Vol. 397: 1–5, 2009 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published December 17 doi: 10.3354/meps08452 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Contribution to the Theme Section ‘Conservation and management of deep-sea corals and coral reefs’ OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS INTRODUCTION Recent advances in deep-sea coral science and emerging links to conservation and management of deep-sea ecosystems Karen Miller1,*, Helen Neil2, Di Tracey2 1Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 77, Hobart 7001, Australia 2National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) Taihoro Nukurangi, 301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, Private Bag 14901, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand ABSTRACT: Conservation and management of deep-sea corals and coral reefs was the theme of the 4th International Deepsea Coral Symposium held in Wellington, New Zealand from 1 to 5 December 2008. A selection of resulting studies is published here. Recent advances in our understanding of deep-sea corals and associated ecosystems have demonstrated their high diversity, abundance, longevity and widespread global distribution. Such deep-water communities are increasingly threat- ened by anthropogenic environmental change (e.g. ocean acidity, fishing pressures) and require timely management policies and actions to reduce potential deleterious effects. The interdisciplinary nature of deep-sea coral research is a significant strength, helping to provide the broad base of knowledge and resources that are required for the conservation and management of this important ecological group. KEY WORDS: Biodiversity · Ecology · Growth · Geochemical archives · Mapping tools · Conservation and management · Deep-sea corals · Symposium Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher The existence of deep-sea corals has been recog- The Symposium was hosted by New Zealand and nised since the time of Linnaeus, although only in Australia, responsible for 2 of the largest exclusive recent decades have we developed the technology to economic zones in the world, both of which contain fully explore the nature of deep-sea corals and coral abundant and diverse deep-sea coral fauna (e.g. Gor- reefs. Ironically, however, at a time when we are finally don 2009), and hence there was a strong focus on beginning to understand the incredible diversity and management measures and options to conserve and ecological importance of deep-sea coral ecosystems, protect deep-sea corals and habitat. The studies that we are also becoming aware of increasing threats to comprise this Theme Section represent a selection deep-sea corals, and the need for timely management from the symposium, and synthesise recent advances to ensure their persistence. in our understanding and conservation of deep-sea Conservation and management of deep-sea corals corals. and coral reefs was the theme of the 4th International Deepsea Coral Symposium held in Wellington, New Zealand, in December 2008. Continuing with the tra- Biodiversity dition of the previous 3 symposia (Willison et al. 2002, Freiwald & Roberts 2005, George & Cairns 2007) the Most marine scientists are aware of the incredible meeting brought together almost 200 researchers, diversity of shallow-water corals; however, few realise resource managers and policy makers from 23 coun- that deep-sea corals (defined as those occurring at tries, facilitating a global exchange of scientific depths >200 m and typically represented by species of knowledge of deep-sea corals and associated fauna. Antipatharia, Scleractinia, Octocorallia and Stylasteri- *Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2009 · www.int-res.com 2 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 397: 1–5, 2009 dae) are as speciose (>3000 species described repre- Growth rates senting >65% of all corals; Cairns 2007), abundant, and widespread as their shallow-water counterparts. Growth is a key area of interest in deep-sea coral Despite the sustained efforts of leaders in the field of research, particularly how climate change and ocean coral systematics—such as Frederick M. Bayer (Cairns acidification may affect skeletal architecture via disso- 2009, this volume)—to document deep-sea corals, new lution and/or re-precipitation, and the consequences species continue to be discovered. For example, 6 new of this for the persistence of deep-sea coral species. species of stylasterids were discovered in a recent sur- Technological advances are facilitating in situ growth vey to seamounts on the Chatham Rise in New Zealand experiments such as have been undertaken in shallow (Clark & Rowden 2009) and, of 95 octocoral species water species for decades, and new studies confirm recorded on the Tasmanian Seamounts in 2007, close slow growth rates, high longevity, and low natural to 15% of these are new to science (Williams et al. mortality for deep-sea corals, e.g. the recently 2008). Increasingly, molecular technologies are allow- reported longevity of Hawaiian proteinaceous corals ing us to better document diversity and understand in the order of several thousand years (Roark et al. evolutionary processes in the deep sea (e.g. Dueñas & 2009). Parrish et al. (2009, this volume) monitored Sánchez 2009, this volume); however, there remains colonies of the Hawaiian gold coral (Gerardia sp.) for much to learn. For example, isolation resulting in 9 yr and reported gross linear growth rates of only divergence and allopatric speciation has long been millimetres per year, suggesting colonies are very considered to be an important process affecting the long-lived (~950 yr). Radiometric validation methods diversity and distribution of seamount coral species. provide veracity to in situ growth rates; radiocarbon However, genetic data are beginning to show that and lead-210 (210Pb) validation studies (Andrews et many haplotypes and species are widespread and that al. 2009, this volume) compare favourably with slow the accepted paradigm of high seamount endemism growth (up to 1.4 cm yr–1) and high longevity many well be an artefact of limited sampling (Thoma et (>145 yr) observed in previous studies of bamboo al. 2009, this volume). corals (Tracey et al. 2007). Thus the age and growth of complex branching forms of deep-sea corals appear akin to those of massive framework corals in shallow Interdisciplinary research water that grow at rates of 5 to 40 mm yr–1 (e.g. Fosså et al. 2002, Freiwald 2002, Adkins et al. 2004, Brooke One of the hallmarks of deep-sea coral research is its & Young 2009, this volume). Slow growth and interdisciplinary nature; indeed papers presented at longevity are 2 key life history parameters that con- the Symposium covered themes as broad as systemat- tribute to the vulnerability of a species (e.g. Roberts & ics, ecology, paleoclimate and conservation. Notably, Hawkins 1999) and this, along with fecundity and research on deep-sea corals involves collaboration recruitment (e.g. Pires et al. 2009, this volume), are across scientific disciplines; taxonomic resources are important considerations in the development of pro- combined with studies of growth and ecophysiology, tection measures in the deep sea. predictive modelling and mapping tools are used alongside diversity and distribution studies, proxies for deep-ocean conditions are being developed to eluci- Geochemical archives date climate change and ocean acidification, and all these resources are subsequently applied to conserva- We are on the cusp of generating calibrated proxy tion and management. One area where multidiscipli- records from deep-sea corals that have enormous nary research is particularly apparent is in the emerg- potential to unravel regional and localised paleoenvi- ing links between environmental parameters and the ronmental, paloeceanographic, and climatic variability distribution and biology of deep-sea corals. The work causes and effects. Variation in stable isotope ratios of Arantes et al. (2009), Carlier et al. (2009), Dodds et and elemental composition are the result of changes in al. (2009), Hansson et al. (2009), Nonaka & Muzik environmental parameters and/or animal behaviour, (2009), Roberts et al. (2009), Thresher (2009) (all this which can range from annual- to century-scale fre- volume) utilise cross-disciplinary approaches to link quencies. Geochemical signatures within deep-sea factors such as substrate or oceanography with food coral skeletons can be influenced by changes in skele- supply, growth, or ecophysiology to provide an tal architecture during growth, and this needs to be improved understanding of deep-sea coral diversity, considered when developing geochemical archives distributions, and the role and functioning of ecosys- (Wisshak et al. 2009, this volume). Recent work has tems (Bo et al. 2009, Mosher & Watling 2009, both this focused on isotopic and elemental ratios as proxies for volume). potential climate signals—e.g. temperature, biogeo- Miller et al.: Theme Section on deep-sea corals: introduction 3 chemical processes and nutrient supply—with vari- Threats and conservation able success. Sherwood et al. (2009, this volume) have demonstrated the use of stable isotopes in tracking Some of the most important end-users of the accumu- biogeochemical processes (nutrient availability and lating knowledge on deep-sea corals and coral reefs are trophic dynamics) across centennial time scales from environmental science managers and policy makers. long-lived bamboo corals, and Risk et al. (2009, this Deep-sea corals face considerable threat from ocean volume) have applied these approaches to contempo- acidification
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