THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE UADING AMD MOST WIDELY CIKCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY - i Entered as Second Class Matter Font OITice, \Ve»tfleld, N. J WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY", THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1949 Survey Reveals Collections Lag Only Slightly Borough Seeking Outline Courses Boro Fire Dept. Despite Higher^9_Tax Bills Personal Property Polio Fatal To Despite larger tax bills, reflected for the first time in the bills for Equipment Poor the third quarter of the year, which were due Aug. 1, collections up to Tax Revenue For Adult School Aug. 8 are only slightly behind those of other years Tax Collector Bert Mountainside Boy New Fire Truck Koeber reported to the Town Council Monday night. Collections amounted to 69.7 per cent of the total due for the entire year. Usually, Herrick Resigns Two New Instructor* Fo r Dancing Purchase Deemed As Mountainside Two Westfield GirisTWorking At , Necessary Now collections at this time are just Court*; Church HMory A Subject over 70 percent of the total. Taxes Tax Assessor Shore Resort, Contract Disease Seven of the 29 different courses to be offered in 38 classes of the collected from July 25 to Aug. 8 Parties Close MOUNTAINSIDE — A survey MOUNTAINSIDE—An ordin- The first polio fatality in the Westfield area was reported this Westfield Adult School are described today in th first of a series of made at the request of the Borough totalled $396,075,45, Mr, Roeber re- week with the death of George Reynolds, nine-year-old son of Mr, and _rticlea on the project's curriculum. The school will open Oct. 10, fol- ported. ance providing for collection of Council by former Fire Chief E. Playground Year 'certain personal property taxes, Mrs, George G. Reynolds of Summit road, Mountainside, who died lowing registration night Sept, 26 in the cafeteria of Roosevelt Junior G. McGinley of East Orange, re- An ordinance authorising the in- Tuesday morning in Overlook Hospital. His disease had been diagnosed High School. stallation of a traffic light at the through the issuasce of moving garding the needs of the Borough permits by the local Tax Collector, as lobar poliomyelitis. Ballroom Dancing is not a new Fire Department, was presented by intersection, of Grove street and BOO Children A not her case of infantile paraly- Central avenue, the scene of many was passed on flrst reading by the subject in the evening school cur- McGinley at Tuesday's council Registered At Fields Mayor, and Council Tuesday even- sis, bringing Westfield's total to riculum but the instructors this meeting. accidents, was introduced on first four, was reported last night to year are new to Westneld. They Garden Club Wins reading with hearing set for the ing. Final hearing will be Sept. Nurses Needed This report, which practically Birthday parties and a skit day 13.' This ordinance makes it man- the Board of Health. The victim i« ire the former Miss Irma V. Ran? next meeting, Aug. 22. At least Joyce Morgan, nine years old, of kin and her husband, Charles D. confirms another received recently one of the accidents at the inter- closed the eight-week summer play- datory for a person residing in the First In Show from the Fire Rating Organization ground season in Westfield yester- borough, to obtain a permit before For Polio Victims 026 Lenox avenue. She was taken Taylor of Elizabeth. The Taylors section resulted in a death and to Muhlenberg Hospital, where her have conducted successful dancing of N. J., states without hesitation residents have long requested that Uay afternoon at the five fields, al- moving personal property within or that the present, fire equipment is though some activities being out of the borough. Such permit condition this morning wi.s report, classes in the South Orange Adult Arrangement Merits lights be instilled. The Council Red Croat Is ed as "fair". School, and in many towns in 'inadequate. appropriated (1760, the estimated continued today as equipment is will not be issued before all per- Union County including the Eliza- Mayor's Gold Cup McGinley, who toured the bor- cost of installation. Heavy shore being collected, Challenge Day, 'sonal taxes are paid. Violation of Seeking Workers Two new eases of infantile pa- completing programs devised by the proposed ordinance would carry th School of Adult Education. ough with department officers in traffic this iuinm<r along: Central ralysis Were reported this week in the present equipment, stated that avenue prompted the police recent- Ihe children, were held on the var- a maximum fine of $50, a term of Nurses are urgently needed in Westfield. One,of the victims, Miss Miss Rankin has her own school The Westneld Garden Club 90 days in the County Jail, or both. walked home with the Mayor's gold Mountainside has only one piece ly to install 20 mile per hour signs ious grounds on Tuesday. this area to care for the daily in- Edith Oppenheimer, 20, daughter Eliiabeth, offering classes in A tract of land including 240 lots allet, tee, tap and ballroom danc- cup, first prize award for the best of fire apparatus—the Mack. The along the thoroughfare. The playgrounds are closed at creasing number of infantile of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H, Oppen- invitation arrangement submitted rebuilt Ford he classes as ineffec- this time in order to permit the situated on Route 29 and Mill lane, heimer of 802 Shadowlawn drive, ing. "A correct foundation in danc- Councilmen A. D. Bauer, Conrad acquired by the borough through paralysis cases, Miss Nellie Winey, at the New Jersey Gladiolus Show tual and merely taking up space B. Lewis, Alan Phillips and Mayor Board of Education to complete chairman of nurse recruitment of is in critical condition in Monmouth ing means a graceful carriage and tax foreclosures, and recently of- Memorial Hocpital, Lone Branch. healthy body," itatoa Hies Ran- Thursday at Connecticut Farms '.n headquarters. Charles P. Bailey were absent on work on the, schools and grounds the Westfield Red Cross Chapter, School, Union, The arrangement, for the fall school season. fered at public sale, was success- The other, 20-year.old Miss Nancy in, who has made^professional ap- .Mountainside's grave danger is vacation. Councilman R, J, Meigs, fully bid for by Harry Sturcke of said today, In announcing that the depicting a birthday party and en- senior member, again served as A total of 800 children were reg- Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jearancts with the Ballet Russe, in lack of water, he said, with Westneld. Sturke's bid of $20,000 chapter' is recruiting registered titled "Life Begins at 80" consisted many of its homes being located too acting Mayor. istered at the playgrounds this Robert B. Jenkins of 645 Dorian he Fokine Ballet, as well as with net, the only one received, was the nurses for the National Foundation Chester Hale and at the Roxy of shades of pale lavendar, fuschiu, far from hydrants, and low water year. Competent playground lead- road, is in "fairly good" condition orchid and purple gladiolas, ar- For the second consecutive meet- eiB were in charge of the pro- minimum sales price the qouncil of Infantile Paralysis at the re- at Muhlenberg Hospital Both girln Theatre. She studied dancing with pressure in such hydrants as there ing, the hearing on the vacating of would accept. Sturcke was recent- Louis Chalif, Michel Fokine, the ranged with gray foliage, and are. grams. A cross section of craft quest of the hospitals. Miss Winey ' contracted the disease in Sprlnir plums in a pewter urn against a n portion of Lenape Trail in In- articles made by the children has ly, the recipient of a retail con- Lake late Alex Yakovleff, Cansino and McGinley stated in the Birch dian Forest was continued for an- sumption alcoholic beverage license said that reports from national > where they were serving as ether masters, and at Teachers moss green background. It was de- 'Hill area alone, the top pressure been on display at the Play Pair health authorities show there are waitresses in the Sandpiper rea- signed by Mrs, Harold Brooks and other session. Residents of the on Elm street. issued to Jack and Joan, by trans- College, Columbia University. is 45 pounds. Throughout the bor- area had protested the vacation un- fer, for use in a proposed building a greater number of cases this year I taurant. Mrs. Homer Baker of the local ough, and the figures were con- The following activities have throughout the nation than during I Miss Oppenheimer became ill Mr. Taylor teaches ballroom club. The arrangement vied with less provision was made for a been reported at the five play- to be erected on the premises bid firmed by reports read by Chief strip wide enough to be used by on Tuesday evening. It is under- a comparable period last year, and last Wednesday while Miss Jenkins dancing with Mies Rankin. Teach- those of 14 other clubs who were William VunNest, pressures run grounds, that in some places the disease is was taken ill Friday and brought ' ing by a couple, a popular method invited to submit displays for a pedestrians and far the emergency stood these premises will contain from 20 to 47 tops. Where hy- passage of fire trucks. Columbus—The senior horse shoe bowling alleys. reaching epidemic proportions. home by her father, Following in the ballroom field, permits dem- 'dining roo mbuffet for a special drants should flow at the rate of title goes to Dick Thomas and the This, together with the fact that diagnosis Saturday by the family jnstrations of new steps and al- dining room buffet for a special 1000 gallons per minute, many Chester D.
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