THE DURHAM AND NEWCASTLE DIOCESAN ASSOCIATION OF CHURCH BELL RINGERS THE D&N TIMES ISSUE 1 JUNE 2013 IN MEMORIAM: RONALD R. WARFORD KAREN DICKINSON, ROKER I first met Ron when I began ring- ing again at the end of 1999 and am INSIDE THIS ISSUE: honoured to share memories of him. I thank all the people I have been in con- IN MEMORIAM: 2 RONALD R. WARFORD tact with here in the North-East, in Yorkshire, around other parts of Eng- 136TH AGM OF THE 3 land and in the USA. Everyone has D&N their own memories of Ron, some of NEW HLM 4 which cannot be put into print, and all have spoken of him with great regard YOUR OWN MINI 5 RING and much love. We all remember his YOUR NEW 6 great enthusiasm for life and, fortu- OFFICERS nately for members of the D&N, amongst other things -ringing. ND NEWS 8 Ron was born in 1942 in Selby. His CD NEWS 10 father rang at Selby Abbey and in time Ron followed him up the tower, SD NEWS 12 learned to ring and joined the York- Davies and Alan Grundy his fellow first peal- shire Association in 1957. His first peal ers, rang a peal of Plain Bob Royal at Selby ITTS North East 13 was of Plain Bob Minor at Hem- Abbey to celebrate this anniversary. th THE D&N 14 ingbrough on 11 April 1959. Fifty ...continued on page 2 CALENDAR 2013 years to the day, Ron, with Barbara TH 136 D&N AGM Stranton hosted the 136th AGM ANDREW FROST, HARTLEPOOL and, yes, the sky really was that blue! Hartlepool is usually blessed Anthea Enzor organised inside the with capricious weather and church while the judge, Chris Enzor, th so it was on 27 April 2013. The secreted himself in his car complete morning dawned bright and chilly with charts, and a balaclava to dis- with a stiff breeze. By 9am there guise his identity, to mark anything were heavy sleet squalls. This did that was out of order. He was to th not bode well for the 136 AGM. have a busy morning. The four teams the new paint became scratched. The mini ring, which arrived in two trooped up to the ringing chamber At a little before 11 am, teams began cars, was manhandled up the steps of one at a time. to arrive at St Aidan’s to compete in Stranton church and erected under the 8 bell striking competition. ...continued on page 3 the watchful eye of Kris King who Southern District Ringing Master, was at pains to ensure that none of ISSUE 1 PAGE 2 IN MEMORIAM: RONALD R. WARFORD ...continued from page 1 for the election of many of the Cum- money for St. Matthew’s Newcastle. He rang many peals during his life, berlands in the North East, including Other people joined him for a couple mostly during his time in Leeds and several people he had taught himself. of hours at a time, but Ron kept go- Newcastle. He rang more than 1000 He was particularly pleased, for his ing for the whole 24 hours, stopping th peals for the D&N, encouraging many 60 birthday in 2002, to ring a Cum- only for a drink, something to eat and first pealers, and bringing many into berlands peal of Lincolnshire Surprise endless leg massages (which he rather regular peal ringing. All those of us Maximus at Stockton on Tees con- seemed to enjoy). ducted by Rachael Dyson. He rang who have rung with him have enjoyed Another occasion was the ‘Two Ca- the treble, was to remain quiet, and his loud ‘encouraging comments’: thedrals Hike’. Inspiration for this the rest of the band comprised ladies “Karen lead!!” he cried during a peal came when sitting in a pub with a whom he had proposed or seconded at Gosforth, looked across and fol- group of ringers who decided they for Cumberlands membership. lowed with “b%**/y h*%%, there would walk from Edinburgh Cathe- are two of you!”. He had placed Ka- Ron held office in many places. He dral to Newcastle Cathedral to raise ren Maughan and me next to each was ringing master of the Leeds and money for the South Shields bell other at the start of the peal! He also District Amalgamated Society and fund. After a couple more pints they called many quarters and was of great later the Leeds branch of the York- all decided that 110 miles was not a encouragement to many in the shire Association when they merged. big enough challenge and they would achievement of their ‘first’. He was tower captain of Gosforth for do it in 36 hours, which meant aver- 25 years. He was President of the aging 3 miles an hour. Only two peo- “B%**/Y H*%%, THERE D&N, initially between 1998 and ple managed to complete this chal- ARE TWO OF YOU!” 2001 and then again from 2007 to lenge with everyone else gradually RONALD R. WARFORD 2010 – the only person to be re- dropping out along the way. Needless Wherever he has lived he set about elected for a second term of office. to say one of the two who finished training many new recruits. Firstly in He was elected a life member of the the course was Ron, and Duncan has his time in Leeds, where he lived D&N at our AGM earlier this year. not been the same since! after getting married in 1967; next in He also served as a steward, Educa- “FOLLOW THROUGH GENTLY Otley, where he moved to in 1977; tion officer and district ringing mas- ON YOUR BACKSTROKE - LIKE then from 1985 in Newcastle as he ter. THE BLOUSE OF A FAIRY” came further north with his family He also served on Central Council RONALD R. WARFORD and settled in Gosforth. In each place from 1993 onwards and was on the his teaching was not restricted to his Education Committee between 1993 He spent his working life with the own tower, but reached far and wide and 2001, being its secretary for five Post Office/BT, but his communica- across associations - as far as the USA, of those years. He was also instru- tion was always clearer and timelier where he became a great friend of mental in inviting the Central Coun- than theirs. More than anything he many in Charleston, South Carolina. cil to Newcastle for its 2008 meeting, encouraged us all. He may have Many testify to the enduring mark he and organising the weekend. shouted and banged his head on the made on ringing there, from his first wall in frustration (which caused him three month visit in 1998 where 33 He also organised many outings, no doubt following his own advice in the to have to buy a new clock for people (his babies) could solo handle Gosforth ringing room), but it was before he left, to future visits with book he wrote for Central Council – ‘Organising an Outing’. So many of his passion for the fact that we could Yvonne to help. They learned many and should do better. He would tell new expressions (not always related us can tell stories of minibus adven- tures, youth hostel exploits, sweets, us how to improve and we did - not to ringing), were taught to “follow because of the shouting, but because through gently on your backstroke - sick bags and beer – nothing like a trip with Ron. he made us care about our ringing. like the blouse of a fairy” and local bar He also entertained us over many staff learned how to fill a glass He was also heavily involved in many pints post ringing - our Ron stories properly. Ten of ‘his babies’ rang a fund raising events. He did a great will be with us all for another lifetime quarter in his memory for evensong deal of walking and running at some at least. on May 5th. points in his life and also used these Ron was elected to the Cumberlands hobbies to aid ringing. On one occa- God bless you Ron. in 1971 and was himself responsible sion he did a sponsored 24hr run around Gateshead stadium to raise PAGE 3 THE D&N TIMES 136TH AGM OF THE D&N admitted new members and passed rule changes, it only remained for All 10 bells were rung at there to be a vote of thanks. The St. Oswalds. outgoing secretary, Kevin Maughan announced that Richard Turner would propose the vote – but where was Richard? As if by magic and, some suspect, after he had been waiting outside to make his entry, Richard appeared through the front door to considerable applause! His remarks were delivered in his usual entertaining manner. The arts tower attracted interest from both ringers and local passers-by ...continued from page 1 Plate after the association rules were Brancepeth, Hexham, Ovingham consulted to ensure they were al- and a Presidents Eight each rang and lowed to win both. After the in turn they descended looking per- presentation, the Council Chairman plexed! St Aidans’ bells are not thanked the D&N for making Hartle- easy to ring and so it proved that pool its venue for the AGM and ex- morning. pressed his pleasure and that of many While Hartlepool’s ringers set to residents for the renewal of ringing preparing lunch in Stranton Church, in the town both on Sundays and for The new President, Kristopher King other members rang at St Oswald’s specific national and local events.
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