Turczaninowia 22 (4): 210–219 (2019) ISSN 1560–7259 (print edition) DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.22.4.18 TURCZANINOWIA http://turczaninowia.asu.ru ISSN 1560–7267 (online edition) УДК 582.683.2:581.961 Nomenclatural notes on Cruciferae D. A. German1, 2 1 South-Siberian Botanical Garden, Altai State University, Lenina Ave., 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation 2 Department of Biodiversity and Plant Systematics, Centre for Organismal Studies, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 345; Heidelberg, D-69120, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Arabidopsis, Brassicaceae, Dvorakia, Erophila, Eunomia, new combination, Noccaea, Peltariopsis, Pseu- docamelina, taxonomy, typification, validation. Summary. A generic name Dvorakia and combinations Arabidopsis amurensis, A. media, A. multijuga, A. sep- tentrionalis, Dvorakia alaica, D. alyssifolia, Erophila acutidentata, E. aquisgranensis, E. kohlscheidensis, and E. strigosula are validated. Places of valid publication and (except for the first combination) authorship forErysimum krynitzkii, Eunomia bourgaei, E. rubescens, Pseudocamelina aphragmodes, P. campylopoda, and Thlaspi hastulatum are corrected. For Pseudocamelina and Peltariopsis, information on the types is clarified. Some further minor nomen- clatural items are commented. Номенклатурные заметки о крестоцветных (Cruciferae) Д. А. Герман1, 2 1 Южно-Сибирский ботанический сад, Алтайский государственный университет, просп. Ленина, 61, г. Барнаул, 656049, Россия 2 Кафедра биоразнообразия и систематики растений, Центр исследований организмов, Гейдельбергский университет, Им Нойенхаймер Фельд, 345, Гейдельберг, D-69120, Германия Ключевые слова: действительное обнародование, новая комбинация, систематика, типификация, Arabidopsis, Brassicaceae, Dvorakia, Erophila, Eunomia, Noccaea, Peltariopsis, Pseudocamelina. Аннотация. Обнародовано родовое название Dvorakia, а также комбинации Arabidopsis amurensis, A. media, A. multijuga, A. septentrionalis, Dvorakia alaica, D. alyssifolia, Erophila acutidentata, E. aquisgranensis, E. kohlscheidensis и E. strigosula. Для Erysimum krynitzkii, Eunomia bourgaei, E. rubescens, Pseudocamelina aphragmodes, P. campylopoda и Thlaspi hastulatum уточнено место действительного обнародования и (за ис- ключением E. krynitzkii) авторство, для Pseudocamelina и Peltariopsis – информация о типе. Приведены ком- ментарии по некоторым другим мелким номенклатурным вопросам. Further studies on systematics of Cruciferae re- 46; id., 1878, Linnaea 41(7): 604. ≡ Arabis arenosa sulted in some nomenclatural findings and actions subsp. multijuga (Borbás) Kulcz., 1927, in Szafer, presented and commented below. Fl. Polska 3: 162. ≡ Cardaminopsis multijuga (Bor- bás) Czer., 1981, Pl. Vasc. URSS: 127. 1. A new name and combinations = Arabidopsis arenosa subsp. borbasii (Zapał.) O’Kane et Al-Shehbaz, 1997, Novon 7(3): 325. Arabidopsis multijuga (Borbás), comb. nov. ≡ ≡ Arabis arenosa subsp. borbasii Zapał., 1912, Arabis multijuga Borbás, 1877, Term-Tud. Közl. 9: Rozpr. Wydz. Mat.-Przyr. Acad. Umiejetn., Dzial Поступило в редакцию 21.09.2019 Submitted 21.09.2019 Принято к публикации 01.12.2019 Accepted 01.12.2019 Turczaninowia 22 (4): 210–219 (2019) 211 B, Nauki Biol. 52: 31. ≡ Cardaminopsis arenosa to be done not only for the morphologically poorly subsp. borbasii (Zapał.) Pawł. ex H. Scholz, 1962, separable North Asian entities, but also for the most Willdenowia 3(1): 139. ≡ C. borbasii (Zapał.) H. E. readily distinguishable A. arenicola (Richardson) Hess, Landolt et R. Hirzel, 1972, Fl. Schweiz 3: 778. Al-Shehbaz, Elven, D. F. Murray et Warwick, totally ≡ Arabidopsis borbasii (Zapał.) A. P. Iljinsk., 2007, accepted as “good” species, reproductively isolated Ecofl. Ukraine 5: 65. from of A. lyrata s. str. (Hohmann et al., l. c; Koch, There is no consensus among authors regarding l. c.) but genetically closest to it. Because of this the status of the considered plant which is treated ei- and having in mind relevant commens by Elven and ther as a subspecies of Arabidopsis arenosa (L.) La- Murray (l. c.) as well as the viewpoint of Yurtsev et walrée (e. g., Al-Shehbaz, O’Kane, 2002; Marhold, al. (2010), an alternative approach is applied here. 2011; Danihelka et al., 2012; Buttler et al., 2018) or, Although other taxonomic decisions are well pre- less commonly, as a distinct species (e. g., Iljinska in dictable in A. lyrata complex, the presented nomen- Iljinska et al., 2007; Dorofeyev, 2012a) though it is clatural novations enable use of names in agreement generally agreed that the above two heterotypic sets with ICN when splitting concept is adopted. of names belong to the same entity. As follows from the above synonymy [Al-Shehbaz, O’Kane (2002) Arabidopsis amurensis (N. Busch), comb. nov. can be consulted for further names involved], under ≡ Arabis amurensis N. Busch, 1922, Notul. Syst. such concept the final epithet borbasii“ ” has prior- Herb. Hort. Bot. Petrop. 3, 3–4: 12. ≡ Cardami- ity only at the rank of subspecies while at the spe- nopsis amurensis (N. Busch) O. E. Schulz, 1936, in cies level, as accepted here, “multijuga” must be Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 17B: 541. adopted. Unlike the other two taxa below, A. amurensis was not subjected to molecular studies yet. It is giv- North Asian Arabidopsis lyrata grex en the same rank since its morphological distinction from the other two similarly recognized entities is During last two decades, multiple and various comparable to that among them. evidences (e. g., Schmickl et al., 2008, 2010; Shi- mizu-Inatsugi et al., 2009; Hohmann et al., 2014; Arabidopsis media (N. Busch), comb. nov. Novikova et al., 2016; etc.) showing that the broad ≡ Arabis media N. Busch, 1922, Notul. Syst. Herb. concept (O’Kane, Al-Shehbaz, 1997; Al-Shehbaz, Hort. Bot. Petrop. 3, 3–4: 11. ≡ Cardaminopsis O’Kane, 2002) of several polymorphic Arabidopsis media (N. Busch) O. E. Schulz, 1936, in Engler & (DC.) Heynh. species somewhat simplifies the situ- Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 17B: 541. ≡C. pet- ation became available accompanied by increasing raea subsp. media (N. Busch) Hämet-Ahti, 1970, number of recognized (chiefly reinstated) species Ann. Bot. Fenn. 7: 293. and subspecies (Dorofeyev, 2002; Shimizu et al., = Arabis umbrosa Turcz. ex Ledeb., 1841, Fl. 2005; Kolník, Marhold, 2006; Iljinska et al., 2007; Ross. 1: 120, non Crantz, 1762. ≡ Arabis petraea Kadota, 2007; Elven, Murray, 2008; summarized by subsp. umbrosa Tolm. 1975, Fl. Arct. URSS 7: 97. Koch, 2019). Nomenclaturally, the most critical situ- ≡ “C. petraea subsp. umbrosa (Turcz.)” Peschkova, ation is being observed within A. lyrata (L.) O’Kane 1979, Fl. Sib. Centr. 1: 396, comb. inval. (Art. 41.5) et Al-Shehbaz complex where, due to the lack of ap- ≡ C. umbrosa (Tolm.) Czer., 1981, Pl. Vasc. URSS: propriate names, the same epithet “petraea” is used 127. ≡ Arabidopsis petraea subsp. umbrosa (Tolm.) at different ranks in simultaneously applied combi- Elven et D. F. Murray, 2008, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas nations, viz. A. lyrata subsp. petraea (L.) O’Kane 2(1): 439. et Al-Shehbaz vs. A. petraea subsp. septentrionalis Yet untypified Arabis ambigua DC., the old- (N. Busch) Elven et D. F. Murray and A. petraea est name potentially applicable to this species, is subsp. umbrosa (“Turcz. ex Steud.”) Elven et not listed here because it also includes elements D. F. Murray. With currently available phylogenetic (p. max. p.) of what is currently known as Arabidop- data (Hohmann et al., 2014; Novikova et al., 2016), sis kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) K. Shimizu et Kudoh there are two options of solving this problem, also (Busch, 1922, 1926, as Arabis kamchatica (Fisch. mentioned by Elven and Murray (l. c.), namely rec- ex DC.) Ledeb.; Tolmaczev, 1975, as Arabis lyrata ognizing relevant entities at species or subspecies subsp. kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) Hult.; Shimizu et level, but then, in contrast to the latter authors’ ap- al., 2005) over which it has priority as well. Because proach, under A. lyrata, as informally suggested by of this heterogeneity since the treatment of Busch Koch (l. c.). In this case, however, it would need (1922, 1926) Arabis ambigua is informally rejected 212 German D. A. Nomenclatural notes on Cruciferae and might indeed be a candidate for rejection. At Dvorakia, gen. nov. – Promicrantha Dvořák, the same time, being generally out of use even as a 1972, Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Purk. Brun., Biol. basionym (varietal level disregarding), it causes no 13, 4: 55, nom. inval. (Art. 40.1). threats at the rank of subspecies where other prob- Typus: D. alyssifolia lems nevertheless exist. In particular, due to priority of the final epithet “media”, established by Hämet- Dvorakia alaica (Korsh.), comb. nov. ≡ Matthi- Ahti (1970), there is no appropriate name currently ola albicaulis var. alaica Korsh., 1898, Bull. Acad. available in Arabidopsis for treating this taxon as Sci. Pétersb. 9(5): 407. ≡ Iskandera alaica (Korsh.) a subspecies as done by Elven and Murray (l. c.) Botsch. et Vved., 1955, Fl. Uzbekist. 3: 155, in and followed by some others. The hitherto used adnot. ≡ “Promicrantha alaica (Korsh.)” Dvořák, combination Arabidopsis petraea subsp. umbrosa, 1972, Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Purk. Brun., Biol. otherwise invalid under ICN Art. 41.7 (Turland et 13, 4: 59, comb. inval. (Art. 35.1). al., 2018), is still validly published due to listing in Dvorakia alyssifolia (DC.), comb. nov. ≡ Hes- synonymy, with full and direct reference, of a fac- peris alyssifolia DC., 1821, Reg. Veg. Syst. Nat. 2: tual
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