US00925943OB2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.259,430 B2 Rathmacher et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Feb. 16, 2016 (54) NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTION FOR (56) References Cited IMPROVING MUSCULAR FUNCTION AND STRENGTH U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,992.470 A 2f1991 Nissen (71) Applicant: Metabolic Technologies, Inc., Ames, IA 5,028,440 A 7, 1991 Nissen (US) 5,087.472 A 2f1992 Nissen 5,348,979 A 9, 1994 Nissen et al. 5,360,613 A 11/1994 Nissen (72) Inventors: John Rathmacher, Story City, IA (US); 6,031,000 A 2/2000 Nissen et al. John Fuller, Jr., Zearing, IA (US); 6,103,764 A 8, 2000 Nissen Shawn Baier, Polk City, IA (US); Steve 6,291525 B1 9, 2001 Nissen 8,815,280 B2 * 8/2014 Rathmacher et al. ......... 424/439 Nissen, Ames, IA (US); Naji Abumrad, 2004f0071825 A1 4/2004 Lockwood Nashville, IA (US) 2005/0215640 A1 9, 2005 Baxter et al. 2006, OOO3947 A1 1, 2006 Udell (73) Assignee: Metabolic Technologies, Inc., Ames, IA 2007/0142469 A1 6/2007 Thomas et al. 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