook up. tonight at 7:30 at Concordia tiiat is needed in Manchester,’' Merrill, Mrs. Mlkry Hursey and g a s o l i n e Police called bim with a ship fund o f the Northfield and ing will be the proposed 1965- and h u hopes that it will Platens Glow Helps U.S. Works Hard report, that a young man Mount Hermon Schools In Mas- Lutheran Church. His topic wlli 96' town 'budget. enable Industrialists to ’’speak Mrs. Robert A,lwop<lt delegates Cut Effect be '"Ilie Suffering Servant.” The Infant Jesus of Prague had had been seen running After March aachuaetts. Mothers Circle wrlU meet to­ According to 'WllUam Sieith, with a alngle v^jee” on local Is­ to the council. ’ . Guest speakers were Mrs. CanCAGO — Some sUtee try out the front door of the morrow at 8 p.m. at the home president of the Iona Manufac­ sued should the oocasslon arise. to prevent collisions with "one- Hie annual Lenten Corporate A reunion committee of the turing Co. and a member of the Dorothy Getchell, chairman of BANTLY OIL Oberlln College library HARTFORD (AP)—"We shall Class of 1935B of Manchester of Mrs. Dominick Obtaldo, 19 eyed” cars by issuing reflective iOf Strikes To Stem Protest chased by five black-jeick- Communion observances for Green Manor Rd. group, the committee’s goal is BELGIUM LIGHTS ROADS the mathematics curriculum re­ ( OMI’.SNY. IM . overcome!”' Secretary of State High School will meet Friday vision committee for elementary front license plates. Mounted at eted motorcyclists. women and girls throughout the to bring industrialists together, BRUSSELS — B elgiu m the center of the front bumper, ;;;n M.UN .STUFKT Ella T. Graaeo told a crowd of Kplecopal Diocese of Connect­ at 7:30 p.m. in the downstairs in the hopes that they may grades; and I»uls Vlsmontas, EDITOR’S NOTE — Newsf A more serious problem, offi­ No one had notified the banquet hall at Cavey’s Restau­ The Golden Age Club will doesn’t permit motorists to use they Indicate to drivers of ap­ WASHINGTON (AP) 800 on the State Oapitol lawn. icut will be held on.Saturday. meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the I discover common interests. tjieir headlights on highways. chairman of the - .Manchester TKL. ti1!» r 'f > that the United States had pro­ cials here believe. Is that in al dean of men, W D . Holde- rant. Mrs. Esther Wells Clarke High School matheijnatto) de- proaching cars the location of Advance tipoffs may have lied and neutral countries some im n, that a student group, It was one of several Connect­ The observance in the archdea­ East Side Rec, School St., ’The organization is volun­ All highways are lighted so the one-eyed auto. Uockvilie sT.'t t’J T vided a jionlethal gas f a r use conry of Manchester is planned and Robert Vennart are, co- ' partment Mrs. QeteheU demon­ reduced the effectiveness residue of suspicion is likely to the Cinema Arts Associa­ icut demcnwtratloTfc Wednesday chairmen of the committee. weather permitting. tary, modeled after a seminar people can see to drive at night. a ^ n s t guerrillas In South Viet for » a.m. at St. Mary’s Epis­ of some U.S. and South Nam has stirred a tempest remain in the minds of many tion, was (Uming a movie, night expressing sympathy and people because denials and ex copal Church. Mrs. William R. Vietnamese air stakes around the world. What forces “Fantastlcheria," on cam­ support tor the Selma td Mont­ Smith of Waterbury will be the fig u i^ In the storm of protest, planaUons seldom catch up with pus. gomery civil rights march In apeaker and Mrs. Adam Hess is against targets in Commu­ and does the United States ex­ an iniUal blunder. When poKce arrived to Alabama. (diairman. nist North Viet Nam, pect to overcome the damage One result of all this may be a inveatlgate, student direc­ Mrs. Grosso’s talk followed a sources said today. done by the way the news Inl- strong reluctance on the part of tors offered them bit parte. march from the Old State House The Women’s FeOowsWp of tlaJly was disclosed? John M. military commanders in Viet They declined. in downtown Hartford to the They said there is reason to Nam to use nauseous gases the Connecticut Conference of believe that South Vietnamese Hightower, chief of the AP’s An assistaint director State Oapitol. tha United Church of Christ will State Department staff, covers hereafter against guerrilla-in­ said the film is a satire on The singing, ptacard-carrylng Communist agents and sym fested villages in South Viet have its annual Leadership NO PRESSING PROBLEMS HERE EXCITING! HUNDREDS OF palhizera have been able to ob­ the situation in this news analy­ college Ufe and that "the crowd ■was praised by Police T u n in g Conference for state tain Information on Impending sts. Nam. p lot basically centers Chief John J. Kerrigan, who and district officers and com­ The, use of tear gas in such around the science of bum­ said, "Th-re wasn’t one kid out atrtkes and to radio word to cases is officially considered mittees on Monday and Tuesday North Viet Nam. By JOHN M. HIOHTOWEB ming cigarettes.” of line.” at Loomis School, Windsor. Em­ AP Special Correspoiideiit more humane than bombings A similar march took place Wrinkles Disappear After Every Washing One official said “ there are and gunfire, but the cost in phasis will be on the theme: too many hands” Involved In WASHINGTON (AP) — In New Haven from the Dlxwell “ Miseion, the Christian’s Call­ worldwide public opinion now Community House to the Green.
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