News and Notes New Appointments University; formerly of the University of Michigan. Samuel H. Beer, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Michael M. Gunter, full professor, Ten- Professor of American Politics, Boston nessee Tech University. College; formerly Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, Harvard Univer- John David Harman, assistant professor, sity. St. John Fisher College, Rochester, New York. Anne O'Meara Bowman, assistant pro- fessor, University of South Carolina; for- William A. Hazleton, assistant professor, merly of Texas A&M. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio; formerly a visiting appointment at Miami Univer- C. Anthony Broh, assistant professor, sity. Rutgers University; formerly of Columbia University. Richard K. Herrmann, assistant profes- sor, Ohio State University. T. R. Carr, assistant professor, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville; formerly at Milton Heumann, professor of political Texas Tech University. science, Rutgers University; formerly of the University of Michigan. Susan J. Carroll, assistant professor, Eagleton Institute, Rutgers University; Roger E. Kanet, University of Illinois at formerly of George Washington Univer- Urbana-Champaign, has been appointed sity. an associate of the Center for Advanced Study of the University of Illinois for Jimmy D. Case, assistant professor, Sul 1981-82, where he will be engaged in Ross State University, Texas. full-time research on a project dealing Donald K. Crone, assistant professor, with Soviet and East European relations James Madison College, Michigan State with Africa. University; formerly of the University of David R. Mares, acting assistant profes- British Columbia. sor, University of California, San Diego; Alan Chartocck is the first individual to formerly El Colegio de Mexico. hold a joint appointment from two SUNY Connie Mauney, assistant professor, campuses. While he will continue to David Lipscomb College. serve as professor of political science at the State University College at New Douglass Nelson, assistant professor, Paltz, he will also become professor of Rutgers University; formerly with the rhetoric and communications at the State World Bank. University of New York at Albany. Jeremiah M. Riemer, instructor, Oberlin Mark R. Daniels, assistant professor. Uni- College. versity of Connecticut; formerly of Okla- Shawn Rosenberg, assistant professor, homa State University. University of California, Irvine; formerly Steven P. Erie, assistant professor, Uni- Yale University. versity of California, San Diego; formerly Ford Runge, assistant professor, Univer- SUNY-Albany. sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Larry German, assistant professor, Han- Carole Uhlaner, assistant professor, Uni- over College. versity of California, Irvine; formerly as- David F. Gordon, assistant professor, sistant professor. Northwestern Univer- James Madison College, Michigan State sity. 698 PS Summer 1981 R. Kent Weaver, instructor, Ohio State bus Club Award in the Humanities and University. Social Sciences for 1981 for outstanding scholarship by a young scholar that is of Bradford Wilson, assistant professor, public relevance and significance. California State College at San Bernar- dino. The Gerald R. Ford Library on the North Clifford J. Wirth, assistant professor. Campus of the University of Michigan in University of New Hampshire. Ann Arbor was dedicated on April 27, 1981. It will be available for extensive Edward J. Woodhouse, assistant profes- research in September, 1981. Samuel H. sor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; for- Barnes and Harold K. Jacobson served on merly College of William & Mary. the five-member Building Committee. Shawky Zeidan, assistant professor. Fort George Grassmuck chaired the Dedica- Lewis College, Durango, Colorado. tion Committee and its Arrangements Committee. W. Robert Gump, Miami University, Activities served as a consultant to the Ohio Devel- opment Financing Commission, and co- Philip Abbott, professor, Wayne State authored a study report on the impact of University, is a recipient of a Board of industrial revenue bonds on job genera- Governors Faculty Recognition Award for tion and economic development. He also 1981 for distinguished scholarly is serving as chair of the Faculty Advisory achievement during the past year. Committee to the Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents, and as chair of the Earl M. Baker, Temple University and a Miami University Faculty Conference. Commissioner of Chester County, Penn- Gump recently completed a term as chair sylvania, has been elected to the Board of of the Oxford City Planning Commission. Directors of the National Association of Counties. Ahmad Haffar, State University College, New Paltz, New York, will spend a sec- Ira Carmen, associate professor at the ond year with the Department of Political University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and Administrative Sciences, University will be in residence in fall 1981 at Yale. of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He was selected to be a visiting scholar and will be working in the Law and Medi- Richard S. Hillman, St. John Fisher Col- cine Program, studying the relationship lege, Rochester, New York, is the recipi- between scientific research and legal ent of a National Endowment for the norms. Humanities grant to participate in a Thomas E. Cronin, Colorado College, has seminar on "Social and Political Change been appointed to the Democratic Party's in Twentieth Century Latin America" at Commission on the Presidential Nominat- the University of Washington, Seattle, ing Process. He has also been elected a June 22-August 14, 1981. member of the Board of Trustees of the Houston-based American Leadership William D. Jackson, Miami University, Forum. Oxford, Ohio, presented papers and sem- Eric Davis, assistant professor, Rutgers inars on arms control topics in Romania, University, will be on leave at the Hoover West Germany, and East Germany under Institution, Stanford University, the sponsorship of the U.S. Department 1981-82. of State and International Communica- tion Agency. Professor Jackson will be Raymond Duvall, professor, University of on research assignment for the spring Minnesota, has received a Council on semester, 1981-82. Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship. He expects to be working Roger E. Kanet, University of Illinois at with the World Bank during the academic Urbana-Champaign, received The Cam- year 1981-82. pus Award for Excellence in Undergradu- ate Teaching awarded in spring 1981. Roy Fleming, assistant professor, Wayne He is the General Editor of English- State University, is a recipient of the Pro- Language Publications for the Second 699 News and Notes World Congress for Soviet and East Euro- Science Association for their paper en- pean Studies, held in Garmisch-Parten- titled "Social Psychological Characteris- kirchen, in fall 1980. Approximately 12 tics and Telephone Interviewer Effective- volumes of selected papers will be pub- ness." lished by Pergamon Press and Berkeley Professor Gary Orfield, University of Illi- Slavic Specialties. nois, Urbana-Champaign, has been ap- John Kincaid, assistant professor, North pointed as a guest scholar at the Brook- Texas State University, has received the ings Institution, the Governmental Stu- best paper award for his paper entitled dies Program, for the period July, 1981- "Liberal Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis and August, 1982. During his affiliation with Illiberal Tensions of the New Ecologic the Institution, he will be working on a Ethic" presented at the 1980 Annual study entitled "Housing, Urban Policy Meeting of the Southwestern Political and Metropolitan Racial Patterns." Science Association. Gerald M. Pomper, professor, Rutgers University, will be on leave at Nuffield Donald P. Kommers, professor of govern- ment and law and director of the Law College, Oxford, for 1981-82. School's Center for Civil and Human Rights, has been awarded a Rockefeller Nathaniel S. Preston, University Profes- Foundation Humanities Fellowship and a sor Emeritus, The American University, grant from West Germany's Alexander received his J.D. degree summa cum von Humboldt Foundation. The project to laude from the Washington College of be funded, "Liberty, Equality, and Frater- Law, The American University. Professor nity in German and American Constitu- Preston will join the Washington, D.C. tional Law: The Quest for a Public Philos- firm of Wald, Harkrader & Ross in Sep- ophy," will be carried out in Germany tember, as an associate. and the U.S. Kommers will be a guest of William B. Rogers, professor of political the Max Planck Institute of Foreign and science, State University College at Cort- Public Law at Heidelberg University dur- land, New York, has been elected Presi- ing the winter semester of 1981 and a dent of the State University of New York visiting fellow at Princeton's Center of In- Faculty Senate for a two-year term com- ternational Studies during 1982. mencing July 1, 1981. The University Faculty Senate is the faculty governance body for the 35 state-operated cam- Nancy Kopp, a political scientist and puses in the SUNY system. member of the Maryland General Assem- bly, has been selected as one of 12 George K. Romoser, University of New young political leaders from across the Hampshire, was a delegate to the 3rd country to participate in a study tour of Conference of the International Council the Middle East. Sponsored by the non- on the Future of the University in Lisbon, partisan American Council of Young Portugal, April 1981. Political Leaders, the tour group will tra- Richard H. Rosswurm, Marshall
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