David Bates Douglass Papers William L. Clements Library Correspondent Inventory The University of Michigan Finding aid: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clementsead/umich-wcl-M-1390dou?view=text Abraham, A. • 1839 September 23 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Liverpool, [England]. 1 page) Adams, David P. • 1822 June 6 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Norfolk, [Virginia]. 1 page) Alexander, James E. • 1841 January 18 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Mansion House, Broadway, New York. 2 pages) Allanson, John Sylvanus • 1818 May 8 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Boston, [Massachusetts]. 2 pages) • 1820 March 12 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Boston, [Massachusetts]. 3 pages) • 1823 December 13 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 2 pages) • 1823 June 30 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 2 pages) • 1823 October 25 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 3 pages) • 1824 January 26 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 3 pages) • 1825 February 16 (to David Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 1 page) Anderson, Joseph • 1821 December 7 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; [Washington, D.C.]. 1 page) Anton, Hetty Marie • 1819 February 11 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Caldwell, [New Jersey]. 2 pages) • 1821 March 23 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Caldwell, [New Jersey]. 3 pages) • 1832 July 11 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Caldwell, [New Jersey]. 1 page) • 1835 January 7 (to Ann E. Douglass [Ann Eliza Ellicott]; Caldwell, [New Jersey]. 3 pages) • 1835 March 23 (to A. E. Douglass [Ann Eliza Ellicott]; Caldwell, [New Jersey]. 3 pages) Armistead, Walker Keith • 1819 January 19 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; [Washington, D.C.]. 1 page) • 1820 October 1 (Washington, [D.C.]. 2 pages) • 1820 October 4 (Washington, [D.C.]. 1 page) Babcock, Samuel (See joint letter with William Cutbush) Bache, A. D. • 1847 February 1 (to R. J. Walker; Washington, [D.C.]. 1 page) Bache, Anna • 1836 October 10 (to Charles Douglass; Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania]. 1 page) Baker, Joshua • 1820 October 18 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; St. Martinsville, Louisiana. 3 pages) Baldwin, Henry • 1820 February 9 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; s.l. 2 pages) • 1822 May 25 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Washington, [D.C.]. 1 page) • [1824 December] (to D. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Meadville, [Pennsylvania]. 1 page) • 1827 May 14 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Pittsburgh, [Pennsylvania]. 1 page) • 1828 May 5 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Nashville, Tennessee. 1 page) • 1831 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Trenton. 1 page) • 1832 May 9 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]. 1 page) • 1834 January 21 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Washington, [D.C.]. 1 page) Barlow, Thomas • 1816 September 1 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Havre de Grace, France. 1 page) Barnard, J. D. • 1827 March 12 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Harrisburg, [Pennsylvania]. 1 page) Barnes, Daniel Henry • 1821 February 8 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 2 pages) • 1824 June 7 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 2 pages) • 1827 June 15 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 1 page) Bartlett, William Holmes Chambers • 1829 August 12 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Fort Adams, Newport Harbor, [Rhode Island]. 3 pages) Barton, David • 1826 February 24 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Washington, [D.C.]. 1 page) Bates, David Stanhope • 1819 January 16 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Mexico, [New York]. 3 pages) • 1822 November 10 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; s.l. 2 pages) • 1825 May 7 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Buffalo, [New York]. 2 pages) • 1831 May 13 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Packet Boat Walk-in-the- Water. 2 pages) Bates, J. G. • 1836 (to Charles E. Douglass [Charles Edward Douglass] and Andrew E. Douglass; s.l. 1 page) Bates, Philemon • 1822 April 13 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Caldwell, [New Jersey]. 2 pages) Beach, H. C. • 1840 September 16 (to [David Bates Douglass]; s.l. 1 page) Beck, Lewis Caleb • 1823 April 28 (to [Lewis Caleb Beck]; [West Point, New York]. 1 page) • 1823 April 28 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Albany, [New York]. 1 page) • 1827 July 19 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Albany, [New York]. 2 pages) • 1827 September 1 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Albany, [New York]. 1 page) • 1827 October 29 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Albany, [New York]. 2 pages) Bennett, Ward B. • 1833 October 8 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; West Point, [New York]. 3 pages) Benton, N. S. (see joint letter with S. Nayer) Bigelow, Jacob • 1830 January 20 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Boston, [Massachusetts]. 1 page) Bird, W. A. • 1819 May 2 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Troy, [New York]. 2 pages) • 1820 February 14 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Troy, [New York]. 1 page) • 1820 March 28 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Troy, [New York]. 2 pages) Blaney, George • 1816 June 21 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Plattsburgh, [New York]. 3 pages) • 1816 October 23 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Fort Brown, [Plattsburgh, New York]. 3 pages) • 1817 May 1 (to D. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 1 page) • 1817 May 6 (to Alden Partridge; New York, [New York]. 2 pages) • 1817 September 30 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 1 page) Bliss, John • 1819 February 3 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Haverhill, New Hampshire. 3 pages) • 1820 March 20 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Cantonment in Missouri. 4 pages) • 1820 June 30 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Camp Council Bluffs [Cantonment in Missouri]. 2 pages) • 1820 December 12 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Pittsburgh, [Pennsylvania]. 2 pages) • 1822 June 14 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Steamboat off Amherst. 3 pages) • 1822 July 27 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Fort Howard, Green, [Michigan Territory]. 1 page) • 1822 September 4 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Fort Howard, Green Bay, [Michigan Territory]. 3 pages) • 1822 November 6 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Fort Howard, Green, [Michigan Territory]. 4 pages) • 1823 January 19 (to David Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Fort Howard, Green Bay, [Michigan Territory]. 3 pages) • 1823 May 16 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Green Bay, [Michigan Territory]. 2 pages) • 1825 February 5 (to David Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Fort Howard, Green, [Michigan Territory]. 3 pages) • 1826 January 30 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Albany, [New York]. 3 pages) • 1833 April 3 (to David Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; St. Louis, Missouri. 3 pages) • 1834 March 3 (to Ann E. Douglass [Ann Eliza Ellicott]; Fort Snelling, Upper Mississippi. 4 pages) Bliss, L. M. • 1831 November 8 (to Ann E. Douglass [Ann Eliza Ellicott]; Meadville, [Pennsylvania]. 3 pages) Bomford, George • 1823 February 20 (to B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; [Washington, D.C.]. 1 page) Booth, Reuben • 1831 February 24 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Danbury, Connecticut. 2 pages) Boyd, George W. • 1822 November 9 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New York, [New York]. 2 pages) Brent, Daniel • 1821 August 22 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Washington, [D.C.]. 1 page) Brigham, John C. • 1843 May 17 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Bible House, New York. 3 pages) Brooklyn Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies • 1833 August ([Brooklyn, New York]. 1 page) • 1833 August 12 (to D. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; [Brooklyn, New York]. 3 pages) Brown, E. • 1824 August 13 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Bloomfield, [Ohio]. 1 page) Brown, Harvey • 1818 August 26 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Rahway, [New Jersey]. 3 pages) • 1820 March 20 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Fort Trumbull, [Connecticut]. 2 pages) Brown, Jacob Jennings • 1816 May 22 (Brownville, New York. 4 pages) • 1816 June 15 (Brownville, New York. 4 pages) Brown, R. S. • 1834 February 23 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Buffalo, [New York]. 3 pages) • 1834 June 15 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Buffalo, [New York]. 1 page) • 1834 September 20 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Buffalo, [New York]. 2 pages) Brown, Samuel • 1829 July 1 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Brownsville, [New York]. 1 page) Brown, Theophilus B. (see also joint letter with Dennis Hart Mahan) • 1831 October 3 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; West Point, [New York]. 1 page) Bryant, William • 1829 September 20 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Charleston, [West Virginia]. 3 pages) Buchanan, W. W. • 1825 October 3 (to D. B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; West Point, [New York]. 1 page) Buckingham, E. • 1824 May 21 (to David B. Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Putnam, [Ohio]. 1 page) Buckingham, James Silk • [1837] November 25 (to [David Bates Douglass]; [New York, New York]. 3 pages) • 1837 November 28 (to [David Bates Douglass]; [New York, New York]. 2 pages) • [1837 November] (to [David Bates Douglass]; [New York, New York]. 3 pages) • 1838 December 15 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; New Bedford, Massachusetts. 3 pages) • 1839 September 30 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; [New York, New York]. 3 pages) Caldwell, Charles • 1815 September 16 (to Douglass [David Bates Douglass]; Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania]. 3 pages) Calhoun, John Caldwell • 1818 May 11 (to [John Caldwell, [New Jersey] Calhoun]; West Point, [New York].
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