Pat Buchanan’s Brain Ron Paul Wins Bernanke on Ice 10th Anniversary Issue MICHAEL B. DOUGHERTY W. JAMES ANTLE III CHARLES HUGH SMITH 2002–2012 NOVEMBER 2012 IDEAS OVER IDEOLOGY • PRINCIPLES OVER PARTY RIGHT WAY FORWARD America’s Hard Road Back From Empire and Insolvency When News Becomes 10TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ISSUE $4.95 US/Canada theamericanconservative.com “Christendom College is one of the best liberal arts colleges in America.” - George Weigel Equip yourself with a degree from Christendom College. Become a Christendom student... h Experience rigorous academics that teach you how to think and solve problems. h Discover a Catholic formation that makes you a well-rounded and ethical person. Become a Catholic leader... h There is nothing employers want more. h There is nothing the world needs more. What some of our alumni do: “Christendom helps sharpen analytical skills, h John Curran ’91 (Philosophy) while immersing you in an amazing Catholic Supervisory Special Agent, FBI environment unlike that at most other schools h Michele Velasco ’91 (Political Science) in the country. The goal of Christendom's Vice President, Finance, Sirius XM curriculum is the development of the entire h Frank O’Reilly ’83 (History) person. My reasoning skills were honed. My CEO, Petrine Construction ability to problem-solve and sift through dense h Emily Minick ’10 (Political Science) material to get that important information had Policy Assistant, US Senate Economic Committee greatly increased. My understanding of the bigger picture deepened, and the need to continually h Kathleen Gilbert ’07 (Classics) prioritize and order things in my life developed. I US Bureau Chief at LifeSiteNews.com left Christendom with a rich and abiding sense of h Bryan Hadro ’04 (Philosophy) moral and ethical issues.” Web Developer, ESPN Mark Rohlena ’00 h Jesse Batha ’02 (Political Science) CEO, Catholic Charities, Colorado Springs Commercial Airline Pilot, SkyWest h Adrienne Alessandro ’05 (English) Technical Writer, NASA h Phil O’Herron ’00 (Philosophy) Neuroscientist h Erin MacEgan ’07 (Theology) Registered Nurse h Sean Kay ’97 (English) Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers visit christendom.edu/elp Tomorrow’s Leaders. Here Today. NEW Career Development Program Front Royal, Virginia | 800.877.5456 | christendom.edu/leaders Vol. 11, No. 11, November 2012 7 32 50 ARTICLES FRONT LINES ARTS & LETTERS 14 Mind of the New Majority 6 France teaches that tradition 48 The Founders and Finance Pat Buchanan is more than means liberty by Thomas K. McCraw a conservative. ROD DREHER MICHAEL LIND MICHAEL BRENDAN DOUGHERTY 7 Boris Johnson, Britain’s mayor 50 In Search of the City on a Hill 21 Ten Years in the Right FREDDY GRAY by Richard M. Gamble A decade of The American 9 When elite education THOMAS E. WOODS JR. Conservative and its enemies clashes with quotas SCOTT McCONNELL 53 What’s the Matter With RON UNZ White People? by Joan Walsh 24 Who Killed Rudy Giuliani? 10 War is conservatism’s opposite FLORENCE KING Ron Paul retires in victory. WILLIAM S. LIND 55 From the Ruins of Empire W. JAMES ANTLE III by Pankaj Mishra 28 An Iceberg Called Bernanke COMMentarY VIJAY VIKRAM “Beautiful deleveraging” is really 5 Our mission 57 The Short American Century “ugly inflation.” ed. by Andrew J. Bacevich CHARLES HUGH SMITH 12 No exit for Iran DANIEL LARISON PATRICK J. BUCHANAN 32 How the Rich Rule 60 The Invisible Hand in Popular Libertarians know the financial 18 Who has the most nukes Culture by Paul Cantor system is rigged. per person? JORDAN BLOOM S HELDON RICHMAN R USSELL SEITZ 62 Government Bullies 38 The athP of Khan 36 Grover Norquist vs. the Pentagon by Rand Paul A cricket legend aims to lead MICHAEL D. OSTROLENK JAMES BOVARD Pakistan 42 Coming to terms with CHRISTOPHER SANDFORD 63 Ibsen’s “An Enemy of the the Taliban People” returns 43 Close Encounter PHILIP GIRALDI N OAH MILLMAN The Cold War’s final issue R .J. STOVE 46 America can do without a president BILL KAUFFMAN 66 Right from the beginning Cover illustration: Michael Hogue TAKI NOVEMBER 2012 THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE 3 Reactions MODERNISM AND MULTICULTURALISM than with their people. of existence, but it is actually a perni- Somewhere between Patrick J. De- It’s now time, I believe, to apply cious and corrupting force. neen’s re-reading of Bloom and Dan- this thought to our national politics, JAMIE MALANOWKSKI iel McCarthy’s exaltation of modern- to wit: that our members of Congress Excerpt from a Washington Monthly ist tendencies (October 2012) is some and political party elites have more blog post substantial food for thought, but also a in common with each other than few troubling contradictions. they have with the rest of us. (This, “Our plutocracy now lives like the Brit- If one were to dig into the remark- of course, would go a long way to ish in colonial India: in the place and rul- ableness of Picasso’s “Les Demoiselles explaining the RINO phenomenon.) ing it, but not of it,” Mr. Lofgren wrote. d’Avignon,” one would invariably run But then, didn’t Orwell instruct us in “If one can afford private security, pub- into his African mask collection. Pi- Animal Farm that the members of the lic safety is of no concern; if one owns a casso, on one level, took an art form ruling class have more in common Gulfstream jet, crumbling bridges cause that existed as a three-dimensional with each other than with the people less apprehension.” container of custom belonging to one they rule? Contrast this with Madi- It is jarring to hear this said of America, culture and converted it into a two-di- son’s observation in Federalist No. 57 precisely because of where else I’ve wit- mensional form of modernist, cultural than when leaders are distant from nessed it: in São Paulo, where rich Brazil- currency. If we have no recognition of the people, tyranny is inevitable. I am ians whiz above choked traffic in helicop- multiculturalism, how can we really puzzled that the Tea Party doesn’t call ters, live in doubly gated apartment blocks appreciate Picasso’s unique contribu- attention to the political wisdom of and resist revealing home addresses to tions, let alone the masks from which our founders, set forth in The Federal- GPS devices so as to prevent car thefts he drew inspiration? The charting of ist Papers. Or is the Tea Party basically from escalating into something worse; in the origins of appropriation in mod- no different from those who challenge New Delhi, where an upper-middle-class ern art is a necessary component for power merely to attain it? family might have its own private security understanding the depth of artistic Orwell, in 1984 made the point that guard, cook, driver, power generator and expression and the many levels of the Big Brother held power solely for pow- water treatment system, becoming almost perversion of theft (of which, the ma- er’s sake. Consider President Obama’s independent of the republic; in Port-au- ture artist is mostly cognizant). If the political fundraising process. (Also rel- Prince, where Haiti’s well-connected have notion of “many cultures” is an im- evant to 2012, the concept, in 1984, that their own special immigration lounge, perfect approach, why does it work so the news was whatever Big Brother said complete with tended bar. magnificently in works of art? it was.) To borrow the opening observa- From the vantage point of places like LARAY POLK tion in Federalist No. 57, I see the presi- these, America long represented some- Dallas, Texas dent’s big bucks donors as constituting thing different: “What’s great about this our neo-aristocratic class intent on the country is that America started the tra- REVOLUTIONARY RICH “ambitious sacrifice of the many, to the dition where the richest consumers buy Former Republican congressional aggrandizement of the few.” Indeed, essentially the same things as the poor- aide Mike Lofgren’s September ar- with the [likely] re-election of President est,” Andy Warhol once observed. He ticle on the secession of America’s fi- Obama, I see the “1984-ization” of the was thinking of Coca-Cola in particular, nancial elites set new records for United States speeding full steam ahead. but the observation was true of many TheAmericanConservative.com, attract- DAVID R. ZUKERMAN other things and practices: A generation ing more than 175,000 readers and Bronx, New York ago, the American rich and poor were 11,000 Facebook “likes.” The piece was more likely than now to sit side by side named to “best reads” lists at both The The most important article of the cen- at baseball games, to attend the same Daily Beast and BBC News. tury … so far, anyway, has appeared in schools, to live in similarly built families, The American Conservative. It is called to attend church about equally often, to Concerning Mike Lofgren’s observa- “Revolt of the Rich,” and it is by by live in the same areas and eat at more or tion that transnational elites have more Mike Lofgren, who spent 16 years as a less equivalent restaurants, as scholars in common with each other than with Republican staffer on House and Sen- like Charles A. Murray, Robert D. Put- their countrymen, while attending UN ate Budget Committees. In the article, nam and Michael J. Sandel have shown. sessions, in the 1970’s, with NGO cre- he makes a case that very few other Re- ANAND GIRIDHARADAS dentials, I concluded that the delegates publicans are willing to advocate: not Excerpt from the International Herald had more in common with each other only is wealth not the be-all and end-all Tribune 4 THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE NOVEMBER 2012 The American Conservative Publisher Ron Unz Editor Daniel McCarthy Senior Editors Rod Dreher Daniel Larison Mark Nugent { Vol.
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