Final Programme Follow us OFFICIAL CORPORATE SUPPORTER @IBAevents #IBARome Expert and professional advice since 1975 The law firm Studio Legale Tributario Fantozzi & Associati was established in 1975 by Augusto Fantozzi, a lawyer and full professor of tax law at the ‘’La Sapienza’’ and ‘’LUISS’’ Universities in Rome. Professor Fantozzi was the Italian Minister for Finance and the Minister of Foreign Trade between 1995 and 1998, and he is a member of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors of several leading Italian companies and multinational corporations. The Firm has offices in Rome, Milan and Bologna. With 8 Senior Partners, all lawyers or chartered accountants, and more than 30 legal professionals, the Firm is highly specialised in tax law, and as such provides clients with advice on Italian and international fiscal law, and assists them in tax litigation. Thanks to the years of experience of its partners and legal professionals, the Firm can offer clients full support in resolving tax and corporate issues, both nationally and internationally. Over the years the Firm has dealt with the fiscal aspects of numerous important corporate and financial operations carried out by public and private companies, banks, finance companies and insurance undertakings, and has become their go-to adviser on ordinary and extraordinary tax matters. ROMA | MILANO | BOLOGNA www.fantozzieassociati.com Follow us CONTENTS Contents @IBAevents #IBARome Introduction by the President of the IBA 5 IBA Management Board and IBA Staff 6 Opening Ceremony Keynote Speaker and IBA Welcome Party 7 Get the most out of the IBA Annual Conference 2018 9 General information 10–11 IBA App 13 Hotels and map 14–15 Venue layouts 16–17 Conference Networking Hub 18 Exhibitors 19 General Interest – Showcases, Bar Breakfasts, Lunchtime Events and Rule of Law Symposium 21–28 General meetings 29 Schedule of sessions by committee 31–68 Daily schedule of working sessions 71–140 Social programme 143–148 Section and committee information Legal Practice Division (LPD) 151–157 Public and Professional Interest Division (PPID) 158–161 Conference Host Committee 161 Exhibitors and sponsors 163–182 IBA Scholarships 186 Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Legal Education Up to 25 hours are available to those delegates attending the whole conference. At the conference, certificates of attendance will be available from the IBA Registration Desk and the IBA Membership stand. Certificates of attendance can also be obtained after the conference, by emailing [email protected]. All information in the programme is correct at the time of print. 3 Welcome to Rome! THE IBA THE PRESIDENT OF BY INTRODUCTION I am very pleased to welcome you to the Kenneth Clarke, a prominent UK politician and Member of Parliament. International Bar Association‘s 2018 Annual The fourth session in this series will be hosted by Homer Moyer, Member, Conference in Rome, the beautiful capital IBA Rule of Law Forum Advisory Board, and will feature a panel of of Italy. For the next week, Rome reconfirms eminent legal professionals in discussion about rule of law issues. itself as the global epicentre of all legal Traditionally, there is never a universal theme for an IBA Annual matters. As I mentioned in my introduction Conference, as the umbrella of legal subject areas for the week‘s to the Preliminary Programme, Rome is the sessions is a very broad and colourful kaleidoscope of themes. And yet, birthplace of the EU, the home of three because of the times in which we find ourselves, the issue of the rule important UN agencies and the cradle of of law and what it means not just for legal practitioners but for every Roman law. human being, community, civil society and country, is making itself Every IBA Annual Conference has its own signature style. We believe sorely visible on a regular basis. As IBA President, I urge all IBA members Rome 2018 is sure to be an unforgettable event, as well as possibly the to make it your mission to take away from this conference action points biggest Annual Conference yet. It takes, to speak in terms of ancient on what you can do to spread the message of the practical meaning of Rome, a truly colossal effort to bring an IBA conference together, and the rule of law, be it in your community or in an organisation of which I would like to take this opportunity to heartily thank the IBA staff and you are a member. And not only how you can spread the message members who have laboured hard and creatively to make this week yourselves, but what you can do to persuade your clients or your bar possible for us all. association to help. I hope that the rule of law videos introduced at the Opening Ceremony, prepared by the IBA for you and for anyone ready Although Rome is deservedly famous for its dolce vita, the ‘sweet to help disseminating them, can be a very hands on and appealing tool life‘, I am confident you will all be working very hard to gain the most to take away and use. from the conference sessions. And against this unique background of history and culture, I believe our IBA Annual Conference 2018 will also For anyone coming to Rome, dining and food are a primary delight of a exceed your expectations. More than 200 sessions are included in the visit to this city. And to continue the food theme, I‘d like to encourage conference programme, which will culminate in the inspiring Rule of Law all delegates to look at the rich and varied offerings in the daily IBA Symposium. There will be exceptional showcase sessions presented by programme as a smorgasbord, a walking dinner, or as our French the IBA, LPD, SPPI, BIC and IBAHRI, and the committee sessions will offer friends would say, a cocktail dînatoire. Our IBA programme is indeed the chance to hear from the best experts in the field. They will benefit a ‘moveable feast‘, to paraphrase Hemingway, and I urge all delegates all delegates, whatever your area of practice, highlighting not only the to make sure to move visit the convention centre every day after your burning issues of today but also the anticipated issues of tomorrow. sit-down lunches in the city, for every afternoon there is a delectable menu offering of IBA treats to be savoured! And the afternoons at the We are confident that memories of the Welcome Party on Sunday convention centre also provide excellent networking opportunities, which evening will long linger as a dazzling start to kick off the week, we recognise as being a key benefit to all delegates. transported through time at the stunning Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati. At the Opening Ceremony, taking place this year on Monday morning, I look forward to meeting old friends and making new ones in one of we are honoured to be addressed by Romano Prodi, former Prime the world‘s most influential and captivating cities. For many of you, it Minister of Italy. may be a welcome return to bella Roma, but for those who have never seen Rome, then, as the saying goes, Roma, non basta una vita (Rome: We are delighted to be working with prestigious international a lifetime is not enough). organisations such as the UN, the OECD and the World Bank to secure many high calibre speakers. Among the speakers, you can find: the With warm regards, General Counsel of Bulgari, an FBI Special Agent who specialises in the recovery of stolen/confiscated art, the Legal Director of Microsoft and a retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana, just to name a few. Additionally, the lunchtime ‘conversation with’ interview sessions are sure to be Illuminating. IBA Executive Director Mark Ellis will host Dr Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Mary Robinson, former Prime Minister of Ireland, and the Rt Hon Martin Šolc President, International Bar Association ‘Dear colleagues, enjoy the IBA Annual Conference in Rome. Use these days to learn, to network, to make new friends and see old ones. Have lots of fun and experience the vibrant spirit of the IBA!‘ Horacio Bernardes-Neto Vice-President, International Bar Association ‘I welcome you to Rome, to our Annual Conference, to experience an IBA welcome firsthand, and to join the ranks of lawyers from around the world – lawyers making a difference!‘ James M Klotz Secretary-General, International Bar Association 5 IBA Management Board Comprised of the IBA leadership and the senior representatives of each division, the Management Board oversees the business, finances and affairs of the Association. IBA President Bar Representative LPD Assistant Treasurer Martin Šolc Chunghwan Choi IBA Assistant Treasurer Carola van den Bruinhorst IBA Vice-President IBAHRI Co-Chair LPD Representative Horacio Bernardes Neto Ambassador (ret.) Hans Corell Almudena Arpón de Mendívil IBA Secretary-General IBAHRI Co-Chair LPD Representative James M Klotz The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG Daniel del Rio BIC Chair LPD Chair LPD Representative Claudio Visco Jaime Carey Gianmatteo Nunziante BIC Vice Chair LPD Vice Chair SPPI Chair Peter Koves Jon Grouf Stephen Denyer IBA MANAGEMENT BOARD AND IBA STAFF IBA MANAGEMENT BOARD BIC Immediate Past Chair LPD Secretary-Treasurer SPPI Secretary-Treasurer Margery Nicoll IBA Treasurer Sarah Hutchinson Peter Bartlett Executive Director Mark Ellis IBA staff In addition to the Association‘s senior officers, many staff from the IBA offices will be attending the conference and would be happy to talk to delegates about any aspect of the Association‘s work. Executive Director Director of Content IBA‘s Human Rights Institute Director Mark Ellis James Lewis
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