E2354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 20, 2003 not have to pay for the contamination of the The cost of diabetes is rising, both in terms H.R. 1588, DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- water supplies that they caused, nor will they of the cost to treat the disease and the num- TION CONFERENCE REPORT have to pay to acquire new water sources for ber of American lives lost resulting from com- hundreds of thousands of customers. plications relating to the disease. We must HON. MARK UDALL Nullify pending litigation against MTBE pro- support the National Institute of Health’s fund- OF COLORADO ducers, leaving hundreds of thousands of peo- ing for diabetes research so that organizations IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ple without recourse—There are currently 130 like JDRF may continue to provide preventa- communities and water suppliers across the Wednesday, November 19, 2003 tive education and help curb the spread of the nation that have litigation pending to reclaim Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, when damages for MTBE pollution of public drinking disease. Education is a key component in pre- this House voted on H.R. 1588 in May, I voted water sources. Because this bill is retroactive, ventative efforts, by encouraging individuals to against it. I didn’t think the bill as it stood then taking effect for lawsuits pending on Sep- make life-style changes that will reduce their was one I could endorse. The conference re- tember 5, 2003, all of these lawsuits would be risk of getting diabetes. port that we are considering today is margin- nullified. Mr. Speaker, we have made great strides ally better. Although I still have strong reserva- The MTBE provisions contained in the En- over the years in diabetes research and out- tions, I will support the conference report. ergy Policy Act of 2003 benefit the wrong- reach education. I applaud the many organiza- We are 2 years into our war on terrorism doers and have a number of harmful con- tions that have contributed to this effort and I and still engaged in military action in Iraq. sequences for the victims of drinking water urge my colleagues to join me in honoring Na- There is no doubt that we must continue to contamination. Any policy that has the effect tional Diabetes Month. Let’s help give those focus on defending our homeland against ter- of leaving hundreds of thousands of victims rorism, we must support our military per- Americans living with diabetes hope that one without any recourse against their wrongdoers sonnel, and we must give our military the day soon, we will find a cure to diabetes. is bad policy. training, equipment, and weapons it needs to f beat terrorism around the world. f That’s why I’m in favor of provisions in the NATIONAL DIABETES MONTH bill that support those men and women who PAYING TRIBUTE TO RICHARD have put their lives on the line in Afghanistan WREN HON. DOUG OSE and Iraq. The bill provides an average 4.15 OF CALIFORNIA percent pay raise for service members, boosts IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES military special pay and extends bonuses, and Wednesday, November 19, 2003 HON. SCOTT McINNIS funds programs to improve living and working Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, as a member of the OF COLORADO facilities on military installations. I am pleased that the report includes provi- Diabetes Caucus, I rise today in honor of Na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tional Diabetes Month. Diabetes is a growing sions recognizing the importance of non-cit- concern in this country as each year increas- Wednesday, November 19, 2003 izen soldiers and the many sacrifices and con- ing numbers of Americans are being diag- tributions they have made. The report eases nosed with the disease. The disease does not Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is with great the naturalization process for these soldiers discriminate; children, adults and senior citi- pride that I pay tribute today to Police Captain and their families, reducing to one year the zens alike are realizing the devastating impact Richard Wren of La Junta, Colorado. Recently, length of service requirement for naturalization of diabetes and its tragic effects have touched Richard was honored by the La Junta City during peacetime; allowing soldiers to apply the lives of Americans across the country. Council for two decades of honorable service. and take oaths for citizenship overseas; and Diabetes itself is debilitating, but it can also Richard has dedicated his life to serving and granting permanent resident status to the sur- lead to heart, kidney, nervous system or den- protecting the citizens of Colorado and it is my viving family of U.S. citizen soldiers who are tal diseases, as well as blindness, high blood honor to call his many contributions to the at- granted posthumous citizenship as a result of pressure, complications during pregnancy, tention of this body of Congress here today. death incurred in combat. strokes, and even death. Today, 17 million I’m also pleased that this bill will allow ap- people live with diabetes and approximately 1 Richard was born in Denver, Colorado and proximately one-third of eligible disabled mili- million new cases are diagnosed each year in moved to La Junta to attend Otero Junior Col- tary retirees to receive both their retirement people over the age of 20. It is the sixth lead- lege in 1980. Upon graduation, Richard at- and disability benefits. I would have preferred ing cause of death in the United States, with tended the Law Enforcement Academy in Trin- that the bill extend this ‘‘concurrent receipt’’ to 19 percent of Americans over the age of 25 idad and in 1983 he became a patrolman for all disabled retirees, but this is a great im- losing their lives to diabetes each year. The the La Junta Police Department. He rose provement on the bill the House considered statistic that 1 million children have been diag- quickly through the ranks to achieve his status earlier this year—which included no such pro- nosed with juvenile diabetes is particularly as Captain. visions. I am also pleased that the bill extends the military’s TRICARE health coverage to Na- unnerving. Richard has achieved a great deal in his In my home state of California, every half- tional Guard and reservists and their families tenure with the La Junta Police Department. hour a life is lost due to causes directly or in- if servicemembers have been called to active Richard is an expert in canine police work. directly linked to diabetes. Currently, there are duty. These are all necessary and important two million Californians who have been diag- During his career, he established the La Junta provisions that I support. nosed with diabetes, putting California’s aver- canine program and attended two national I do have a number of serious reservations age above the national rate. That number is competitions for the United States Police Ca- about the bill. expected to double by the year 2020. nine Association. In 2002, Richard furthered I don’t believe it addresses 21st century Organizations such as the Juvenile Re- his law enforcement education by attending threats as well as it could. With the exception search Fund are vital to research efforts to the National Federal Bureau of Investigation’s of the Crusader artillery system, the Adminis- find a cure for diabetes. In addition to con- Academy in Quantico, Virginia. In addition, tration and Congress have continued every ducting its own research, JDRF provides valu- Richard is an expert in firearms and patrol major weapons system inherited from previous able outreach programs in schools and the procedures, and he holds teaching certificates administrations. So although the bill brings community to educate the public on diabetes in both of those disciplines. overall defense spending to levels 13 percent related issues. higher than the average Cold War levels, it Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to rise and pay This past June, the Sacramento chapter of doesn’t present a coherent vision of how to re- JDRF sent two of my constituents, Juleah tribute to Captain Richard Wren before this align our defense priorities. Cordi and Gianna Gallo, to the Children’s body of Congress and this nation. Richard has The bill still includes provisions that would Congress. At this conference, children afflicted managed to balance his tireless dedication to exempt the Department of Defense from com- with diabetes spoke with Members of Con- the citizens of La Junta, while gladly serving pliance with some requirements under the En- gress to raise awareness of this debilitating as a loving father and husband as well. The dangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine disease. As a congressional co-chair of this Citizens of La Junta Colorado are safer as the Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). There is event, I would like to thank Juleah, Gianna result of Richard’s tireless dedication to their broad-based support for existing environ- and other Children’s Congress participants for well-being and it is my honor to join them in mental laws—as there should be—and these their help in bringing attention to this issue. thanking him for his service. laws already allow case-by-case flexibility to VerDate jul 14 2003 05:47 Nov 21, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19NO8.047 E20PT1 November 20, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2355 protect national security. The Pentagon has VETERANS MEMORIAL AT THE sion of the United States military. The free- never sought to take advantage of this flexi- KOOTENAI COUNTY ADMINISTRA- dom we enjoy today did not come cheaply.
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