ersd affi{ed rrd6 EE fffrrnr r{iw, a?r.E.r}r.rro t*u&am if*r rge ffirar teaFe-s,:t6 t.r*E ddr4 tftAret-t Sq{') F€'fgt /ryu ror*':rftrnir (lfr) ri+qr rniifud rrrrr-ror fir0,l n'd t* a_ry. fer- k€5fr?rrami * teox/tt fra.rcfiiursarrrhsrs rf,{trr,rg na€ rrarag, 6 H ara <'t r+ t g t,tt+ aw t fit d forlce tsa e€ r irErtrrr:- fr<6fd?traFd * leogt/tzfaarsfiiuresrrrtgrsFtardhri+d r T€B tfe xrfird uArdd mq gfrr,,E-, riugo, reo.u. 13 gmwg- atr a:iqs u6' ,{Z sv frQ,rr. {* Ed Efu fu, frrbr A fr &a,r+ce q1e fnq, f€s Ee adqsgs75, + dH 2 iree Seff rrdra+s<osH,?rxtgrsh$rffiiilsre_6.q-eufrrr{,ter g fres fde .'fir' *teogt/tz f?5a{6 fihu y6r, tils rea.u s snfr *fi a fun{x{, *s a tr xra* fiq .'B qnr EE'TJ z € frq Fs &E eBdr{ +s eJ uA*ds ES rtsEDl E e 5sd5i a-6 fu c E6'g xbd riss tr, erre q s- g6 WE, fr s$dpiss@smair .com 3 *fr 4 EEl€?err<rsrya{€BafrEsoteurqq$fi}F?rdil+6reiHugrtrddhrilEr tr 1b tie I s-o2-zol s g p=el ug ffius 0r s *{s EE *E f€u f<JEr g frF q,tg xt{s g, }rE1y5' +sa, tnr,=r EH e f6}s fiftffi H$rs frq' ureFs ffi{l[, ffifu S teaf L 5*fucsAiEu8re,r P .'{-r1^-4._ u4rcssa il.',-.@f-17g3j1= t-9-r4,tBA.c.p EElqt- EFaqq?; rr:>r @&O lt=^.*- (? :' IN rHE HIGH co;Nlgl^f"r,tff HARYANA lr'-.. ^ND c.w.P. No. /6q?/ oF 2oL7 Nirmal Singh & Ors. ""Petitloners Versus State of Punjab & Others ""'Respondents INDEX partrcutprs ci,lie illt-ol- , p?!e==.= ?age= ffi.07z0t7 A-c Nil 2. Civil Writ Petition 20.07,20t7 1 - 13 1400 3. Affidavlt 20.07.20t7 !4 Nil Annexures 4, P-L, Proforma 15 00.6s 5. P-2,Instruction 03.11.2006 t6'21 03.90 6. P-3, Letter 17.03.2016 22 00.65 7, P-4, Otdet 01.04.2016 23 - 24 00.65 8. P-5, Order 21.03.2016. 25 - 26 00.65 9. P-6, Instruction 03.05.2016 27 00.65 10, P-7, Order tg.O4.2OL7 28 - 29 00.65 11. P-8, Notice 04.05.2017 30 - 32 01.95 12. Power of Attorney t5.07.20L7 33 02.65 13. P-3, Vernacular L7.03,20L6 34 Nil L4. P-4, Vernacular 01.04.2016 35 Nil i.5. P-5, Vernacular 21.03.2016 36 Nil 16, P-6, Vernacular 03.05.2017 37 Nil 17. P-7, Vernacular 19.04.2017 38 Nil Total Court fee. L4L2.401- Note: 1. The main law points in this petltion are canvassed in Para No.12 at page No. 9 thereof. 2. Relevant Status/Rulesl Constitutlon of Indla, Art. 14 & 16. 3. Whether Caveat Petition has. been filed in this case: No 4. Slmilar case if any : "CWP No. L725g of 2016 and , C.W.P. 10945 of 2017 in whtch notice of motion has been issued and same are pending for 06.09.20L7." PTACE: CHANDIGARH (R.K. AROM) DATED: 20.07.20L7 ADVOCATE Ent. No. p-Z4Il92 COUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONERS lr \t/ @ 1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB AND HARYANA ATCHANDIGARH c.w.p. No. /6oq/ oFzorl \---_.--___-1 : 1.,-. Nlrmal Slngh, aged about 5g years son of Sh. S. Uitaoarl singh, f 'rrainins,. 9entol_Lgglurer, Di6tiiGilrur. District InsHtute- - of-. Ectucatioii----"-"i"-l inal 11-- f a Reena Sofat, aged I .S 12. a!o.u! 5-6 years D/o Sh. Sham Lal, le1igr Lg9tu1er, Drstrict tnsittute dr iducation ;i Training, District Sangrur. L a7 3. AnJu.Goyal, aged about S1 years D/o Sfr. S. Sarup Principal, principal, Chand, Govt. S'enlor S'econJary School, Elwa Gaggarpur, District Sangrur. A Sheela, aged about 56 years D/o Sh. Harish Principat, Chander, Govt. Senior Secondary'sif,rooi, C[angat, Ludhaina. District 5. Nirmal Garg, aged about_59 years S/o Sh. panna Lal, Principal, Govt, Retd. ) Senior.secdnOary Sinoof, trnur, Distt, Sangrur, R/o Near pandiata oa petroi'pu#p,-:afnat Sangrur. noaO, - 6. Prem Lata Singla, aged about 51 years D/o Sh. Om Parkash, Senior Lecture-r, Distrlct lnJtitrL of Education and Training, Sangrur, olstrict a";gi;;.-'- o 7. Veena Bhalla, aoed about years D/o Sh. Rajinder Sawaroop Bhalla,- principal, _53 Cort.' l'"-nior. Secondary School, Dhuri, Dlstrict Singrur. vll L L:.i[:qilrli'I;.ifl [!]3?J,1,:,',,.".i,t8,?,'i;,1?ji j",l',li; 2 rrainins, sansrur, district si;;;;" Housing R; H. No. 262, Board Colony, Nabha ciiE, Suns"rrr.' 4r 9. yjlii:'-:i!:'r.,X?i$1iT:1,:%",,::f (Boys), Ji"ii;'3'#lti .Longowal, Dt:tt_. Orstrra"166-9;; R/o V.p.O. t Lon gowat patti, Badda ni, Oistiict SingiJr:''' li 10, AnJu Goyal, aged abou! 53 years D/o -s.[L-or, "Dr. Girdhari,-pi.J, ) 3l[fl%1hrf,llt' Senror seconolrv onrii 11. S/o S. Bant Stnoh. Blt#,L.Hit:?'.J,.i,?:i,.::.f,:f Officer(S), aarnEti / \ @ 2 L2, Singt, aged years : ' lgn:i! about 54 S/o S. Sadhu Stngh, Principal, Dlstrict Institute of Educaflon anO frafniig, Jagraon, District Ludhiana. 13. Baldev Stngh,.aged about 51 years S/o S. Hamtr Singh, Principa[ S.K,/S Govt. Senior S'econdary School, Sarabf,;; Dlstrict Ludhiana. t4. Sukhmind-er Slngh, aged about 56 years S/o Sh, Amar Singh, principal, Govt. Senior Secondary ScLioi rafifi, Dlstrict Ludhiana. 15. aged about I""!gp, !g .Vears D/o Sh. Ram Krtshan, English Lecturer, Govt. Tralning Centei lud'hlana, Ludhiana. Dbil;i 16, Sudesh_Rani, aged about 59 years D/o Sh. Bhag Chand, Retd. ppt. Sctence .r-9gtur9r, drt.'i;;;r Secondary schoot, Guram, District I_uoniinJ Vo H-.-^i;. 2ggi, ild, Phase-I, Dugri, Ludhlana. t7, Sukhminder Kaur. aoed ab_out 50 years Singh, D/o Sh. Jarnail Punjabt Mistiess, Govt. Mit qd iinoot, pama,, Complex pamal, Distrlct f-uOtrlani. 18. iilifl",iilgi,,lffi 3,"'"".:,J:,J1T;.3f 1?3;,.',i,"8,3i,ili v Sangrur. os 19. Rita Sharma, aged about 55. years D/o Principar, Sh. Raj Kumar, Govt. Senior seconaa'ry sinol,[ inr.tnravttv District Sangrur. ' --"-Yt' Jander, fl Tripta Rani, aged about years izo, 53 D/e-s-c'nlof, Sn. Mohlnder Lal, Principal, Govt. Senior selonolff Distrlct Sangrur. Sadatpur, AI'U.zt' Charanjit Vatish, aged years -about 55 S/o Sh. Dharam .\.\ chand, D.E.o., ofriie of oiJtiia earcaiio"i"omcer Sangrur, District Sangrur. 1e.e.1, 22. Raminder-€harma. aoed. about 40 years S,/o Sh. Rajan Kumar ,sharma, s.sI Master, cor[.-t!#i--"'-' seconoary School, 1'{undian Kalan, Distt. iuOtrfanl. 23. Sllifiil?I,?,]]'*:?;f,::tff iJ,,?ill'J,li;,'ll1Xl,i,llln, 24. Kaur, aged 5:,T:lq":?. about.41_years, D/o S. Banr Singh, ;i$iff.l5iress, Govt. nign strroor, fi;d.rh L[;iil;; 25. i';i:ffi',:HJi3k,i3ii3.,"1$#Jfffi S/o S. Bir Sinoh. Batala. i, Bhogwal, Otstifct q d,t. @ 3 126 Jaswinder Kaur, aged about 51 years, S/o S, Jaswant Singh, Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School, Rachhin, District Ludhigna. 27. Gurmail Slngh, aged about 60 years, S/o Sh. Mukhtiar Singh, Retd. Principal, Govt, Senlor Secondary School, Kalkh, District Ludhlana Vo V.P,O Kalakh, Tehsil and District Ludhlana. 28. ruanar singi]aged about 61 years, S/o Sh. AJiab Slngh, Retd. Deputy D.E.O. office of the Dlstrict Education Office (S.E.), Ludhlana, District Ludhlana R/o H. No. 103, J-Bl6cE S. B.S. Nagar, Ludhaina. ....Petltloners Versus 1. State of Punjab through its prhcipal Secretary, Government of Punjab, Department of EducaUon, Civil Secretariat-Il, Sector-9, Chandigarh, 2. The Dlrector of Public Instructions (S.E.), punjab, Vidya Bhawan, P.S.E.B. Buildlng, phase-Vlfi, Mohali. 3. me Rccountant General (A&E) punjab, Chandigarh. ....Respondents PI.ACE: CHANDIGARH (R.K. ARORA) DATED: 20.07.20L7 ADVOCATE COUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONERS ,/ l-( Petition under Articles 226/227 of the Constitution of India for the issuance of a writ in the nature of Certiorari/Mandamus or such other approprlate writ, order or dlrecHons quashing the action of the respondents ln not releasing/finalizing the ACp cases of the petitioners in thelr respective cadre, as patently illegal, arbltrary, discrlminatory, unconstituUonal and violative of the Government Instructions; And further direcflng the respondents to consider and grant ACp beneflt to the ' petitioners from the due dates on compieUon of thelr 4/glt4 years of servlce ln thelr respective cadre in terms of the Govt. Instructions issued from time to time and ln terms of the recommendations of the authorlties and also as allowed to the numbers of slmilarly situated includlng vlde order dated 19.04.20L7 (p-7) on fiilng C.W.p. No. 17259 of 2016 and also grant the petiUoners all consequential beneflts as allowed to the similarly situated; AND/or such other appropriate writ, order or directions as thls Hon,ble Court may deem fit in the facts and circumstances of the lnstant case. PECTFULLY ,/.
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