, ( ON THE INSIDE ( THE WEATHER TODAY Bums Drop Cards Twice ............ Page 2 Partly cloudy and continued hot and rather SUI Exhibit at Stat. Fair ............ Page 3 humid today. and tomorrow with widely scat· Austrian Doctors Slip .............. Page 6 tered showers in north. Eatabliah.d 1868-Vol. 19, No. 278-AP New. and Wlr.p~to Iowa City, Iowa, TUllllday, August 19, 1947-Five Cents .. • • World in Action- Yale University Dean in Local Crash Local Crash .Hurts State Resls • I Louise Turns Back on Gollum Files Anti-, rusf Around Dr. S. W. Dudley Of Yale University Overell (ase; SuitS Againsl The Globe CEDAR RAPIDS (JP'}-Dr. S. W. Dudley, dean of the enllnHrin, Louise (hilly Tire Concerns OHICAGO (JP) - An attractive college at Yale university, New SANTA ANA, Calif. (.4')- The 6runette housewife, found nude Haven, Conn., was injured severe­ Charp' Price-Fixing; and battered in mysterious cir­ state rested it. case yesterday ly yesterday in an automobile ac­ a,alnst Louise Overell, I8-year­ Hits at Conspiracy in cumstances yesterday in her cident 12 miles south of here. locked Lake Shore drive apart­ old heiress, and her husky boy Dr. Dudley was brou,ht to '3t. frl.nd, Geor,e Gollum, 21, accus­ Color Film Industry JIIent , died last night, nine hours Luke's hospital here for surgical after she was discovered sprawled ed of !laylna her parents. treatment. Allendants said his A! the state concluded Its case, NEW YORK (,4»- The federal unconscious amid packing cases condition upon tmterlnr the hos­ and partially filled gin bottles. at 4:34 pm. (CST) the jury was ,overnment, charllnr a 12-year.,. pital was "fairly good." He sut­ excused until Thursday. old conspiracy to fix tire price. Police Intensified investigation fered severe lacerations on both to determine whether Mrs. Celeste Otto Jacobs, chief of the ,irL's and limit production, tiled a arms includln, the severini of defense, quickly launched Into Sell, 39, a salesman's wife who I criminal information yesterda,. some tendons, lost a considerable arlumltl'lts to strike portions of was preparing to move to St. aealnst 19 defendants includi~ Louis to join her husband, had been brutally beaten by an assail­ amoun•t 01 blood, had sever• brui- testhnony In the IS-week• trial the nation's principal tire manu.. • tacturen. ant, or had been injured In a fall. ses on both ieas and was described which he claimed pertained only as in "deep shock." to Gollum, not to his cUent. The Iirlormatlon, filed In teder .. TAMAZUNCHALE, Me lC leo The mishap occurred et the Belore the state rested, Prose­ al district court by the justic. * * * north edge of Shueyvllle. Patrol­ (.IP)-At least 12 persons were cutor Eu,ene D. WlIliams said he department's anti-trust division, killed and two vllla.-es were men said Dr. Dudley was enroute wished to review testimony\ as to wlpecl out by a seriM of land­ to Cedar Rapids, and that two cars the clothing Gollum wore the said the defendants elimtnated .Ud" which rumbled down whicl\ were traveling ahead of mornin, of March 15. Financier price competition by agre41lne "on from peaks of east central Mex­ him stopped abruptly. Dr. Dudley and Mrs. Walter E. Overell were prices, discounts, allowances, bon. ict Friday durinl" hurricane tried to go around them, but in so found dead after a blast that night U!leS, classification of customel'l, doing lost control of his car. nln., city officials bere rellOrt· which wrecked their yacht. uniform warrantles, ,uaranteea til yesterday. II hit a bridge abutment, spun Ov.rell, Gollum and two mech­ Ten of the known dead were at over It and dropped about )0 to 15 anics spent the day working on and adjustment polJcies, allocation Tarnal, eight and one-hall milts feet into a ditch. Dr. Dudley ap­ engines of the cabin cruiser, the 01 sales to state, county and mun· lOuth of here, where a roaring parently was traveling. alone. 42-foot Mary E. The state contends icipal ,overnrnent all4i!ncies." s\lde wiped out 43 houses F'riday that later that night the Overells Officials of several ot the de­ night. were blud,eoned to death and a fendant firms quickly denied the char,e of dynamite, receipts for government allegations and de­ SANTA MONICA, Calif. (iP) - Train Hits Brooder * * * which witnesses testified were in clared they would contest the IUit Virginia Warren, 18-year-old Gonum's handwrltln" was set off vigorously. daughter of California's Repub­ House; 2 Fined $100 to hide the crime. The alleged conspiracy to fix lican governor, saidl yesterday AMES (,4»-The North Western Jacobs contended successfully DemOcratic Gov. James E. Folsom Jllices be,an in May, 1935, the railroad str amIlner "City of Los that the matter at Gollum's c1oth­ inIormation stated. of Alabama was flying west lor a Angeles" was delayed for several In, had been gone Into on dlr­ vacation and she planned to see The defendant companies, which minutes here early yesterday ect testimony, and that there was include the industry's "bl' four," bim, but disclaimed any romance. morning and railroad oUiclals said no point In reopening It. Super­ "My goodness," she exclaimed, Goodyear, Goodrich, Firestone and Dean S. W. Dudley the wheels of several cars were lor Judge Kenneth E. Morrison Miss Overell and Fiancee U.S., produce more than 90 per.. "J've only seen him three times." She'd Rather Talk to Her Attorney, Lett He Swerved to Miss Two Cars flattened when the train plowed sustained him. cent of the tires and tubes made Into a brooder house being moved The courtroom earlier had not­ In the United States, the informa.. JERUSALEM* * (JP)* - F1&'htln across the railroad tracks about iced a distinct chill between the *ween Je_ and AJ'lLbs In the tion .aid. • Boly Land I1Ibalded 'yesterdaY 12:30 a. m. (CST) by two Ames two defendan.t. n ' th.y sat down WUllam O'Neil, klresident ot after el.-ht days 01 .trlfe u.s. Prolests PetkoY (ase men. to await the trial's openin,. Louise (ity's 99 High for Midwest General Tire & Rubber Co., one brou.-hi a total of S5 dead and The men, Charles Jones, a farm turned her back: on her boy friend of the defendant firms, declar.d WAS H J N G TON (JP) - The ican representative on the three­ laborer, and W. G. Mitchell, a once, as he started to talk with You were right. It was hot In spots in the midwest. 150 wounded. United States pressed Its cam­ power allied control commission The temperature In Iowa elty In a statement the Buit "just A report that two Syrian Arabs canning factory emPloyee, were her. Later she whispered briefly Iowa City yest rday. And no re­ doesn't make sense." paign of protest against commu· for occupied Bulgalra charged fined $100 and costs by Municipal but intensely to him, then swung lIet Is In sigh t before tomorrow <>r was 78 degrees at 9;30 last night. were kidnaped near Tel Aviv was nist tactics in the Balkans yes­ The low for yesterday was 71 de­ Hewert E. Smith, presJdent of denied officially by police, who that Petkov's convctlon in Sofia Judge J. Y. Luke yesterday morn- back In a swivel cbair and talked Thursday. the U.S. ltubber Co., declarecl terday by appealing to Russia to log on a chay.ge of moving a build· with an attorney, at the same time grees. said their earHer announcement of halt Bulgaria's execution of Ni­ Saturday of "plotting" against the The thermometer boiled up to a "this action is Incredible" and the kidnaping had been "based on Ing across a railroad right of way beating her fis ts on the counlel San Francisco's temperatW'e was said three of the four tire. whlcn kola Petkov, ,>utspoken aulgarian communist fatherland front gOV­ without a permit. table. torrid 99 degrees here in the atter­ fiJle Information." a cool 70 degrees and New York account tor 85 percent of his con· opposition leader. ernment was a "miscarriage of . 'The tuln proceeded at a speed Gollum, reUred with a discon- noon to place Iowa City on a level had a high of 74, accord In, to The cern's business now seU for 1... With British support, the Arner- justice". of 15 miles an hour to Boone. solate expression on his face. WASHINGTON(,4»-The* * * condi- with Sioux City as the hottest Associated Press, than prewar prices. lion of Fleet Admiral Ernest J. ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- • • • King remained serious last night. Meanwhile, in Los An,ele., an. The wartime ehtet of nav&l other anti-trust suit was filed eperaHons and commaruler·in­ chariinl a conspiracy in produc.. ehlef of the tleet has harden· tion of color motion pictures, with In.- of the arteries and indIca­ the Technicolor Motion Picture iloDl of a mlly•• trok.e wUbout Corp. and Eastman Kodak Co. "rlysls. Suic'ide 'Killer SI,9'YS 2, Wounds ·2 named as defendants. SEVILLA, Spain (,4»-Author- . "Victory In this suit shoull! illes here reported* * a* heavy explo­ make possible an early and aub .. lion, possibly in a munitions Psych Prof. 'Flunks ' stantial Increase In color motion dump, had occurred last night at Sea (rash Possible Love pictures for the public," laid • JlOlnt between San Fernando William C. Dickson, chlet of the ,nd Cadiz and was believed to As Infant, 2, Hunts west coast anti-trust dlvlll1on. have caused many casualties. Telephone and telegraph com­ Motive for Story Told j munication with Cadle was cut 'Cars and Horsies' 'and it could not be determined HONOLULU (iP)-The navigator Russ Vetoes Reject :Nhether it was because of explo­ CmCAGO (,4» - Some child problems that lYeren't in the book of the army B-17 which crashed lion damage or censorship.
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