Shabbat Shalom from Cyberspace May 11, 2013 - 2 Sivan 5773 SHABBAT SHALOM FROM CYBERSPACE BEMIDBAR/SHABUOT MAY 10-11, 2013 2 SIVAN 5773 Day 46 of the Omer Happy Mother’s Day to all and Happy Anniversary Chantelle SEPHARDIC CONGREGATION OF LONG BEACH We look forward to welcoming Baruch and Michal Abittan & Rabbi Dr. Meyer and Debra who along with Rebetzin Ida are sponsoring the Kidush in honor of their, daughter, granddaughter and great granddaughter Sarah Chaya, Abittan Friday Night: Candles: 7:41 PM - Afternoon and Evening service (Minha/Arbith): 7:00 PM Morning Service (Shaharith): 9:00AM –Please say Shemah at home by 8:29 AM 11:00 - 12:00 Orah's will be here with our Shabbat Morning Kids Program upstairs in the Rabbi's study. Stories, Tefillah, Games, Snacks and more . And Leah Colish will be babysitting down in the playroom 5:30 - Mincha Shabbat Afternoon Oneg with Rabbi Yosef and Leah; Treats, Stories, Basketball, Hula-hoop, Parsha Quiz, Tefillot, Raffles and Fun! Supervised play during Seudat Shelishit. 5:30: Ladies Torah Class at the Lemberger's 1 East Olive. Pirkei Avot 6:30 with Rabbi Aharon Minha: 7:00 PM – Seudah Shelishi and a Class 7:30 – with Rabbi David – Seudah Shelishi co-sponsored in honor of Chantelle and David’s anniversary and for all the moms on mother’s day … Evening Service (Arbith): 8:30 PM - Shabbat Ends: 8:41PM WEEKDAY TEFILLA SCHEDULE Shaharit Sunday8:00, Mon-Fri at 7:00 (6:55 Mondays and Thursdays) WEEKDAY TORAH CLASS SCHEDULE Daily 6:30 AM class – Honest Business Practices Monday Night Class with Rabba Yanai – 7PM Monday night LADIES: Wednesday Night 8PM with Esther Wein at various homes – continues next week Financial Peace University – Continues next Tuesday at 8PM The sisterhood will once again sponsor lunch the second day of shavuoth. Anyone who can help with the preparations and setup please speak with Rebitzan Ida, Tina or Patti SHAVUOT TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Tuesday, May 14th Erev Shavuot Candle Lighting 7:46 pm / Mincha 7:00 pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot 11:45 pm - All night learning with Rabbi David Bibi and Rabbi Aharon Seigel Rabbi Yosef Colish and Rabbi Michael Wagner - Please let us know if you will be learning with us followed by Vatikin Minyan at 4:45 am Sunrise and Amidah at 5:38 Wednesday, May 15th First Day of Shavuot Shaharit 9:00 am - We need a commitment of ten guys for regular minyan Tefilot and Torah Reading by Na’im Zemirot Yisrael – Uri Lemberger Mincha 7:30 pm Followed by Azharot and Megilat Ruth Part 1 Candles after 8:52 pm Thursday, May 16th Second Day Shavuot Shaharit 9:00 am - Yizkor 11:00 am Mincha 7:30 pm Followed by Azharot and Megilat Ruth Part 2 And a Class Arbit at 8:35 Havdalah – Holiday Ends 8:47 pm 1 Shabbat Shalom from Cyberspace May 11, 2013 - 2 Sivan 5773 To subscribe or to unsubscribe, please reply to were going to play, we might as well play basketball [email protected] in the yard within an eruv. Newsletter archives now at BenaiAsher.Org My Rabbi, Asher Abittan z’sl always taught me, it’s Daily Minyan Mon – Thurs at 979 Third Avenue, 17th not where a person is on his ladder of spirituality that Floor, Artistic Frame at 4PM – Please join us! 212- counts as much as which way a person is heading. 289-2100 Had we been ridiculed as sinners by our own, I shudder to think how many would have fallen off the Happy Mother’s Day ladder never to return. Happy Anniversary Chantelle This week we begin the book of Devarim which the Editors Notes world named the book of numbers as this first portion tells of the counting of the people. But the census is Don’t Kick Me Off The Ladder not a simple count. Moses is requested “Naso et rosh beney Yisrael”, to lift up the heads of the When I was a young boy, each Shabbat morning we children of Israel. The Midrash tells us that G-d was would go to the Synagogue, stop at our asking Moses himself to personally go out and have grandmothers home for Kiddush and lunch, come each person come before him to raise them up and back home and change and go out to the football show them how important they were, each as an field to play ball. Well we really didn’t have a football individual, unique and worthy of an entire world. field; it was actually the street on East Seventh There is no better gift one can give than the gift of between R and S which we transformed depending self-confidence. on the game to be played into a punch ball court utilizing sewer covers as the bases, into a hockey I often wonder about the many other communities of rink with garbage cans as the goals or the Jews who came to America at the same time as our aforementioned football field where catching a ball community came here. They disappeared while we between parked cars was in bounds. held strong and have grown, ken yirbu, in numbers, observance and strength. We had holy grandparents It wasn’t just kids playing. There were teens, parents and they had holy grandparents. Yet at some point and the occasional grandparent, and we played until our paths diverged. One group ascended the spiritual we saw the people walking back to the Synagogue ladder while the other descended and at some point for Mincha. With that signal we ran up to change and jumped off intermarrying and cutting themselves off ran to Kenis or Shul. Inevitably though at some point from the Jewish people forever. during the game, a group of young boys walking to Mirrer Yeshiva would stop and watch us obviously The Rabbi would say that the mistake of some in that puzzled at the sight of some boys with yalmakas on generation was in giving over to their children the their heads playing ball on Shabbat. I can still hear idea that religion was a burden. They would bemoan them chanting aloud, “goyim, goyim, goyim” as they the fact that Shabbat observance forced them to lose passed by. But to us, they were akin to aliens from a job or that Kashrut was too expensive. The children outer space. Who were they to call us goyim? We of those complainers did what any normal person knew we were “observant” Jews and paid no heed. would do. They removed the yoke of that burden. Keep in mind that those days proceeded the days of In our community religion was treated as a gift, a whether you held by the eruv or not, or whether ball delight and something that we could enjoy together. playing was permitted or not. In those days there was Nobody complained that it was a burden. We didn’t no eruv to argue about. And today few if any of those do everything we should have and we did do things who joined us would even think of playing in front of we shouldn’t have, but the focus was on the victories their own homes. No eruv means no carrying. We and successes. A child beginning to walk is praised were wrong. But we thought we were religious.. for each step and not criticized for failing to run a marathon. The rabbis at the time didn’t come out and tell us that we would burn in hell for playing ball. They didn’t While in Florida last month for Passover, I heard chastise us in public. What they did do was work their many stories from people about their connections. I magic by drawings us in. Rabbi Jack Mevorach got would like to tell you two of them. us to cut the games short by bribing us to class with bats, balls and tickets. We were taught that if we 2 Shabbat Shalom from Cyberspace May 11, 2013 - 2 Sivan 5773 In both cases, the men telling me the story are today Kashrut, we could get married. She promised she leaders of the community, observant with observant would try and we decided to see if she could simply children and grandchildren and bound to Torah. avoid opening and closing the television and lights and driving on Shabbat. If she could do that for 6 Like so many of us, they too grew up playing ball in weeks, then we would take the next step. For two the streets, taking their cheese to Vic’s pizzeria in weeks she managed. On the third Saturday night Bradley Beach, eating fried knishes at the sandbar, when I called her, I heard hesitancy in her voice. She pancakes at Perkins and thinking that a tuna salad admitted she opened the TV and started asking what sandwich at the Blue Swan Diner was fine. They the point was in restricting electricity. I was in love went to nightclubs and did whatever boys being boys and thought I would spend the rest of my life with this do. At the same time, they put on Tefilin every girl. She was everything I thought I wanted, but when morning, came to Synagogue every Shabbat, did not I heard the tone in the question, I realized then and work, drive or turn on lights on Shabbat, never ate there that she could never be the mother of my pork or shellfish, said a blessing every time they ate children and we had no future. In my mind, I was a and thought they were religious.
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