ⒸFUJI TELEVISION FUKUOKA & NAGANO DAILY BULLETIN No.4 October 3 (Thu) FIVB Volleyball World Cup Japan 2019 for Men O-1 VOLLEYBALL - Uniform colors No Date Hour City Hall Teams Team uniform Libero IRI White Red 13 04-Oct-2019 11:00 Nagano White Ring CAN Red Black ARG White Blue 14 04-Oct-2019 12:30 Fukuoka Marinmesse Fukuoka ITA Dark Blue White RUS White Red 15 04-Oct-2019 14:00 Nagano White Ring AUS Gold Green USA White Red 16 04-Oct-2019 15:00 Fukuoka Marinmesse Fukuoka POL Dark Blue Red BRA Yellow Blue 17 04-Oct-2019 18:00 Nagano White Ring EGY White Red JPN Black White 18 04-Oct-2019 19:20 Fukuoka Marinmesse Fukuoka TUN Red White EGY Black White 19 05-Oct-2019 11:00 Nagano White Ring CAN Red Black POL White Red 20 05-Oct-2019 12:30 Fukuoka Marinmesse Fukuoka ARG Blue White BRA Yellow Blue 21 05-Oct-2019 14:00 Nagano White Ring RUS Red White TUN Blue Red 22 05-Oct-2019 15:00 Fukuoka Marinmesse Fukuoka ITA White Dark Blue AUS White Gold 23 05-Oct-2019 17:00 Nagano White Ring IRI Red White JPN Red White 24 05-Oct-2019 19:20 Fukuoka Marinmesse Fukuoka USA Blue White RUS White Blue 25 06-Oct-2019 11:00 Nagano White Ring EGY Red Black ITA Royal Blue White 26 06-Oct-2019 12:30 Fukuoka Marinmesse Fukuoka POL Red White IRI White Red 27 06-Oct-2019 14:00 Nagano White Ring BRA Yellow Blue USA Red Blue 28 06-Oct-2019 15:00 Fukuoka Marinmesse Fukuoka TUN White Blue CAN Black White 29 06-Oct-2019 17:00 Nagano White Ring AUS Green Gold ARG Sky-Blue White 30 06-Oct-2019 19:20 Fukuoka Marinmesse Fukuoka JPN Black Red VIS, version, © 2009-2019 FIVB 03-Oct-2019 14:53 Page 1 of 1 FIVB Volleyball World Cup Japan 2019 for Men O-2bis Team registration JPN - Japan Weight Height Highest reach [cm] National selections Shirt no Last name First name Shirt name Pos. Birthdate Club [kg] [cm] Spike Block WC OG Oth. Tot. 1 Shimizu Kunihiro Shimizu OP 11-Aug-1986 97 193 330 320 Panasonic Panthers 5 5 136 146 3 Fujii Naonobu Fujii S 05-Jan-1992 78 183 312 297 Toray Arrows - - - - 5 Fukuzawa Tatsuya Fukuzawa WS 01-Jul-1986 88 189 355 330 Panasonic Panthers 5 5 110 120 6 Yamauchi Akihiro Yamauchi MB 30-Nov-1993 80 204 353 335 Panasonic Panthers - - 52 52 8 C Yanagida Masahiro Yanagida WS 06-Jul-1992 79 186 328 301 United Volleys - - 40 40 10 Koga Taichiro Koga L 04-Oct-1989 70 170 292 277 Wolfdogs Nagoya - - 12 12 11 Nishida Yuji Nishida OP 30-Jan-2000 80 186 346 330 JTEKT Stings - - - - 12 Sekita Masahiro Sekita S 20-Nov-1993 72 175 311 295 Sakai Blazers - - - - 14 Ishikawa Yuki Ishikawa WS 11-Dec-1995 84 191 351 327 Kioene Padova - - 40 40 15 Ri Haku Lee MB 27-Dec-1990 82 193 344 330 Toray Arrows - - 23 23 16 Takahashi Kentaro Takahashi MB 08-Feb-1995 103 201 351 338 Toray Arrows - - 15 15 17 Hisahara Tsubasa Hisahara WS 18-Mar-1995 80 188 339 320 Panasonic Panthers - - - - 20 Onodera Taishi Onodera MB 27-Feb-1996 98 201 346 323 JT Thunders - - 3 3 22 Yamamoto Tomohiro Yamamoto L 05-Nov-1994 69 171 301 299 Sakai Blazers - - - - The player has not completed Anti-doping Educational Programme (Play Clean) Competition Manipulation Course OFFICIALS UNIFORM COLORS STATISTICS Head Coach: Yuichi NAKAGAICHI (JPN) Team Main: Red Data Minimum Average Maximum Assistant Coach: Philippe BLAIN (FRA) 2nd: White Age: 19.7 26.6 33.3 Physiotherapist: Yosuke MURASHIMA (JPN) / Id: 181076 3rd: Black Height: 170 188 204 Physiotherapist: Hiroshi TANAKA (JPN) / Id: 181670 Spike: 292 333 355 Liberos Main: White Statistician: Kenji ITOH (JPN) 2-hand block: 277 316 338 2nd: Black National selections: 0 32 146 Team Manager: Hisanori YAJIMA (JPN) 3rd: Red Doctor: Tomofumi NISHINO (JPN) / Id: 180418 Physiotherapist: Mitsuo SHIMAZAKI (JPN) / Id: 181697 2nd Assistant Coach: Katsutoshi TSUMAGARI (JPN) We, the undersigned, declare that, in accordance with the present regulations, Statistician: Hirotaka YUKUTAKE (JPN) the registred competitors are qualified for FIVB competitions. General Manager: Yoshie TAKEUCHI (JPN) Seal NF THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE ORGANISER NOT LATER THAN: 29-Sep-2019 President or Authorised signatures by the NF VIS, version, © 2009-2019 FIVB 03-Oct-2019 01:17 Page 1 of 3 FIVB Volleyball World Cup Japan 2019 for Men O-2bis Team registration POL - Poland Weight Height Highest reach [cm] National selections Shirt no Last name First name Shirt name Pos. Birthdate Club [kg] [cm] Spike Block WC OG Oth. Tot. 2 Muzaj Maciej Muzaj OP 21-May-1994 86 208 360 320 ONICO Warszawa 12 - 12 24 4 Komenda Marcin Komenda S 24-May-1996 90 198 335 315 GKS Katowice - - 3 3 5 Kaczmarek Lukasz Kaczmarek OP 29-Jun-1994 99 204 345 332 ZAKSA Kędzierzyn Koźle - - 26 26 6 C Kurek Bartosz Kurek OP 29-Aug-1988 87 205 352 326 ONICO Warszawa 6 12 228 246 7 Szalpuk Artur Szalpuk WS 20-Mar-1995 93 201 350 335 PGE Skra Belchatow 12 - 45 57 9 Leon Venero Wilfredo Leon WS 31-Jul-1993 96 202 350 346 Sir Safety Perugia 9 - 15 24 10 Wojtaszek Damian Wojtaszek L 07-Sep-1988 76 180 330 301 ONICO Warszawa 12 - 33 45 11 Drzyzga Fabian Drzyzga S 03-Jan-1990 90 196 325 304 VC Lokomotiv Novosibirsk 33 6 93 132 14 Sliwka Aleksander Śliwka WS 24-May-1995 88 196 340 315 ZAKSA Kędzierzyn Koźle - - 24 24 15 Kochanowski Jakub Kochanowski MB 17-Jul-1997 89 199 353 323 PGE Skra Belchatow - - 16 16 17 Zatorski Pawel Zatorski L 21-Jun-1990 73 184 328 304 ZAKSA Kędzierzyn Koźle 21 6 77 104 18 Kwolek Bartosz Kwolek WS 17-Jul-1997 91 192 343 310 ONICO Warszawa - - 12 12 20 Bieniek Mateusz Bieniek MB 05-Apr-1994 98 210 351 326 ZAKSA Kędzierzyn Koźle - 6 45 51 77 Klos Karol Kłos MB 08-Aug-1989 87 201 357 326 PGE Skra Belchatow 13 6 53 72 The player has not completed Anti-doping Educational Programme (Play Clean) Competition Manipulation Course OFFICIALS UNIFORM COLORS STATISTICS Head Coach: Vital HEYNEN (POL) Team Main: White Data Minimum Average Maximum Assistant Coach: Sebastian PAWLIK (POL) 2nd: Red Age: 22.2 26.5 31.1 Doctor: Krzysztof ZAJAC (POL) / Id: 180308 3rd: Dark Blue Height: 180 198 210 Physiotherapist: Tomasz PIECZKO (POL) / Id: 181383 Spike: 325 344 360 Liberos Main: Red Physiotherapist: Pawel BRANDT (POL) / Id: 181131 2-hand block: 301 320 346 2nd: White National selections: 3 60 246 Team Manager: Elzbieta POZNAR (POL) 3rd: Dark Blue Journalist: Tomasz SWEDROWSKI (POL) 2nd Assistant Coach: Jakub BEDNARUK (POL) Physiotherapist: Mateusz KOWALIK (POL) / Id: 181706 We, the undersigned, declare that, in accordance with the present regulations, Statistician: Robert KAZMIERCZAK (POL) the registred competitors are qualified for FIVB competitions. General Manager: Hubert TOMASZEWSKI (POL) Seal NF Team Journalist: Lukasz KADZIEWICZ (POL) THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE ORGANISER NOT LATER THAN: 29-Sep-2019 President or Authorised signatures by the NF VIS, version, © 2009-2019 FIVB 03-Oct-2019 03:38 Page 1 of 3 FIVB Volleyball World Cup Japan 2019 for Men O-2bis Team registration RUS - Russia Weight Height Highest reach [cm] National selections Shirt no Last name First name Shirt name Pos. Birthdate Club [kg] [cm] Spike Block WC OG Oth. Tot. 1 Podlesnykh Yaroslav Podlesnykh WS 03-Sep-1994 89 198 341 330 Kuzbass (RUS) - - 15 15 2 Vlasov Ilia Vlasov MB 03-Aug-1995 98 212 360 345 Dinamo (RUS) 10 - 55 65 3 Kovalev Dmitry Kovalev S 15-Mar-1991 82 198 340 330 Ural (RUS) - - 67 67 5 C Grankin Sergey Grankin S 21-Jan-1985 96 195 351 320 Berlin (GER) 40 15 204 259 6 Karpukhov Anton Karpukhov WS 23-Apr-1988 88 197 337 325 Kuzbass (RUS) - - 19 19 8 Semyshev Anton Semyshev WS 22-Aug-1997 90 201 350 340 Belogorie (RUS) - - 11 11 9 Iakovlev Ivan Iakovlev MB 17-Apr-1995 89 207 360 350 Fakel (RUS) - - 19 19 10 Voronkov Fedor Voronkov WS 10-Dec-1995 85 207 350 340 Nova (RUS) - - 13 13 11 Philippov Igor Philippov MB 19-Mar-1991 107 205 340 326 Ural (RUS) - - 35 35 14 Shcherbinin Dmitry Shcherbinin MB 10-Sep-1989 95 205 350 335 Dinamo (RUS) 4 - 30 34 16 Andreev Evgenii Andreev L 06-Jan-1995 72 180 305 295 Gazprom-Ugra (RUS) - - 5 5 25 Kruglov Pavel Kruglov OP 17-Sep-1985 98 205 351 342 Dinamo (RUS) - - 120 120 27 Golubev Valentin Golubev L 03-May-1992 70 190 310 305 Belogorie (RUS) 8 - 30 38 44 Zemchenok Denis Zemchenok OP 11-Aug-1987 93 203 350 333 Belogorie (RUS) - - 24 24 The player has not completed Anti-doping Educational Programme (Play Clean) Competition Manipulation Course OFFICIALS UNIFORM COLORS STATISTICS Head Coach: Tuomas Sammelvuo (FIN) Team Main: Red Data Minimum Average Maximum Assistant Coach: Claudio Rifelli (ITA) 2nd: Blue Age: 22.1 27.9 34.7 Doctor: Ilia Ershov (RUS) / Id: 181248 3rd: White Height: 180 200 212 Physiotherapist: Sergey Osipov (RUS) / Id: 181132 Spike: 305 343 360 Liberos Main: Red 2nd Assistant Coach: Denis Popov (RUS) 2-hand block: 295 330 350 2nd: Blue National selections: 5 52 259 Team Manager: Igor Artamonov (RUS) 3rd: White Journalist: Dmitry Kuznetsov (RUS) General Manager: Sergey Tetyukhin (RUS) Physiotherapist: Sergei Makarenko (RUS) / Id: 180878 We, the undersigned, declare that, in accordance with the present regulations, Statistician: Andrey Ryazantsev (RUS) the registred competitors are qualified for FIVB competitions.
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