'A ■/ WWDKBSDAT, JUKI 1, IMO Bloodmobile Visits Manchester Hospital Tomorrow-10:45 a. m. to 7p. m. fA Q l TWlWTT-iroUR Ptm iflygBter E tufritlttg I; same aftenwon, and DsnlSl Pin­ In BridgMort, aooordlng to ftsB; Aa^svaning of social nmaa will Ailing Will Open berg. TOO company's main stort .The Weather to, 6, of 109 Center St, cut his ForecaeT of D. S. Weather Bttreaa be held at the K of C Rome PM- Pistol^ Snake left knee about 2:30 p.m, on glass Is on Asylum St. In Hartford. R E . WANDELL hrethge Daily Net Preaa Run AboutTow n day at 8 p.m. Branch in Town There are eight branches. ■ For the Week Ended Memorial Day. 4 Fair end mUd tonight. Low near Building May 28tb, 1960 Ttm Tlrwir Club will hold lt« Margaret Meacham, 9, of 152 Members of Daughters of Idber- Add to m i The Ailing Rubber Co. of Hart­ ee. Friday warm, eeattored aftor- •aHatl tttdlw in«tat dinner-dftOM. ty, No. 126, who plan'to attend a Loomis St, cut her left foot on RANGE glass the same day about 4:45 (Contractor noon and evfBiac ehewera. High ffthwdiy mt Um clubhouse, Braih' house party at the home of the ford expects to open a branch 13,120 aM PL Dtimar will be served at Of Mishaps j).nt . • store in Manchester In space,fo>^* areond SO. Worthy mistress, Mrs. WllUsm iUEl OIL Member o t the Audit 7 tfclock, and there will be danc- Smith, In Rockville, should meet Barbara Sherman, 6, of Hublard merly occupied by Shoor Jewelers R«sMMiriaUC«miiMKlai ln|f from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets Dr., Vernon, received a small B^pnan o f OIrcUlatlen Manchestet City of VUlage Charm at Orange Hall Friday at 7:80 A pistol shot, a swallowed Quar­ at 977 Main SL Arthur B. Sten- GASOLINE j^lternttow-Remedelliig \ _______ - - - for members and friends are p.m. Transportation will be pro­ ter, a snake and a great deal of scratch on her left leg when she berg, manager, said the branch avaUsUa from the clubhouse was bitten by a small snake (Olaaeifled Advertleing ea fiafe 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS vided. broken glass sent a slew of persons will prbbabljr open next week. “BosincsB Built Oh MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1960 stssrard. to the emergency room at Man­ around 3:30 p.m. (TWENTY PAGES^ Ailing is mainly a sporting Customer Satofaetion’* VOL. LXXIX, NO. 207 The sewing g^Toup of Bhnanuel chester Memorial Hospital over Two-yeai;-old Guy Talley, 44 Pi­ goods store,. according to Sten- BANTLY OIL 5 P v t Ccmrad R. Therrault, son Lutheran Church Women will the Memorial Day weekend. oneer Circle, cut the Inside of hla berg, but also carries general pur­ Full liwuranca Coverafa o f Ur. and Mrs. Benoit Beaulieu, meet in the youth room tomorrow "Edward Calles, 19. o Lawler mouth about 4:40 p.m. Memorial pose Items and rubber goods. In­ INt'. LoomU S t. has completed at 10 a.m. All women of ELOW, Rd„ Rockville, received a bruise Day. He had been marching cluding matting and ralnweSr. ; ’ I 'I \ I \ - 1 !ti;i: I tel. MI 4-0450 baste training at Parris Island and who are Interested In a. sewing over his left eye, Sunday, when a around holding a flag, and fell The Qtore’s lease Is for five Alter 5:00 PJI. State News will receive further training at blank-cartridge pistol was acci­ with It. He waa admitted ,to the years, he said. TEL. Mitchell 9-45V5 Khrushchev Claims project, are welcome. Members dentally discharged by him. The 82 BALDWIN ROAD Camp IjeJefune.'N. C, should bring lunch: coffee will be hospital, where his condition is re­ The branch soon to open In Man­ incident was reported to the Ver­ chester was formerly established ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 served. ported as good. Roundup Aides Agreed Ike to Take non Town Constable. The Alplna Society will meet to­ James Belhiimeur, 7, of 22 Co­ a ^ night at 7:30 at the Italian Amer­ Miss Brenda M. Hills has been lumbus St., nwallbwed a Quarter U.S. Aims Not Ideas ican Cnub on ESdrldge St. to con­ elected to the Liberal faction at around 1:50 p.m. Sunday. He was New Haven, June 2 {JF)— clude activities for the season. Central Connecticut State College Wins Scholarship discharged after his parents were The bargaining committee for and will represent It In the Con­ advised on treatment. Southern New England Tele­ necticut Interscholastic Legisla­ Miss Elaine Marie Sweeney, Also Injured Sunday was Karl Of American People ture. She Is the daughter of Mr. eighth grade student at St. James’ Newgebauer, 31, of Wethersfield, phone Co. workers will meet and Mrs.'Willard B. Hills, 1652 School, has been awarded a partial who had a fish hook removed from with management representa­ onsi Manchester Rd-i* Glastonbury. 2-year scholarship to Mt. St. Jo­ his scalp In the afternoon. « tives at 10 a.m. tomorrow in SCREENS seph Academy in West Hartford. Roger Caouette, 21, of 69 Pleas­ another effort to avert a "CriUcsl Baading’ will be the The scholarship was awarded by ant St., "Joan Caouette, 19, and 8-t r a c k AtiUMUrtlM Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Ladies Zieigh Ann Caouette, 2 months, of democratic .tr^lttlons of the strike. ' COMBINATION topic of Dr. Albert Burice, tele­ Khrushchev has written four American nation, traditions of U the meeting Is unproductive, | 1 vision commentator, at the an­ of Columbus, of which Mrs, the same address were examined For the JUNE BRIDE from our Thomas Wilke is scholarship com­ and discharged after an auto acci­ Democratic leaders that the Washington and Jefferson. Lincoln the unioh bargaining committee O nual luncheon meeting of the Con­ and Franklin D. Roosevelt." wUl probably set the date for a , V ^ Didn’t Plan necticut Association for Reading mittee chairman. dent Sunday at 11 p.m. HOUSEWARES D E P T ^ w e r store level present U .S. government fol­ The winner is the daughter Of Broken glass waa responsible for The premier's letter, dated May walkout by about 9,000 members o WINDOWS Research at the Carriage Drive lows a "doctrine of aggres- 30, was made public by Senate Inn in Hamden Saturday at 11 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sweeney 13 stitches In the right hand of MODERN "STEF-A-UGHT" Jill Ferguson, 6, of 736 Avery St., gion and provocation” which Democratic Leader., .Lyndon B. ?hone ' J O H H S O H ’ S c e i l a.m. - * . Jr„ 130 Walker St. The 14-year- To old girl, who has four brothers and who put her hand through a etorm FLOOR LAMPS .. ..............$15.98 to $22.95 ‘*vrss not created by the Johnson of Texas, one of th» lead­ The committee was authorised | ■95 three sisters, was honored for her window around 2:15 p.m. Memorial AJtnerican people.” ers who wrote him just as the sum­ yesterday by the union’s executive J .VALUE An adult Information course'Will mit conference was collapsing in board to set a strike date. The lln; Early Test meet at Zion Evangelical Luther­ excellent academic standing. Day. PLANTER BRASS Khrushchev wrote that the Judges for the scholarship Walter Miller. 24, of 61 Mill St., Soviet Union .will carry forward Paris May 10. ' ■ board took the action after the! U2 .FUghts an Church tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. TABLE LAMPS ............ ............................ $9,95 Johnson told the Senate, in mak­ Installation Optional award were ^he Rev. Philip Hus­ cut his left elbow 6n glass the with a policy of ♦peaceful coex­ union memberahip rejected con-j ny ASSOCIATED PRESS istence^ but declared: ing public the letter, that he re­ travel term, offered by the com-, y Kennedy (D- A Yirfior, or memorial service, sey, ■ pastor of St. Bartholomew’s NINE PIECE CADOY SET . ............. $3.75 garded it as an "arrogant denial Washingiton, June 2 (/F>— p ^ s h ; Atty. John Shea, and Miss will be held at Temple Beth Shol- Inehidlng eight glaeaea (Sea Horse design) plus brass earrier. •The' present government of the of the facts." Rejection came on a 5,444 to.Mflss) find Lyndon B. Johnson Patricia Campbell, a teacher at USA, unfortunately, has shown I Secretary of Defense Thom as HOME om tomorrow at 10 a.m. DAILY The Senator noted that Kbrdlh- Bower’s elementary school. that It seeks not to Improve the 1,263 mail vote, announced yester- (D-Tex) appear to be making S. Crates disclosed today th a t SHOPPERS' PYRGX HONEYMOON Chev in the letter renewed his day. Terms offered by the com- Headwav toward narrowing SPECIALTIES The annual dinner meeting and relations between our two coun­ charge that the United States had [U.S. military forces are now SPECIAL 54c 4-CUP CARAFE with CANDLE WARMER . $2.95 tries but to destroy those positive pany were not disclosed. down the field for the Demo- election of officers of the Chamln- Royal Black Preceptory, Nd.' 18, td r^ o e d the summit meeting. engaged in a communications 88 PUBNEIX. PLACE Ideal for serving coffee, tea, hot chocolate and h o i sauces. reaults which were achieved in ade Musical Club will bo held Mon­ will meet Friday night In Orange Johson said thla statement came cratic piMidential nomlna- alert, exercise. MI 8-28M day at 6:30 p.m. at Windsor ftoviet-American relations within Ing without a contract since April I Hall at 7:30.
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