THE CARTERET NEWS FORMERLY THE ROOSEVELT NEWS li,STABLISHE,D 1908. Published Every Friday. VoLXV No. 33 CARTERET, N. J. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1922 F IV E C E N T S REPUBLICAN CLUB PERMIT BUSES MINSTRtt SHOW LOCAL CHAPTER AMERICAN CLUB jC O U N C L L D I V I D E D REWARDS BOYS TOPA RAU E OF FORESTERS j PREPARES FOR GAINS IN COUNTY O N I M P R O V E M E N T FOR PARADING TROLLEY LINE MEAT SUCCESS RED CROSS DRIVE BOWLING LOOP — -O- I I Democrats Favor It, But Rei>ubUcans Refuse to Thomas J. Mulvihill Association En Pnbiic Utilities Commission Grants Show Draws Large Audiences to Issue Annual Cali to Citizens To Re. Win Over Du Fonts and^South River Vote On Mary Street Improvement—First tertains Boys Who Did Much Work Local Bus Line Permission to Run j Auditorium of School No. 2 on new iVTembership. Campaign Will and Lose to South Amboy Yacht In G. O. P. Victory. ^ Beside Car Line in Rahway. ^ Monday and Tuesday Evenings. ! Run- Till Thanksgiving. Club. Time Council Split On Improvement -o- Lhe local Republican organization Samuel George, proprietor of thej What many declare was. the best I The Annual Roll-call or membership' During the past week the American passage of the ordinance pro- foot, but if the sidewalk.^ are laid they ^ started passing out politi- Carteret-Rahway Bus Line, has been j amateur production ever witnessed in drive of the American Red Cross of ^lub has won two out of three starts for the laying of concrete side- will at least have a place to walk, p urns and rewards to faithful par- grarited authority by the-Board of, the borough was successfully staged the nation is now on and is to continue ^"^1 three lost. icurbing on Mary Street, Councilman Harned said that he was ty workers who assisted in their vie- Public Utilities Commissioners to r^-, by Court Carteret, Foresters of Amer-^ ^ . and is to continue Mrenghtened Republican members not for the improvement if the majority ory at the poplls on Electioij Day. ceive and discharge passengers along | ica, on Monday and Tuesday evenings Thanksgiving Day. addition of Scally and Peterson Ifeatured a busy meeting of, wanted it, be that ha believed that ihe hrst plums to be handed out by the route traversed by the trolleys of in the auditorium of School No. 2,|' Ciiizens, -the call is abous to be and there is no dqubt that from nowif*^® Borough Council Monday night.'the Engineer shoud have obtained the t e party ea ers were awai e in the Public Service Railway Company when they put on their annual min-! made. You will again be asked to'on the team will occupy a co n ten d in g b u sin ess transacted .was the re-, amount o f lineal feet owned by the KLsh’s Hall last Friday night. A large in.that city, against the protests of strel show. The entire cast, both, renew your membership that this most Position in the. County Industrial upon motion of Coun- signers of the petition.s for . and gathering of party workers were on counsel for the latter company. The principais and chorus, showed the' r« cilrhan Lawlor, that the Police Com-,against the sidewalks and curbing. worthy organization shall continue to League race. hand to. witness the rewarding of the bus line parallels the trolley ine in suits 0 fexcellent coaching and dill- ’’ ^ Thursday, November 9, the authorized to purchase two Mayor Hermann brought the di.scus- faithful-the band of young boys of Mailn Itreet from Miton avenue to , gent-rehearsals, all carrying off .their locals dropped two games to the South of fbe police sion to a close by calling for a roll the borough who created much Re- Commerce street din Hazlewood'part's in a manner befitting a trained fits for another year. And in this Amboy Yacht Club. The scores foL ^ t o make plans for the call vote on the ordnance. Council- publican sentiment on Election Day avenue from Main street to Lawrence'rofo.ssional troupe. ' Thanksgiving nenriod when we of the low: I creation of a tralfic squad; plans were , man Andres answered “no vote”, by parading through the stress of street. Atorney George H. Blake re-1 The show attracted capacity audien- Borough so snug , and safe, have so ' . American Club I made for changing borough’s station- while Cou»cilmen Brown, Child and the Borough with Vote for Mulvi- presented the Public Service Com- eos at each performance and the spec- Bostwick ............... 167 122 120 D'om Roosevelt to Carteret; Lawlor,^answered “aye”. Councilman hill” signs, accompanied by^ eyery pany at the hearing, and IVft.yor J. B. Jtator.s----------------------------- were quick..,-------------------------- to demonstrate. .their c ‘ “I. ”■ '.TT' -DRowe ........ ................. 135 jgg.and a resolution was pa.ssed for the Harned also answered “no vote”, the manner of noise.making device oh- purber, of Rahway, appeared for the |appreciation ofthe ability o fthe ppe^. Young ............. ..... L14 142 |as.sessing of the Pershing Avenue im- . ordnance pa.ssing. The vote on sub- tainablc. local man. thought to the thousands all over the . world who have' not our benefits of 140 166 sequent roll calls was unchanged. Ii was a great night fo rthe bays, . Previous to getting permission from directed by Thomas J. I.oughlin, of ppeace and plenty as well as freedom Donnelly ........... 179 150 IGG;. R-reatest interest of the meet-' Mayor Hermann announced to the but it was eiijoyeil no less by the the Public Utilities Commission, the Rahway, one of the best known sing- from catastraphy. And all we are I mg centered around the Mary Street property owners present thathe would grown ups present. The festivities buses have been compelled the leave ■feis inthis sectidn of the .state, and to asked to do is to renew our member- Totals '•........... 824 68<) -gg improvement ordinance and this in- sign the ordnance and thatthey would were under-the direction of the Thos. the smooth concrete roadbed at the him no small measure of credit is ship, the cost of which goes to succor South Amboy I t reat/was fmther heightened by the soon be' officially notified of it. The Mulvihill Association and that or-. Lawrence street bridge and to enter due fo rijhe success of the show. Mr. C. 'C rane ........... 222 suffering humanity. 205 144 delegation then left the council ganization showed its usual pep and'Rahway by way of Lawrence, street , Loughlin himsef was one of the dis- R. Crane ........... 161 15.g 140 chamber, cheering Mayor Hermann versatility in the pprogram arrang-ed and East.Milton avenue.. The condit-^^j^g^ shbw. He apppeared work of the local Chapter is, W.- Stephenson .... 155 164 159 and rebuking the others who did not> fo rthe 6oy.s entertainment , There io nof Lawrence street has been a dis- ^ chorus of eight girls and sang known in this community. It Chapman ........... 164 149 128 vote for the passage of the ordnance* were all sorts of contests, from bob- grace to Rahway for several years and! uQjj.jg jjy Dreams.” This act was established itself by it s works, R. Stephenson 169 180 160 90 bing for apples to burrowing, with it was made no better when it ■'vasjjjjjg sensations of the show and is .apparent to.all per cent, of the property owners on IMotorcycTes. that street. -When the ordnfince was Under the head of committee re­ their heads, in ‘pails of Hour to find used as‘a detour fo rhearly a year;^^^^- repeatedly encored b,y the audi- Totals ........... 871 854 731 tastrophies, diseases, misfortunes and taken up for its third and final read- Councilman Brown, for the po- All of the prizes awarded were while t^ie Hazlewood avenue bridge^ 'ence. human suffering, all the enemies of in cash, making it more attractive for was being built. i' ' Sol Sokolnik, with Tils Musical Four 'fhe Du Fonts, the leading team in ing, Mayor. Hermann announced that committee, reported that it was council v,.-ould be glad to hear anvnne opiiTion th at the borough needed the youngsUns. The mo'st popular i Counsel fo rthe Public .Service ob-; g_ Greagnor, J. Toth, and human kind wherever^ the league, dropped their first m;ateh ev( iits were the pie-eating contest and jeeted to the approval of the ap- 'M. Lozak, was another sensation, the ^his globe, we say of the season to the Americans on the And we fur- Mr. Eudie arose and stated that there additional men should the game in which the contestants ;)]jcation unless the aplicant j-ecaiing them many times, pass” to overwhelm us.^ local alleys last Friday night. The ^ were several -property o.wners favor- appointed and that^ motorcycles wei^ forced to dive into the flour and agree not to accept papssengers on, nHisical broom was a big feature ther say that the American Red Cross local pin knjghtfi won the first and ' ing the improvement and told of procured and a traffic squad pick out the. coins with their teeth; i,|g might begin and end their iofthis number. The Milano Brothers '‘shall not papss” away, but that it 'final games and the ppowder men took organized. This brought forth much ■When the.lads finished with these two trips betw'een Milton avenue and'.^ “Tazz'os ” a skit comprising pleas- shall be perpetuated and be a f the sandwich encounter. were un­ The able to be present.
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