[ CJ . 1. Poetap· ; PA ID J I Jersey City, N. J. Permit No. 98 Non -Profit Organlzatloo j A N T P E T"~" E R ' S < 0 L l E G E New Hampshire McSorley's Prima ry A.le H01.1se Page 4 Page 5 PAlJ oCi 9 ,ow \J:.Gt. 'S cO'- ========= = = ~===~======== ~i~l~~~t.1~J!!Ft!'!!c~n~'l~•~N~-~J==============·­ vo1. XXXI I Jersey City, N.J ., March $.<9 964 4~~ 4C1 l No. 11 The Council As Set~n Hickman Hits .Alumni Fund Aims At By A Jewish Scholitr Play Images A Goal Of $75,000 Dr. Joseph L. Lichten, director of the Intel'Cultural .Affairs De­ Darryl Hickman, who spent his The annual Alumni Loyalty pa1·tment of the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League, sipoke on h is childhood on Hollywood sound stages, declared Tuesday that he Fund solicitations for t he gradu­ "Reflections on the Ecumenical Council and the Jews" yesterday in would never allow his son to be­ ating class will take place tomor­ Dinneen Auditoriwn. come a child actor. row, said Fred J . Jacques, execu­ He declared that the Church's Hickman, speaking to a capacity tive secretary of the Alumni As­ sociation. ecumenical movement is not only audience in Dinneen Auditorium, was critical of the filmland image "The main purpose of these aimed at Christian unity but at makers and especially the manu­ solicitations is to acquaint the embracing the entire world. He factured image of the Catholic students with the financial needs said it is an ecumenism of love, actor. of the College," said Mr. Jacques. social justice and intergroup har­ The young actor, who presently "The number of donors, rather mony. plays the lead in Broadway's "How than the 1tmount of the gifts con­ to Succeed in Business Without tributed, is the real goal in this Pope John XXIII, according to Really Trying," said the Catholic drive," he continued. Dr. Lichten, was disappointed that actor has been pictured as a per­ The A 1 um n i contributes all the Council did not clarify three son · who is a member of the funds collected to the school but main points in Catholic-Jewish re­ Knights of Columbus, is happily has no voice in the allocation of lations. married, the father of six chil­ these funds, he added. dren, and has a house with a large He hoped that the Council would These funds are used to defray mortgage. the deficit left by the tuition point out the common heritage of He explained that he was afraid which amounts this year to $364,- the Jews and the Christians. He of becoming "a country club 000, said Fr. Martin F. Henne­ also had hoped that they would Christian" and said that he has berry, treasurer of St. Peter's Col­ have cleared the Jews of the had a problem healing the breach lege. MR. COOKE between his profession and his "Every student in the school tribution of $10 per member, to charge of deocide in connection faith. has some type of scholarship," DR. JOSEPH L. LICHTEN 2,500 members and an average with Christ's murder. The third The •theme of his talk was Fr. Henneberry added, "since the contribution of $30 per member, Vatican City and religious build­ "Who's Afraid of a Catholic Ac­ tuition does not cover the full point was that of promoting great­ Mr. Jacques said. er understanding between the ings throughout Europe to hide tor?" and he concluded it by cost of the student's education. Mr. Lawrence J . Cooke, class of Jews and the Christians by dis- the Jews. He ,also pra.ised the spir­ saying that if the Catholic actor This is the important fact to re­ was the person described by the 1946, accompanied by a senior, 1,,ussions between the leaders and itual and material aid he gave to member when donating to this e,cholars of the religions. image makers, then he was afraid drive," he continued. will make a visit to each class them. of a Catholic actor. and solicitt contributions for the Commenting on "The Deputy," The goal for this year's collec­ 1 He added that a performer tion is $75 ,000 from an estimated fund tomo,rrow. a · T ' _ , _ termed this current ·~·- should be judgea oa his ai>ilit::, r____ath r spe _ n_..:._ct QY as a dishonorable 3,000 donors, a substanLial pnrt u- L ___ .:::.==::::::::=:=-- ----- and not his faith. which is contributed by the .x~,,~~~~~ he late Pope. ~----- Glee Club Starts Following his talk he stayed on Petros Club. ,:; He defended Pope Pius XII in stage for almost an hour answer- In the last 10 years the Alumni 7 Seniors Cop his actions by saying that he took New T.ryout Plan Fund has grnwn from a member­ a course dictated by his great de- ship of 300, with an average con- sire to save human lives. "After several years of plan- Gra<l ·A wards Last Thw-sday Dr. Angelo Dan­ He praised the Pope for opening ning Mr. G. Marston Haddock esino, chairman of ,the Graduate and myself hope to make a tran- First Movie Scholarship C om m it t e e , an­ Cardinal Koenig sition this spring to a new ar­ nounced 1;hat seven more seniors rangemen~ for the Glee Club," Big Succes~ have received assistantships or Lectures April 10 said Fr. Aiden McMullen, mode­ fellow.:;hips. rator of the organiz::ttion. by John Stricbek 'Thus •far, nine seniors have The seconr:i of three lectures to Last Thursday a d e 1 i g ht e d been awarded 18 g~·ants. be given this semester by promi­ The Glee Club for the 1964-65 audience of approximately 350 iEug,ene F. Kelton, a ma thema­ n ent cardinals of the Church will season will be chosen at try­ students and faculty attended the tics major, has received a teach­ initial feature of the Thursday be held on April 10. outs next Wednesday from 2 to ing fellowship to Georgetown film series, "When Comedy Was University and ,an assistan,tship His Eminence Franziskus Car­ 4 p,m. in the Freshmen Lo unge by King." to W,ashingrt;on University in St. dinal Koenig will speak in Din­ Mr. · Haddock, director of the Two showings at 3:3 0 and 8:30 n een Auditorlum on "The Cardi­ Louis, Missouri. group. Students will no longer be p.m. were held in McDermott n al of Austria Reflects on Vati­ permitted to try out in September Lounge. William Quirin, also a mathe­ can Council II." , If the reaction to t his picture ma,tics major, was granted an as­ as was the previous policy. Cardinal Koenig was born in is indicative of future response, sistantship to the University of Rabenstein, Austria on August 7, He stressed the point that the the series wll enjoy overwhelming South Carolina. 1905. After completing studies at Glee Club will be primarily com- success. Henry Stern, a German major, the Benedictine Abbey at Melk, DARRYL HICKMAN "When Comedy Was King" is a has received a teaching assist­ h e continued his studies at the posed of sophomores, juniors and ing a barrage of questions from movie anthology, a cinema en­ antship to Pennsyl vania S tate Unive rsity of Vienna and at the seniors in the future, even though the audience. He said television semble of some of the best ex­ University. Gregorian University in Rome. incoming freshmen will be given working conditions "stink" and amples of slapstick COilTi edy rto Paul Maramaldi, also a Ger­ He was ordained on October 27, an audition in Sept,ember. added that the only reason he did emerge from the silent movies. man major, was awarded an as­ 1933. it was for the money. It combines the artistry of the sistantship to the University of Fr. McMullen said that the club He expressed the opinion that His Eminence studied Eastern likes of Hal Roach and Max Sen­ Illinois. will have only six to eight fresh- "The Deputy" would have folded nett with the comic verve of such languages and law at the Univer­ George E. Hunter, a chemis­ sity of Vienna and Sacred Scrip­ men in its ranks starting next if it h ad not been for the contro­ masters as Buster K eaton and versy which sunounds A, and also Charlie Chaplin. try major, has received an assis­ ture and oriental languages at the year. tantship and a fellowship to the Pontifical Biblical Institute in said he would accept a part in it Most of the audience found it a "The reason for .this new policy if both the role and play were scintillating experience as they Hall Laboratory of Chemistry at Rome. Wesleyan Universi,ty. is to enable Mr. Haddock to take good. roared with laughter through the During World War II he or- performance. William Mcc arren, a political a full Glee Club of 65 voices to Speaking of the Legion of De- ganized an anti-Nazi movement cency he said he agreed with it The rollicking nonsense of these science major, has been awarded among ,the young people of the Pocono Crest Lodge in Pocono in principle but thought the group past greats .titulated the young a law scholarship to Stanford Austria. Pines, Pennsylvania during the was often misguided. funny bones of those who haven't Universit y. In May, 1956 he was named summer," said Fr. McMullen, Hickman started his screen ca­ been exposed to these madcap John McMahon, an English Archbishop of Vienna and on De­ reer a•t the age of six and has geniuses.
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