Newsletterof the Ayn Rond@Institute Volume5, Number2, Februory1999 Ayn Rand:A Senseof LifeWins Golden Sorellire Michael Paxton was awarded a Golden Satellite on fanuary 17 by the International PressAcademy for his documentary,'4yn Rand: A Senseof Ltfe. The annual award is given for outstanding achievementsin film and television as determined by a vote of Academy-memberjournalists. Forty-one awardswere given at this year'sbanquet in BeverlyHills with Paxton's honor being describedby the event'semcee as "one of the two most important awards of the evening." The award was establishedthree yearsago to competewith the more popular Golden Globes. An IPA spokesmanstated that the Golden Satellite award was founded out of dissatisfactionwith the voting processof the Golden Globes. The IPA wishes to increaserecognition for documentaries,which are not eligible for the Golden Globe awards. MichqelPoxion, Producer,/DirectorOblectivismin the Medio of Ayn Rond:A ...Onthe Rodio RichardRalston was interviewed about volunteerism for 45 mir Senseof Life Peter Schwartz and Michael Paxton were interviewed on the utes on the Rod and DanielleShow in Bakersfield,Califomia (l/18) National Public Radio (NPR) program "Talk of the Nation" Among other media interviewsthat ARI arrangedduring Iant (12130).The hour-long show featuredan extensivediscussion ary wasa televisionappearance by RichardSalsman on the nationan of "volunteerism" and altruism with Schwartz and conserva- televised"Special Report with Brit Hume" on Fox TV News. tive media personality Arianna Huffington. Paxton spoke Continuedon poge about Ayn Rand and his recent documentary film. After the show hundredsof postswere receivedat an interactiveforum establishedon the "Talk of the Nation" Web site for listenersto Al righil Peter exchangeviews about the program. The show boasts a daily Schwortzon C- SPAN,recorded audienceof two million listeners. ot o New York Australian radio talk show host Prodos Marinakis inter- City Bornes& No- viewed many Objectivistsduring Decemberand fanuary. Peter ble. See reloted Schwartzwas interviewed as editor of the new book Return of story, poge 2 the Primitive, Andrew Bernstein was interviewed on the sub- ject of heroism, Robert Tiacinski about the Microsoft antitrust suit and Glenn Woiceshyn about America's Bill of Rights. Scott McConnell has also appearedon the show to speak about the activities of ARI. Leonqrd Peikoff's Rodio Show The Sundayrebroadcast can be heard in theseareas: As Dr. Peikoff begins his third month of daily talk radio, five AL Florence WBCF 1240 AM 1:00 p.u. - 3:00 p.u. CT stations broadcastthe program live every day, and twelve sta- AZ Prescott KYCA 1490 AM 11:00 a.u. - 1:00 p.r'l.AZT tions play the best two hours from the week's shows every CA Palm Springs KESQ 1400 AM 1l:00 ,q..u.- 1:00 p.n. PT Sunday. NH Nashua WSMN 1590 AM 2:00 p.u. - 4:00 p.u. ET The daily program can be heard live in these areas: NM Los Alamos/ KRSN 1490 AM 12:00 p.rrr.- 2:00 p.u. MT Santa Fe IL Chicago WRMN 1410AM 2:00p.u. - 5:00p.u. CT NM Roswell KBIM 910 AM 12:00 p.Iu.- 2:00 p.u. MT WA Seattle KITZ 1400AM 12:00p.r'l. - 3:00p.tr.t. PT OR Portland KOTK 1080 AM 12:00 e.u. - 2:00 e.u. PT KS Wichita 92.7 KANR FM 2:00p.u. - 5:00p.u. CT TN Memphis WOWW 1430 AM 6:00 p.u. - 8:00 p.u. CT FL Fort Pierce WTTB 1490AM 4:00p.u. - 5:00p.u. ET UT Salt Lake City KTKK 630 AM 12:00 p.M. - 2:00 p.u. MT NM Los Alamos KRSN1490 AM 1:00p.u. - 2:00p.u. MT VA Norfolk WNIS 790 AM 2:00 p.u. - 4:00 p.rvr.ET the Internet. The All the daily showsare broadcastlive on WA Seattle-TacomaKITZ 1400 AM 11:00 e.u. - 1:00 p.n. PT show's Web site, www.lpshow.com,provides a direct link to wA Skagit/ KLKI 1340 AM 11:00 e.rra.- l:00 p.u. PT the broadcast. San cos. luan Continueo on poge Mediq continuedfrom poge I ...InPrint Edwin A. Locke'sop-ed "What We Should Rememberon Martin Luther King Day" (see page 3) was printed in eight papers during lanuary, including: The Salt Lake Tribune(1/10), the Providence(Rl) Iournal-Bulletin(1/18), and The Idaho States- Upcoming Compus Evenl man \Utt). Other op-edsprinted sincethose listed in last month's Impactinclude Leonard Universityof Michigon,Ann Arbor Peikoff's "Why Christmas Should Be A;'fil'' of ,,,9biectivism More Commercial." Andrew Bern- Februoryll: "Reqsonond Emotio Objectivist idea$ gained alarge and inflUential audience stein's "'Dr. Death' Is a Defender of Ayn Rond'sSolution to o 2000-Ye :. ' Life" and Edwin A. Locke's"Individu- Old Problem"by EdwinA. Locke. an"'lattuiary.\..'::,' ::,: .: alism: The Only Cure for Racism." lnformotion:[email protected] r Hsrry Binswohger:wos broodcostworldwidel.on In addition to op-eds,ARI pro- tt" tg6 ',progro; 'oOutlook;':speokin$,,o$oinst oltru- grams and speakerswere quoted or The UniversiVof Colorodo,Denver ism, l"lisoppearonce wci brief iqbout fifteen minutes| in numerous news but wos commentedon fovoroblyby the show'spro- mentioned articles, os Hero duceq who'indicoted on interesiin Binswangerfor fu- such as a front pageLos AngelesTimes FebruoryI B: "TheMind ture shows. ARI has orronged ntorly o holf-dozen story noting ARI's opposition to vol- Ayn Rond's AtlosShrugged" by Obiectivislqppesrqncei on vorious BBC progroms unteerism,and a mention of ARI in a Andrew Bernstein duringthe postyeor. Chicago Tribune editorial board col- FebruoryI9: "How to Be on lmpx r PeterSchwortz spoke to The Fqbiqni Society,o umn. Referencesto ARI or Ayn Rand sionedVoluer" by Andrew Bernsle group of influentiol"right wing" iournolistsqnd edi- were spotted nearly 100 times April 14: "Rights-Reoson-ReoliS tors. The FolbioniSociefy meels monthly io heor im- throughout the month, with numer- Ayn Rond'sAnswer to the Intellectu< portont wrilerd qnd editorgdiscuss theii work ond ous mentions of the Ayn Rand stamp, Crisisof Our Time"by JohnRidpoth politics, Accor:dinglo Horry Binswongel who ottend- which is due in April. lnformoiion:[email protected] ed the tolk, Schwoitz "wos introduceJqs Boord Choirmonof the Ayn RondInstitute ond spokebril- ...1nCollege Newspopers ARI is now sendingits op-edsby e-mail liontlyond with verveto o receptiveoudience on how TexosA&MUniversitv to more than 250 college newspapers both environmentolismond multiculturolismore extreme each month. Dozens of hostile letters monifestotionsof oltruism."ARI qnd Andrew Hozlett,di- Morch 24: "Whot YoungPeople I rectorof the Monhottonlnstitufe's Book Proqromqnd o from student editors antagonisticto A1n olly Need:Heroes ond Hoppinesr ideas formerUPAR student, orronged the oppeorJnce. Rand's have been receivedby ARI Not Volunteerism"by Dr. Andrew r C-SPANcoble televisionrecorded Schwortzspeok- in response-indicatingthe resistanceto Bernstein ing obout Returnof the Primitiveot o New York City Objectivismon collegecampuses, even lnformotion:[email protected] Bornes& Noble. About 50 peopleottended the tolk, among students. Some papers,howev- which wos broqdcoston C-SPANJonuory 23. Check er, have recentlyprinted the op-eds,in- locol listingsfor reprisebroodcosts through Februory. cluding the University of Minnesota and CornegieMellon UniversiV Cornell University. April l: "TheMorolity of Copitolisn by JohnRidpoth Publicotions lnformotion:[email protected] . Atlas Shruggedwas includedin the Book of the Month Club's"10 Booksto Read Again and Again" feature last month (seephoto right). Books on this list were pro- Universityof Wisconsin,Modison moted with specialdiscounts. The samecatalog also included a photo and special offer of Michael Paxton's April l3: "TheMorolity of Copitolisn companion book to Ayn by JohnRidpoth Rand: A Senseof Life. ffi lnformotion:[email protected] I A synopsisof The Foun- wn"'& tainhead was included in The Encyclopediaof Novels A scheduleof compusclub events ffi siteot into Film, releasedin No- mointoinedot ARI'sWeb tr:tt::::Y::. vember (Publishedby Facts www.oyn ro nd. org/ARl/co m pus,/ club events.html. On File,1998). w I A full-page photograph and one-page profile of Ayn Rand was included in wffig;ff';w&y- d8id4f wi @u WW fiqr":l$j-"" recentlypublished Icons Mtltu6a9@rw8 the il#&tffiM* F&.pffi'ww of the 20th Century: 200 WWdWw& '&uw&w** vJ::*;ry* Men and WomenWho Have 1-}il;gtit* Made a Difference (Over- look Press,1998). A board intellectualsand "culture :i.ffiil4,f; of experts" selectedthe book's subjectson the basisof their ry&&|lM*iih&l YWwi 4Wreqtt* WWW&#tuudM impact on the 20th century. W Salt LakeTribune WhatWe ShouldRemember Commentary on MartinLuther King Day By EdwinA. Locke Judge People by Their Character,Not Skin Color What should we rememberon able ciphersin an amorphous and knowledge (or the capacity to Martin Luther King Day? In his "I collective. learn readily)? (2) Is the person Had a Dream" speechDr. King said: Considera moreconcrete, willing to exertthe needed effort? 'oIhave a dreamthat my four chil- though fictional, example.Sup- and (3) Doesthe personhave dren will one day live in a nation posethat sinceits creationin 1936, goodcharacter, e.9., honesty, where they will not be judged by the theXYZ Corporation refusedto integrity? color of their skin but by the content hire redheadedmen due to a The rational alternativeto of their character." quirky bias on the part of its rucialdiversity, focusing on the This statement,made before founder.The founder now dies, collective,is to focuson the King becamean advocateof "black and an enlightenedboard of individual and to treat eachindi- power," meansthat in judging other directorsdecides that something vidual accordingto his own men, skin color shouldbe ignored "positive" needsto be doneto merits. This principle shouldapply - that it should not be a factor in compensatefor pastinjustices and in every sphereof life - from evaluatingtheir competenceor announcesthat, henceforth, business,to education,to law moral stature.It follows that skin redheadswill be hired on a prefer- enforcement,to politics.
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