1991 Soling Worlds at the Rochester Yacht

1991 Soling Worlds at the Rochester Yacht

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SHUMWAYMARINE MARINE has a full serviceserviceyard yardand and shop to take care ofof you.you. OurQur experienced crafts-crafts- men Workwork Withwith Wood,wood, aluminum, steelsteel andand fiberglass onon allall sortssorts of reconstructionreconstruction and restoration projects.projects. SHUMWAY MARINE p 70 Pattonwood Drive » Rochester, New York 14617 » 716-342-3030 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\» 2,2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TABLE OFOF CONTENTSCONTENTS Page WelcomeWelcoine Letter Letterfrom fromThe TheRochester RochesterYacht YachtClub ..... Club ...........................................................55 Scheduleof Eventsof Events....................................... ................................................................................................77 Letterfrom fromThomas ThomasP. Ryan, P. Ryan;Mayor Mayor..... ......................................................................... 99 Letterfrom fromStuart StuartWalker Walker................ ....................................................................................111 1 The 19911991Soling SohngW01'1dS WorldsCommittee Comnfittee..... .................................................................................131 3 Historyof ofThe TheRochester RochesterYacht YachtClub .....Club ............................................................. 15,1 5, 16,16, 1717 A HistoryHistoryon onSoling Soling........................ ...................................................................................................191 9 Past ChampionsChampions(Olympic (Olympic& Wforlcl) & World)...... .......................................................................232 3 Local þÿWWeather ¬3th ReportReport. ¬1` .........................~**~.~°.*~..~.~.°~.~.~*~i~*~.~..~*~I~...~.°**i~**~°° .....2929 RaceCourse CourseConfigurations Configurations& Types & Types....... ..........................................................................3030 CourseArea AreaChart Chart.............................. ....................................................................................................313 1 on ..... Biography on1991 1991Soling SolingJury JuryMembers Members ........................................................ 33,33, 35, 3737 SponsorList List...................................... ............................................................................................................4545 U.S.Y.R.U.Contributors Contributors..... .....................................................................................4747 A wet sheetsheet andand aa flowingflowing sea,sea, A windwind thatthat followsfollows fast,fast, And fills thethe whitewhite andand rustlingrustling sail,sail, Photographyfor forCommerce Commerce And bendsbends thethe gallantgallant mast.mast.

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