SIACJt, THE LIBRARY V."V \ OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE 'Haverford, Pa.) THE GIFT OF SlqAJX MO \0 - °\ 190 £ Accession No A ^ ^ ^ NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBHAEY. 1/ VoL-4, HAVERFORD COLLEGE P. 0., MONTGOMERY CO., PA., OCTOBER, 1883. Ner44^ PORTER & COATES' NEW PUBLICATIONS. The Largest Old Book Store in America THE POETRY OF OTHER LANDS. A Collection of Trans- lations into English Verse of the Poetry of other Languages, Ancient and Modern. Compiled by N. Ci.emmons Hunt. Containing GENERAL INVITATION. translations fro m the Greek, Latin, Persian. Arabian, Japanese, Turkish, Servian, Russian, Bohemian, Polish, Dutch, German, Italian, French. If you want a book, no matter when or where published, Spanish and Portuguese languages. lJmo. Cloth extra, 82.4 0. call at our store. We have without exception the largest THOMAS' COMPREHENSIVE BIOGRAPHICAL DICTION- collection of Old Books in America, all arranged in Depart- ARY. l2rao. Cloth extra, $2.50. ments, each department under the charge of an experienced The aim of the publishers in issuing this work is to present in convenient size and at moderate price a comprehensive dictionary of biography, embracing to infor- person, who is always willing and ready give any accounts of the most eminent personages in all ages, countries and profess ons. mation in relation to our immense stock which our customers During the last quarter of a century so many important events have been enacted, such as the Civil War hi America and the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, may desire. Any person having the time to spare is per- and such great advances have been made in the line of invention and scientific fectly welcome to call and examine our stock of two to investigation, that within that period many persons have risen by superior three hundred thousand volumes, without feeling under the merit to conspicuous po-itions; and as the plan of this work embraces accounts of the living as well as of the dead, many names are included that are not to slightest obligation to purchase. be found in other dictionaries of biography. THE UNDERGROUND CITY; or. The Child of The Cavern. By MAILING DEPARTMENT. JULRS VERNE. Translated from the French by \V. H. Kingston. With 1 43 illustrations. Standard edition. Umo. tloth extra, black and gold, If you cannot get to the city write, stating what book you $1.50. want, and we will answer immediately. It only costs a NED IN THE BLOCK HOUSE ; or, Life on the Frontier. By trifle extra to send books by mail, and we make a specialty Edward S. Ellis. Illustrated 16mo. Cloth extra, black and gold, $1.25. of filling mail value of prompt orders, fully appreciating the THE YOUNG CIRCUS RIDER; or, The Mystery of Robert Rudd. and careful attention to the demands of every correspondent. By Horatio Alger, .Jr. Being the first volume of the "Atlantic Series." Illustrated, L6mo < loth extra, black and gold, $1.25 DON GORDON'S SHOOTING BOX. By Harry CaBTLEMON. Bi inn LEARY'S OLD BOOK STORE, the first volmru of tfu " Rod and 'run Series. Illustrated, 16mo. Cloth extra, black and' gold, $1.25. No. 9 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. THE QUEEN'S BODY GUARD. By Margaret Vandegrift Author oj "Glover Beach" " Hbtidaj/sat Home" etc. A book for girls, uniform with '* F irst Store below Market Street. Dr. Gilbert's Daughters." 12mo. Cloth extra, brown and gold, $1.50. MICROSCOPES. H. B. HART, lTJLlCROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. Bicycles, SPY GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, Tricycles and SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS, Velocipedes Spectacles, No. 811 ARCH STREET, EYE GLASSES, PHILADELPHIA. THERMOMETERS AND BAROMETERS. ^£-&~Bicycle Purchasers taught to ride free of charge. Send 3 cent stamp for 24 page Catalogue. Physical and Chemical Apparatus. JAMES W.QUEEN& CO. J. P. TWADDELL, 924 CHESTNUT STREET, Fine Shoes. PHILADELPHIA. Gents' Fine Shoes a Specialty. Catalogues as follows sent on appli FnrM. Mathematical Instruments, I62pages, Nos. 1210 & 1212 MARKET STREET, Part2. Optical Instruments, is ; imsi'>. PHILADELPHIA. Part S. Magic Lanterns. 112 pn?' "• Part 4. r:ii! ."sooMcal Instruments, 160 pages. rwo squares from Broad Street Station. Part. 5. Meteorological Instruments and Chemical Apparatus' 120 pages. II THE HAVERFORDIAN STADELMAN'S PHARMACY. Homer, Golladay & Go. Compounding of Prescriptions a specialty. HUNYADI JANOS AND FRIEDRICHSH ALL invite attention to their BITTER WATERS, Gents' Furnishiug Goods Department, Together with a variety of Imported and Domestic Natural Spring Waters, constantly on hand. which will always be found replete with the ALL THE POPULAR MONTHLY AND WEEKLY MAGAZINES LATEST NOVELTIES IN NECKWEAR. AND DAILY PAPERS. STORE ENLARGED AND REFURNISHED. ALL SIZES OF Whitman's and other Fine Confectionery also the Choicest Cigars. Ready Made Shirts at $1.00 each. ; Cor. Measures taken, and made to Order. Fit, Workmanship and Cricket Avenue and Lancaster Pike, Materials Guaranteed. Directly opposite Station. ARDMORE. $18. OO per Dozen, Laundried. 20.00 " " Open Front. HENRY TROEMNER, 24.00 " " Extra Fine. PMMflpMa. Jerseys for Gymnasium, Tennis and Cricket, etc., in College Colors. ASSAY ANALYTICAL A full assortment of COLLARS AND CUFFS. BALANCES, BALANCES ASSAY WEIGHTS OF Nos. 1412 and 1414 CHESTNUT STREET, WEIGHTS, «{ PRECISION (Above Broad St.) PHILADELPHIA. DRUGGISTS' PRESCRIPTION SCALES, &c. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. Provident Life and Trust Company OF PHILADELPHIA, Kunkel and Griffiths, No. 409 Chestnut Street. SUCCESSORS TO WALDO M. CLAFLIN, 1st Mo. 1st, 1883. MAKER OF SHOES AS SUGGESTED BY Assets at market price, 87,223,605 70 Liabilities, 0,556,050 88 PROFESSOR MEYER, Surplus, including Capital Stock, - -I 667,554 88 Nos. ii and 13 North 9th Street, Mortality Experience from 1866 to 1883. PHILADELPHIA. Probable Death Losses according to the American Ex- perience Table of Mortality, the Standard of the All kinds of Sporting Shoes on hand or to order : Pennsylvania Insurance Department (1003 lives), - 83,033,81500 Actual experience of the Company during the whole CRICKET, RUNNING, period (689 lives), ------- 82,171,877 00 LAWN TENNIS, SKATING, Difference, --------- 861,938 00 BASE BALL, FOOT BALL. A Low Rate of Mortality Makes Cheap Insurance. WM. C. WHELLER, SAMUEL K.SHIPLEY, President. PRACTICAL ASA S. WING, Vice-President and Actuary. JOSEPH ASHBRQOK, Manager o/ Insurant Vept. DK. THOMAS WISTAE, Chief Medical Examiner. BOOK-BINDER DIRECTORS. SAMUEL K. SHIPLEY. Philadelphia. ISRAEL MORRIS. Phi.adelphia. 152 SO. THIRD STREET, T. WISTAR BROWN. CIIAS. HARTSHORNE. Room 4. RICHARD CADISl'RY, WILLIAM GUMMERE, HENRY HAINES. FREDERIC COLLI xs. PHILADELPHIA. Fi '-Hi A 11. MORRIS I'lIILIP C GARRETT, RICHARD WOOD, MURRAY SHIPLEY, Cincinnati. WILLIAM ILU'KER, J. MORTON ALBERTSON. ASA H WING, Korristown, Pa. Old Books and Magazines bound with neatness and despatch. : Vol. ^s, HAVERFORD COLLEGE P. 0., MONTGOMERY CO., PA., 0CT08ER, 1883. No, K. been extended until it touches the peaceful shores of the THE HAVERFORDIAN. skating pond. The grove in the rear of Founder's Hall has been deprived of the superfluous leaves of many gen- EDITORS : erations. New and more stable seats have been placed Logaman : in the collection-room, instead of the cane-bottomed '84, Chairman. O. W. Bates, chairs which, during dull seasons last year, were piled in Everett: Athenaum liugh pyramids, or made to adorn the branches of the T. Herbert Chase, '84. Rufus M. Jones, '85. noble trees near by Truly, we improve every year. Let Louis T. Hill, '84. Blair, '85. John J. Alumni, old and young, from east to west, north and south, come to Haverford, and see the improvements Charles W. Baily, '85, Business Manager. since '86, which have been made their day, and help us cele- J. P. Tunis, Assl. Business Manager. brate the fiftieth birthday of our Alma Mater. Subscription Price, tint' <'»/>!/, One Year, $1.00 The Havehfokdian is the official organ of the students of Haverford College, and it published monthly during the College year. We wish to call the attention of the students to the Literary communications should be addressed to the editors. advertising department of Thk Haverfordiax. The busi- ness firms represented in the paper are among the very The regular price of subscription to the Haver- first in the city, since it is our aim to deal only with lead- fordiau is only $1.00 per year. Old Haverfor- ing and reliable houses. We guarantee to you that they dians in particular, and friends of the College will give you better terms than elsewhere. Indeed, it generally, should give us their hearty support in seems imperative on students of the college to give these our endeavors to raise the standard of literary men some return for the benefit the paper derives from work in the College. Arrangements having been their advertisements. We do not wish to interfere or made with the publishers of the '"Student," we are dictate, but some complaints have been made against the oiabled to mail to any address the "Student" and paper because the firms are not sufficiently requited for "Haverfordian " togetherfor $1.50 per year. the cost of advertising. It will result in great benefit to The Haverfordian and to students, as well, if they heed the counsel herein given. We desire, at the opening of the year, to call the attention of all the students, and especially the new ones, Among the literary landmarks of this organ we to the V. M. C. A. It is an inter-collegiate association, again read the notice that the Haverfordian is the official and is doing an important work in all our American col- organ of the students of Haverford College. This year leges. It is extremely important that on entering college it is the intention of the editorial staff to vary in some one should statt right, as not only the four years of study, degree the course of former years.
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