E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2000 No. 150 Senate (Legislative day of Friday, September 22, 2000) The Senate met at 9:59 a.m., on the RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING close personal friend, Elmer Rasmuson, expiration of the recess, and was called MAJORITY LEADER who passed away last Saturday at the to order by the President pro tempore The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- age of 91. Alaska is a far better place as [Mr. THURMOND]. ator from Alaska. a consequence of his life of public serv- f ice, his achievements in business, and PRAYER his personal philanthropy. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John SCHEDULE Elmer was born in Yakutat, Alaska Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I in 1909, not long after the Klondike Gracious God, all through our history know all Members are interested in the gold rush. His life spanned Alaska's as a nation, You have helped us battle schedule today, and the leader has modern history, history that he had a the enemies of freedom and democracy. asked me to notify all Senators that significant hand in shaping. Elmer served Alaskans in both the Today, on Pearl Harbor Day, we re- the Senate will be in a period of morn- public and private realms. He was a member the fact that the pages of our ing business until 1:45 today. Following morning business, the Senate will re- successful banker who put together history are red with the blood of those Alaska's first system of statewide who have paid the supreme sacrifice in sume postcloture debate on the bank- ruptcy conference report. Under the branch banking. That wasn't any easy the just war against tyranny. Those thing to do in a wild, far-flung terri- who survived the wars of the past half previous order, Senator GRASSLEY, Senator HATCH, Senator LEAHY, and tory like Alaska with four time zones, century are all our distinguished living but he succeeded in doing a tremendous heroes and heroines. They carry the Senator WELLSTONE will each have 30 minutes for debate prior to a 3:45 p.m. job with tremendous imagination and honored title of veterans. perseverance. Now, Lord, we dedicate this day to vote on final passage. A vote on a con- tinuing resolution is also expected dur- Along the way, Elmer amassed a per- You. Help us to realize that it is by ing today's session. Senators will be sonal fortune, which he had, in recent Your permission that we breathe our notified as that vote is scheduled. I years, used to benefit libraries, muse- next breath and by Your grace that we thank my colleagues for their atten- ums, and universities in our State. are privileged to use the gifts of intel- tion. This legacy will live on, as it was lect and judgment You provide. Give Elmer's wish that his personal fortune f the Senators a perfect blend of humil- continue to benefit Alaska long after ity and hope so they will know that ORDER OF PROCEDURE his death. You have given them all that they The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Elmer also enjoyed a distinguished have and are and have chosen to bless the previous order, the time until 11 record of public service. He served on them this day. You are our Lord and a.m. is under the control of the Sen- the University of Alaska Board of Re- Saviour. Amen. ator from Washington, Mrs. MURRAY. gents for nearly twenty years; and he Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, the was the mayor of Anchorage from 1964± f Senator from the State of Washington 1967Ðincluding the difficult period of has been kind enough to allow me a few time encompassing the Good Friday PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE moments to make a statement on be- Earthquake of 1964 and the rebuilding The Honorable JIM BUNNING, a Sen- half of an outstanding Alaskan who of Alaska's largest city. ator from the State of Kentucky, led passed away a few days ago. With her Elmer also had a keen interest and the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: permission, I ask unanimous consent expertise in fisheries issues. He served I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the that she be recognized at the conclu- on the International North Pacific United States of America, and to the Repub- sion of my remarks, and I thank her Fisheries Commission from 1969 to 1984; lic for which it stands, one nation under God, for her graciousness. he served as the first Chairman of the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without North Pacific Fisheries Management objection, it is so ordered. The Senator Council. He was instrumental in the f from Alaska. creation of the 200-mile fisheries limit, f and in rebuilding the State's salmon RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME runs after years of federal neglect. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ELMER RASMUSON Elmer brought this knowledge of BUNNING). Under the previous order, Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I fisheries management to the U.S. Arc- the leadership time is reserved. rise to honor a truly great Alaskan, a tic Research Commission, a position ∑ This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S11663 . VerDate 06-DEC-2000 01:00 Dec 08, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE6.000 pfrm02 PsN: S07PT1 S11664 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE December 7, 2000 that President Ronald Reagan ap- pageant which will be held in early WashingtoniansÐregardless of party pointed him to fill in 1988. He served in February in Gary, Indiana. Ivette will affiliationÐhave come up to me with that position with great distinction, to compete for the title of Miss USA with high praise and appreciation for Sen- the benefit of Alaska and the entire other young women from 49 states and ator GORTON'S long service to our Nation. the District of Columbia. state, our country and this proud insti- We will long remember the benefits Upon winning the Miss Alaska USA tution. from his legacy of continuing philan- title, Ivette won scholarship and ward- I want to share with my colleagues a thropy. Elmer hired me back in 1959, robe money, a free trip to the national passage from an editorial this week in my first job in banking. I worked for pageant, and other generous prizes, as the Everett Herald. The Herald edi- him as a branch manager at one of the well as her crown and sash. However, torial reads, small offices in Anchorage and later this is not her first time wearing a History will rank Gorton with Senator throughout offices in southeastern crown. In April 1999, Ivette represented Henry M. ``Scoop'' Jackson and Senator War- Alaska. We remained close friends Alaska as our Cherry Blossom Princess ren G. Magnuson as an extraordinary leader through the 40 years that followed. His for the National Cherry Blossom Fes- in D.C. on behalf of the state. son Ed and his wife Cathy have shared tival here in Washington, DC. Throughout his career in the Senate and many memories and good times with My wife Nancy and I have known state government, Gorton has been a leading both Nancy and me. force in many major efforts to protect the Ivette for many years. We are very environment. Elmer's commitment to Alaska was proud of her and her accomplishments, evident in many ways. In the private He also has been a consistent, passionate and we know that she will represent advocate for individuals with problems deal- sector, he was willing to take risks, Alaska with poise and distinction. ing with bureaucracy. commit capital to budding enterprises Ivette is a pleasure to be around and a Within the Senate, Gorton has been a in Alaska. In the public realm, he gave great asset to my office staff. grand force for reasoned bipartisanship, of his time and fortune. Just last year, Mr. President, my staff and I want to never afraid to take a strong stand but also Elmer and his wife Mary Louise do- wish Ivette the best of luck when she willing to work graciously and effectively nated $40 million to the Rasmuson with members of the opposition even at the competes in the Miss USA pageant this tensest moments. Foundation so the foundation can pro- coming February, and we again extend vide grants to education and social our congratulations to her on winning Many of our colleagues are well service nonprofit organizations. He her title. aware of SLADE'S history of public also gave another $50 million to the service. As a young man, SLADE GOR- f Anchorage Museum of History which TON moved to Washington state from Elmer helped start. In fact, on his 90th NATURAL GAS Chicago almost 50 years ago. birthday he gave away $90 million. He Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I He wanted to go West in search of also donated the largest single dona- note that the Energy Committee is new opportunities. And with $300 and a tion to the University of Alaska Mu- contemplating a hearing on Tuesday on one-way ticket on a Greyhound bus, seum in Fairbanks. the spiraling price increases associated SLADE GORTON moved to Washington It is important to add that Elmer with natural gas. We are seeing a situa- State. was generous in many other ways other tion in existence now where we have History has shown that this Midwest than his wealth.
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