Index 11b-Hydroxylase deficiency, 36 American Society of Reproductive Medicine Classification, 17,20 Desmolase deficiency, 36 66–67 17-Hydroxylase deficiency, 158 Anaesthesia, 2–3 17b-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type, 3, 130 Androgen Excess Society diagnostic criteria, 156 17b-OH-dehydrogenase deficiency, 36 Androgen insensitivity syndrome 21-Hydroxylase deficiency—(see also Congenital adrenal complete, 5, 44, 164–166 hyperplasia-classic), 35, 39, 42, 140, 160 diagnostic criteria, 165 3b-Hydroxysteroid hydrogenase deficiency, 35–36 imaging, 44–45, 165 46,XX Disorders of sex development, 36, 39, 42–43 mild, 164 5a-Reductase deficiency, 35–36, 46–47 partial, 44–45, 164–165 b-hCG level, 182, 199, 201–202, 206 Androgen receptor, 44 mutation, 44, 164 Anorexia nervosa, 148, 150 A Anosmia, 125 Abdominopelvic cyst (see Cyst—abdominopelvic) Anovulation, 147 Acromegaly, 137, 156 Anti-Müllerian hormone, 22, 33–34, 127, 130, 160 Addison disease (see Adrenal insufficiency) Assessment of skeletal maturity (see Bone age) Adenomyosis, 205 Autoimmune oophoritis, 148, 158, 160 Adenomyotic cyst, 205 Adnexa, 92 Adnexal B masses, 185 Balanced X chromosome translocations, 158 torsion (also see Ovarian Torsion), 185 Bartholins glands, 30 volume ratio, 175, 177, 190, 193 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 141, 161, 218 Adrenal Blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus adenoma, 140–141, 161 inversus syndrome, 158 androgen-secreting tumour, 132, 156 Blood dyscrasia, 147 cerebriform morphology, 40 Body mass index, 16, 118, 134 carcinoma, 140–141, 161–162 Bone age insufficiency, 158, 159 automated analysis, 108 normal imaging appearances, 103, 106–107 Fels method, 105, 118 oestrogen-secreting tumour, 132–133 Greulich and Pyle, 105, 118 rest tumour, 42, 160 Tanner-Whitehouse methodologies, 105 Adrenarche, 117, 131 Bone mineral exaggerated, 131–132 content, 108 premature, 115, 117, 130 density, 109 Adrenocortical tumour, 116, 140, 161 Breast Adrenocorticotropic Hormone deficiency, 140 abscess, 233–234 Alphafetoprotein, 211 amastia, 233 Amenorrhoea aplasia, 232 clinical assessment, 149 asymmetry, 231–232 endocrine investigations, 149 athelia, 232 primary, 148, 151 clinical evaluation, 230 secondary, 148–149 cyst, 234–235 G. Mann et al. (eds.), Imaging of Gynecological Disorders in Infants and Children, Medical Radiology. 247 Diagnostic Imaging, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85602-3, Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 248 Index B(cont.) atresia, 56 development, 117, 132, 149, 226–227 stenosis, 147, 149 embryology, 226 Cervicovaginal atresia, 68 fibroadenoma, 239–240 Cervix uterus fibrocystic disease, 236 anatomy, 84, 86 galactocele, 236 MRI appearances, 88–89 giant fibroadenoma, 240 ultrasound appearances, 86 haemangioma, 238 Chemotherapy, 119, 158 haematoma, 237 Choriocarcinoma, 201–202, 211 hypomastia, 233 Chromosomal sex, 22, 32 hypoplasia, 231–232 Classification lobule, 228 American Society of Reproductive Medicine, 66–67 lymphangioma, 237 clinico-embryological, 67 lactiferous ducts, 226 PVE, 41 lymphatic drainage, 228 Prader, 41 lymphoma, 242 Clear cell carcinoma, 221 macromastia, 233 Clinico-embryological Classification, 67 malignant masses, 241–242 Cliteromegally, 61–62 mamma aberrata, 230 Clitoris, 28–29 mammary duct ectasia, 236 Cloaca, 27, 35 mammary ridge, 226 Cloacal mammography, 228 malformation, 7, 51–52, 56–59, 70 management of solid mass, 238 membrane, 27–28, 35 metastases, 241 Colour Doppler, 6–7 milk lines, 226 Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (see androgen nipple discharge, 243 insensitivity syndrome) phyllodes tumour, 240 Complete hydatiform mole, 174, 201 polymastia, 230 Computed Tomography polythelia, 230 bowel preparation, 15 postnatal development, 226 contrast medium, 14 primary carcinoma, 242 indications, 13 primary mammary bud, 226 scanning parameters, 13 pseudomamma, 230 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia retroareolar cyst, 235 classic, 35, 39, 116, 130, 132–133, 139–140, 161 phabdomyosarcoma, 242 lipoid, 160 secondary mammary bud, 226 non-classic, 39, 130–133, 139 secondary tumours, 243 virilising, 148 supernumerary tissue, 230 Congenital androgen insensitivity syndrome (see Androgen Tanner staging, 227 insensitivity syndrome) ultrasound, 228 Congenital disorders of glycosylation, 158 vascular malformation, 237 Constitutional delay in growth and puberty, 148 vascular supply, 228 Corpus albicans, 97 virginal hypertrophy, 233 Corpus luteum, 97, 100–101 Bulimia nervosa, 148 Corpus luteum cyst, 179–184 Cortical cord (see secondary sex cord) Craniopharyngioma, 116, 119, 135 C Cryptomenorrhoea, 147, 185 Canal of Nuck, 24, 30 Criteria cyst, 24, 61 Androgen Excess Society diagnostic, 156 hydrocele, 61 Rotterdam consensus, 156 Carcinoma Cryptomenorrhoea, 147, 185 adrenal, 140–141, 161–162 Cushing syndrome, 118, 130, 137, 140, 148, 156, 160 breast primary, 242 Cyst ovarian, 210 abdominopelvic, 52 Carney complex, 141 Bartholin duct, 61 Cell duplication, 52–53 granulosa, 34 Gartner duct, 61–62 Leydig, 33–34, 116, 138 hymenal, 61 Sertoli, 33, 129 Kobelt, 195 theca, 34 mesonephric, 61, 195 Cervical mesothelial, 195 Index 249 Müllerian, 61 Endocrinology of female reproductive tract neonatal ovarian (see Ovarian cyst—neonatal) childhood, 83 paramesonephric, 195 during puberty, 83 paratubal, 195 infancy, 82 paraurethral, 61 onset of puberty, 83 paraurethral, 182 Endodermal sinus tumour, 168, 210–211 peritoneal inclusion, 195 Endometrial polyp, 147 Skene duct, 61 Endometrioma, 182–184, 187, 196, 202–204 urothelial, 61 Endometriosis vaginal wall inclusion, 61 aetiology, 202 Wolffian, 195 imaging, 202–204 Cystography, 13 staging, 203 Endometritis, 147, 175, 198 Endometrium (also see menstrual cycle), 3, 13, 86, 97–99, D 102, 104 Daughter cyst sign, 52–53 Epitheliod site trophoblastic tumour, 174, 201 Defects in androgen biosynthesis (also see Androgen Epoophoron, 26, 29–30 insensitivity syndrome), 36, 43, 119, 127 External genitalia differentiation, 22 Defects in testis determination, 42, 130 Dehydroepiandrosterone, 83 Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, 83 F DeMorsier syndrome (see Septo-optic dysplasia) Fallopian tubes Denys-Drash syndrome, 39–40 anatomy, 92, 96 Dermoid cyst (also see Ovarian teratoma), 16, 182, 188–189 isolated torsion, 193 Development imaging, 92 fallopian tubes, 34 Fibroid uterus (see Uterine—leiomyoma) ovaries (also see gonadal differentiation), 3, 40, 46 Fitzhugh-Curtis syndrome, 198 cervix, 26, 35 Follicle stimulating hormone, 82, 117, 123 external genitalia, 28–29, 38 Follicle stimulating hormone deficiency, 117, 129, 132 fallopian tubes, 26 Foreign body (see Vaginal—foreign body) uterus, 26, 35 Fragile X Mental Retardation-1 gene, 160 vagina, 26, 28, 38 Fragile X permutations, 158 Differentiation Fundocervical ratio, 6, 97 external genitalia, 22 gonadal, 3, 22–24, 40, 46 Müllerian duct differentiation, 22–26 G sexual, 23 Galactorrhoea, 152, 243 DiGeorge syndrome, 158 Galactosaemia, 158 Disorders of sex development Gartner duct (see Cyst—Gartner duct) aetiology, 35 Gartner’s pseudocyst, 68 classification, 35 Genital outflow tract stenosis, 56 clinical assessment and management of delayed Genital prolapsed, 61 presentations, 37 Genital Renal Ear and Skeletal syndrome, 76 initial clinical assessment and management, 35 Genital ridge long term clinical management, 48–49 agenesis, 68 nomenclature, 32 hypoplasia, 68 radiological assessment, 35 Genital tubercle, 35, 41–42 Dominant (Graafian) follicle, 97, 103, 155 Genitography Double wall sign, 52–53, 63 contraindications, 13 Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, 109 indications, 11 Ductal differentiation, 22 technique, 12 Duplication cyst (see Cyst—duplication) Genotype Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 147 Germ cell tumour, 54, 152, 210–214 Dysgerminoma, 165, 211, 214 Germinoma, 135–136 Dysmenorrhoea, 146–147, 176 Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, 201 Gonad bipotential (see also Indifferent gonad), 33 E intraabdominal, 45 Eating disorders, 148 labial, 37, 63, 164–165 Ectopic pregnancy (see Pregnancy—ectopic gestation) streak, 38, 43, 129–130, 158–160 Empty sella syndrome, 148, 152 Gonadal 250 Index G(cont.) Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, 119, 121, 125, 151 agenesis, 148 Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism—idiopathic, 151–152 differentiation, 24 Hypomenorrhoea, 147 dysgenesis, 119, 127, 129–130, 148, 158 Hypooestrogenism, 150 complete, 35–36, 46–47 Hypoparathyroidism, 158–159 partial, 33, 43 Hypophosphatemic rickets, 138 ridge, 22–23 Hypopituitarism sexual differentiation, 22–24 congenital, 47 Gonadoblastoma, 39, 127, 152, 165, 211 idiopathic, 119 Gonadotoxic drugs, 148 Hyposmia, 125 Gonadotropin, 82–84, 96 Hypothalamic Gonadotropin glioma, 119, 135 receptor gene mutations, 158 hamartoma, 116, 133–135, 151 releasing hormone, 83, 117 infiltration, 148 releasing hormone-releasing neurones, 116, 123 irradiation, 148 Gorlin Syndrome, 218 tumour, 148, 150–151 Granulosa cell, 34 Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, 102, 117, 130, 149 Granulosa-theca cell tumour, 214 Hypothyroidism, 117–118, 120, 129–130, 139, 147, Growth hormone 152, 155, 159 deficiency, 120–121, 125–126 excess, 137 Growth spurt, 117, 125 I Gubernaculum, 24 Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism Gynaecological tract obstruction, 51–52, 56–58, 78, 163, (see Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism—Idiopathic) 185–186 Imperforate hymen, 16, 56, 61, 149, 162 Implantation, 97 Indifferent gonad, 22–23, 26, 33 H Infundibulopelvic ligament, 24–25, 93–94 Haemangioma, 169 Inguinal hernia, 45, 51, 53, 61–62, 164 Haematocolpos, 78, 163, 186 Inhibin, 97, 138 Haematometrocolpos, 163, 186 Interlabial mass, 56, 60–61 Haematosalpinx, 184, 194, 196, 201 Intermenstrual bleeding,
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