m 25.000 ARE CARED FOR AT WORKINGMEN’S CLOD '’I4 Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1937— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting Vast Charity Work on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Saturday Following Issue First Annual Done at Hospitals DENVER C ATU aiC Report Made In Colorado Springs Plans to make this year’s pres­ Glockner Gives $88,862 in Free Service;^St. entation of the Denver Grand Opera company, 'Gioconda, a suc­ By Manager Francis' Has Large Per Cent of cess are already under way. Un­ REGISTER der the direction of Remigio Grillo, Non-Paying Patients Royal Italian consul in Denver, The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Italian societies of the state are Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. 35,000 M eals Served; 85 Men Colorado Springs.— A vast work of charity is revealed being organized to sponsor the in the annual reports of the Glocljner and St. Francis’ “ Italian night” of the production. VOL. XXXIII. No. 23. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1938. $2 PER YEAR Return to Sacraments; The opera, which will be directed hospitals. The Glockner sanitarium and hospital con­ by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. J. Bosetti, tributed $88,862 in charitable service and provisions in V.G., for the benefit of the Cath­ Varied Aid Given olic Charities and the Knights o f in airplane history was made by the U. S. navy patrol bombers the past year. More than $246 in actual charity was daily Qreatest Mass Flight shown here before their take-off from San Diego for Honolulu. given to the sick poor by the sisters and medical staff. Columbus, will be given in the Twenty-five thousand men were cared for at the St. City auditorium the evenings of Eighteen big navy ships roared across the Pacific from the mainland to Hawaii, 2,.570 miles, in 20 hours, ' The hospital is conducted by the Sisters of Charity carrying 127 men. "Vincent de Paul Workingmen’s club, located at 1824 May 2, 3, and 4. Larimer street, in the past year, according to the first of St. Vincent de Paul, who also operate St. Mary’s hos­ Invitations were sent out this pital in Pueblo and Mt. San Rafael in Trinidad. The week by the Rev. Dr. Thomas annual report compiled by Edward Qualkenbush, manager. Glockner receives nearly 2,000 patients annually, and is Doran, opera manager, to pros­ A vast number of varied needs were fulfilled at the de staffed by 28 sisters in addition to pective members of the chorus to Paul shelter house, ranging from medical care and the score of physicians, surgeons, appear for the first rehearsal physical requirements to the problems of many fallen-away and nurses. Wednesday night, Feb. 3, in the K. of C. auditorium, E. 16th Ave. Catholics. In the 12-month period, 85 men were induced At the annual meeting of the and Grant St. Other local singers to return to the sacraments. Two hundred and fifty men medical staff Monday, Jan. 17, the who present letters of introduction sisters entertained at a formal weekly taxed the capacity of the house to attend the study from their vocal teachers will be club sessions of the Rev. Joseph dinner. Dr. W. P. McCrossin was welcome at the rehearsal. The elected chief of staff for the com­ P. O’Heron, chaplain, and lectures NEWSPAPERS principals have already been ing year at a business session fol­ by the Rev. Henry Ford and other VIA RADIO chosen for each of the three per­ lowing the banquet. priests. Many were induced to Considerable experimentation is formances. The likelihood of an­ take the temperance pledge, and Catholic Youth St. Francis’ hospital, and sani­ other “ unknown’s” becoming fa- being carried on, at the present 209 sick calls for the ministrations tarium, conducted by the Sisters (Turv. to Page U — Column h) of St. Francis from the mother- of the Church were placed through time with the facsimile reproduc­ the club. tion of news by radio, Applica- house of the Western province at St. Anthony’s hospital, Denver, Of Colorado Gets tion for permission for these took care of 1,553 patients in Soup Kitchen broadcasts was made a year ago 1937. The complete statistical re­ Recollection Day Opened 4 in New York and last fall in Sac­ port is as follows: ramento and Fresno, Calif. In Approximately 35,000 meals Jan. 1, 1937, there were in the were served to the men at the Heroism Medal each city about 50 receiving sets hospital and sanitarium 83 pa­ are in use. headquartei's in the year. Prior tients. For Clergy Will to Christmas the number of men The broadcasting apparatus uses Medical patients admitted in asking for food became so great Pittsburgh, P a.— (INS)— The the photo-electric cell to make im­ the year............................... 510 that a soup kitchen was opened to bronze medal of the Carnegie Hero pulses similar to those that enable Surgical patients admitted.... 449 care for as many as possible, and Fund commission was awarded the sending of the dots and dashes Obstetrical patients................ 181 is still being continued. Petitions Jan. 27 to Clarence Martella, 16- of the Morse code. In the home the New born................................. 156 Be Well Attended are made daily for clothing, but year-old Catholic of Louisville, apparatus consists of a device that Out-patients treated .......... 174 only 552 men could be furnished Colo., for his heroism in attempt­ connects with the set through the with various pieces of clothes and ing to save from drowning another wires of the loud speaker. The at­ Total patients treated........ 1,553 More than 30 priests have al­ shoes. Lodging was provided for school ' boy, who had broken tachment is set in operation by the Children, 112. ready signified their intention to. 885 men, and jobs were secured through the ice. electrical energy supplied by the Major operations.......................235 for 523 unemployed. Catholic receiving set and translates that Minor operations.......................266 attend the day of recollection for Martella made an unsuccessful pamphlets and newspapers were attempt to rescue Dominic Far- energy into mechanical energy members of the clergy at St. distributed to more than 1,720, which prints the reproduction of Total.......................................501 rera, 16, when the latter broke Thomas’ seminary Monday, Jan. Cure Attributed to Mother CabrinVs Intercession while hundreds of others dhily fre­ through ice on a reservoir on Dec. he picture or reading matter Deaths .......................................109 ^1. The gratifying response has quented the reading room. (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) (Turn to Page i — Column S) 5,1936. Martella, heavily clothed, come not only from the priests in The club is far from catering ex­ ran out to Farrera, who was hold­ Denver but from many outside clusively to impoverished Catholic ing onto the broken ice. It Amazing Work Done by Dominican Sisters Apparent Miracle Wrought men. In this same period of time, caved in under him and he was the city. 6,785 non-Catholics visited the submerged himself when he at­ This one-day retreat, the firet headquarters to obtain food, cloth­ tempted to pull Farrera from the of its kind to i>e held in the dio­ ing, medical care, or merely to water. NUNS MAKE 2,259 VISITS cese, will be conducted by the Very spend a few hours reading, or to Martella crawled out on the ice Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Coyne, C.M., In Case of Denver Girl attend the lectures and entertain­ seminary rector. Father Coyne and with a metal rod which he ob­ ments. At least one entertaining will deliver two conferences to the tained on shore again attempted feature was provided each month, priests. The spiritual exercises An apparent miracle wrought hope that their letter may aid after she had seen Mother Cabrini to rescue Farrera. The ice again TO SICK POOR IN YEAR and the club was filled to overflow­ will commence at 10:30 sharp in in the case of a Denver girl in furthering the cause of Mother 4n a vision. broke under him and both boys through the intercession of Mother ing at least an hour before every grasped the ice, which continued the morning and conclude at' Cabrini. According to her mother and performance. Many non-Catholics The annual report of the the purchasing of tickets for the 4:30 in the afternoon. Lunch will Frances Xavier Cabrini is de­ to break off. Farrera went under annual card party to be held A hearing conducted in Chi­ father, Mary Josephine, then 3, arranged to take instructions, and and was drowned. Dominican Sisters of the Sick be served at noon at the semi­ scribed by the child’s parents in became suddenly and violently ill Poor once more is mute evidence Thursday, Feb. 24, at Daniels &, cago ,4n. 1933 gained nation-wide a three-day mission, which was Martella, however, was saved nary. The entire day ■wtM—ber letter that will be forwarded of scarlet fever three years ago of the amazing work that a hand­ Fisher’s tea room. Tickets are attention. Two miracles were preached by the Rev. William when two men came to his rescue, spent in silence, recollection, and to Rome. The cause for the in February. Within 48 hours, ful of nuns continue tn accom­ now ready for mailing. The reported. One concerned a lad O’Shaughnessy, S.J., aroused such slid a plank along the ice and held meditation.
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