October 15, 1998 Cutting Edge Coloring Outside the Lines Adventist young adults— ministering in new mediums Plus: eXcite98 LETTERS A New Courage us praising God in our own way, with and be counted in defense of his view My plaudits for Chris Blake’s “A New our own talents that God gave us. It (“moderate,” of course), he decried Courage” (Aug. 20 Cutting Edge has become a spectator sport—dry for- those willing to stand up and be Edition). It takes courage for an author malism. Help! counted with other views. I’m sure he to write this article and more courage doesn’t want to bully these folks out of for the Adventist Review to print it. In —Ron Nielsen, M.D. our churches. my 40 years of teaching and adminis- BREWSTER, WASHINGTON It seems to me that Blake carried tration within the Adventist Church, I an old chip on his shoulder instead have faced with regularity the kind of of forgiveness toward those he felt pressures referred to. I learned early While this article had some truth, I had wronged him. Anyone can feel that it is imperative to take a position found it disappointing. bullied and write articles against the and not be swayed by those who like Unwittingly, no doubt, spiritual bul- perceived bully. But I believe there is to snipe. Thank you, Chris, for the lying was disparaged by spiritual name- a better way. (See The Ministry of well-written article. calling. Blake seemed to be imposing Healing, p. 487.) his taste on others, while condemning —Virgil Bartlett others who imposed their taste on him. —Phil Mills, M.D. PROFESSOR EMERITUS While calling for those to stand up WICHITA, KANSAS ANDREWS UNIVERSITY Coming Soon: Cutting Adventists and Lutherans in My question is How can I resist spiri- Edge Meditations Prayer tual bullies without getting drawn into I really appreciate Ella Rydzewski’s an argument and being distracted from If you’ve ever wanted to share a editorial “Adventists and Lutherans my main mission, which is to praise spiritual thought but haven’t had the in Prayer” (Aug. 20). The fear of God? time to write a full-length devotional, some Adventists that the church is A good recent example is a tract we have just the thing for you. in danger of joining the ecumenical being circulated that condemns con- Beginning in January, Cutting movement does nothing but damage temporary Christian music. As it turns Edge Meditations will feature brief the cause. After all, in 1878 Ellen out, in our church of 150 only two lit- but deeply spiritual stories, insights, White spoke on a Sunday in a tle old ladies play the piano and organ. epiphanies, unanswered questions, Methodist church on the subject of The church board is discussing even drawings and photos, from temperance. As Adventists we need whether it would be appropriate to hire Adventists of all ages. (We continue to learn a few things about public a non-Adventist musician to play the to seek young voices.) You might say relations. organ. In contrast, we have six who it’s the spiritual equivalent of our play the trumpet, about 10 guitarists, a Adventist Life feature. —Alex Mayers harmonica player, a violinist, a clar- Send 30- to 300-word submis- BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN inetist, a percussionist who plays in the sions, your phone number, and a local orchestra, and a professional key- photo of yourself (we can crop out boarder/sound mixer. other people, if necessary) to Cutting While we should not look at Seventh- I grant you that the professional Edge Meditations, Adventist Review, day Adventism as the only doctrinal plays the organ wonderfully, and we 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver authority, can we accept that churches really enjoy it, but it no longer repre- Spring, MD 20904. embracing the “Lord’s Day” also are sents the music of the people. It isn’t following Scripture? If we can, how 2 (1370) ADVENTIST REVIEW, OCTOBER 15, 1998 weak our convictions must be regard- The Heart of It All ing the commandments. I have appreciated and enjoyed articles If we can’t embrace their doctrines, by Andy Nash ever since he joined the how can we embrace them as “prayer Review. His August 20 editorial, “OK, partners,” etc., any more than a Let’s Review,” touched me deeply. I Buddhist, unitarian, or person not guess reading “the old story” in every- COVER STORY holding to the whole Scripture? day current verbiage hit home. I can’t Doesn’t 2 Thessalonians 2:15 instruct wait to hear Jesus say to me, “You have 14 Coloring Outside the Lines Adventist young adults in North us to stand firm to the traditions we no idea how much I’ve missed you.” America are no longer “ready to were taught—these traditions being rumble.” They’re rumbling. handed down from God? Can we team —Dorothy S. Luber BY ANDY NASH up with those who worship in vain, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA “teaching as doctrines the precepts of ARTICLES men” (Mark 7:7)? I believe we can and should Not Appropriate 8 The Center Cannot Hold befriend those of other faiths. We can I enjoy the weekly Review very much, What comes after postmodernism? pray with them and for them, and set but David B. Smith’s “The House That And how does the church respond? BY STEVEN THOMPSON examples for them, but can we “part- Michael Built” (Aug. 20) seemed to be ner up” with them, believing our more a sports feature about Michael 12 Taking the Offense prayers are being reinforced or magni- Jordan than anything else. I failed to see Doing the right thing when life fied when they have nicely set aside the analogy between the two “Michaels” isn’t fair. the commandments of God? How can the writer was trying to make. I’m not a BY CANDACE GRAVES DEVORE we lead by following? sports fan, so unlike many people, I’m not too savvy on such things. 24 Your Baby and the Power of Human Touch —Don Icenogle, PASTOR The healing power of a hug, a SPOKANE, WASHINGTON —Clareen Colclesser caress, a snuggle. ELKHART, INDIANA BY GERALD COLVIN It is refreshing to see strong statements 26 I’d Believed. I’d Asked. So endorsing cordial relationships with Yancey’s Insights Why Did Nothing Happen? How do we know that God is there other-than-Adventist churches, even I’d like to add a footnote to Ken Wade’s if we don’t get what we want? to jointly sponsoring a “prayer week- review of Philip Yancey’s What’s So BY DON KEELE, JR. end.” Could Rydzewski’s suggestion Amazing About Grace? Be sure to read that there might be a “remnant move- carefully pages 229-236, 240-251, and DEPARTMENTS ment” in other churches be theologi- 259-260, wherein Yancey shares a 2 Letters cally correct? If so, how should we go remarkable insight into the drive by the about rethinking “our” concept of Christian Right to legislate morality 7 Give & Take being “the” remnant? and the danger this poses. Homo- 20 World News & Perspectives sexuality and abortion are the current 29 Leaving the Comfort Zone —Jim Kaatz targets, but it doesn’t take much imagi- SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA nation to know that keeping Sunday 30 Reflections will be a future target. In pages 238 and 31 Children’s Corner 247-251 Yancey reveals a perfect under- I would consider Ella Rydzewski’s standing of church-state relations. You EDITORIALS editorial a well-balanced position would almost think he has been reading 5 Do You Hear What I Hear? if Seventh-day Adventists had a The Great Controversy. clear understanding of their identity 6 Breakfast, Anyone? and mission. However, many Ad- —Dan Guild ventists come away from such NEWBURY PARK, CALIFORNIA NEXT WEEK meetings convinced that doctrinal differences are more a matter of Giving Caesar His Due religious culture than Bible truth. O N THE COVER: ARTIST AARON Beyond taxes. SOEPROALO AND OTHER YOUNG —Michael Brazington ADULTS AT EXCITE98. PHOTOS BY JIM LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CHRISTIANSON. ADVENTIST REVIEW, OCTOBER 15, 1998 (1371) 3 “Behold, I come quickly . .” Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ through stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return. The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119), published since 1849, is the general paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is printed 40 times a year each Thursday except the first Thursday of each month by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association. Periodicals postage paid at Hagerstown, MD 21740. Copyright © 1998, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Publishing Board: Robert S. Folkenberg, chair; Phil Follett, vice- chair; Lowell Cooper; William G. Johnsson; A. C. McClure; Dorothy Watts; Ted N. C. Wilson; Martin Ytreberg; Robert Nixon, legal advisor Executive Publisher and Editor William G. Johnsson Associate Editors Roy Adams, Bill Knott Managing Editor Myrna Tetz News Editor Carlos Medley Assistant Editors Stephen Chavez, Andy Nash Editorial Assistant Ella Rydzewski Administrative Secretary Chitra Barnabas Editorial Secretaries Beverly Koester, Jean Sequeira Art Director Bill Kirstein Designer Bill Tymeson Design Assistant/Production Stephanie Kaping Ad Sales Melynie Tooley Subscriber Services Steve Hanson Marketing Coordinator Ray Tetz Consulting Editors: Robert S. Folkenberg, Matthew Bediako, Phil Follett, Robert J. Kloosterhuis, A. C. McClure, Jan Paulsen, Leo Ranzolin, R. F. Rawson, Calvin B. Rock, G. Ralph Thompson Special Contributors: P. D. Chun, L. T. Daniel, L. J. Evans, Ulrich Frikart, Lee Huff, Israel Leito, Ruy H.
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