ASK TO WILLI a GOVERNMENT TAKE OVER BANKHEAD HIGHWAY. to take over have the government *u in the latter part of 1114 that the Bankhead Highway as one of he <h« A. A. A. from the the across went to Auto Men INSPECTION SHOWS great arteries stretching CAPITALTOHAVE editorial deek of a at Fight the continent. th« aollcltatlon of the late A. O. To Coatisse Uipeetiea. Batcbelder to edt the America® War Excise Tax ARE TIP-TOP The inspection commission was Motorlet and eetablleh a Dtatrlet of ROADS BRANCH OF NEW branch of the A. A. A. very much pleased with the condi¬ Columbia tion of the road 1n the two States "Starting with practically noth¬ Letter Sent to Congressional Inspected and will make a most ing, Ullman built up a eplendld THROUGH2STATES favorable report on the same. pi- MOTORISTS' BODY etructure In Wiihlnrton, and ef¬ Candidates Charge* Law* rector General Rountree will re¬ fected many Improved cond tlone main at headquarters for several for local car ownera. He hae par¬ Are Discriminatory. Gen. Rountree days, after which he will organise ticipated In practically every more, Director and arrange for inspect ng the National Association Or¬ ment during the paet ten yoare to Bankhead Highway in a number of better motoring condltlone In the the continued oppo¬ And Party Tour Georgia States west of Birmingham. ganizes Division With Capital City and vlrln ty and loeal sition of the au.omotlvt industry U the A. A. feeling ran high iftlnit the "6tier!mlnatory war exctw And South Carolina. Bill Ullman in Charge. A. (when the administration meth- ode of the national officers prompt¬ Uxti," C. C. Hanch. chairman of tfce PUBLIC ALLEAGER ed him to reelgn. taxation committee of the National COVER 400 MILES HAVE 100 MEMBERS Werkiu With Relrkt^ff. Automobllo Chamber of Commtro®. "VI1 men waa not only a long- has addreaeed a latter to each nomi¬ FOR CLOSED CARS t me buelneee aeaoclate but waa nee for Coners.. ask in* llm vhHh- Highways in States West of Will Maintain Infor¬ alao a rloae friend of A. G Batchel- Touring er he favors repeal of this v dar. The two worked at Waehing- 1 l«fis Birmingham Soon to Be mation Depot and Gen¬ ton In complete harmony. Mr tlon. of Pro¬ with Mounting Percentage Batchelder dealing aatlonal The communication, which wae Visited. eral Service Bureau. arret. and Mr. Ullman keeping the duction Reported by A. K. A. to the front before execu¬ unanimously approved by the board and Washington. of directors, out thst Con¬ BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Oct. 7.. Brothers. That the recently-launched Na¬ tive legislative points Dodge "That Mr. Batcheldere trade and gress Itself emphatically Indicate' (Special).J. A. Rountree. direc. tional Motorists Association, which unt death waa a hard blow to Is a mely Its to these tor general of the Bankhead Na¬ the outgrowth of countrywide hla old coworker waa cloarly rr.an- desire repeal tasea la Production schedules prepared by demand for an effective national tional after the motor-car manufacturers for the Ifeeted In the next laaue of Amer¬ the passacs of ths 1921 law. when Highway Association, organisation of automobile owners. the wors coming year reflect accurately the ican Motorlet. The tribute to hla taxee removed from eoSft* a two weeks' tour In the States of Intends to become thoroughly es¬ late chief written by Mr. Ullman articles and reduced on others "la constantly increasing desire of the tablished throughout the United Georgia and South Carolina, in¬ closed-car comfort. la generally regarded aa a claaalc no caee." Mr. Hanch points out. "ftid public for States Is made clear in the an¬ Batchel- specting main line and branches of The strength of the closed car de¬ and Ia traaeured by all of Congreea increase each taxee or add nouncement last night that a Na- der a old fr'enda." new onee. th« Bankhead Highway, has re¬ mand is illusrated by the fact that 1. R. H. Harper, President tlonal Capital division of the Brothers, Detroit manufac¬ asso-1 Call a I ass lnHtsHi. turned to Birmingham. Director Dodge " elation is to be formed to further are 2. B. D. Jenkins, Secretary- General Rountree is enthused turers. planning to flevote ap¬ strengthen the great chain of af¬ "Apparently Congreea belleood K quite 35 per cent of their Treasurer. over the splendid condition of the proximately filiations already extending from Recording Device of greater Importance to relieve these large production for the latter half coast to coast and from boraer to musical instruments, sporting roods. BaiUchead Highway in two 1922 construction of closed 3. R. S. Davies, Sales Manager. States, as well as interest of to border. chewing gum. thermos bottles, far the and The of this D. C. Service Is Almost Human enthusiasm are cars. importance figure 4. Helmes, Mgr. Equal In importance to this articles, picture frames, perfumes, the people manifest¬ with an-j ing In these twQ States over the is emphasised by comparison 5. J. B. Barnes, Used Car Mgr. nouncement is the news that the toilet watora. and hair dyee than ls- buflding. marking, and last year's closed-car percentage, new division is to be formed under dividual tranaportation ID thia be¬ maintaining was IS beautifying the same. which approximately per Each man is an expert in his the leadership of William Ullman. Bureau of Standards Has lief we do not concur, and we fe*l There are 250 miles of the Bank- cent. for eight years an executive at the that the only equitable thing in tKm head Highway in Georgia and The production schedule shows line and under the direction of national headquarters of the Amer¬ Machine That Notes Every¬ Interests of fair play and the wel- 150 miles ;n South Carolina. Eighty. that the closed car pf today Is dis¬ their capable leader has achieved ican Automobile Association. fare of all Industry aa a whole U to Ave cent of tinctly not a "luxury" car. It Is In to Executive thing About Auto. war per the highway in success for Durant According Secretary repeal all discriminatory easts* each of these States has been built great demand because It will stand fcreat the Fred H. Caley, establishment of a taxee" or under and is being built of hard surface up hard driving pounding Car in Washington. National Capital Club was the log¬ The Bureau of Standards hat de¬ The letter Is accompanied4 |gr s arai-top soil road. They are in ex¬ on bad roads Just as sturdily ae the ical sequence of the N. M. A.'s re¬ memorandum which shows fr grcsk- cellent condition. open car.and at the same time of¬ cent capture of the Keystone Club veloped a device which Is almost hu¬ Ic form tbe repeals and roduodaa* ExtPMivelj Entertained. fer closed-car protection and com¬ of PhiladelDhia. the Atlantic City man In Ita ability to record many of made In tbe tax law of fort. Club, the Automobile Club of Mary¬ the things which take place In the against the law of ltlt. / t The inspection commission of the The which land and Bafikhead steel body construction the Delaware State Auto¬ mechanism of an automobile wfetie Highway consisted of Dodge Brothers recently Introduced mobile Association. Hop. Bennehan Cameron, president; being driven on the road. Thla ma¬ In addition to the stgrtstuso J. Rountree. director in their business coupe and business IUmi Landed. odfr, general; sedan provides strength and resis¬ chine Is entirely automatic, and re¬ Hanch. who Is vies presldssr of »h« Mrs. R. K. Rambo. chairman of the "And." says Mr. Caley In a state¬ Lexington Motor tance to strain which is possible ment concerning his organisation's cords the speed of the automobile. Ob«ipaaK Cftp&or-s woman's commission for Georgia; the Wallace Breaks rllle, Ind the lotterbeare tb* an« M. J. Abney. vice president for only where construction CLOSED CAR BODIES latest enterprise, "the next move was Its acceleration, and the And tempera¬ of the other members of the opvm- Georgia; J. C. Duckworth, vice throughout is of steel. pricss to obtain the best man for the Job. of closed cars can by no means be We ture of the water, gasoline, and oi!. mUtoe as follows: H H. Htea, pres¬ pres dent for South A. N. An Old consider ourselves fortunate in * Carolina; Tradition Even the and direction of of C^dfllac Motor' Cbr - AlXord and C. N*. thought of as prohibitive, as they winning the Interest and active co¬ velocity ident Com Ferguson, direc¬ have been The IN GREAT DEMAND the wind Is measured and recorded. pany: J. Walter Drake. VhSlrman el tors from might years ago. operation of Mr. Ullman." Georgia. This commis¬ An Ingenious gage th-* board ef tbe Hupp Motor sion visited more than prices of Dodge Brothers all-steel While the new venture is to be photographic C»? twenty-five Agriculture Secretary Aban¬ makes a record of the quantity of Corporatloa; Ooorr* M O-sS* ttfwns and cities in Georgia and closed cars, for example, now ex- undertaken at the most Inauspicious cars Fisher Soon to Have the gasoline being used by the en¬ rloe m eeldent Chandler Motor Cat South Carolina. Addresses were ceed the prices of the open by Company dons Horses and West Virginia Has Production season of the year for launching an Carriage moment. snd F. J. net. « . dilfvered by Pres dent Cameron. narrow margins of $100 to $300. automobile club. N. M. A officials are gine at any Company: Hay pr General and In the northern and eastern Largest Manufacturing Which Runs Into Millions confident that spring will find the This very interesting apparatus dent Dodfe PuWlisre rharloa Clif¬ Director Rountree Mrs.
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