www.ukrweekly.com ІІ5Ье(1 by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association| ШrainianWeekl v Vol. LVI No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1988 25 cents Back in the USSR Demjanjuk trial to reopen Despite attempts at psychiatric reform,Defens e obtains new evidence JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The three- Information Act to obtain OSI files on judge panel hearing the Nazi war crimes the Demjanjuk case, and also had report predicts more political abuses trial of John Demjanjuk decided on appealed directly to Attorney General NEW YORK - The U.S. Helsinki Health, Detentions in 1987, Cases Pre­ Tuesday, March 15, to reopen the trial Edwin Meese for release of the survi­ Watch Committee recently released its viously Not Known-Estimate of Actual - which had concluded on February 18 vors' statements. update on "Soviet Abuse of Psychiatry Totals, Soviet Psychiatry and the when the defense completed its summa­ According to Mr. Nishnic, who is for Political Purposes." World Psychiatric Association, and tion — as a result of new evidence also Mr. Demjanjuk's son-in-law, the Prepared by Catherine A. Fitzpa- Soviet Allegations of Insanity. obtained by the defense. defense now has 26 statements, 12 of trick, the committee's research director, A list of names of the 64 dissidents Edward Nishnic, administrator of the which were shown to the court on the January 1988 update sheds light on released in 1987 follows the report, as John Demjanjuk Defense Fund, told March 15. An additional 20 reports are recent developments and changes in the does a list of 95 known remaining The Weekly that the new evidence still in the OSI's possession, he added. Soviet practice of psychiatric abuse for psychiatric prisoners. consists of reports by investigators of Prior to this, the OSI had turned over political purposes, which includes the The update describes new regulations the Office of Special Investigations, the only those reports that were damaging internment of dissidents, use of dan­ that went into effect on January 4, U.S. Justice Department's Nazi-hunting to the Demjanjuk defense - thus, gerous drugs in their treatment and which are reportedly designed to pre­ arm, on statements given by survivors neither the defense nor the prosecution KGB involvement. vent "illegal confinement of healthy of the Treblinka death camp. had these documents. Due to a new policy of glasnost or persons to mental institutions," and These statements call into question What will happen on Monday, March openness, "Soviet press coverage of the other psychiatric abuses. The law the identification of the defendant as 21, according to Mr. Nishnic, is that the issue has dealt with the general issues of reportedly states that patients and their "Ivan the Terrible," a brutal guard at defense will, in effect, reopen its sum­ wrongful detention of sane persons, relatives are now authorized to take Treblinka, by five witnesses testifying mation. The prosecution, too, will be corruption among psychiatrists and legal action to reverse a medical prog­ for the prosecution. allowed to expand on its summation. poor conditions in hospitals,'' says the nosis. Defense attorney Yoram Sheftel was Among the survivors' statements are report. "But it has remained silent on "The new regulations can be expect­ quoted by the Reuters wire service as those of former Treblinka inmates who the question of political abuse of ed to improve the over-all situation of saying: "Now we know two facts — that said they remembered "Ivan" well, yet psychiatry, and the role of the KGB." psychiatry, and hence affect political in the [OSI] file there are 40 statements could not identify Mr. Demjanjuk as The body of the report is divided into cases positively," the report determined. of Treblinka survivors who didn't the notorious guard, and others who 11 parts under the titles: Soviet Union "But they do not appear to address the identify him [Mr. DemjanjukJ versus said they recognized a photo of the Adopts New Regulations on Psychia­ essential problems of the misuse of five who did. lAndJ we know that in defendant yet did not place him at the tric Abuse, Cases, Criminal Code psychiatry to incarcerate and reform Treblinka there were at least six people gas chambers, but said he was a driver Articles and Reasons for Internment, sane persons arrested under political who were similar to Demjanjuk." of a train that brought Jews to the Releases in 1987, Soviet Press Coverage articles in the Criminal Code and pro­ The court agreed to listen to a des­ camp, or even a German officer. of Psychiatric Abuse under Glasnost, nounced mentally unfit to stand trial." cription of the new evidence at a In view of this, Mr. Sheftel asked the Soviet Psychiatrists Implicated, Trans­ The report also discusses the recent preliminary hearing on March 15 and, court on March 15 to recall two wit­ fer of Jurisdiction to the Ministry of (Continued on page 12) after the defense made its presentation, nesses, Treblinka survivor Josef Czarny the judges ruled that the trial will reopen and memory expert Willem Wagenaar. on Monday, March 21, for what is The judges rejected the motion, how­ AHRU members lobby Moscow-bound senators expected to be a one-day session. Such a ever. by Walter Bodnar as a key to discussions on any bilateral move at this stage of the case is un­ In addition to the survivors' state­ agreements. Specific concerns were usual, noted The Jerusalem Post. ments, the defense will also introduce a NEWARK, N.J. - A group of five voiced for the success of "glasnost" and The defense argued that the OSI had statement by a man named Danil- United States senators left Washington its impact on the "democratization" of withheld 40 statements by Treblinka chenko, a former guard at Sobibor, who on March 6 for a trip to Moscow - with the Soviet Union. survivors — all of an exculpatory or told Soviet investigators that Mr. Dem­ an additional senator following several Information for the senators' packets neutral nature. The evidence "is ex­ janjuk was at that death camp from days later. The trip was sponsored by was obtained from various sources — tremely substantial and extremely March 1943 to April 1944. the Carnegie Corporation of New York. including The Ukrainian Weekly, the important," Mr. Sheftel told the press in In the OSI documents now in the The discussions with Soviet officials World Congress of Free Ukrainians, the Jerusalem. possession of the defense, the names of were due to cover a broad spectrum of U.S. Helsinki Commission through The Demjanjuk Defense Fund had both the survivors and investigators issues. staff person Orest Deychakiwsky and filed suit under the Freedom of have been deleted. The delegation included Sens. Sam the External Representation of the Nunn (D-Ga.), chairman of the Senate Ukrainian Helsinki Group. Armed Services Committee; Alan K. Pope names Rev. Michael Kuchmiak Simpson (R-Wyo.), Senate minority During the summit meeting last whip; Alan Cranston (D-Calif.), Carl December in Washington between auxiliary bishop for Philadelphia Levin (D-Mich.), Ted Stevens (R- President Ronald Reagan and General Alaska), and William S. Cohen (R- Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev an an­ PHILADELPHIA - Archbishop Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and the Maine). In addition to talks on arms nouncement was made that Hanna Pio Laghi, apostolic nuncio to the District of Columbia. reduction and trade, human rights were Mychaylenko was transferred from United States, announced on March 8 The pope made the selection from a to be given prominent billing. the psychiatric prison where she that Pope John Paul II has named the list of candidates recommended by the In response to a call from Sen. Levin's was serving a sentence for "anti-Soviet Very Rev. Michael Kuchmiak CSsR bishops' synod of the Ukrainian Ca- office to supply data on religious agitation and propaganda" to possible auxiliary bishop to Archbishop Stephen thohc Church, prisoners in the Soviet Union and the freedom. She was subsequently trans­ Sulyk of Philadelphia, who is the Upon learning of the announcement. legal citations under which these pri­ ferred to another psychiatric institution metropolitan for Ukrainian Catholics Archbishop Sulyk said, "I am pleased soners were charged, two representa­ in Odessa on February 22 of this year. in the United States. The bishop-elect with the designation of Father Kuch­ tives from Americans for Human Rights This was of interest to members of the is presently pastor of Holy Family miak as my new auxiliary bishop. He in Ukraine (AHRU), Walter Bodnar Senate since a letter dealing with the Ukrainian National Shrine in Washing­ has the experience of many years of and William Kychun visited the offices release of five women in the Soviet ton. pastoral and spiritual ministry to the of the six senators on March 3 with lists Union, initiated by Sens. Daniel K. In his capacity as auxiliary bishop, he Ukrainian Catholic faithful in the of religious prisoners and background Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Dan Quayle (R- will assist in ministering to the appro­ United States and Canada. His many literature. Ind.) and signed by 42 senators, was ximately 100,000 Ukrainian Catholic and varied assignments provide him The raising of human rights questions sent to Mr. Gorbachev on December 4, faithful of the 82 parishes and two with a broad perspective for assuming lent a humanitarian quality to this trip 1987. missions of the archdiocese located in his duties and responsibilities." and also made possible linkage of rights (Continued on page 4) eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, (Continu^ed on page 4) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1988 No. 12 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Latvians to protest 1949 deportations ROCKVILLE, Md.
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