OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD _V_O_L_, _V_I,;",' _N_O_'_l_l_________________ PA----,SA _D_E_N_A..:.._C_A_L_I_F_' ______________~ __l\..:.IA..:.Y_=_ ·,22. : : '~78 Mr. Armstrong ~nnounces new sch~o" l Wayne Cole vice chancellor; Dr. Robert Kuhn director PASADENA - A new Ambas­ • To provide "a program 10 train sador College School of Biblical and new students (men and women) who Ministerial Studies is being estab­ desire to prepare for a function'al role lished by Herbert W . Armstrong, pas­ of service in the Church." lor general of the Worldwide Church • Apprec:iated the need' of God. Mr. Armstrong wi ll serve a~ chancellor and pre sident as well as The policy statement emphasized chairman of the board of the school. that .. the Church has always ap­ which is scheduled to open this fa ll . preciated the need for its pastors and Mr. Armstrong has appoifued C. other leaders in local congregations to Wayne Cole as vice chancellof of the reflect a sense of spiritual maturity new institution. Dr. Robert Kuhn has and real bi~ l ica l understanding. For a. been named director and w ill be re­ number of years, because of pressing sponsible for the administration of needs, many very young men were programs. Dr. George Geis wi ll serve called upon to assume , the respon­ as dean of facuhy. s ibilities associated with Church leadership. Since the Church has Mr-, Armstrong has directed that all grown over the years. and the educa" educational activities of the college lionallevel of.lhe world and our mem­ must be directly related to the com­ bership and p~'Ospective membership mission of the Church . According to a has dramatically increased. we policy statement approved by Mr. MR, ARMSTRONG IN PASADENA - Herbert W, Armstrong acknowledges applause before addressing a should now provide additional post­ Armstrong. the college's educational combined assembly of the headquarters churches during Sabbath services May 13 in the Ambassador graduate training to young students programs must fulfill tW? objectives: Auditorium, (Photo by Wan Ma~cini of the Pasadena Star-News] , before they are asked to assume a • To provide "an o ngoing pro­ major responsibility in the local gram 10 upgrade the existing field church. We are now able todoso, and ministry in biblica.l understandingand this is where· our educational efforts HWA back in active leadership ministe rial skills. " (See~A,_31 , ' B~ Dick Lloyd but il seemed a 'reference to rumors PASADENA - Striding confi­ This artidt' is repri/iled by, that he and his son. radio and televi­ dently on stage. impeccably drb.sed [X'FmiSl'ioll from the PtWldellCl sio n evangelist Garner :red Arm­ HWA to. "bro.adcast o.n in a dark pin-striped .suit. the silver­ Star-News of May 14 . strong . .whom he removed last week haired patriarch stood for a moment frum a ll executive,and administrative is heading to Je ru salem next month, with arms raised. accepting the thun­ responsibilities in the Wo rldwide there to dedicate a children's play­ derous applause, t!:ten settled, Bible in Church of God and AmbassadorCol­ Sunday radio. a~d TV ground built with funds from hi s hand. into a huge leather chair. lege, are i"vo lved in a power struggle .Ambassador Inte rnat ional Cultural TUCSON. Ari z. - Herbert W . ous presentations and now needs to be With Ihe same magnetic voice thai IS.. MR, ARMSTONG, page 3) Foundation. Armstrong, in a surprise announce­ shared with a much more general au­ won thousands of followers during his And in a few moments hi s broad ment here May 18. said he' plans to dience. 50 yea rs as a wo rldwide radio jowls shook with e ne rgy as he called return to the airways almost im­ Mr. Armstrong's projected return evangelist and emissary of Christ. on the throng to ~ u s tain his" f!reat mediately. (See HWA, _ 121 Herbert ~ . Armstrong announced he HWA commissio n" 10 proclaim the "good Mr. Armstrong planstobeginmak­ news of the coming Kingdom of ing weekly radio broadcasts as well as God ," televis ion specials. He has' directed Hi s presence, vibrant manner and Ihatthe Work's video pod, a portable Mr., Armstro.ng directs reassig,ts statement ~igna l ed 10 the lo ),a lthat he system of cameras, video recorders and no one else is in c harge of "the andeditingequipment, be transported Work." Ihattlierc is no trouble in the here the week of May 22 in prepara­ ranks, that under his leadership the personnel tion for his television efforts. sale o.f Texas campus ca ll to warn the world "will go for­ Mr. Armstrong said he hopes to ward as neve r before:' and thai he is TUCSON. Ariz. - Herbert W. make about four half-ho ur radio TUCSON. Ariz. - Herbert W. c.:onfiguralion in the Church's educa­ physk'ally and me ntally strong. Armstrong announced M ay 17 a broadcasts a month. He said his first Armstrong has directed Ray Wright. tional act ivities (see related article Other than to mention he-s till getsa series of personnel changes designed -message 10 be broJ.lght to the Ameri­ vice president for financial affairs. to th is pagel, there is no longer anced tn lill ie tired and he needs exercise, the to create greater unity and increased can and Canadian public!s will deal the former Ambassador College retain Ihe 2.500-acre campus in se ll evpngelist gave no hinl of debilitation efficiel)cy in the WOJ:k worldwide. with what he has called the "incredi­ Texas. campus al Big Sandy. Tex. fro m the heart attack that has kepI him According to Mr. Armstrong. C , ble human potential." Mr. Armstrong. who had rai sed the Mr . Armstrong directed Mr. home in Tucson since lasl summer. Wayne Cole. former director of thc Mr. Armstrong feels his message possibil it y of the need to sell the Texas Wrighlto cOfl tacl an organization that At 85 . the chari smatic leader of Work in Canada. who last month was on the subject has primarily been di­ proPerty in a college-board. meeting had made an offer to purchase the 65.000 followers in the Worldwide named an assistant to Mr. Armstrong, rected w the membership in ils previ- last January, said thai, with the new (See TEXAS, page 12) Church of God said he bel ievcs his will direct Ihe ministry worldwide hean and health are better than before under the direct supervision of Mr. the illness. " lfanything, l amnolover Annstrong. Raymond Wright. vice 55 years o ld in mental ability: ' he president for f in ancial affairs apd College graduates class of ~78 said. planning. will direct. under Mr. "1 amcothingalong fine." hcsaid. Armstrong's personal supervisio'n, By Dixon Cartwright Jr. year afterthe Big Sandy. Tex .. c'am­ represent the merged student bodies announcin g his readiness to resume Ihe finance and bus iness o f the Wo rk PASADENA - Two hundred sev­ pus was closed and the two student of Pasadena <lnd Big Sandy. Mr. Eg­ his globe-circlin g journeys to meet worldwide. enteen members of the last senior bodies consolidated on the California bert represented the Californians. with "kings and presidents and em­ The move to have onc man direct class of Ambassador Coll ege re­ campus. and three years after another Mr. Mickelson Ih (, Texans.) perors. the ministry worldwide resulted in the ceived handshakes and diplomas Ambassador campus, in Bricke t Though the college has formall y ' The trip from Tucson 10 A;"bas­ el imination of the post of director of May 15 in an outdoor ceremony on Wood, Englarid. eeased operation. closed (except for the summer ses­ sador College for two addresses be­ the International Division. The posi­ the college grounds. C. Wayne Cole. an evangelist of sion). plans are for it to be replaced fore overflow crowds on Friday and tion was created in 196910 admini ster Ambassador's 28th commence­ the Church who had been named by ~y the School of Ministerial and Bibli­ Saturday was like a family reunion. most of the Wo rk 's ministerial and ment exercises came days after the Mr. Armstro ng fO serve as vice c han­ cal Studies next year, with as many He was glad to see the throngs. and business activities outside the United decision by' Chancellor Herbert W. cellor for the waning days of Ambas­ as 250 students to be enrolled. their standing ovation showed their Stales. Armstrong, who founded the college sador, addressed the graduates and devol ion to their leade r. Leslic L. McCullough. direclorof in 1947. that the school would end its their friends and families. Students informed " I'ni coming back into active se r­ the International Division for the past four-year program after regular Also speaking were the two co­ Four days earlier the 1,300 stu­ vice." said Armstrong. vowing that five years, has been reassigned to the graduation ceremonies this month presidents of the student body, Jeb dents o f AC had been informed of the his work is goin g to be inc reased. Vancouver, B.C .. ornce, headquar­ and a small ceremony at the end of the Egbert and Mark Mickelson, who decision to close in a special assem­ As if to quell any thoughts of trou, ters for the Canadian Wo rk. where he summer sessipn. had overseen student aff~irs for the bly in the Auditorium called by ble in the leadership ranks, one of Ihe will supervise the' activities there last school year. Academic Dean Michael Gennano.
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