SPRING 2009 VOL. 36 NO. 108 TIInterEDInterEDHE JOURNALnter OF THE ASSOCIATIONION FOR THE ADVANCEMENEDT OF IINTERNATIONALIONAL EDUCATIONION AAIE IN THIS ISSUE Cyberbullying ullying has his- cyberbullying. Chib- President's Message --------------------------- 2 torically been re- By Barrie Jo Price, Anna C. baro (2007) states that portedB to be the most McFadden and Juanita McMath cyberbullying is one Executive Director's Message --------------- 3 common form of vic- of the most preva- Editor's Desk ------------------------------------- 4 timization in schools with over 5 million lent forms of harassment among Grade 6 students reporting being threatened physi- through Grade 8 students. Superintendent of the Year: Ladd ----------- 7 cally, verbally or indirectly every year, with that number on the rise as cyberbullying Though it may begin in elementary schools, Memo to the Board ----------------------------- 8 becomes part of a computer-mediated research indicates that Middle School stu- Recruiting & Retaining Staff -----------------11 culture (Harris, Petrie & Willoughby, dents appear to be the most frequent tar- 2002; Willard, 2006; Anderson & Sturm, gets or at least those for whom this activity Treasurer's Report ---------------------------- 12 2007). is most reported (Beale & Hall, 2007; Hin- duja & Patchin 2009). This finding, coupled Research is the Key -------------------------- 14 How frequently does cyberbullying occur? with a recent report from the Pew Research Superintendent of the Year Program ----- 17 Tonn (2006) reported on a study in which Center, shows half of all youth (in the U.S.) one third of United States (U.S.) youths online between the ages of 12 and 17 have GovNet ------------------------------------------ 19 surveyed (ages 12-17) reported experienc- a social networking account of some kind ing cyberbullying in the past 12 months, (Facebook, MySpace, etc.). It is possible to AAIE Conference Awards ------------------- 20 findings consistent with results reported begin to grasp the potential for cyberbully- New Staff Orientation Strategies ---------- 22 by Hummell (2007) in which one third ing (Brydolf, 2007) and to understand the of youth ages 12 to 17 and one sixth of need to become proactive in addressing it Cramer, New REO ---------------------------- 25 youth ages 6 to 11 reported experiencing Continued on page 32 Lehigh Global Entrepreneurship ---------- 26 Clements Scholarship Offered------------- 27 43rd Annual AAIE Conference a Community College as Alternative ------- 27 San Francisco Success Project GO3 ------------------------------------- 28 feature of this year’s meeting was a four- The SEED Program -------------------------- 30 ver 400 delegates and 45 exhibi- tors filled the meeting rooms of session program for international school Thriving in Crisis: Istanbul Perspective -- 31 SanO Francisco’s Hyatt Regency Hotel principals sponsored by the College Board in the Embarcadero for the Association and presented by Harvey Alvy. NEASC ------------------------------------------ 38 for the Advancement Conference. They Two keynote addresses were made by John MSA Accreditation ---------------------------- 39 heard three principal speakers, attended Liu, Director of the Environmental Media 50 ‘breakout’ sessions, saw the premier Project which is based in Beijing, China, WASC Spring Update ------------------------ 40 screening of the 100 People Foundation and by Jean-Francois Rischard, previously film, “100 People: Voices from the City,” Celebrations & Congratulations ----------- 43 with the World Bank as Vice President for attended the Association’s annual award Europe and now an author/consultant on ceremony, and took advantage of a full global issues. Mr. Liu’s address was spon- day’s pre-conference activities. A special Continued on page 18 AAIE the president’s message the global education family of leaders and learners It is an honor to write this welcome Mark, thank you. We aim to build on your vol. 36 no. 108 spring 2009 InterEdInterEd for the spring issue of InterEd, the voice good work. of our global family. For me, like so many A year ago, when I was invited to serve as of you, AAIE is and has been for years a the incoming president of AAIE, one of 2009-2011 AAIE OFFICERS very special organization, both profession- the things that struck me most deeply was President, ally and personally. There is nothing that the enormous responsibility this position Dr. Edward E. Greene (2009-2011) Overseas I look forward to more each year than our President Elect, presented—not just because of the pivotal annual gathering at the end of the recruit- Dr. Beth Pfannl (2009-2011) Overseas role AAIE plays for all of us today—but Treasurer, ment trail. The annual conference comes because of the incredible history of the or- Dr. Ronald Marino (2009-2012) US at a time when enjoying the company of so ganization. many friends, old and new, is akin to find- AAIE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE In my view, one of the most critical aspects Mr. Frank Anderson (2008-2011) US Elected ing shelter from a storm. The fact that this Dr. Connie Buford A/OS ex-officio gathering takes place amid a stimulating facing me as I move into the presidency of Mr. Jack Delman ACCAS professional conference where colleagues AAIE is the solemn responsibility to honor Dr. Jonathan Lewis US share innovative programs with one an- the work of those who have preceded us in Ms. Mary Virginia Sanchez Tri-Association AAIE’s long and rich history. Both pro- Mr. Mark Ulfers ECIS other and leading voices on the world stage, like this year’s keynote speakers, Jean-Fran- fessionally and personally, like so many of AAIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS cois Rischard and John Liu, shake us out you, I am indebted to so many who have Dr. Charles Barder (2009-2012) Overseas of complacency and force us to redouble served in leadership roles in this organiza- Mr. David Chojnacki NESA tion. People like Dean David Smith, Gil Mr. David Cobb CEESA our commitment to our boldest visions for Dr. Robert DiYanni (2009-2012) US our schools. AAIE’s annual conference is Brown, Gordon Parsons, Dick Krajczar, Mr. Harold Fleetham (2009-2012) Overseas one of the most significant annual events Clark Kirkpatrick, and Cliff Strommen-- Mr. Kevin Glass (2209-2012) US on my calendar. I know many of you share all of whom have given so much to AAIE Ms. Miffie Greer AISA and all of whom provided critical support Mr. Philip T. Joslin AASSA that sentiment. I know, also, that each of Dr. Richard Krajczar EARCOS you shares my deep appreciation for Ex- to me at various times in my career. I can Dr. Jonathan Lewis (2007-2010) US ecutive Director Elsa Lamb and Everett say that without their guidance and support Ms. Pilar Cabeza de Vaca ECIS McGlothlin who worked tirelessly over I would not be the educator or person I am Ms. Reina O’Hale MAIS today and, without them, AAIE would not Mr. John Roberts (2209-2012) Overseas the past twelve months to make this year’s Mr. Gerald Selitzer ASOMEX AAIE Annual Conference one of the best be the organization it is today. It is noth- Dr. Joe Shapiro (2008-2011) US in memory. ing short of humbling to serve as president Ms. Areta Williams (2009-2012) Overseas of the organization that these educational Dr. Pete Woodward (2009-2012) US But, let us not forget that AAIE is far leaders, and so many others like them, have more than a once-a-year event. It is an created over the past 44 years. We must EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR organization committed to international Ms. Elsa Lamb never lose sight of the history of this orga- education in the largest sense of the term, nization and the leaders who provided us AAIE HEADQUARTERS OFFICE working hand in hand with so many oth- with a gift to treasure and honor through Mr. Sam Cohen ers who have committed their professional the decades ahead. lives to the community of international EDITOR As President, it is my most important re- Dr. Gilbert C. Brown schools. From a rich collection of summer institutes, to Headnet, to the newly created sponsibility to provide support to our tal- ASSISTANT EDITOR FOR RESEARCH Board Advisory Panel, to ongoing efforts ented Executive Director, Elsa Lamb, as Dr. Jay Ketterer to increase bridges with the major univer- she addresses the issues, large and small, that tumble into her office each day. Hers ASSISTANT EDITOR FOR TECHNOLOGY sity programs, to AAIE’s partnership with Dr. Barrie Jo Price AISH and others on the teacher recruit- is a lonely job. And yet, in one rapid year, ment task force, to our on-going collabora- Elsa has taken quick and bold steps, all of DESIGN & LAYOUT tion with the Office of Overseas Schools, them necessary to refocus AAIE on a posi- Sarah J. Stoner / Swordfern Wordsmithing Services tive and bright horizon. The AAIE Board 700 Broadway East #301; Seattle, Washington 98102 AAIE plays a vital role in all of our schools Tel: (206) 949-9215 and lives and will continue to do so. and I stand firmly behind her in the im- Email: [email protected] portant and challenging work that is now AAIE’s recent past has been a challenging in her more than capable hands. I ask that PRINTING one, as we all know. I begin the term of all of our membership commit themselves Vital Printing Corporation president with the deepest respect and ap- to the same. 421 South Dixie Hwy; West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 preciation for the work of my predecessor, Tel: (561) 659-2367 Fax: (561) 659-3380 Email: [email protected] Mark Ulfers, for his outstanding leadership. As we all know, leadership requires a com- executive director’s message mitment to the organization’s mission, Dear AAIE Colleagues, values and beliefs. As I prepared to serve as President of the Association for the Ad- Throughout the U.S. presidential cam- 5. We will identify and develop critical vancement of International Education, I paign, and since our new President’s inau- partnerships to achieve the mission spent some time reviewing the beliefs that guration, “change” appears to have become and objectives of AAIE.
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