General Index This excludes references to place names and stratigraphic unit names as these are covered in separate lists. Pages numbers in italics refer to Figures and Tables abbreviations in names 7 basement boudinage 276, 288 Abeloya 83 Bjornoya 219-20 boundary faults 316 acritarchs 233-4, 248 sequences 32 brachiopods 272, 327, 379 Admiralty 16 structures 27 Breibogen Fault 48, 148, 301,305 Admiralty chart 16 see also proto-basement Breibogen Fault Zone 26, 316 Adriabukta folding (HSDT) 33 Bashkirian-Moscovian events 330-1 Brentskardhaugen Bed 58, 363, 373, 374 aerial photography 18 basic igneous petrography 76 Broggerhalvoya structure 168 aeromagnetic survey 422-3 basic layers 106 Bruce, W. S. 16 Agardhbukta Lineament 344 Bathonian transgression 363 bryophytes Albert I Land 299-300 Bathonian-Tithonian events 381-2 fossil 394 Albian-Aptian events 382 bathymetric chart sheet lines 14 living 11 ammonite zonation 369-71,354, 378 bathymetry 7-8, 420 bryozoans 327-8, 355 AMOSEAS 20 bay ice 8 Byrd, R. 19 amphibolites 123, 165, 283-4 Bear Island see Bjornoya Amundson, R. 19 belemnites 371-2, 378-9 13C plot 249 Andr~e Land-Dickson Land Terrane (ADLT) 32, bentonite 454 calc-alkalic basites 106 33, 147-8, 285, 301 Berriasian stage 369 calcite 189 anhydrite 67, 310, 454 Berzeliustinden 203 Caledonian (Ny Friesland) Orogeny 33, 34, 36, Anisian environments 358 Bibliography of Svalbard 20 151, 192, 219, 288 anoxia, Early Siberian 260 Billefjorden Fault Zone (BFZ) 26, 70, 129, 146-7, structures 204 anoxic facies 356-7 285, 301-3, 303-5, 316, 409 vergencies 278, 280 angiosperms 11 Billefjorden Lineament 53, 363 Calypsobyen coal 388 annelid worms Billefjorden Trough 70, 315, 344 Calypsostranda Basin 180, 449 fossil 379 biota Cambrian living 10 living 10 basal unconformity 266 anthracite 227, 450 fossil early diastrophism 266 aplite dykes 106, 142 Paleogene 393-4 lithic units 116-17, 192 Aptian-Albian events 382 Jurassic-Cretaceous 378-80 time scale 259, 260 Arc of Meridian Project 16 Triassic 353-6 see also Cambro-Ordovician Arc of Meridian Surveys 76, 96 Carboniferous-Permian 324-8 Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme (CASP) 22 Archean 151,229 Devonian 291-6 Cambridge University expeditions 18, 389 Arktikugol 13 Silurian 272 Cambridgebreen Shear Zone 129, 305 arthropods Cambro-Ordovician 260-4 Cambro-Ordovician fossil 293, 394 Vendian 248-9 biotas 260-2 living 10, Pre-Vendian 231-5 correlation within Svalbard 262-4 Artinskian events 333 birds 10 palinspastics 268-70 Asselian Sakmarian events 332-3 Biskayerfonna Horst 149 sedimentary environments 264-6 Atomfjella antiform 27, 124 Biskayerfonna-Holtedahlfonna Horst 148 tectonic environments 266-8 Atomfjella arch 123 Biskayerfonna-Holtedahlfonna terrane (BHFT) tectonothermal events 270-1 Atomfjella Complex 123 32, 33, 148-50, 230, 285, 300-1 terranes 268-70 augen gneiss 283 bivalves 294, 372, 379, 394 Carnian environments 358-60 Austfjorden tectonothermal event 33 Bjornoya 212 Carboniferous Austfonna 96 biota biota 324-8 Axel Heiberg Island 36 Cambro-Ordovician 260 economic deposits 310, 450 Vendian 248 history of research 310 coal 450 lithic units 312-14 Backlund, H. G. 18, 76 cover sequences 36 Bjernoya 212, 215-17 baked sediment 85 lithic units 210, 257 Central Basin 66-73 Balliolbreen Fault 112, 305 Paleozoic 212-19 Spitsbergen, NE 77, 112 Baltica 253-4, 287 pre-Vendian 231 Spitsbergen, NW 134-5 Bangenhuken anticline 27 Triassic 212-13, 350, 361 Spitsbergen, SW 183-7 Bangenhuk granitoid 124 palinspastic reconstructions 269 lithostratigraphic scheme 313 Barents craton/Barentsia 108, 287 structure 219-22 palinspastics 335 Barents Sea 5, 8, 209, 350, 368 tectonic setting sedimentary environments 318-23 Barents shelf 7, 424, 427-8 Cambro-Ordovician 266 structural frame 314-16 petroleum potential 20 Silurian 280 tectonic control of sedimentation 328-32 structural elements 26 volcanic rocks 252 time scale 316 Barents, W 16 Bjornoya Basement Terrane (BOBT) 32, 34 Cenomanian-Maastrichtian events 382-3, 386 Barentsburg 13, 388 Bjornoya Basin 315-16 Central basement terranes 32, 33-4 Barentsoya Bjornoya Platform Terrane (BOPT) 32, 36 Central Basin biostratigraphy 89-91 Black Carbonate Pelite (BCP) 167 coal 449 ice cover 436 Blomstrand, C. B. 16 geomorphology 48 igneous bodies 91 Blomstrandhalvoya graben-syncline 27 lithic units 48-72, 390-1 lithic units 87-9, 350 Blomstrandhalvoya Basins 150-1,300 structural development 73-4, 409 Barentsoya Edgeoya Platform Terrane (BEPT) Bonnia-Holmia faunas 259, 264 structural setting 48, 344 32, 36 bornite 189 Central Basin Terrane (CBT) 32, 35 barite 454 Botniahalvoya 103 Central East Greenland Province 38 Barremian events 382 Botniahalvoya unconformity (NAWT) 32 Central Spitsbergen 73-4 basalts 76, 84, 85 Botonian-Toyonian faunas 259, 264 Central Svalbard terranes 38 516 GENERAL INDEX Central Province (Vendian) 254-5 sedimentary record 296-9 Fairbairn, P. E. 18 central terrane palinspastics 268-70 sequence of events 306-9 Falcon, N. L. 18 central terranes (SW Spitsbergen) 199-200 tectonics 299-303 Famennian events 309 Central vent volcanics (Quaternary) 423 time scale 289 faults 172-3 Central West Fault Zone 48, 316 dextral transpression/transtension, Paleogene boundary 316 Centralwestern Spitsbergen see Spitsbergen 410-11 lineaments 26 chalcocite 189 diamictites 21, 100, 118 major zones 25, 27 chalcopyrite 154, 189, 197, 454 Dickson Land 62 strike-slip 38, 303, 306 Challinor's sections 389-90, 400, 402-8 dinoflagellates 380, 394 dextral 173-4, 390 charts, hydrographic 14 dinosaurs 20 sinistral 204 Changxingian stage 351 footprints fauna, living 10 chromium-rich dolostone 158 carnosaur 55 feldspathite 31,283 chronometric scale 26-7, 29, 30 Iguanodon 20, 58, 380 ferns see pteridophytes chronostratic scale 25-6 Dirksodden Nappe 129 Festningen section (Festungs Profil) 18, 49, 62, 343 Chydeniusbreen granite 113 Dirksodden Thrust 129 Finnmarkian phase 36 cirripedes 379 discontinuities (faults and unconformities) 23, 26 fish claims 11 discovery of Svalbard 5, 11 fossil 137, 138, 291-3, 295, 353, 394 climate records 444-5 dolerites 76, 106, 112 living 10 glacial 436 dolostone 31, 67, 70, 158, 163, 169-70, 265 fission track analysis 398 Jurassic-Cretaceous 380-1 Dragon Oil p.l.c. 94 fjords 4, 48 Vendian 249 Duvefjorden Complex 104, 108 Fleming, W. L. S. 18 coal 37, 47, 51, 72, 73, 216, 217, 310, 363 Duvefjorden granites 106 flint concretions 70 coal fields 50, 51, 154, 389 dykes and sills 76, 106, 112, 113, 377-8 flora see plants coal mining 11,209 Floraberget anticline 27 coccoliths 372, 379 East Spitsbergen Basin 315 flower structure 177 Colesbukta well 58, 451, 452 East Greenland aulacogen 242-3 flowering plants 11 collisional orogeny 288 East Spitsbergen current 8 fluid springs 424-6 compressional tectonics 38 East Svalbard terranes 38 fold and thrust front 48 conchostraca 294 East Svalbard Vendian Province 254 fold-thrust belt 400 conodonts 354 Eastern basement terranes 32-3 foraminifers 326-7, 372, 379 continental drift 21, 37-8 Eastern Svalbard Platform (ESP) 32, 75-7, 315, Forlandsundet Basin 175-6 continental shelf 12 344 coal 449 convection polygon 433 Barentsoya 86-91 origin 176-7 convergence, tectonic 38 Edgeoya 86-91 Forlandsundet Graben 268 Conway, Sir Martin 5, 16, 189, 340 Hopen 91-3 Paleogene 157-8, 388, 391,399, 402-9 copper minerals 454 Kong Karls Land 83-6 Forlandsundet Graben Terrane (FSGT) 32, 34 corals 272, 327, 379 NE Spitsbergen 77-80 formation, stratigraphic 29 covellite 189 SW Nordaustlandet 80-3 Frasnian Famennian events 309 cover sequences 21 Tusenoyane 86-91 Frebold, H. 18, 363 Bjornoya 220-2 echinoderms freeze-thaw processes 433-4 NE Spitsbergen 112 fossil 279, 379 frozen ground 10 cover terranes 32, 35-6 living 10 fuchsite 158 Cretaceous eclogite 165 age estimation 371-2 economic geology biotas 372, 378-80 coal mining 449-51 galena 189, 197, 210 climates 380-1 metalliferous mining 453-4 Garwood, E. J. 16, 18 coal 363, 450 non-metaliferous mining 454 gastropods history 363 petroleum 451-2 fossil 328, 379, 394 igneous activity 363-5, 377-8 Edgeoya 86 7 living 10 lithic units 52, 374-7 biostratigraphy 89-91 geochemistry 102, 126-7 sedimentary environments 382-3 ice cover 436 geographical nomenclature 5 sedimentary sequences 386-7 igneous bodies 91 geological maps stratal scheme 366 lithic units 87-8 outcrops stratigraphy 366-8 oil exploration 93-5 Neogene-Quaternary 419 structural frame 365 Edgeoya-Barentsoya monocline 344 Paleogene 50, 389 tectonic environments 383 Ediacara biota 167 Jurassic-Cretacous 364 time scale 371-2 Ediacara epoch 244 Triassic 341 cryoturbation 433 Edmonds, J. M. 18 Carboniferous-Permian 311 crystalline rocks see igneous also metamorphic Eidembreen tectonics 34, 36, 154, 169, 266-8 Devonian 290 Eifelian-Givetian events 308-9 Silurian 273 Danskoya Basin 153 Ellesmere Island 253, 255, 306 Cambro-Ordovician 258 daylight 8 Ellesmerian (M'Clintock) orogeny 38, 270-1 Proterozoic 228, 245 decoupling in transpression/transtension 410 ellipsoids, deformed 112 regions de Geer, G. 16, 18, 340, 388, 389 Ellsworth, L. 19 Bjornoya 211 deformation events 151-2 Emsian events 308 Central Basin 47, 54, 55, 56, 58 delta complexes 58, 87 environmental regulations 12-13 Nordauslandet 101 desiccation cracks 434 Eoarchean 28 Oscar II Land 58, 156 Devonian Eocene events 415-17 Prince Karls Forland 156 biostratigraphy and correlation 289-91 Eolusletta Shear Zone 130 Spitsbergen NW 133, 139 biota 291-5 escape tectonics 38, 277 Spitsbergen SW 181 coal 450 evaporites 67, 70 geomorphology 48, 431-4 history 289 exploration history 16 geotectonic
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