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0 N On Our Cover... ChantideerG`iestHouseSturgconBay(414y746un34 1023 W[ Mitchell St. From the 1996 Jeff Palmer AIDS Benefit Milwaukee Calendar (reported on by Quest a few Clinton St. Antiques 1110 S. Filst Milw. 941-5179 Column One 402 E. Wilson St., Madison (Located in A.P. Foods) _ issues back). This image beautif ully 608#55-5660 Home, Garden & Museum photographed by Jeff Palmer is dis- played in the calendar for the month of Peews!|¥yTfcnargdsyT:snhirt[s:°±:{h]esrt)St.Milw(414)389-1200 Fzzz!RE February. Both men in the image are Forever Yours 2281 E Capitol Dr Sliorewood ,S32ll 4,14063-1006 Floral & Gift shop` ERE Milwaukee residents! 8#84°iH¥iwc49m##¥]m##£#&eHnfpvfaeyNIW 2Jcha The calendar produced by the San In Step Magazine 22S S 2nd St. Milw.278-7840 feqiafo4 Diego Lesbian & Gay Men.s Community Havlicek & Associates 414re71-5819 Center and by FOCUS photoarts will Brenda Lewison, Attorney P.o. Box lol89 raise money for AIDS service organiza- Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414)453-3925 Marcia's Second Time Around 778-1918 tions across the country including Test Check These Prices! Positive Aware Network in Chicago. Z7s:€Fu.r#a;'i:nBa:hgYtefdAsl;i,sd53213 ONE Adult Movie - S®.®® (312)404-8726 #oa5.n*agi:ufsTe?#yGE¥neE#y543€|e(Z#E32-8777 3 Adult M®vies - S17.o® You can order calendars by mail for 5 Adult M®vies - $24.99 ZP4?7E5¥;EJAtint°sLptee#8AtML[L,a5V:?03 $12.00 each plus $2.25 shipping/handel- (C)edap utzd the earful) ing to: #2o23n4li#tfaE£934Eirwp:es:ess,lex¥eanns::onYo&c'mY:e ]o..3oaEvm& Nickie'S Junction 406 Galloway St Eau Claire, AIDS BENEFIT CALENDAF] WI 54703 (715)830-0007 T-shirts, Jewelry, Postcards, Magazines etc. Opened Dec.15,1995 P.O. BOX 34012 SAN DIEGO, CA 92163 (9iu4¢9%!.%92]6tude(Jewelry)3817N.oaklandMi|w. ©384-8030 Ei4|F3a5€Piei'7(qREi'SwHin&eg%=RTAVEDA) ©ca@SS BfrisJc9o6isfnrg4n35gy HOFT GAV cHnFT (E:4t4]3?.¥fih8eihaPl&Wwr€t#edr,86fELBay ©1-800-578-3785 JolN 'N ore E2„?„REj;faBeH9%eHi£#trevw[e¥gr44nBay (Green Bay) 433-9821 Fax Line 414/4330789 lusT I.ISTEN E-MaiMnternet to:"Zanatra @AOL.Com" -sou State Farm Ins. (David Clark) (414)827-1044 Volunteers Serving the Community Since 1974 Mi|waukeeAdvertising:PD°:syg#gacM°:ne)' §2tgasefapetsp#gd?Fotn(%:igefci!bi::£:8;:&4e8s) © 389-12cO 7a5-2a62 ^^OF.E JIC TION ^T SEPVICES Publisherfiditor: Mark Mariucci I-goo-745-1671 94u6rET£¥£i]caRg:V(j4VL3;2S#§!6resaleshop) F-OAR C^N^D^ CALL ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTS Contributors: Mike Fitzpatrick Travel Ihirections ITravcl Agency) 515 G]enview Ave. Milw 1~900-451-3216 1-800-797-2770 (414)774-2174 Monday, Tuesday, Typesetti ng : Teddy Treasures of the Past (Andque Malvover 4o dealers - Wednesday and Thursday Photography: Za, Davidshore, Victorian to cunent) 230 E. College, Appleton 730ffl30 •by appointment only. Patty Candy STD DIAGNOSIS AND TFIEATMENT Advertising & Distribution: Mark Mariucci I:i?4E§-]8e8T!ri]gsrf:Fcpar3;::cSH°Well>Mi[w Teddy, & Ken Kujava Tuesdays 6 - 9pm #8l'NS.ETakni3n#i£?|w¥f|g4?2Z7i2n-2!|6Cormnerc,a| •walk-in. Quest is published bi-weekly, every other Wednesday, Advertising & Design & publisher of Q-Voice. and distributed free in Gay bars, restaurants & bcol(- WOMEN'S CLINIC Wisconsin Light 1843 N Pa]mer, Mi]w(414)372.2773 stores throughout Wisconsin. Quest is available at GRoup Tnur First & Third Thursday (monthly) UWM & UWGB Student Unions. ©Quest 1995 All rights I+OT S\^/EJ`TY •6 - 9pm - walk-in. reserved. Publication Of the name or photograph Of any person or business in this magazine does not reflect I.Ocr<Ere ROoi`^ SUPPOF]T GROUPS I aeon one's sexiial oriemation. AIl copy, text, givotographs & I/a ORGY BESTD CLINIC illustrations in advertisemems are published with the -qco 1240 East Brady St. understanding the advertisers have secured the proper •* consent for use, and Qliest may lawiully publish & Milwaukee, Wl 53202 cause such publication to be made & save blameless 7n5-`2Itq`2 r Quest f rom any & all liability, loss & expense of any ^^Or. E ^c TIO N ^T (414) 272-2144 nature arising from publication. I-goo-745-1Jr31 Call for information & appointments S2-3.99/N\IN . ^P£ S^N RAFAII. C^ . u±YR_S /7 The situated on 30 F4i°4S)%r4°8a.€a587arW6642Hwy8,LakeMiiis rivaa%#arsjgeDrfoeocrt R F4r|j8T5d6S3.]2°23E|ShermanAve.FtAtkiuson County Getaway KIT#F.Et67gt)5°°WScott,Milwaukee GUEST Not.SE sEuff±Cehind:|#%s REFT4t4fa6h3e3E28ooRicha[ds Wisconsin's MostThmplete Calendar Fireplace . Double Whirlpool . Private Bath Mama Roux Bar &American Grill 1875 North TvrvcR Stereo . Breakfast de I ivered to your rout. Humbolt, Milwaukee (414)347-0344 THURSDAY, Dec. 28 Ftefrigerator.OLouoorsauia.Ajrconditjored Loose Ends 4332 W Fond du Lac 3 B's (Milw) Cocktail hour Mom. thru Fri. 3-7 pin / $1 Balconies lead to heated pool & saLlna Milwaukee (414)442-8469 Near Antique Shops & Fine Dining Platwood Club 701 Highway low, rail & bottles, 75¢ tappers Ballgame (Milw) 1# price rail cocktails Station 2 1534 W. Grant Milwaukee 383-5755 Please Call BF]YON & DAF]RIN at BESTD ainic Live! Mlw Wamer ch. 47, 7 pin; guest Stevens Point (715)341-8862 is Tom Yockey, "Lifelong Gifts for Our Children'' (41 4) 746-0334 Renez Co-Z Corner 709 N 35 Milwaukee Cafe Melange (Milw) Iid Chazz, 9:30, $3 Scruples 411 Galoway St. Eau Claire C'est La Vie (Milw) 25¢ Tappers (715)839-9606 Club Xpress a3scanaba) Canned beer S I 8-10 Trio 820 Tower, Superior 015)392-5373 1100 Club 1100 S lst, Milw. (414)647-9950 Club 94 (Kenosha) $5.50 beer & wine bust, 7-2 What About Me? 600 6th St. Racine Fannies (Milw) S I off almost everything! ¥aec¥]]yn¥hT°kiqtec]:gni]nfn8andhitchenareas.Grandma's (414)632-0171 Gargoyles (Milw) Happy hr.-dubble bubble, 2-7 Grubb's Tub 807 S 2nd, Milwaukee 53204 Geraldine's (Mdsn) SI Miller Lite tappers 2 Jolie'sCacine)MovieNite,8pm;beer-wine-sedabust ff,:i,:u:::.v:er3e3£p:hm:#gtfega:££nafl,S:e::,,::;ov¥,cLeaDceacgoe;e, Afterwords oookstolc) 2710 N Murray 963-9089 (Milw) Just Us (Milw) 2-4-I all nile, all drinks Lacage (Milw) Super Bust - beer, rail, call a3#o*4A24f.ff*fe¥]1alwz.F5e&uonRdMequon MarmRouxo4ilw)HappyHour3-8/Grillopen4-11 P2quE?T#]!::msA8pnp|:::#r4n];feJewctry&onginalat) Manceuvres (Mdsn) Meet Your Next EX; S I.75 bot- tles of Special Ex & Ex Light 8-mid; DJ at 9 P2Z#:SraBd;,nMq:w(.A(Z#}2e#83C21eetrb]es) New Bar (Mdsn) S I rail & domestic from 9-11 strip- pers every other Thus. Pivot (Appleton) S I can beer & rail, $2 bottle beer & call Rascals (Appleton) 2-4-I happy hour 5-8 pin for dancing; 21 & up upper level Shamrock (Mdsn) S I.50 hiter pitchers Pivot (Appleton) 50¢ tappers Triangle (Milw) $5 rail bust all day & nile -:::i:;,I:-::i:I::,-:-.I:,`;,--::::u::.:i:::;:-::i:i.:-`-::-:::i:l- Rascals(Appleton)FishFry-pereh,haddock,shrimp,5-10 >i%j,:f/± aub2190ffilw)Halfpricerai]&bottlebeer;talentnite Rod's (Mdsn) Buck Nite; get a "Rod's buck" for ea. Pivot (Appleton) All can brands, S I .50, 9-close shot u buy 8-12; redeem like cash hid-2:30 iie#a##snp:¥,n°,{ao¥;:Tcfid#r:dgFd::gel::S:#d:gs, Rod's (Mdsn) $1 rail & domestic 9-11 Shamrock Sass (Green Bay) Dancing (& Sat.) 10-2 (Madison) S I .50 pitcher rite, 9-I Shamrock (Mdsn) $6 beer bash 9-I ¥[apa?§§t-e7hs±n9tou?a:rdh±ol:yr¥rv::]£Si:#¥!!n¥:!§: Triangle (Milw.) 24-I all mite Tiding Company (3Or fau Claire St.) fau Claire: S I ZA's (Green Bay) Java's (upstairs) opens at 4:00 w/ dolirestic beer 75¢ taps & Sl .50 rails 'til 9:cO; ZA's opens 9:00 w/ ZA's (Green Bay) Open at 4:00 upstairs in Java's w/ SuperBust $6 rail, wine & tap 24-I on tap, rail, call 'til 9 pin; ZA's featues Kelli Jo's Ea?£ol:nl:geyu:SnuY;o;ir FRIDAY, Dec. 29 Holiday Show, 10:30; Dancing follows 'til close 3-B's (Milw) Country Nite -the latest country songs & SATURI)AY, Deo. 30 We look forward to thebestoftheoldies!CacktailhourMom.thruFri.3-7pln/ ;f]ma:::i;I,:c§een#scfa::eddrgu¥ee5]arsF#menwomen Ballgame (Milw) Tappers 60¢ `til 6 & bloodys, S1rail&boedes,75¢taps. screws & greyhounds, S I.75 `til 6 :enTei.ngx:#ayseawr? C'est I.a Vie (Milw) Female impersonators Cafe Melange (Milw) John Schneider & Orchestra, aub219(Milw)Dino'sTeasers IVEW./ GARGOYLES 354 E. National 8:30, $4 Milw. 225-9676 Just Opened aubXpressaiscanaba)Cinnedbeer&railS16-9 C'est I.a Vie (Milw)Men & boys IVEW./ IN BETWEEN 625 S. Second Fannies (Milw) S I.50 rail & can beer `til 10 pin Club 219 (Milw) Dino's Teasers Milw. 273-2693 Recently Opened Gargoyles (Milw) Double bubble 2-7 Open 24 Hours Club Xpress (Escanaba) Calmed beer S I 6-9 Geraldine's (Mdsn) Happy Hour 4-7 P43]4])Egg:;4719T€mseionn€r¥i!ya?hu±;oeut53204 Geraldine's(Mdsn)LineDancingw/Dairyland In Between (Milw) Cocktail Hour 836 S. Broadway Cowboys & Cowgirls; starts 8 Jo ILe's (Racine) S I .50 rail 7-9 %ea#£]a(¥E£)Z#.S!8grworid3rdst Club 219 (Milw) Classic Disco Nite WDJ Kin Just Us (Milw) Fish Fry 5-10, $7 all-u-can€at (4fz;4e3n3PgaJ4o ln Between (Milw) Cocktail hour hacage (Milw) Male dancers; no cover for cardholders (C6oag)a7]!8:k°]un8e 114 N.

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