THE HASHEMITEKINGDOM OF JORDAN 664 M MINISTRYOF PUBLICWORKS AND HOUSING Public Disclosure Authorized E-233 VOL. 2 FEASIBILITYSTUDY FOR THE Public Disclosure Authorized 'AMMAN RING ROAD Public Disclosure Authorized Volume 2 Environmental Impact Assessment Public Disclosure Authorized DAR AL-HAN DASAhI DAR AL-HANDASAH insmadaNm.i w_na Cairo London. Skut An Jurn 1996 w1ss HASHEMITEKINGDOM OFJORDAN ~THE ,;vet M ~MINISTRYOF PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING ) FEASIBILITYSTU DY FOR THE M4rr L\. LI - Volume 2 Environmental Impact Assessment DAR AL-HANDASAH DAR AL-HANDASAH - - iinassociation with Manama Cairo London Beirut Amman J9760 June1998 Amman Rtn2 Road Phase I Table ol Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION PAGE 1.1 Project Background 1.1 1.2 Study Components 1.1 1.3 Report Scope 1.2 1.4 Report Structure 1.2 2. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Introduction 2.1 2.2 Project Status 2.1 2.3 Project Location 2.4 2.4 Project Proponent 2.7 2.5 Project Description 2.7 2.6 Design Standards and Guidelines 2.17 3. POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK 3.1 Introduction 3.1 3.2 Legislative Framework 3.1 3.3 Institutional Framework 3.4 3.4 Project Environmental Appraisal Framework 3.11 3.5 Project Planning Framework 3.14 4. BIOPHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 4.1 Introduction 4.1 4.2 Climate 4.1 4.3 Geology and Seismology 4.6 4.4 Topography, Landform, Soils and Land Suitability 4.12 4.5 Flora and Fauna 4.25 4.6 Surface Water Resources 4.30 4.7 Groundwater Resources 4.34 4.8 Air Quality 4.39 4.9 Noise 4.41 4.10 Archaeology 4.45 4.11 Data Weaknesses 4.48 5. SOCIO ECONOMIC CONTEXT 5.1 Introduction 5.1 5.2 Population 5.1 5.3 Regional Economic Activity 5.8 5.4 Transportation and Utilities 5.14 5.5 Housing 5.18 5.6 Land Use 5.22 5.7 Social Indicators 5.23 J9760/ARRlVo1_2/Toc i June 1998 Amman Rine Road Phase I Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS (Contd.) PAGE 6. TEMPORARY IMPACTS 6.1 Introduction 6.1 6.2 On Site Works 6.1 6.3 Demolition 6.8 6.4 Use of Explosives 6.8 6.5 Off Site Works 6.8 6.6 Resource Consumption 6.10 7. IMPACT ASSESSMENT: PERMANENT IMPACTS 7.1 Introduction 7.1 7.2 ProductionLosses 7.1 7.3 Land Acquistion and Property Take 7.4 7.4 Drainage and Erosion 7.5 7.5 Severance 7.7 8. IMPACT ASSESSMENT: OPERATIONAL PHASE 8.1 Introduction 8.1 8.2 Trsff6r Forecasts 8.1 8.3 Noise 8.1 8.4 Vibration 8.7 8.5 Air Quality 8.9 8.6 Energy Budget 8.17 8.7 Safety 8.17 8.8 Pollutionof Water Resources 8.21 8.9 Maintenance 8.22 9. INDUCED DEVELOPMENT 9.1 General 9.1 9.2 Existing Concerns 9.1 9.3 Project Impacts 9.4 10. CONCLUSIONS 10.1 Introduction 10.1 10.2 Project Objectives 10.1 10.3 Project Need 10.2 10.4 Altemative DevelopmentOptions 10.5 10.5 Alternative By Pass options 10.9 J9760/ARR/Vol_2/l oc June 1998 Amman Ring Road Phase I Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS (Contd.) PAGE 11. MITIGATION PLAN 11.1 Pre-Construction. 11.1 11.2 Construction 11.1 11.3 Off Site Works 11.9 11.4 Permanent Impacts 11.13 11.5 Noise Mitigation 11.16 11.6 Air Quality 11.20 11.7 Accidental Spills 11.21 11.8 Environmental Enhancement Measures 11.24 11.9 Maintenance 11.24 11.10 Induced Development 11.25 11.11 CRMP 11.28 11.12 LARP 11.29 12. MONITORING PLAN AND INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING 12.1 Introduction 12.1 12.2 Environmental Standards 12.1 12.3 Site Inspections 12.2 12.4 Environmental Auditing 12.5 12.5 Environmental Quality Monitoring 12.6 12.6 CRIA and LARP Programmes 12.14 12.7 Capacity Development and Training 12.16 13. CONSULTATION PROGRAMME 13.1 Introduction 13.1 13.2 Review of Phase I Sessions 13.1 13.3 Phase 2 Programme 13.5 13.4 EA Review Meeting 13.9 J9760/ARR/Vo12r[oc June 1998 Amman Rmin Road Phase I List of Tables LIST OF TABLES TABLE No. TITLE PAGE Table 2.1 Sections of Original Ring Road Project 2.1 Table 2.2 SumnmaryTable of EconomicResults: Ruqn Al-HandasahStudy 1989 2.3 Table 2.3 Current Proposals - GeometricDesign Criteria (Mainline) 2.17 Table 3.1 PrincipleEnvironmental Legislation (excl. EPL) 3.2 Table 3.2 National InstitutionalResponsibilities for EnvironmentalManagement 3.7 Table 3.3 Activities of Local Branchesof JES 3.10 Table 3.4 National EnvironmentalActions Required in Land ResourcesManagement 3.13 Table 3.5 NEAP: Phase I EnvironmentalPriority Actions Relevantto ARR 3.12 Table 3.6 The Planning Process 3.16 Table 4.1 Summary Climate Data 4.3 Table 4.2 SignificantClimatological Events 4.5 Table 4.3 Basic Stratigraphyof the StudyArea 4.6 Table 4.4 HistoricalEarthquake Data and Mean Return Periods 4.9 Table 4.5 Quarry Production: Wadi Al-Qattar/Wadi Al-Ush 4.12 Table 4.6 Summaryof Land SuitabilityAnalysis for Crop Production 4.22 Table 4.7 Summaryof Land Suitabilityas Rangelands 4.22 Table 4.8 Summaryof Natural VegetationOccurrence and Status 4.26 Table 4.9 Threatened,Endangered and Rare Species 4.26 Table 4.10 PrincipleSprings in the StudyRegion 4.34 Table 4.11 Aquifer Hydraulic Complexesand Aquicludes 4.36 Table 4.12 HydrogeologicalCharacteristics of GeologicalSeries 4.37 Table 4.13 GroundwaterQuality Criteria,National Water Master Plan 4.36 Table 4.14 GroundwaterQuality in the Zarqa Region, 1990s 4.38 Table 4.15 Jordan National Water Balance (MCMper annum) 4.39 Table 4.16 Major Points Sources 4.40 Table 4.17 Summaryof Findingsof Recent Air Quality Studies 4.41 Table 4.18 Issues Classedas Highest Significancein all Sessions 4.44 Table 4.19 Major ArchaeologicalPeriods and Sites 4.45 Table 4.20 ArchaeologicalSites in the Corridor 4.45 Table 5.1 HistoricalNational PopulationGrowth: (I952-1994) 5.1 Table 5.2 Distributionof Populationby Statistical Divisions. 1994 and 1996 5.2 Table 5.3 Estimated Current Populationin the Direct Zone of Influenceof the ARR 5.3 Table 5.4 PopulationGrowth Rates by Scenario;(AGR%) 5.3 Table 5.5 PopulationProjections for the StudyArea (000s) 7.3 Table 5.6 PopulationTrends 1979-1997 5.4 Table 5.7 GACDP PopulationForecasts 5.6 Table 5.8 Regional PopulationStructure % 5.6 Table 5.9 National -Age Sex Distribution% 5.7 Table 5.10 Average Household 5.7 J9760/ARRNol_2/LOT iv June 1998 Amman Rins Road Phase I List of Tables LIST OF TABLES (Contd.) TABLE No. TITLE PAGE Table 5.11 Number of Householdsper Housing Unit % 5.8 Table 5.12 Economic Activityin Middle Region 5.8 Table 5.13 Industrial Sector Developmentin the Middle Region 5.9 Table 5.14 Profile of the Sahab Industrial Area 5.9 Table 5.15 AgriculturalAreas in Selected Governorates,(000dunums) 5.11 Table 5.16 Agricultural ProductionAreas (000 dunum) 5.11 Table 5.17 ProductionArea of Major Crops (000 Dunums) 5.12 Table 5.18 Movement of AgriculturalProduce to Markets in Amman and Zarqa, (Tonnes) 5.10 Table 5.19 Estimates of Regional and National Herd. (000s) 5.11 Table 5.20 AgriculturalActivities 5.14 Table 5.21 Level of Utilities Service Provided, % of OccupiedDwellings 5.17 Table 5.22 Utility and Selected Social Facility Provision 5.20 Table 5.23 Housing Type (%) 5.18 Table 5.24 Area of Housing Unit (m 2)% by Category 5.18 Table 5.25 No. of Housing Units per Structure and No. of Floors per Housing Unit (%) 5.21 Table 5.26 National Housing Stock Quality % by Category 5.21 Table 5.27 Tenure Status of Occupants, % by Category 5.22 Table 5.28 Length of Residence,%by Category 5.22 Table 5.29 Average Income per year per person: 1994 (JD) 5.25 Table 5.30 Average Incnmep-r year for Jordanian Households:1994 5.25 Table 5.31 GNP Values as Indicators of Relative Wealth 5.25 Table 5.32 Education EnrollmentRates, 1993 5.26 Table 5.33 Incidence of IndicatorDiseases, 1992-1996 5.27 Table 5.34 Trends in Infant Mortalityand Maternal Morbidity 5.27 Table 5.35 Females as % of Labour Force 5.28 Table 5.36 Adult IlliteracyRates in Jordan and ComparableCountries 5.28 Table 5.37 Female Age of First Marriage and Fertility Rates 5.29 Table 5.38 Female Heads of Household 5.29 Table 6.1 Listing of Known Utilities Crossing Sites 6.3 Table 6.2 Potential Severity of Impact of Damage to Utilities Infrastructure 6.4 Table 7.1 Rainfed Arable Land Take 7.1 Table 7.2 Estimated Rainfed Arable Crop Losses 7.2 Table 7.3 Perennial Crop Area (Hectares)and Tree Take 7.3 Table 7.4 Estimated PermanentCrop Losses 7.3 Table 7.5 Estimated VegetableLosses 7.4 Table 7.6 Total ProductionLosses to Ag-!cultural Sector 7.4 Table 7.7 Residential Building Take 7.5 Table 7.8 Non ResidentialBuilding Take 7.5 Table 8.1 24 Hours and Peak Hour WeekdayTraffic Flows on Road Sections: WithoutProject Case 8.2 J9760/ARRNolJ2LOT v June1998 Amman Rine Road PhaseI Lisi ofTables LIST OF TABLES (Contd.) TABLE No. TITLE PAGE Table 8.2 With and Without Project Case Noise Estimates L1O (18 Hr): Existing Ring Road 8.4 Table 8.3 Noise Impact on Previously Unaffected Rural Area: 2003 and 2013 8.5 Table 8.4 2003 Do Something Project Impacts Urban Sites Within 300m of the Centerline 8.7 Table 8.5 Do Something Project Impacts: At Directly Affected Sensitive Sites, 2003 8.7 Table 8.6 Modelled Network Speeds 2 (kph) 8.10 Table 8.7 Estimated Emission Levels (tons/year) 8.12 Table 8.8 Mobile Source Contribution to Regional Pollution(%) 8.13 Table 8.9 Estimates of Concentrations as percentage of Air Quality Standards: Sensitive Sites 8.14 Table 8.10 International Standards 8.15 Table 8.11 Typical Road Section Air Quality 8.16 Table 8.12 Number and Type of Accidents (1992-1996) 8.17 Table 8.13 Weighted Accident Costs in Jordan - 1990 8.19 Table 10.1 Do-Nothing Capacity Analysis 10.4 Table 10.2 Issues Classes as of the Highest Significance in at Least Two Sessions 10.8 Table 10.3 Acquisition Requirements 10.9 Table 11.1 Suggested Noise Standards for Construction Equipment 11.6 Tpble 11.2 Typical Noise Standards: Motor Vehicle Noise 11.7 Table 11.3 Results of Studies of Noise Attenuation from Porous Pavements 11.18 Table 11.4 Noise Mitigation Proposals 11.20 Table 11.5 Noise Attenuation Projected for Sensitive Sites 11.20 Table 12.1 Suggested Minimum Frequency of Site Inspections During the Construction Phase 12.3 Table 12.2 Summary of Proposed Sampling Programme Frequency: Construction 12.9 Table 12.3 Environrmental Quality Monitoring: Labour Costs 12.13 Table 12.4 Summary of Monitoring Costs 12.14 Table 13.1 Classed as Highest Significance in all Sessions 13.4 Table 13.2 Summary of Mitigation Options Findings 13.4 J9760/ARRNo1_2/LOT vi June 1998 AmmanRins Road Phase I L s! of Fieures LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE No.
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