Easter Sunrise Services Set by Several Local Churches Easter sunrise services will be will hold a service in Danforth The First Baptist Church will Two churches plan 6 a_m. serv- dren's Easter program_ p.m. today with the Easter eucha­ conducted Sunday morning by sev- Chapel at 6:30 a.m. Sunday. hold early services on the east ices. The Coralville Methodist Other special Easter observances rist and lighting of the Paschal * * * eral Iowa City Protestant churches. The First English Lutheran lawn of the SUI Fine Arts Build- Church observance wilJ be followed include a presentalJon by the Hess­ candle . * * * ......1 1Many of the sunrise events will be Church will hold 6:30 services in ing, also at 6:30 Sunday morning. by an Easter breakfast at 7 a.m. ton College choir at the Iowa City All Catholic Churches will hold conducted by church youth groups. the Englert Theatre. The congrega­ The youth of the St. Andrew in the Coralville City Hall. Mennonite Cburch_ Worship begins mass at the regularly scheduled The junior and senior high school tion has been worshiping in the Presbyterian Church wilJ conduct The Zion Lutheran Cburch also there at 10:30 a.m. hours. A complete list of services ..._~ .. youth of the First Presbyterian theater since its building was the services there at 6:30 a.m. A plans a 6 a.m. service. which will Trinity Episcopal Church will is on page 2. Tbere will be no Sat­ and First Congregational Churches burned down. coffee hour will follow. be followed at 7 a.m. by a chil- begin its Easter services at 11:30 urday evening confessions. ruml I II 1l1llDR~ S-M-'-L-E oj owan It Doesn't Cost II Cent Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa C.ty Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto United Press International Leased WireJ 5 Cents per Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, April 21, 1962 Hospital Blaze Prompts New Fren'ch Capture Salan; r Arson Probe • Campus Police Use 4 Extra Men To Guard Buildings over Recess Impris on Hi m In By STEVE SANGER Staff Writer Iowa City and state authorities Friday were investigating a mat­ Rival Demonstrations tress fire which took place in a basement hallway oC University Hospital Thursday evening. Greet Arrival at Jail Cause of the fire is unknown. It Reverence at Eastertime caused no damage. PARIS IA'! - Ex-Gen. Raoul Salan, a disgraced hero of France, was Officials say it is not known if captured in an Algiers hideaway Friday and flown to a Paris prison Sandy Graham, daughter of Mr_ and Mrs_ John Graham, and Doug the fire were arson. Investigating to face a reckoning on his terrorist army opposition to Alger[an indepen­ Huff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Huff, both of Iowa City, eKpress are Slate Deputy Fire Marshall dence. the religious feeling of the Easter season before a stained glllss John Hanna, Iowa City Police De· Imprisoned sympathizers rioted and set fire to Sante Prison and window of Christ In the First Methodist Church. tectlves Paul C. Haffey and other Salan followers demonstrated outside as he arrived. -Photo by Joe Lippincott Charles H. Snider and M. D. Huff­ There was some demonstration of oppoSition to him at the prison_ man of the National Board of Fire Salan was cornered in disguise at an Algiers apartment and flown Underwriters. to Paris wearing band cuffs. Pilgrims Retrace Steps Campus Police received a report The noisy prison demonstration Thursday that a man was seen began shortly after news spread * * * that the fugitive ex-general had BUSY FIREMEN been arrested in Algiers. When Respected, Yel Of Christ in Jerusalem Grass and brush fires kept Sal an arrived after dark the dem­ city fireme .. busy ThursdllY ev .. onstration was in full swing. JERUSALEM, Jordan Sector IA'l-From the Moslem schoolyard that ning and FridllY morning_ A crowd of about 300 persons once was Pontius Pilate's court, hundreds of Christian pilgrims retraced Firemen extinguished a grllss outside the prison chanted Secret Most Sought Army Organization s log a n s as on Good Friday the last faltering steps of Christ along the twisting, fire lit 2:12 p.m. nellr the rall­ stone-paved Way of the Cross. rolld trllcks eIIlt of Linn Street, prisoners banged tin cups on bars By United Press Internationll * * * and tossed burning papers out cell Many were singing and some C I W h and returned about 5 p.m. to put windows. Former General Raoul Sal an was were bowed under the weight 01 00 eat er it out a second tim •. the most hunted man in France. 16-Coot crosses as they followed Authorities said a wooden par­ About 12:15 lI.m. Friliay they tition inside the fortress prison As titular head of the terrorist the path of Old Jerusalem's Via F E t put out an unattended brush fire Secret Army Organization WAS) Dolorosa - Way oC Sorrows. caught fire. Several fire trucks or as er in th. 300 block of South River­ rolled into the prison yard as pa­ he was the government's public In the dark-vaulted alleyways of side Drive. enemy number one. Moslem shops they halted to pray By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lice wIth nightsticks charged and broke up the crowd outside the Yet, he was the most decorated and sing at L4 stations of the Crpss, Spring showers .nd thunder­ officer in the French army. And. marking incldents on as where He storms gave much of Iowa a running from the scene, but the walls. tip could not be substanUated. Prison authorities finally used until he revolted again t President stumbled to tile ground beneath the soaking Friday; and 10wII City tear gas to quiet the prisoners. Charles de Gaulle, he was consid­ weight of the cross of where He was dampened a bit. Hoffey said the IDvestigl.ttion is ered one of France's most distin­ was flogged. Only the IIxtreme northeast routine because of the three arson The oHicill1 casu.lty score in Algerie for Friday said terrorist guished and respected military Some quoted Christ's words: part of the state escaped getting cases here in the last three weeks. leaders. wet. Three fires - two at churches and army IIttackl killed 21 persons "My God, my God, why hast thou and wounded 41. Nineteen of the Salan, 63, was a five star general forsaken me?" The showers were e"pected to one at a funeral home - caused Space Needle Dominates Fair and a former commander in chief diminish today and by Sundey $175,000 damage and took one dead wire Algerilln Moslems and Pllgrims, split into groups ac­ VI5itors to today's opening of the Seattle World's area. Tht large building in the shadow Is the Fair the wounded were III Moslems of French forces both in Algeria morning only the northeast tip man's liCe. All have been termed and in Indochina, cording to language, witnessed arson by State Fire Marshall Ed Fair will be gre.ted by this 6OO·loot high Space headquarters and home of th. Food F.lr; lit the except for one European. along the way many of the same of the state can e"pect rain. He typified much of France's The Weather Burellu uid cool Herron. Needle which dominlltes the 72-lIcre Fllir Grounds. far left is the 15,OOO·sellt Coliseum. Advanc. tIcket The terrorist army in Algeria sights Jesus may have seen meanwhile said the fight against ballle-tested oCCicer corps, whicb temperatures are e"pected for The mattress fire was discovered Just b.yond the bllse of the Needle is the termin, SII les hllve reached 3V2 million, AlgerIa showed as sick of defeat, through the blood from His crown. Elister Sunday. by two hospital visitors at about al of the monorail running from the, downtown Algerian independence would go -AP Wirephoto on without Salan at its head. The ready to do battle against its latest Tattooed Bedouin women in 6 p.m. They put it out with a fire enemies by any means that could brightly embroidered gowns pas- extinguisher and called hospital support for Salan in Paris was rel­ atively feeble. bring the much-defeated nation a sively watched the procession. The News authorities who notified the fire de­ Strom Thurmond hard sought victory. Tribesmen drove goats and sheep partment. The fire department A skirmish between police and a crowd of about 300 persons broke Salan became an outlaw just one through ancient streets too narrow called in the arson Investigators. JFK Touches Gold Telegraph year ago when he - with former for any vehicle. Favors Leaving out in front of the prison shortly Police said the fire's cause may after Sal an rolled into the court­ Gens. Maurice Challe, Andre Zel­ Good Friday dawned gray and have been a simple as a carelessly Roberts in Army yard under heavily armed escort. ler, Edmond Jouhaud and a clutch drizzling but the sun broke through In Brief discarded cigarette, but they are Key To Open World/s Fair of colonels - led the abortive by early morning. There w ere rival cldenced (Combined from Lellsed Wires) taking no chances. WASHINGTON IA'! - The a p­ crie. of "AI-ger.ie FranoCllise" Algiers' "generals' revolt." As the pilgrims entered the Bruce Pllrker, campus police plause of the DAR still rang in SEATTLE, Wash. (UP1) - The Puget Sound as it did on July I, (Algeria Is French) and shouts The small, white-haired, nattily­ courtyard oC the 1,600-year-old • THE DISCHARGE rate of the chie', called four men back on Maj.
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